(* =========================================================== *) (* OCaml taylor intervals *) (* Author: Thomas C. Hales *) (* Date: 2011-08-21 *) (* Modified: Alexey Solovyev, 2012-10-27 *) (* =========================================================== *) (* port of taylor functions, taylor interval *) (* The first part of the file implements basic operations on type taylor_interval. Then a type tfunction is defined that represents a twice continuously differentiable function of six variables. It can be evaluated, which is the taylor_interval data associated with it. Sometimes a tfunction f is used to represent an inequality f < 0. (See recurse.hl. *) needs "verifier/interval_m/line_interval.ml";; needs "verifier/interval_m/univariate.ml";; module Taylor = struct open Interval_types;; open Interval;; open Univariate;; open Line_interval;; (* general utilities *) let m8_sum = let ( + ) = iadd in fun dd1 dd2 -> let r8_sum (x,y) = table (fun i -> mth x i + mth y i) in map r8_sum (zip dd1 dd2);; let center_form(x,z) = let ( + ) , ( - ), ( / ) = up(); upadd,upsub,updiv in let y = table (fun i -> if (mth x i=mth z i) then mth x i else (mth x i + mth z i)/ 2.0) in let w = table (fun i -> max (mth z i - mth y i) (mth y i - mth x i)) in let _ = (minl w >= 0.0) or failwith "centerform" in (y,w);; (* start with taylor interval operations *) let make_taylor_interval (l1,w1,dd1) = {l = l1; w = w1; dd=dd1;};; let ti_add (ti1,ti2) = let _ = (ti1.w = ti2.w) or failwith ("width mismatch in ti") in make_taylor_interval( ladd ti1.l ti2.l,ti1.w, m8_sum ti1.dd ti2.dd);; let ti_scale (ti,t) = make_taylor_interval( smul ti.l t,ti.w, table2 (fun i j -> imul (mth2 ti.dd i j) t));; let taylor_error ti = let ( + ), ( * ) , ( / )= up(); upadd, upmul, updiv in let dot_abs_row r = List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + b * iabs c) 0.0 ti.w r in let dots = map dot_abs_row (ti.dd) in (List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + b * c) 0.0 ti.w dots) / 2.0;; (* (end_itlist ( + ) p) / 2.0 ;; *) let upper_bound ti = let e = taylor_error ti in let ( + ), ( * ) = up(); upadd, upmul in let t = ti.l.f.hi + e in t + List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + b * iabs c) 0.0 ti.w ti.l.df;; let lower_bound ti = let e = taylor_error ti in let ( + ), ( * ),(- ) = down(); downadd,downmul,downsub in let t = ti.l.f.lo - e in t + List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + ( ~-. b) * iabs c) 0.0 ti.w ti.l.df;; let upper_partial ti i = let ( + ), ( * ) = up(); upadd,upmul in let err = List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + b*(max c.hi (~-. (c.lo)))) 0.0 ti.w (mth ti.dd i) in err + Interval.sup ( mth ti.l.df i);; let lower_partial ti i = let ( + ), ( * ), ( - ) = down();downadd,downmul,downsub in let err = List.fold_left2 (fun a b c -> a + b * min c.lo (~-. (c.hi))) 0.0 ti.w (mth ti.dd i) in Interval.inf ( mth ti.l.df i) + err;; let ti_mul (ti1,ti2) = let _ = (ti1.w = ti2.w) or failwith ("ti_mul: width mismatch in ti") in let line = lmul ti1.l ti2.l in let f1_int = let lo, hi = lower_bound ti1, upper_bound ti1 in mk_interval (lo, hi) in let f2_int = let lo, hi = lower_bound ti2, upper_bound ti2 in mk_interval (lo, hi) in let d1_ints = table (fun i -> mk_interval (lower_partial ti1 i, upper_partial ti1 i)) in let d2_ints = table (fun i -> mk_interval (lower_partial ti2 i, upper_partial ti2 i)) in let dd = table2 (fun i j -> let ( + ), ( * ) = iadd, imul in mth2 ti1.dd i j * f2_int + mth d1_ints i * mth d2_ints j + mth d1_ints j * mth d2_ints i + f1_int * mth2 ti2.dd i j) in make_taylor_interval(line, ti1.w, dd);; (* primitive A *) type primitiveA = { f_df : int -> float list -> float list -> interval; hfn : float list -> line; second : float list -> float list -> interval list list; };; let make_primitiveA (f,h1,s1) = {f_df = f; hfn = h1; second = s1; };; let unitA = let zero2 = table2 (fun i j -> zero) in make_primitiveA ( (fun i x z -> if i = 0 then one else zero), (fun y -> line_unit), (fun x z -> zero2) );; let evalf4A pA w x y z = make_taylor_interval( pA.hfn y, w, pA.second x z );; let line_estimateA pA y = pA.hfn y;; (* primitive U *) type primitiveU = { slot: int; uv: univariate; };; let mk_primitiveU s1 uv1 = let _ = (s1 < 8) or failwith (Printf.sprintf "slot %d" s1) in { slot = s1; uv = uv1; };; let line_estimateU p y = let y0 = mth y p.slot in let t = mk_interval(y0,y0) in let d = table (fun i -> if (i=p.slot) then eval p.uv t 1 else zero) in mk_line ( eval p.uv t 0, d );; let evalf4U = let row0 = table (fun i -> zero) in fun p w x y z -> let t = mk_interval(mth x p.slot,mth z p.slot) in let row_slot = table (fun i -> if (i=p.slot) then eval p.uv t 2 else zero) in let dd = table (fun i -> if (i=p.slot) then row_slot else row0) in make_taylor_interval( line_estimateU p y, w, dd );; type tfunction = | Prim_a of primitiveA | Uni of primitiveU | Plus of tfunction * tfunction | Product of tfunction * tfunction | Scale of tfunction * interval | Uni_compose of univariate * tfunction | Composite of tfunction * (* F(g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8) *) tfunction *tfunction *tfunction * tfunction *tfunction *tfunction * tfunction *tfunction;; let unit = Prim_a unitA;; let x1 = Uni (mk_primitiveU 0 ux1);; let x2 = Uni (mk_primitiveU 1 ux1);; let x3 = Uni (mk_primitiveU 2 ux1);; let x4 = Uni (mk_primitiveU 3 ux1);; let x5 = Uni (mk_primitiveU 4 ux1);; let x6 = Uni (mk_primitiveU 5 ux1);; let x1x2 = let tab2 = table2 (fun i j -> if (i+j=1) then one else zero) in Prim_a (make_primitiveA( (fun i x z -> let x1 = mk_interval (mth x 0, mth z 0) in let x2 = mk_interval (mth x 1, mth z 1) in if i = 0 then imul x1 x2 else if i = 1 then x2 else if i = 2 then x1 else zero), (fun y -> let u1 = mth y 0 in let u2 = mth y 1 in let x1 = mk_interval(u1,u1) in let x2 = mk_interval(u2,u2) in mk_line( imul x1 x2, table (fun i -> if i=0 then x2 else if i=1 then x1 else zero) )), (fun x z -> tab2)));; let tf_product tf1 tf2 = Composite(x1x2,tf1,tf2,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit);; (* This is one of the most difficult functions in the interval code. It uses the chain rule to compute the second partial derivatives with respect to x(i) x(j), of a function composition F(x1,...,x6) = f(g1(x1,...x6),g2(x1,...x6),...,g6(x1,...x6)). (F i j) = sum {k m} (f k m) (gk i) (gm j) + sum {r} (f r) (gr i j). Fast performance of this function is very important, especially when many of the functions g* are constant. There is a bit of imperative programming here, in computing the sums. Note that ( + ) and ( * ) have different types in various subsections. *) let eval_composite = let rest = () in let sparse_table h f = filter h (List.flatten (table2 f)) in fun hdr p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 w -> let p = [p1;p2;p3;p4;p5;p6;p7;p8] in (* wide and narrow ranges of p *) let (aw,bw) = map (lower_bound) p, map (upper_bound) p in let (a,b) = map (fun p -> p.l.f.lo) p, map (fun p -> p.l.f.hi) p in (* wide and narrow widths from a to b *) let (u,wu,wf) = let ( + ),( - ),( / ) = up();upadd,upsub,updiv in let u = table (fun i -> (mth a i + mth b i) / 2.0) in let wu = table (fun i -> max (mth bw i - mth u i) (mth u i - mth aw i)) in let wf = table (fun i -> max (mth b i - mth u i) (mth u i - mth a i)) in (u,wu,wf) in let (fu:taylor_interval) = hdr wu aw u bw in let fpy = let t = make_taylor_interval(fu.l,wf,fu.dd) in mk_line ( mk_interval(lower_bound t, upper_bound t), table (fun i -> mk_interval(lower_partial t i,upper_partial t i)) ) in (* use chain rule imperatively to compute narrow first derivative *) let df_tmp = Array.create 8 zero in let ( + ) = iadd in let ( * ) = imul in let _ = for j=0 to 7 do let dfj = mth fpy.df j in if is_zero dfