1 (* camlp5r pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo *)
2 (* $Id: pa_o.ml 1271 2007-10-01 08:22:47Z deraugla $ *)
3 (* Copyright (c) INRIA 2007 *)
7 Pcaml.syntax_name.val := "OCaml";
8 Pcaml.no_constructors_arity.val := True;
10 (* camlp5r pa_lexer.cmo *)
11 (* $Id: plexer.ml 1402 2007-10-14 02:50:31Z deraugla $ *)
12 (* Copyright (c) INRIA 2007 *)
14 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
15 (* Added by JRH as a backdoor to change lexical conventions. *)
16 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
18 value jrh_lexer = ref False;
20 value no_quotations = ref False;
21 value error_on_unknown_keywords = ref False;
23 value dollar_for_antiquotation = ref True;
24 value specific_space_dot = ref False;
26 value force_antiquot_loc = ref False;
28 (* The string buffering machinery *)
31 let s = String.create (List.length l) in
32 loop (String.length s - 1) l where rec loop i =
34 [ [c :: l] -> do { String.unsafe_set s i c; loop (i - 1) l }
41 { after_space : mutable bool;
42 dollar_for_antiquotation : bool;
43 specific_space_dot : bool;
44 find_kwd : string -> string;
45 line_cnt : int -> char -> unit;
46 set_line_nb : unit -> unit;
47 make_lined_loc : (int * int) -> string -> Ploc.t }
50 value err ctx loc msg =
51 Ploc.raise (ctx.make_lined_loc loc "") (Plexing.Error msg)
54 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
55 (* JRH's hack to make the case distinction "unmixed" versus "mixed" *)
56 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
58 value is_uppercase s = String.uppercase s = s;
59 value is_only_lowercase s = String.lowercase s = s && not(is_uppercase s);
61 value jrh_identifier find_kwd id =
62 let jflag = jrh_lexer.val in
63 if id = "set_jrh_lexer" then
64 (let _ = jrh_lexer.val := True in ("",find_kwd "true"))
65 else if id = "unset_jrh_lexer" then
66 (let _ = jrh_lexer.val := False in ("",find_kwd "false"))
68 try ("", find_kwd id) with
71 if is_uppercase (String.sub id 0 1) then ("UIDENT", id)
73 else if is_uppercase (String.sub id 0 1) &&
74 is_only_lowercase (String.sub id 1 (String.length id - 1))
75 (***** JRH: Carl's alternative version
77 else if is_uppercase (String.sub id 0 1) then ("LIDENT", "__uc_"^id)
80 then ("UIDENT", id) else ("LIDENT", id)];
82 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
83 (* Back to original file with the mod of using the above. *)
84 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
86 value keyword_or_error ctx loc s =
87 try ("", ctx.find_kwd s) with
89 if error_on_unknown_keywords.val then
90 err ctx loc ("illegal token: " ^ s)
94 value stream_peek_nth n strm =
95 loop n (Stream.npeek n strm) where rec loop n =
98 | [x] -> if n == 1 then Some x else None
99 | [_ :: l] -> loop (n - 1) l ]
104 [ [ 'A'-'Z' | 'a'-'z' | '0'-'9' | '_' | ''' | '\128'-'\255' ] ident! | ]
108 [ [ '!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' |
109 '%' | '.' | ':' | '<' | '>' | '|' | '$' ]
116 [ [ '0'-'9' | 'A'-'Z' | 'a'-'z' | '_' | '!' | '%' | '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' |
117 '.' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^' | '|' | '~' | ''' |
118 '$' | '\128'-'\255' ] ident3!
122 value binary = lexer [ '0' | '1' ];
123 value octal = lexer [ '0'-'7' ];
124 value decimal = lexer [ '0'-'9' ];
125 value hexa = lexer [ '0'-'9' | 'a'-'f' | 'A'-'F' ];
129 [ "l"/ -> ("INT_l", $buf)
130 | "L"/ -> ("INT_L", $buf)
131 | "n"/ -> ("INT_n", $buf)
135 value rec digits_under kind =
137 [ kind (digits_under kind)!
138 | "_" (digits_under kind)!
144 [ kind (digits_under kind)!
145 | -> raise (Stream.Error "ill-formed integer constant") ]
148 value rec decimal_digits_under =
149 lexer [ [ '0'-'9' | '_' ] decimal_digits_under! | ]
152 value exponent_part =
154 [ [ 'e' | 'E' ] [ '+' | '-' | ]
155 '0'-'9' ? "ill-formed floating-point constant"
156 decimal_digits_under! ]
161 [ decimal_digits_under "." decimal_digits_under! exponent_part ->
163 | decimal_digits_under "." decimal_digits_under! -> ("FLOAT", $buf)
164 | decimal_digits_under exponent_part -> ("FLOAT", $buf)
165 | decimal_digits_under end_integer! ]
168 value rec char_aux ctx bp =
171 | _ (char_aux ctx bp)!
172 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "char not terminated" ]
177 [ "\\" _ (char_aux ctx bp)!
178 | "\\" -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "char not terminated"
179 | ?= [ _ '''] _! "'"/ ]
183 parser bp [: `c :] -> do { ctx.line_cnt bp c; $add c }
186 value rec string ctx bp =
189 | "\\" (any ctx) (string ctx bp)!
190 | (any ctx) (string ctx bp)!
191 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "string not terminated" ]
194 value rec qstring ctx bp =
197 | (any ctx) (qstring ctx bp)!
198 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "quotation not terminated" ]
201 value comment ctx bp =
202 comment where rec comment =
206 | "(*" comment! comment!
208 | "\"" (string ctx bp)! [ -> $add "\"" ] comment!
209 | "'" (char ctx bp) comment!
212 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "comment not terminated" ]
215 value rec quotation ctx bp =
218 | ">" (quotation ctx bp)!
219 | "<<" (quotation ctx bp)! [ -> $add ">>" ]! (quotation ctx bp)!
220 | "<:" ident! "<" (quotation ctx bp)! [ -> $add ">>" ]! (quotation ctx bp)!
221 | "<:" ident! (quotation ctx bp)!
222 | "<" (quotation ctx bp)!
223 | "\\"/ [ '>' | '<' | '\\' ] (quotation ctx bp)!
224 | "\\" (quotation ctx bp)!
225 | (any ctx) (quotation ctx bp)!
226 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "quotation not terminated" ]
229 value less ctx bp buf strm =
230 if no_quotations.val then
231 match strm with lexer
232 [ [ -> $add "<" ] ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ]
234 match strm with lexer
235 [ "<"/ (quotation ctx bp) -> ("QUOTATION", ":" ^ $buf)
236 | ":"/ ident! [ -> $add ":" ]! "<"/ ? "character '<' expected"
237 (quotation ctx bp) ->
239 | [ -> $add "<" ] ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ]
242 value rec antiquot_rest ctx bp =
245 | "\\"/ (any ctx) (antiquot_rest ctx bp)!
246 | (any ctx) (antiquot_rest ctx bp)!
247 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "antiquotation not terminated" ]
250 value rec antiquot ctx bp =
253 | [ 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9' | '_' ] (antiquot ctx bp)!
254 | ":" (antiquot_rest ctx bp)! -> $buf
255 | "\\"/ (any ctx) (antiquot_rest ctx bp)! -> ":" ^ $buf
256 | (any ctx) (antiquot_rest ctx bp)! -> ":" ^ $buf
257 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "antiquotation not terminated" ]
260 value antiloc bp ep s = Printf.sprintf "%d,%d:%s" bp ep s;
262 value rec antiquot_loc ctx bp =
264 [ "$"/ -> antiloc bp $pos (":" ^ $buf)
265 | [ 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9' | '_' ] (antiquot_loc ctx bp)!
266 | ":" (antiquot_rest ctx bp)! -> antiloc bp $pos $buf
267 | "\\"/ (any ctx) (antiquot_rest ctx bp)! -> antiloc bp $pos (":" ^ $buf)
268 | (any ctx) (antiquot_rest ctx bp)! -> antiloc bp $pos (":" ^ $buf)
269 | -> err ctx (bp, $pos) "antiquotation not terminated" ]
272 value dollar ctx bp buf strm =
273 if ctx.dollar_for_antiquotation then
274 ("ANTIQUOT", antiquot ctx bp buf strm)
275 else if force_antiquot_loc.val then
276 ("ANTIQUOT_LOC", antiquot_loc ctx bp buf strm)
278 match strm with lexer
279 [ [ -> $add "$" ] ident2! -> ("", $buf) ]
286 ?$abc:d$: ?abc:d: ?abc:
294 ?$abc:d$ ?8,13:abc:d ?abc
295 ?$abc:d$: ?8,13:abc:d: ?abc:
300 value question ctx bp buf strm =
301 if ctx.dollar_for_antiquotation then
302 match strm with parser
303 [ [: `'$'; s = antiquot ctx bp $empty; `':' :] ->
304 ("ANTIQUOT", "?" ^ s ^ ":")
305 | [: `'$'; s = antiquot ctx bp $empty :] ->
306 ("ANTIQUOT", "?" ^ s)
308 match strm with lexer
309 [ ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ] ]
310 else if force_antiquot_loc.val then
311 match strm with parser
312 [ [: `'$'; s = antiquot_loc ctx bp $empty; `':' :] ->
313 ("ANTIQUOT_LOC", "?" ^ s ^ ":")
314 | [: `'$'; s = antiquot_loc ctx bp $empty :] ->
315 ("ANTIQUOT_LOC", "?" ^ s)
317 match strm with lexer
318 [ ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ] ]
320 match strm with lexer
321 [ ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ]
324 value tilde ctx bp buf strm =
325 if ctx.dollar_for_antiquotation then
326 match strm with parser
327 [ [: `'$'; s = antiquot ctx bp $empty; `':' :] ->
328 ("ANTIQUOT", "~" ^ s ^ ":")
329 | [: `'$'; s = antiquot ctx bp $empty :] ->
330 ("ANTIQUOT", "~" ^ s)
332 match strm with lexer
333 [ ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ] ]
334 else if force_antiquot_loc.val then
335 match strm with parser
336 [ [: `'$'; s = antiquot_loc ctx bp $empty; `':' :] ->
337 ("ANTIQUOT_LOC", "~" ^ s ^ ":")
338 | [: `'$'; s = antiquot_loc ctx bp $empty :] ->
339 ("ANTIQUOT_LOC", "~" ^ s)
341 match strm with lexer
342 [ ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ] ]
344 match strm with lexer
345 [ ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ]
350 [ ":"/ -> ("TILDEIDENTCOLON", $buf)
351 | -> ("TILDEIDENT", $buf) ]
354 value questionident =
356 [ ":"/ -> ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", $buf)
357 | -> ("QUESTIONIDENT", $buf) ]
360 value rec linedir n s =
361 match stream_peek_nth n s with
362 [ Some (' ' | '\t') -> linedir (n + 1) s
363 | Some ('0'..'9') -> linedir_digits (n + 1) s
365 and linedir_digits n s =
366 match stream_peek_nth n s with
367 [ Some ('0'..'9') -> linedir_digits (n + 1) s
368 | _ -> linedir_quote n s ]
369 and linedir_quote n s =
370 match stream_peek_nth n s with
371 [ Some (' ' | '\t') -> linedir_quote (n + 1) s
376 value rec any_to_nl =
383 value next_token_after_spaces ctx bp =
387 jrh_identifier ctx.find_kwd id
388 (********** JRH: original was
389 try ("", ctx.find_kwd id) with [ Not_found -> ("UIDENT", id) ]
391 | [ 'a'-'z' | '_' | '\128'-'\255' ] ident! ->
393 jrh_identifier ctx.find_kwd id
394 (********** JRH: original was
395 try ("", ctx.find_kwd id) with [ Not_found -> ("LIDENT", id) ]
398 | "0" [ 'o' | 'O' ] (digits octal)!
399 | "0" [ 'x' | 'X' ] (digits hexa)!
400 | "0" [ 'b' | 'B' ] (digits binary)!
402 | "'"/ (char ctx bp) -> ("CHAR", $buf)
403 | "'" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) "'"
404 | "\""/ (string ctx bp)! -> ("STRING", $buf)
405 (*** Line added by JRH ***)
406 | "`"/ (qstring ctx bp)! -> ("QUOTATION", "tot:" ^ $buf)
407 | "$"/ (dollar ctx bp)!
408 | [ '!' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' ] ident2! ->
409 keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
410 | "~"/ 'a'-'z' ident! tildeident!
412 | "?"/ 'a'-'z' ident! questionident!
413 | "?" (question ctx bp)!
414 | "<"/ (less ctx bp)!
415 | ":]" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
416 | "::" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
417 | ":=" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
418 | ":>" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
419 | ":" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
420 | ">]" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
421 | ">}" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
422 | ">" ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
423 | "|]" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
424 | "|}" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
425 | "|" ident2! -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
426 | "[" ?= [ "<<" | "<:" ] -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
427 | "[|" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
428 | "[<" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
429 | "[:" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
430 | "[" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
431 | "{" ?= [ "<<" | "<:" ] -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
432 | "{|" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
433 | "{<" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
434 | "{:" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
435 | "{" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf
436 | ".." -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) ".."
439 if ctx.specific_space_dot && ctx.after_space then " ." else "."
441 keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) id
442 | ";;" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) ";;"
443 | ";" -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) ";"
444 | "\\"/ ident3! -> ("LIDENT", $buf)
445 | (any ctx) -> keyword_or_error ctx (bp, $pos) $buf ]
448 value rec next_token ctx buf =
450 [ [: `('\n' | '\r' as c); s :] ep -> do {
451 incr Plexing.line_nb.val;
452 Plexing.bol_pos.val.val := ep;
454 ctx.after_space := True;
455 next_token ctx ($add c) s
457 | [: `(' ' | '\t' | '\026' | '\012' as c); s :] -> do {
458 ctx.after_space := True;
459 next_token ctx ($add c) s
461 | [: `'#' when bp = Plexing.bol_pos.val.val; s :] ->
462 if linedir 1 s then do {
463 let buf = any_to_nl ($add '#') s in
464 incr Plexing.line_nb.val;
465 Plexing.bol_pos.val.val := Stream.count s;
467 ctx.after_space := True;
471 let loc = ctx.make_lined_loc (bp, bp + 1) $buf in
472 (keyword_or_error ctx (bp, bp + 1) "#", loc)
476 [ [: `'*'; buf = comment ctx bp ($add "(*") !; s :] -> do {
478 ctx.after_space := True;
482 let loc = ctx.make_lined_loc (bp, ep) $buf in
483 (keyword_or_error ctx (bp, ep) "(", loc) ] ! :] -> a
484 | [: tok = next_token_after_spaces ctx bp $empty :] ep ->
485 let loc = ctx.make_lined_loc (bp, max (bp + 1) ep) $buf in
487 | [: _ = Stream.empty :] ->
488 let loc = ctx.make_lined_loc (bp, bp + 1) $buf in
492 value next_token_fun ctx glexr (cstrm, s_line_nb, s_bol_pos) =
494 match Plexing.restore_lexing_info.val with
495 [ Some (line_nb, bol_pos) -> do {
496 s_line_nb.val := line_nb;
497 s_bol_pos.val := bol_pos;
498 Plexing.restore_lexing_info.val := None
501 Plexing.line_nb.val := s_line_nb;
502 Plexing.bol_pos.val := s_bol_pos;
503 let comm_bp = Stream.count cstrm in
505 ctx.after_space := False;
506 let (r, loc) = next_token ctx $empty cstrm in
507 match glexr.val.Plexing.tok_comm with
509 if Ploc.first_pos loc > comm_bp then
510 let comm_loc = Ploc.make_unlined (comm_bp, Ploc.last_pos loc) in
511 glexr.val.Plexing.tok_comm := Some [comm_loc :: list]
517 [ Stream.Error str ->
518 err ctx (Stream.count cstrm, Stream.count cstrm + 1) str ]
521 value func kwd_table glexr =
523 let line_nb = ref 0 in
524 let bol_pos = ref 0 in
525 {after_space = False;
526 dollar_for_antiquotation = dollar_for_antiquotation.val;
527 specific_space_dot = specific_space_dot.val;
528 find_kwd = Hashtbl.find kwd_table;
531 [ '\n' | '\r' -> do {
532 incr Plexing.line_nb.val;
533 Plexing.bol_pos.val.val := bp1 + 1;
536 set_line_nb () = do {
537 line_nb.val := Plexing.line_nb.val.val;
538 bol_pos.val := Plexing.bol_pos.val.val;
540 make_lined_loc loc comm =
541 Ploc.make line_nb.val bol_pos.val loc}
543 Plexing.lexer_func_of_parser (next_token_fun ctx glexr)
546 value rec check_keyword_stream =
547 parser [: _ = check $empty; _ = Stream.empty :] -> True
550 [ [ 'A'-'Z' | 'a'-'z' | '\128'-'\255' ] check_ident!
551 | [ '!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' |
555 | "<" ?= [ ":" | "<" ]
568 | "[" ?= [ "<<" | "<:" ]
573 | "{" ?= [ "<<" | "<:" ]
583 [ [ 'A'-'Z' | 'a'-'z' | '0'-'9' | '_' | ''' | '\128'-'\255' ]
587 [ [ '!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' |
588 '.' | ':' | '<' | '>' | '|' ]
592 value check_keyword s =
593 try check_keyword_stream (Stream.of_string s) with _ -> False
596 value error_no_respect_rules p_con p_prm =
600 (if p_con = "" then "\"" ^ p_prm ^ "\""
601 else if p_prm = "" then p_con
602 else p_con ^ " \"" ^ p_prm ^ "\"") ^
603 " does not respect Plexer rules"))
606 value error_ident_and_keyword p_con p_prm =
609 ("the token \"" ^ p_prm ^ "\" is used as " ^ p_con ^
613 value using_token kwd_table ident_table (p_con, p_prm) =
616 if not (Hashtbl.mem kwd_table p_prm) then
617 if check_keyword p_prm then
618 if Hashtbl.mem ident_table p_prm then
619 error_ident_and_keyword (Hashtbl.find ident_table p_prm) p_prm
620 else Hashtbl.add kwd_table p_prm p_prm
621 else error_no_respect_rules p_con p_prm
624 if p_prm = "" then ()
627 [ 'A'..'Z' -> error_no_respect_rules p_con p_prm
629 if Hashtbl.mem kwd_table p_prm then
630 error_ident_and_keyword p_con p_prm
631 else Hashtbl.add ident_table p_prm p_con ]
633 if p_prm = "" then ()
636 [ 'a'..'z' -> error_no_respect_rules p_con p_prm
638 if Hashtbl.mem kwd_table p_prm then
639 error_ident_and_keyword p_con p_prm
640 else Hashtbl.add ident_table p_prm p_con ]
642 "QUESTIONIDENTCOLON" | "INT" | "INT_l" | "INT_L" | "INT_n" | "FLOAT" |
649 ("the constructor \"" ^ p_con ^
650 "\" is not recognized by Plexer")) ]
653 value removing_token kwd_table ident_table (p_con, p_prm) =
655 [ "" -> Hashtbl.remove kwd_table p_prm
656 | "LIDENT" | "UIDENT" ->
657 if p_prm <> "" then Hashtbl.remove ident_table p_prm else ()
663 [ ("", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
664 | ("LIDENT", "") -> "lowercase identifier"
665 | ("LIDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
666 | ("UIDENT", "") -> "uppercase identifier"
667 | ("UIDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
668 | ("INT", "") -> "integer"
669 | ("INT", s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'"
670 | ("FLOAT", "") -> "float"
671 | ("STRING", "") -> "string"
672 | ("CHAR", "") -> "char"
673 | ("QUOTATION", "") -> "quotation"
674 | ("ANTIQUOT", k) -> "antiquot \"" ^ k ^ "\""
675 | ("EOI", "") -> "end of input"
677 | (con, prm) -> con ^ " \"" ^ prm ^ "\"" ]
680 value eq_before_colon p e =
681 loop 0 where rec loop i =
682 if i == String.length e then
683 failwith "Internal error in Plexer: incorrect ANTIQUOT"
684 else if i == String.length p then e.[i] == ':'
685 else if p.[i] == e.[i] then loop (i + 1)
689 value after_colon e =
691 let i = String.index e ':' in
692 String.sub e (i + 1) (String.length e - i - 1)
697 value after_colon_except_last e =
699 let i = String.index e ':' in
700 String.sub e (i + 1) (String.length e - i - 2)
707 [ ("ANTIQUOT", p_prm) ->
708 if p_prm <> "" && (p_prm.[0] = '~' || p_prm.[0] = '?') then
709 if p_prm.[String.length p_prm - 1] = ':' then
710 let p_prm = String.sub p_prm 0 (String.length p_prm - 1) in
712 [ ("ANTIQUOT", prm) ->
713 if prm <> "" && prm.[String.length prm - 1] = ':' then
714 if eq_before_colon p_prm prm then after_colon_except_last prm
715 else raise Stream.Failure
716 else raise Stream.Failure
717 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
720 [ ("ANTIQUOT", prm) ->
721 if prm <> "" && prm.[String.length prm - 1] = ':' then
723 else if eq_before_colon p_prm prm then after_colon prm
724 else raise Stream.Failure
725 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
728 [ ("ANTIQUOT", prm) when eq_before_colon p_prm prm -> after_colon prm
729 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
730 | tok -> Plexing.default_match tok ]
734 let kwd_table = Hashtbl.create 301 in
735 let id_table = Hashtbl.create 301 in
738 {Plexing.tok_func = fun []; tok_using = fun []; tok_removing = fun [];
739 tok_match = fun []; tok_text = fun []; tok_comm = None}
742 {Plexing.tok_func = func kwd_table glexr;
743 tok_using = using_token kwd_table id_table;
744 tok_removing = removing_token kwd_table id_table; tok_match = tok_match;
745 tok_text = text; tok_comm = None}
747 do { glexr.val := glex; glex }
751 let odfa = dollar_for_antiquotation.val in
752 dollar_for_antiquotation.val := False;
753 Grammar.Unsafe.gram_reinit gram (gmake ());
754 dollar_for_antiquotation.val := odfa;
755 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry interf;
756 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry implem;
757 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry top_phrase;
758 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry use_file;
759 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry module_type;
760 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry module_expr;
761 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry sig_item;
762 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry str_item;
763 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry expr;
764 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry patt;
765 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry ctyp;
766 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry let_binding;
767 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry type_declaration;
768 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry constructor_declaration;
769 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry match_case;
770 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry with_constr;
771 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry poly_variant;
772 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_type;
773 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_expr;
774 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_sig_item;
775 Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_str_item
778 Pcaml.parse_interf.val := Grammar.Entry.parse interf;
779 Pcaml.parse_implem.val := Grammar.Entry.parse implem;
782 let len = String.length n in
783 if len > 0 && n.[0] = '-' then String.sub n 1 (len - 1) else "-" ^ n
786 value mkumin loc f arg =
788 [ <:expr< $int:n$ >> -> <:expr< $int:neg_string n$ >>
789 | <:expr< $flo:n$ >> -> <:expr< $flo:neg_string n$ >>
792 <:expr< $lid:f$ $arg$ >> ]
795 value mklistexp loc last =
796 loop True where rec loop top =
801 | None -> <:expr< [] >> ]
804 if top then loc else Ploc.encl (MLast.loc_of_expr e1) loc
806 <:expr< [$e1$ :: $loop False el$] >> ]
809 value mklistpat loc last =
810 loop True where rec loop top =
815 | None -> <:patt< [] >> ]
818 if top then loc else Ploc.encl (MLast.loc_of_patt p1) loc
820 <:patt< [$p1$ :: $loop False pl$] >> ]
823 (*** JRH pulled this outside so user can add new infixes here too ***)
825 value ht = Hashtbl.create 73;
827 (*** And JRH added all the new HOL Light infixes here already ***)
829 value is_operator = do {
830 let ct = Hashtbl.create 73 in
831 List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add ht x True)
832 ["asr"; "land"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor"; "mod"; "or"; "o"; "upto";
835 List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add ct x True)
836 ['!'; '&'; '*'; '+'; '-'; '/'; ':'; '<'; '='; '>'; '@'; '^'; '|'; '~';
839 try Hashtbl.find ht x with
840 [ Not_found -> try Hashtbl.find ct x.[0] with _ -> False ]
843 (*** JRH added this so parenthesised operators undergo same mapping ***)
845 value translate_operator =
849 | "THENC" -> "thenc_"
850 | "THENL" -> "thenl_"
851 | "ORELSE" -> "orelse_"
852 | "ORELSEC" -> "orelsec_"
853 | "THEN_TCL" -> "then_tcl_"
854 | "ORELSE_TCL" -> "orelse_tcl_"
858 (*** And JRH inserted it in here ***)
860 value operator_rparen =
861 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "operator_rparen"
863 match Stream.npeek 2 strm with
864 [ [("", s); ("", ")")] when is_operator s -> do {
869 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ])
872 value check_not_part_of_patt =
873 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "check_not_part_of_patt"
876 match Stream.npeek 4 strm with
877 [ [("LIDENT", _); tok :: _] -> tok
878 | [("", "("); ("", s); ("", ")"); tok] when is_operator s -> tok
879 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
882 [ ("", "," | "as" | "|" | "::") -> raise Stream.Failure
888 ['!'; '$'; '%'; '&'; '*'; '+'; '-'; '.'; '/'; ':'; '<'; '='; '>'; '?';
891 loop where rec loop s i =
892 if i == String.length s then True
893 else if List.mem s.[i] list then loop s (i + 1)
898 let list = ['!'; '?'; '~'] in
899 let excl = ["!="; "??"; "?!"] in
900 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "prefixop"
904 not (List.mem x excl) && String.length x >= 2 &&
905 List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] ->
910 let list = ['='; '<'; '>'; '|'; '&'; '$'] in
911 let excl = ["<-"; "||"; "&&"] in
912 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop0"
916 not (List.mem x excl) && String.length x >= 2 &&
917 List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] ->
922 let list = ['@'; '^'] in
923 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop1"
927 String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list &&
933 let list = ['+'; '-'] in
934 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop2"
938 x <> "->" && String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list &&
944 let list = ['*'; '/'; '%'] in
945 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop3"
949 String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list &&
955 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop4"
959 String.length x >= 3 && x.[0] == '*' && x.[1] == '*' &&
964 value test_constr_decl =
965 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "test_constr_decl"
967 match Stream.npeek 1 strm with
969 match Stream.npeek 2 strm with
970 [ [_; ("", ".")] -> raise Stream.Failure
971 | [_; ("", "(")] -> raise Stream.Failure
973 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
975 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ])
978 value stream_peek_nth n strm =
979 loop n (Stream.npeek n strm) where rec loop n =
982 | [x] -> if n == 1 then Some x else None
983 | [_ :: l] -> loop (n - 1) l ]
986 (* horrible hack to be able to parse class_types *)
988 value test_ctyp_minusgreater =
989 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "test_ctyp_minusgreater"
991 let rec skip_simple_ctyp n =
992 match stream_peek_nth n strm with
993 [ Some ("", "->") -> n
994 | Some ("", "[" | "[<") ->
995 skip_simple_ctyp (ignore_upto "]" (n + 1) + 1)
996 | Some ("", "(") -> skip_simple_ctyp (ignore_upto ")" (n + 1) + 1)
999 "as" | "'" | ":" | "*" | "." | "#" | "<" | ">" | ".." | ";" |
1001 skip_simple_ctyp (n + 1)
1002 | Some ("QUESTIONIDENT" | "LIDENT" | "UIDENT", _) ->
1003 skip_simple_ctyp (n + 1)
1004 | Some _ | None -> raise Stream.Failure ]
1005 and ignore_upto end_kwd n =
1006 match stream_peek_nth n strm with
1007 [ Some ("", prm) when prm = end_kwd -> n
1008 | Some ("", "[" | "[<") ->
1009 ignore_upto end_kwd (ignore_upto "]" (n + 1) + 1)
1010 | Some ("", "(") -> ignore_upto end_kwd (ignore_upto ")" (n + 1) + 1)
1011 | Some _ -> ignore_upto end_kwd (n + 1)
1012 | None -> raise Stream.Failure ]
1014 match Stream.peek strm with
1015 [ Some (("", "[") | ("LIDENT" | "UIDENT", _)) -> skip_simple_ctyp 1
1016 | Some ("", "object") -> raise Stream.Failure
1020 value test_label_eq =
1021 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "test_label_eq"
1022 (test 1 where rec test lev strm =
1023 match stream_peek_nth lev strm with
1024 [ Some (("UIDENT", _) | ("LIDENT", _) | ("", ".")) ->
1026 | Some ("ANTIQUOT_LOC", _) -> ()
1027 | Some ("", "=") -> ()
1028 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ])
1031 value test_typevar_list_dot =
1032 Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "test_typevar_list_dot"
1033 (let rec test lev strm =
1034 match stream_peek_nth lev strm with
1035 [ Some ("", "'") -> test2 (lev + 1) strm
1036 | Some ("", ".") -> ()
1037 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
1038 and test2 lev strm =
1039 match stream_peek_nth lev strm with
1040 [ Some ("UIDENT" | "LIDENT", _) -> test (lev + 1) strm
1041 | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
1046 value constr_arity = ref [("Some", 1); ("Match_Failure", 1)];
1048 value rec is_expr_constr_call =
1050 [ <:expr< $uid:_$ >> -> True
1051 | <:expr< $uid:_$.$e$ >> -> is_expr_constr_call e
1052 | <:expr< $e$ $_$ >> -> is_expr_constr_call e
1056 value rec constr_expr_arity loc =
1058 [ <:expr< $uid:c$ >> ->
1059 try List.assoc c constr_arity.val with [ Not_found -> 0 ]
1060 | <:expr< $uid:_$.$e$ >> -> constr_expr_arity loc e
1064 value rec constr_patt_arity loc =
1066 [ <:patt< $uid:c$ >> ->
1067 try List.assoc c constr_arity.val with [ Not_found -> 0 ]
1068 | <:patt< $uid:_$.$p$ >> -> constr_patt_arity loc p
1074 [ <:expr< do { $list:el$ } >> -> el
1078 value mem_tvar s tpl = List.exists (fun (t, _) -> Pcaml.unvala t = s) tpl;
1080 value choose_tvar tpl =
1081 let rec find_alpha v =
1082 let s = String.make 1 v in
1083 if mem_tvar s tpl then
1084 if v = 'z' then None else find_alpha (Char.chr (Char.code v + 1))
1085 else Some (String.make 1 v)
1088 let v = "a" ^ string_of_int n in
1089 if mem_tvar v tpl then make_n (succ n) else v
1091 match find_alpha 'a' with
1093 | None -> make_n 1 ]
1097 GLOBAL: sig_item str_item ctyp patt expr module_type module_expr class_type
1098 class_expr class_sig_item class_str_item let_binding type_declaration
1099 constructor_declaration match_case with_constr poly_variant;
1101 [ [ "functor"; "("; i = V UIDENT "uid" ""; ":"; t = module_type; ")";
1103 <:module_expr< functor ( $_uid:i$ : $t$ ) -> $me$ >>
1104 | "struct"; st = V (LIST0 [ s = str_item; OPT ";;" -> s ]); "end" ->
1105 <:module_expr< struct $_list:st$ end >> ]
1106 | [ me1 = SELF; me2 = SELF -> <:module_expr< $me1$ $me2$ >> ]
1107 | [ i = mod_expr_ident -> i
1108 | "("; me = SELF; ":"; mt = module_type; ")" ->
1109 <:module_expr< ( $me$ : $mt$ ) >>
1110 | "("; me = SELF; ")" -> <:module_expr< $me$ >> ] ]
1114 [ i = SELF; "."; j = SELF -> <:module_expr< $i$ . $j$ >> ]
1115 | [ i = V UIDENT -> <:module_expr< $_uid:i$ >> ] ]
1119 [ "exception"; (_, c, tl) = constructor_declaration; b = rebind_exn ->
1120 <:str_item< exception $_uid:c$ of $_list:tl$ = $_list:b$ >>
1121 | "external"; i = V LIDENT "lid" ""; ":"; t = ctyp; "=";
1122 pd = V (LIST1 STRING) ->
1123 <:str_item< external $_lid:i$ : $t$ = $_list:pd$ >>
1124 | "external"; "("; i = operator_rparen; ":"; t = ctyp; "=";
1125 pd = V (LIST1 STRING) ->
1126 <:str_item< external $lid:i$ : $t$ = $_list:pd$ >>
1127 | "include"; me = module_expr -> <:str_item< include $me$ >>
1128 | "module"; r = V (FLAG "rec"); l = V (LIST1 mod_binding SEP "and") ->
1129 <:str_item< module $_flag:r$ $_list:l$ >>
1130 | "module"; "type"; i = V UIDENT "uid" ""; "="; mt = module_type ->
1131 <:str_item< module type $_uid:i$ = $mt$ >>
1132 | "open"; i = V mod_ident "list" "" ->
1133 <:str_item< open $_:i$ >>
1134 | "type"; tdl = V (LIST1 type_declaration SEP "and") ->
1135 <:str_item< type $_list:tdl$ >>
1136 | "let"; r = V (FLAG "rec"); l = V (LIST1 let_binding SEP "and"); "in";
1138 let e = <:expr< let $_flag:r$ $_list:l$ in $x$ >> in
1139 <:str_item< $exp:e$ >>
1140 | "let"; r = V (FLAG "rec"); l = V (LIST1 let_binding SEP "and") ->
1142 [ <:vala< [(p, e)] >> ->
1144 [ <:patt< _ >> -> <:str_item< $exp:e$ >>
1145 | _ -> <:str_item< value $_flag:r$ $_list:l$ >> ]
1146 | _ -> <:str_item< value $_flag:r$ $_list:l$ >> ]
1147 | "let"; "module"; m = V UIDENT; mb = mod_fun_binding; "in"; e = expr ->
1148 <:str_item< let module $_uid:m$ = $mb$ in $e$ >>
1149 | e = expr -> <:str_item< $exp:e$ >> ] ]
1152 [ [ "="; sl = V mod_ident "list" -> sl
1153 | -> <:vala< [] >> ] ]
1156 [ [ i = V UIDENT; me = mod_fun_binding -> (i, me) ] ]
1160 [ "("; m = UIDENT; ":"; mt = module_type; ")"; mb = SELF ->
1161 <:module_expr< functor ( $uid:m$ : $mt$ ) -> $mb$ >>
1162 | ":"; mt = module_type; "="; me = module_expr ->
1163 <:module_expr< ( $me$ : $mt$ ) >>
1164 | "="; me = module_expr -> <:module_expr< $me$ >> ] ]
1168 [ [ "functor"; "("; i = V UIDENT "uid" ""; ":"; t = SELF; ")"; "->";
1170 <:module_type< functor ( $_uid:i$ : $t$ ) -> $mt$ >> ]
1171 | [ mt = SELF; "with"; wcl = V (LIST1 with_constr SEP "and") ->
1172 <:module_type< $mt$ with $_list:wcl$ >> ]
1173 | [ "sig"; sg = V (LIST0 [ s = sig_item; OPT ";;" -> s ]); "end" ->
1174 <:module_type< sig $_list:sg$ end >>
1175 | i = mod_type_ident -> i
1176 | "("; mt = SELF; ")" -> <:module_type< $mt$ >> ] ]
1180 [ m1 = SELF; "."; m2 = SELF -> <:module_type< $m1$ . $m2$ >>
1181 | m1 = SELF; "("; m2 = SELF; ")" -> <:module_type< $m1$ $m2$ >> ]
1182 | [ m = V UIDENT -> <:module_type< $_uid:m$ >>
1183 | m = V LIDENT -> <:module_type< $_lid:m$ >> ] ]
1187 [ "exception"; (_, c, tl) = constructor_declaration ->
1188 <:sig_item< exception $_uid:c$ of $_list:tl$ >>
1189 | "external"; i = V LIDENT "lid" ""; ":"; t = ctyp; "=";
1190 pd = V (LIST1 STRING) ->
1191 <:sig_item< external $_lid:i$ : $t$ = $_list:pd$ >>
1192 | "external"; "("; i = operator_rparen; ":"; t = ctyp; "=";
1193 pd = V (LIST1 STRING) ->
1194 <:sig_item< external $lid:i$ : $t$ = $_list:pd$ >>
1195 | "include"; mt = module_type ->
1196 <:sig_item< include $mt$ >>
1197 | "module"; rf = V (FLAG "rec");
1198 l = V (LIST1 mod_decl_binding SEP "and") ->
1199 <:sig_item< module $_flag:rf$ $_list:l$ >>
1200 | "module"; "type"; i = V UIDENT "uid" ""; "="; mt = module_type ->
1201 <:sig_item< module type $_uid:i$ = $mt$ >>
1202 | "module"; "type"; i = V UIDENT "uid" "" ->
1203 <:sig_item< module type $_uid:i$ = 'abstract >>
1204 | "open"; i = V mod_ident "list" "" ->
1205 <:sig_item< open $_:i$ >>
1206 | "type"; tdl = V (LIST1 type_declaration SEP "and") ->
1207 <:sig_item< type $_list:tdl$ >>
1208 | "val"; i = V LIDENT "lid" ""; ":"; t = ctyp ->
1209 <:sig_item< value $_lid:i$ : $t$ >>
1210 | "val"; "("; i = operator_rparen; ":"; t = ctyp ->
1211 <:sig_item< value $lid:i$ : $t$ >> ] ]
1214 [ [ i = V UIDENT; mt = module_declaration -> (i, mt) ] ]
1218 [ ":"; mt = module_type -> <:module_type< $mt$ >>
1219 | "("; i = UIDENT; ":"; t = module_type; ")"; mt = SELF ->
1220 <:module_type< functor ( $uid:i$ : $t$ ) -> $mt$ >> ] ]
1222 (* "with" constraints (additional type equations over signature
1225 [ [ "type"; tpl = V type_parameters "list"; i = V mod_ident ""; "=";
1226 pf = V (FLAG "private"); t = ctyp ->
1227 <:with_constr< type $_:i$ $_list:tpl$ = $_flag:pf$ $t$ >>
1228 | "module"; i = V mod_ident ""; "="; me = module_expr ->
1229 <:with_constr< module $_:i$ = $me$ >> ] ]
1231 (* Core expressions *)
1234 [ e1 = SELF; ";"; e2 = SELF ->
1235 <:expr< do { $list:[e1 :: get_seq e2]$ } >>
1236 | e1 = SELF; ";" -> e1
1237 | el = V e_phony "list" -> <:expr< do { $_list:el$ } >> ]
1239 [ "let"; o = V (FLAG "rec"); l = V (LIST1 let_binding SEP "and"); "in";
1240 x = expr LEVEL "top" ->
1241 <:expr< let $_flag:o$ $_list:l$ in $x$ >>
1242 | "let"; "module"; m = V UIDENT; mb = mod_fun_binding; "in";
1243 e = expr LEVEL "top" ->
1244 <:expr< let module $_uid:m$ = $mb$ in $e$ >>
1245 | "function"; OPT "|"; l = V (LIST1 match_case SEP "|") ->
1246 <:expr< fun [ $_list:l$ ] >>
1247 | "fun"; p = patt LEVEL "simple"; e = fun_def ->
1248 <:expr< fun [$p$ -> $e$] >>
1249 | "match"; e = SELF; "with"; OPT "|";
1250 l = V (LIST1 match_case SEP "|") ->
1251 <:expr< match $e$ with [ $_list:l$ ] >>
1252 | "try"; e = SELF; "with"; OPT "|"; l = V (LIST1 match_case SEP "|") ->
1253 <:expr< try $e$ with [ $_list:l$ ] >>
1254 | "if"; e1 = SELF; "then"; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1"; "else";
1255 e3 = expr LEVEL "expr1" ->
1256 <:expr< if $e1$ then $e2$ else $e3$ >>
1257 | "if"; e1 = SELF; "then"; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1" ->
1258 <:expr< if $e1$ then $e2$ else () >>
1259 | "for"; i = V LIDENT; "="; e1 = SELF; df = V direction_flag "to";
1260 e2 = SELF; "do"; e = V SELF "list"; "done" ->
1261 let el = Pcaml.vala_map get_seq e in
1262 <:expr< for $_lid:i$ = $e1$ $_to:df$ $e2$ do { $_list:el$ } >>
1263 | "while"; e1 = SELF; "do"; e2 = V SELF "list"; "done" ->
1264 let el = Pcaml.vala_map get_seq e2 in
1265 <:expr< while $e1$ do { $_list:el$ } >> ]
1266 | [ e = SELF; ","; el = LIST1 NEXT SEP "," ->
1267 <:expr< ( $list:[e :: el]$ ) >> ]
1269 [ e1 = SELF; ":="; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1" ->
1270 <:expr< $e1$.val := $e2$ >>
1271 | e1 = SELF; "<-"; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> <:expr< $e1$ := $e2$ >> ]
1273 [ e1 = SELF; "or"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:"or"$ $e1$ $e2$ >>
1274 | e1 = SELF; "||"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ || $e2$ >> ]
1276 [ e1 = SELF; "&"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:"&"$ $e1$ $e2$ >>
1277 | e1 = SELF; "&&"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ && $e2$ >> ]
1279 [ e1 = SELF; "<"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ < $e2$ >>
1280 | e1 = SELF; ">"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ > $e2$ >>
1281 | e1 = SELF; "<="; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ <= $e2$ >>
1282 | e1 = SELF; ">="; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ >= $e2$ >>
1283 | e1 = SELF; "="; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ = $e2$ >>
1284 | e1 = SELF; "<>"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ <> $e2$ >>
1285 | e1 = SELF; "=="; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ == $e2$ >>
1286 | e1 = SELF; "!="; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ != $e2$ >>
1287 | e1 = SELF; op = infixop0; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:op$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ]
1289 [ e1 = SELF; "^"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ ^ $e2$ >>
1290 | e1 = SELF; "@"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ @ $e2$ >>
1291 | e1 = SELF; op = infixop1; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:op$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ]
1293 [ e1 = SELF; "::"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< [$e1$ :: $e2$] >> ]
1295 [ e1 = SELF; "+"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ + $e2$ >>
1296 | e1 = SELF; "-"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ - $e2$ >>
1297 | e1 = SELF; op = infixop2; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:op$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ]
1299 [ e1 = SELF; "*"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ * $e2$ >>
1300 | e1 = SELF; "/"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ / $e2$ >>
1301 | e1 = SELF; "%"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:"%"$ $e1$ $e2$ >>
1302 | e1 = SELF; "land"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ land $e2$ >>
1303 | e1 = SELF; "lor"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ lor $e2$ >>
1304 | e1 = SELF; "lxor"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ lxor $e2$ >>
1305 | e1 = SELF; "mod"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ mod $e2$ >>
1306 | e1 = SELF; op = infixop3; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:op$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ]
1308 [ e1 = SELF; "**"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ ** $e2$ >>
1309 | e1 = SELF; "asr"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ asr $e2$ >>
1310 | e1 = SELF; "lsl"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ lsl $e2$ >>
1311 | e1 = SELF; "lsr"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ lsr $e2$ >>
1312 | e1 = SELF; op = infixop4; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:op$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ]
1313 | "unary minus" NONA
1314 [ "-"; e = SELF -> <:expr< $mkumin loc "-" e$ >>
1315 | "-."; e = SELF -> <:expr< $mkumin loc "-." e$ >> ]
1317 [ e1 = SELF; e2 = SELF ->
1319 if is_expr_constr_call e1 then
1321 [ <:expr< $e11$ $e12$ >> -> (e11, <:expr< $e12$ $e2$ >>)
1325 match constr_expr_arity loc e1 with
1326 [ 1 -> <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >>
1329 [ <:expr< ( $list:el$ ) >> ->
1330 List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >>) e1 el
1331 | _ -> <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >> ] ]
1332 | "assert"; e = SELF -> <:expr< assert $e$ >>
1333 | "lazy"; e = SELF -> <:expr< lazy ($e$) >> ]
1335 [ e1 = SELF; "."; "("; e2 = SELF; ")" -> <:expr< $e1$ .( $e2$ ) >>
1336 | e1 = SELF; "."; "["; e2 = SELF; "]" -> <:expr< $e1$ .[ $e2$ ] >>
1337 | e = SELF; "."; "{"; el = V (LIST1 expr SEP ","); "}" ->
1338 <:expr< $e$ .{ $_list:el$ } >>
1339 | e1 = SELF; "."; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ . $e2$ >> ]
1341 [ "!"; e = SELF -> <:expr< $e$ . val>>
1342 | "~-"; e = SELF -> <:expr< ~- $e$ >>
1343 | "~-."; e = SELF -> <:expr< ~-. $e$ >>
1344 | f = prefixop; e = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e$ >> ]
1346 [ s = V INT -> <:expr< $_int:s$ >>
1347 | s = V INT_l -> <:expr< $_int32:s$ >>
1348 | s = V INT_L -> <:expr< $_int64:s$ >>
1349 | s = V INT_n -> <:expr< $_nativeint:s$ >>
1350 | s = V FLOAT -> <:expr< $_flo:s$ >>
1351 | s = V STRING -> <:expr< $_str:s$ >>
1352 | c = V CHAR -> <:expr< $_chr:c$ >>
1353 | UIDENT "True" -> <:expr< $uid:" True"$ >>
1354 | UIDENT "False" -> <:expr< $uid:" False"$ >>
1355 | i = expr_ident -> i
1356 | "false" -> <:expr< False >>
1357 | "true" -> <:expr< True >>
1358 | "["; "]" -> <:expr< [] >>
1359 | "["; el = expr1_semi_list; "]" -> <:expr< $mklistexp loc None el$ >>
1360 | "[|"; "|]" -> <:expr< [| |] >>
1361 | "[|"; el = V expr1_semi_list "list"; "|]" ->
1362 <:expr< [| $_list:el$ |] >>
1363 | "{"; test_label_eq; lel = V lbl_expr_list "list"; "}" ->
1364 <:expr< { $_list:lel$ } >>
1365 | "{"; e = expr LEVEL "."; "with"; lel = V lbl_expr_list "list"; "}" ->
1366 <:expr< { ($e$) with $_list:lel$ } >>
1367 | "("; ")" -> <:expr< () >>
1368 | "("; op = operator_rparen -> <:expr< $lid:op$ >>
1369 | "("; el = V e_phony "list"; ")" -> <:expr< ($_list:el$) >>
1370 | "("; e = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >>
1371 | "("; e = SELF; ")" -> <:expr< $e$ >>
1372 | "begin"; e = SELF; "end" -> <:expr< $e$ >>
1373 | "begin"; "end" -> <:expr< () >>
1377 let i = String.index x ':' in
1379 String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
1381 [ Not_found -> ("", x) ]
1383 Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x ] ]
1386 [ [ -> raise Stream.Failure ] ]
1389 [ [ p = val_ident; e = fun_binding -> (p, e)
1390 | p = patt; "="; e = expr -> (p, e) ] ]
1392 (*** JRH added the "translate_operator" here ***)
1395 [ [ check_not_part_of_patt; s = LIDENT -> <:patt< $lid:s$ >>
1396 | check_not_part_of_patt; "("; s = ANY; ")" ->
1397 let s' = translate_operator s in <:patt< $lid:s'$ >> ] ]
1401 [ p = patt LEVEL "simple"; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >>
1402 | "="; e = expr -> <:expr< $e$ >>
1403 | ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >> ] ]
1406 [ [ x1 = patt; w = V (OPT [ "when"; e = expr -> e ]); "->"; x2 = expr ->
1410 [ [ le = lbl_expr; ";"; lel = SELF -> [le :: lel]
1411 | le = lbl_expr; ";" -> [le]
1412 | le = lbl_expr -> [le] ] ]
1415 [ [ i = patt_label_ident; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> (i, e) ] ]
1418 [ [ e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";"; el = SELF -> [e :: el]
1419 | e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";" -> [e]
1420 | e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> [e] ] ]
1424 [ p = patt LEVEL "simple"; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >>
1425 | "->"; e = expr -> <:expr< $e$ >> ] ]
1429 [ i = V LIDENT -> <:expr< $_lid:i$ >>
1430 | i = V UIDENT -> <:expr< $_uid:i$ >>
1431 | i = V UIDENT; "."; j = SELF ->
1434 [ <:expr< $x$ . $y$ >> -> loop <:expr< $m$ . $x$ >> y
1435 | e -> <:expr< $m$ . $e$ >> ]
1437 loop <:expr< $_uid:i$ >> j
1438 | i = V UIDENT; "."; "("; j = operator_rparen ->
1439 <:expr< $_uid:i$ . $lid:j$ >> ] ]
1444 [ p1 = SELF; "as"; i = LIDENT -> <:patt< ($p1$ as $lid:i$) >> ]
1446 [ p1 = SELF; "|"; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ | $p2$ >> ]
1447 | [ p = SELF; ","; pl = LIST1 NEXT SEP "," ->
1448 <:patt< ( $list:[p :: pl]$) >> ]
1450 [ p1 = SELF; ".."; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ .. $p2$ >> ]
1452 [ p1 = SELF; "::"; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< [$p1$ :: $p2$] >> ]
1454 [ p1 = SELF; p2 = SELF ->
1457 [ <:patt< $p11$ $p12$ >> -> (p11, <:patt< $p12$ $p2$ >>)
1460 match constr_patt_arity loc p1 with
1461 [ 1 -> <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >>
1465 [ <:patt< _ >> when n > 1 ->
1467 loop n where rec loop n =
1468 if n = 0 then [] else [<:patt< _ >> :: loop (n - 1)]
1470 <:patt< ( $list:pl$ ) >>
1474 [ <:patt< ( $list:pl$ ) >> ->
1475 List.fold_left (fun p1 p2 -> <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >>) p1 pl
1476 | _ -> <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >> ] ] ]
1478 [ p1 = SELF; "."; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ . $p2$ >> ]
1480 [ s = V LIDENT -> <:patt< $_lid:s$ >>
1481 | s = V UIDENT -> <:patt< $_uid:s$ >>
1482 | s = V INT -> <:patt< $_int:s$ >>
1483 | s = V INT_l -> <:patt< $_int32:s$ >>
1484 | s = V INT_L -> <:patt< $_int64:s$ >>
1485 | s = V INT_n -> <:patt< $_nativeint:s$ >>
1486 | "-"; s = INT -> <:patt< $int:"-" ^ s$ >>
1487 | "-"; s = FLOAT -> <:patt< $flo:"-" ^ s$ >>
1488 | s = V FLOAT -> <:patt< $_flo:s$ >>
1489 | s = V STRING -> <:patt< $_str:s$ >>
1490 | s = V CHAR -> <:patt< $_chr:s$ >>
1491 | UIDENT "True" -> <:patt< $uid:" True"$ >>
1492 | UIDENT "False" -> <:patt< $uid:" False"$ >>
1493 | "false" -> <:patt< False >>
1494 | "true" -> <:patt< True >>
1495 | "["; "]" -> <:patt< [] >>
1496 | "["; pl = patt_semi_list; "]" -> <:patt< $mklistpat loc None pl$ >>
1497 | "[|"; "|]" -> <:patt< [| |] >>
1498 | "[|"; pl = V patt_semi_list "list"; "|]" ->
1499 <:patt< [| $_list:pl$ |] >>
1500 | "{"; lpl = V lbl_patt_list "list"; "}" ->
1501 <:patt< { $_list:lpl$ } >>
1502 | "("; ")" -> <:patt< () >>
1503 | "("; op = operator_rparen -> <:patt< $lid:op$ >>
1504 | "("; pl = V p_phony "list"; ")" -> <:patt< ($_list:pl$) >>
1505 | "("; p = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:patt< ($p$ : $t$) >>
1506 | "("; p = SELF; ")" -> <:patt< $p$ >>
1507 | "_" -> <:patt< _ >>
1511 let i = String.index x ':' in
1513 String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
1515 [ Not_found -> ("", x) ]
1517 Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x ] ]
1520 [ [ -> raise Stream.Failure ] ]
1523 [ [ p = patt; ";"; pl = SELF -> [p :: pl]
1524 | p = patt; ";" -> [p]
1525 | p = patt -> [p] ] ]
1528 [ [ le = lbl_patt; ";"; lel = SELF -> [le :: lel]
1529 | le = lbl_patt; ";" -> [le]
1530 | le = lbl_patt -> [le] ] ]
1533 [ [ i = patt_label_ident; "="; p = patt -> (i, p) ] ]
1537 [ p1 = SELF; "."; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ . $p2$ >> ]
1539 [ i = UIDENT -> <:patt< $uid:i$ >>
1540 | i = LIDENT -> <:patt< $lid:i$ >> ] ]
1542 (* Type declaration *)
1544 [ [ tpl = type_parameters; n = type_patt; "="; pf = V (FLAG "private");
1545 tk = type_kind; cl = V (LIST0 constrain) ->
1546 {MLast.tdNam = n; MLast.tdPrm = <:vala< tpl >>;
1547 MLast.tdPrv = pf; MLast.tdDef = tk; MLast.tdCon = cl}
1548 | tpl = type_parameters; n = type_patt; cl = V (LIST0 constrain) ->
1549 {MLast.tdNam = n; MLast.tdPrm = <:vala< tpl >>;
1550 MLast.tdPrv = <:vala< False >>;
1551 MLast.tdDef = <:ctyp< '$choose_tvar tpl$ >>; MLast.tdCon = cl} ] ]
1554 [ [ n = V LIDENT -> (loc, n) ] ]
1557 [ [ "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp -> (t1, t2) ] ]
1560 [ [ test_constr_decl; OPT "|";
1561 cdl = LIST1 constructor_declaration SEP "|" ->
1562 <:ctyp< [ $list:cdl$ ] >>
1565 | t = ctyp; "="; "{"; ldl = V label_declarations "list"; "}" ->
1566 <:ctyp< $t$ == { $_list:ldl$ } >>
1567 | t = ctyp; "="; OPT "|"; cdl = LIST1 constructor_declaration SEP "|" ->
1568 <:ctyp< $t$ == [ $list:cdl$ ] >>
1569 | "{"; ldl = V label_declarations "list"; "}" ->
1570 <:ctyp< { $_list:ldl$ } >> ] ]
1573 [ [ -> (* empty *) []
1574 | tp = type_parameter -> [tp]
1575 | "("; tpl = LIST1 type_parameter SEP ","; ")" -> tpl ] ]
1578 [ [ "'"; i = V ident "" -> (i, (False, False))
1579 | "+"; "'"; i = V ident "" -> (i, (True, False))
1580 | "-"; "'"; i = V ident "" -> (i, (False, True)) ] ]
1582 constructor_declaration:
1583 [ [ ci = cons_ident; "of"; cal = V (LIST1 (ctyp LEVEL "apply") SEP "*") ->
1585 | ci = cons_ident -> (loc, ci, <:vala< [] >>) ] ]
1588 [ [ i = V UIDENT "uid" "" -> i
1589 | UIDENT "True" -> <:vala< " True" >>
1590 | UIDENT "False" -> <:vala< " False" >> ] ]
1593 [ [ ld = label_declaration; ";"; ldl = SELF -> [ld :: ldl]
1594 | ld = label_declaration; ";" -> [ld]
1595 | ld = label_declaration -> [ld] ] ]
1598 [ [ i = LIDENT; ":"; t = poly_type -> (loc, i, False, t)
1599 | "mutable"; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = poly_type -> (loc, i, True, t) ] ]
1603 [ [ t1 = SELF; "as"; "'"; i = ident -> <:ctyp< $t1$ as '$i$ >> ]
1605 [ t1 = SELF; "->"; t2 = SELF -> <:ctyp< $t1$ -> $t2$ >> ]
1607 [ t = SELF; "*"; tl = LIST1 (ctyp LEVEL "apply") SEP "*" ->
1608 <:ctyp< ( $list:[t :: tl]$ ) >> ]
1610 [ t1 = SELF; t2 = SELF -> <:ctyp< $t2$ $t1$ >> ]
1612 [ t1 = SELF; "."; t2 = SELF -> <:ctyp< $t1$ . $t2$ >>
1613 | t1 = SELF; "("; t2 = SELF; ")" -> <:ctyp< $t1$ $t2$ >> ]
1615 [ "'"; i = V ident "" -> <:ctyp< '$_:i$ >>
1616 | "_" -> <:ctyp< _ >>
1617 | i = V LIDENT -> <:ctyp< $_lid:i$ >>
1618 | i = V UIDENT -> <:ctyp< $_uid:i$ >>
1619 | "("; t = SELF; ","; tl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; ")";
1620 i = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp2" ->
1621 List.fold_left (fun c a -> <:ctyp< $c$ $a$ >>) i [t :: tl]
1622 | "("; t = SELF; ")" -> <:ctyp< $t$ >> ] ]
1627 | i = UIDENT -> i ] ]
1633 | i = UIDENT; "."; j = SELF -> [i :: j] ] ]
1638 | "downto" -> False ] ]
1640 (* Objects and Classes *)
1642 [ [ "class"; cd = V (LIST1 class_declaration SEP "and") ->
1643 <:str_item< class $_list:cd$ >>
1644 | "class"; "type"; ctd = V (LIST1 class_type_declaration SEP "and") ->
1645 <:str_item< class type $_list:ctd$ >> ] ]
1648 [ [ "class"; cd = V (LIST1 class_description SEP "and") ->
1649 <:sig_item< class $_list:cd$ >>
1650 | "class"; "type"; ctd = V (LIST1 class_type_declaration SEP "and") ->
1651 <:sig_item< class type $_list:ctd$ >> ] ]
1653 (* Class expressions *)
1655 [ [ vf = V (FLAG "virtual"); ctp = class_type_parameters; i = V LIDENT;
1656 cfb = class_fun_binding ->
1657 {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp;
1658 MLast.ciNam = i; MLast.ciExp = cfb} ] ]
1661 [ [ "="; ce = class_expr -> ce
1662 | ":"; ct = class_type; "="; ce = class_expr ->
1663 <:class_expr< ($ce$ : $ct$) >>
1664 | p = patt LEVEL "simple"; cfb = SELF ->
1665 <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfb$ >> ] ]
1667 class_type_parameters:
1668 [ [ -> (loc, <:vala< [] >>)
1669 | "["; tpl = V (LIST1 type_parameter SEP ","); "]" -> (loc, tpl) ] ]
1672 [ [ p = patt LEVEL "simple"; "->"; ce = class_expr ->
1673 <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $ce$ >>
1674 | p = patt LEVEL "simple"; cfd = SELF ->
1675 <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfd$ >> ] ]
1679 [ "fun"; cfd = class_fun_def -> cfd
1680 | "let"; rf = V (FLAG "rec"); lb = V (LIST1 let_binding SEP "and");
1682 <:class_expr< let $_flag:rf$ $_list:lb$ in $ce$ >> ]
1684 [ ce = SELF; e = expr LEVEL "label" ->
1685 <:class_expr< $ce$ $e$ >> ]
1687 [ "["; ct = ctyp; ","; ctcl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]";
1688 ci = class_longident ->
1689 <:class_expr< $list:ci$ [ $list:[ct :: ctcl]$ ] >>
1690 | "["; ct = ctyp; "]"; ci = class_longident ->
1691 <:class_expr< $list:ci$ [ $ct$ ] >>
1692 | ci = class_longident -> <:class_expr< $list:ci$ >>
1693 | "object"; cspo = V (OPT class_self_patt);
1694 cf = V class_structure "list"; "end" ->
1695 <:class_expr< object $_opt:cspo$ $_list:cf$ end >>
1696 | "("; ce = SELF; ":"; ct = class_type; ")" ->
1697 <:class_expr< ($ce$ : $ct$) >>
1698 | "("; ce = SELF; ")" -> ce ] ]
1701 [ [ cf = LIST0 class_str_item -> cf ] ]
1704 [ [ "("; p = patt; ")" -> p
1705 | "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:patt< ($p$ : $t$) >> ] ]
1708 [ [ "inherit"; ce = class_expr; pb = V (OPT [ "as"; i = LIDENT -> i ]) ->
1709 <:class_str_item< inherit $ce$ $_opt:pb$ >>
1710 | "val"; mf = V (FLAG "mutable"); lab = V label "lid" "";
1711 e = cvalue_binding ->
1712 <:class_str_item< value $_flag:mf$ $_lid:lab$ = $e$ >>
1713 | "method"; "private"; "virtual"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":";
1715 <:class_str_item< method virtual private $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1716 | "method"; "virtual"; "private"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":";
1718 <:class_str_item< method virtual private $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1719 | "method"; "virtual"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = poly_type ->
1720 <:class_str_item< method virtual $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1721 | "method"; "private"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = poly_type; "=";
1723 <:class_str_item< method private $_lid:l$ : $t$ = $e$ >>
1724 | "method"; "private"; l = V label "lid" ""; sb = fun_binding ->
1725 <:class_str_item< method private $_lid:l$ = $sb$ >>
1726 | "method"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = poly_type; "="; e = expr ->
1727 <:class_str_item< method $_lid:l$ : $t$ = $e$ >>
1728 | "method"; l = V label "lid" ""; sb = fun_binding ->
1729 <:class_str_item< method $_lid:l$ = $sb$ >>
1730 | "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp ->
1731 <:class_str_item< type $t1$ = $t2$ >>
1732 | "initializer"; se = expr -> <:class_str_item< initializer $se$ >> ] ]
1735 [ [ "="; e = expr -> e
1736 | ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >>
1737 | ":"; t = ctyp; ":>"; t2 = ctyp; "="; e = expr ->
1738 <:expr< ($e$ : $t$ :> $t2$) >>
1739 | ":>"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr ->
1740 <:expr< ($e$ :> $t$) >> ] ]
1743 [ [ i = LIDENT -> i ] ]
1747 [ [ test_ctyp_minusgreater; t = ctyp LEVEL "star"; "->"; ct = SELF ->
1748 <:class_type< [ $t$ ] -> $ct$ >>
1749 | cs = class_signature -> cs ] ]
1752 [ [ "["; tl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]"; id = clty_longident ->
1753 <:class_type< $list:id$ [ $list:tl$ ] >>
1754 | id = clty_longident -> <:class_type< $list:id$ >>
1755 | "object"; cst = V (OPT class_self_type);
1756 csf = V (LIST0 class_sig_item); "end" ->
1757 <:class_type< object $_opt:cst$ $_list:csf$ end >> ] ]
1760 [ [ "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> t ] ]
1763 [ [ "inherit"; cs = class_signature ->
1764 <:class_sig_item< inherit $cs$ >>
1765 | "val"; mf = V (FLAG "mutable"); l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = ctyp ->
1766 <:class_sig_item< value $_flag:mf$ $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1767 | "method"; "private"; "virtual"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":";
1769 <:class_sig_item< method virtual private $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1770 | "method"; "virtual"; "private"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":";
1772 <:class_sig_item< method virtual private $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1773 | "method"; "virtual"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = poly_type ->
1774 <:class_sig_item< method virtual $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1775 | "method"; "private"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = poly_type ->
1776 <:class_sig_item< method private $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1777 | "method"; l = V label "lid" ""; ":"; t = poly_type ->
1778 <:class_sig_item< method $_lid:l$ : $t$ >>
1779 | "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp ->
1780 <:class_sig_item< type $t1$ = $t2$ >> ] ]
1783 [ [ vf = V (FLAG "virtual"); ctp = class_type_parameters; n = V LIDENT;
1784 ":"; ct = class_type ->
1785 {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp;
1786 MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = ct} ] ]
1788 class_type_declaration:
1789 [ [ vf = V (FLAG "virtual"); ctp = class_type_parameters; n = V LIDENT;
1790 "="; cs = class_signature ->
1791 {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp;
1792 MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = cs} ] ]
1795 expr: LEVEL "simple"
1797 [ "new"; i = V class_longident "list" -> <:expr< new $_list:i$ >>
1798 | "object"; cspo = V (OPT class_self_patt);
1799 cf = V class_structure "list"; "end" ->
1800 <:expr< object $_opt:cspo$ $_list:cf$ end >> ] ]
1803 [ [ e = SELF; "#"; lab = V label "lid" -> <:expr< $e$ # $_lid:lab$ >> ] ]
1805 expr: LEVEL "simple"
1806 [ [ "("; e = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ":>"; t2 = ctyp; ")" ->
1807 <:expr< ($e$ : $t$ :> $t2$) >>
1808 | "("; e = SELF; ":>"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:expr< ($e$ :> $t$) >>
1809 | "{<"; ">}" -> <:expr< {< >} >>
1810 | "{<"; fel = V field_expr_list "list"; ">}" ->
1811 <:expr< {< $_list:fel$ >} >> ] ]
1814 [ [ l = label; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";"; fel = SELF ->
1816 | l = label; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";" -> [(l, e)]
1817 | l = label; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> [(l, e)] ] ]
1820 ctyp: LEVEL "simple"
1821 [ [ "#"; id = V class_longident "list" ->
1822 <:ctyp< # $_list:id$ >>
1823 | "<"; ml = V meth_list "list"; v = V (FLAG ".."); ">" ->
1824 <:ctyp< < $_list:ml$ $_flag:v$ > >>
1831 [ [ f = field; ";"; ml = SELF -> [f :: ml]
1832 | f = field; ";" -> [f]
1833 | f = field -> [f] ] ]
1836 [ [ lab = LIDENT; ":"; t = poly_type -> (lab, t) ] ]
1838 (* Polymorphic types *)
1840 [ [ "'"; i = ident -> i ] ]
1843 [ [ test_typevar_list_dot; tpl = LIST1 typevar; "."; t2 = ctyp ->
1844 <:ctyp< ! $list:tpl$ . $t2$ >>
1849 [ [ m = UIDENT; "."; l = SELF -> [m :: l]
1850 | i = LIDENT -> [i] ] ]
1853 [ [ m = UIDENT; "."; l = SELF -> [m :: l]
1854 | i = LIDENT -> [i] ] ]
1859 [ i = V LIDENT; ":"; t = SELF -> <:ctyp< ~$_:i$: $t$ >>
1860 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; t = SELF -> <:ctyp< ?$_:i$: $t$ >>
1861 | i = V QUESTIONIDENT; ":"; t = SELF -> <:ctyp< ?$_:i$: $t$ >> ] ]
1863 ctyp: LEVEL "simple"
1864 [ [ "["; OPT "|"; rfl = V (LIST1 poly_variant SEP "|"); "]" ->
1865 <:ctyp< [ = $_list:rfl$ ] >>
1866 | "["; ">"; "]" -> <:ctyp< [ > $list:[]$ ] >>
1867 | "["; ">"; OPT "|"; rfl = V (LIST1 poly_variant SEP "|"); "]" ->
1868 <:ctyp< [ > $_list:rfl$ ] >>
1869 | "[<"; OPT "|"; rfl = V (LIST1 poly_variant SEP "|"); "]" ->
1870 <:ctyp< [ < $_list:rfl$ ] >>
1871 | "[<"; OPT "|"; rfl = V (LIST1 poly_variant SEP "|"); ">";
1872 ntl = V (LIST1 name_tag); "]" ->
1873 <:ctyp< [ < $_list:rfl$ > $_list:ntl$ ] >> ] ]
1876 [ [ "`"; i = V ident "" -> <:poly_variant< ` $_:i$ >>
1877 | "`"; i = V ident ""; "of"; ao = V (FLAG "&");
1878 l = V (LIST1 ctyp SEP "&") ->
1879 <:poly_variant< `$_:i$ of $_flag:ao$ $_list:l$ >>
1880 | t = ctyp -> MLast.PvInh t ] ]
1883 [ [ "`"; i = ident -> i ] ]
1886 [ [ "fun"; p = labeled_patt; e = fun_def -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ] ]
1890 [ i = V TILDEIDENTCOLON; e = SELF -> <:expr< ~$_:i$: $e$ >>
1891 | i = V TILDEIDENT -> <:expr< ~$_:i$ >>
1892 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; e = SELF -> <:expr< ?$_:i$: $e$ >>
1893 | i = V QUESTIONIDENT -> <:expr< ?$_:i$ >> ] ]
1895 expr: LEVEL "simple"
1896 [ [ "`"; s = V ident "" -> <:expr< ` $_:s$ >> ] ]
1899 [ [ p = labeled_patt; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ] ]
1902 [ [ p = labeled_patt; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ] ]
1904 patt: LEVEL "simple"
1905 [ [ "`"; s = V ident "" -> <:patt< ` $_:s$ >>
1906 | "#"; t = V mod_ident "list" "" -> <:patt< # $_list:t$ >>
1907 | p = labeled_patt -> p ] ]
1910 [ [ i = V TILDEIDENTCOLON; p = patt LEVEL "simple" ->
1911 <:patt< ~$_:i$: $p$ >>
1912 | i = V TILDEIDENT ->
1914 | "~"; "("; i = LIDENT; ")" ->
1916 | "~"; "("; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" ->
1917 <:patt< ~$i$: ($lid:i$ : $t$) >>
1919 <:patt< ?$_:i$: ($lid:j$) >>
1920 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; "("; p = patt; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
1921 <:patt< ?$_:i$: ( $p$ = $e$ ) >>
1922 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" ->
1923 <:patt< ?$_:i$: ( $p$ : $t$ ) >>
1924 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; "=";
1926 <:patt< ?$_:i$: ( $p$ : $t$ = $e$ ) >>
1927 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; "("; p = patt; ")" ->
1928 <:patt< ?$_:i$: ( $p$ ) >>
1929 | i = V QUESTIONIDENT -> <:patt< ?$_:i$ >>
1930 | "?"; "("; i = LIDENT; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
1931 <:patt< ? ( $lid:i$ = $e$ ) >>
1932 | "?"; "("; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
1933 <:patt< ? ( $lid:i$ : $t$ = $e$ ) >>
1934 | "?"; "("; i = LIDENT; ")" ->
1936 | "?"; "("; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" ->
1937 <:patt< ? ( $lid:i$ : $t$ ) >> ] ]
1940 [ [ i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp LEVEL "apply"; "->"; ct = SELF ->
1941 <:class_type< [ ~$i$: $t$ ] -> $ct$ >>
1942 | i = V QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; t = ctyp LEVEL "apply"; "->"; ct = SELF ->
1943 <:class_type< [ ?$_:i$: $t$ ] -> $ct$ >>
1944 | i = V QUESTIONIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp LEVEL "apply"; "->"; ct = SELF ->
1945 <:class_type< [ ?$_:i$: $t$ ] -> $ct$ >> ] ]
1948 [ [ p = labeled_patt; cfb = SELF -> <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfb$ >> ] ]
1951 [ [ p = labeled_patt; "->"; ce = class_expr ->
1952 <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $ce$ >>
1953 | p = labeled_patt; cfd = SELF ->
1954 <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfd$ >> ] ]
1958 (* Main entry points *)
1961 GLOBAL: interf implem use_file top_phrase expr patt;
1963 [ [ si = sig_item_semi; (sil, stopped) = SELF -> ([si :: sil], stopped)
1964 | "#"; n = LIDENT; dp = OPT expr; ";;" ->
1965 ([(<:sig_item< # $lid:n$ $opt:dp$ >>, loc)], True)
1966 | EOI -> ([], False) ] ]
1969 [ [ si = sig_item; OPT ";;" -> (si, loc) ] ]
1972 [ [ si = str_item_semi; (sil, stopped) = SELF -> ([si :: sil], stopped)
1973 | "#"; n = LIDENT; dp = OPT expr; ";;" ->
1974 ([(<:str_item< # $lid:n$ $opt:dp$ >>, loc)], True)
1975 | EOI -> ([], False) ] ]
1978 [ [ si = str_item; OPT ";;" -> (si, loc) ] ]
1981 [ [ ph = phrase; ";;" -> Some ph
1985 [ [ si = str_item; OPT ";;"; (sil, stopped) = SELF ->
1986 ([si :: sil], stopped)
1987 | "#"; n = LIDENT; dp = OPT expr; ";;" ->
1988 ([<:str_item< # $lid:n$ $opt:dp$ >>], True)
1989 | EOI -> ([], False) ] ]
1992 [ [ sti = str_item -> sti
1993 | "#"; n = LIDENT; dp = OPT expr ->
1994 <:str_item< # $lid:n$ $opt:dp$ >> ] ]
1998 Pcaml.add_option "-no_quot" (Arg.Set no_quotations)
1999 "Don't parse quotations, allowing to use, e.g. \"<:>\" as token";
2001 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2002 (* Added by JRH *** *)
2003 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2007 [[ f = expr; "o"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((o $f$) $g$) >>
2008 | f = expr; "upto"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((upto $f$) $g$) >>
2009 | f = expr; "F_F"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((f_f_ $f$) $g$) >>
2010 | f = expr; "THENC"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((thenc_ $f$) $g$) >>
2011 | f = expr; "THEN"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((then_ $f$) $g$) >>
2012 | f = expr; "THENL"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((thenl_ $f$) $g$) >>
2013 | f = expr; "ORELSE"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((orelse_ $f$) $g$) >>
2014 | f = expr; "ORELSEC"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((orelsec_ $f$) $g$) >>
2015 | f = expr; "THEN_TCL"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((then_tcl_ $f$) $g$) >>
2016 | f = expr; "ORELSE_TCL"; g = expr -> <:expr< ((orelse_tcl_ $f$) $g$) >>
2022 [ [ sti = str_item; ";;" ->
2024 [ <:str_item< $exp:e$ >> -> Some <:str_item< value it = $e$ >>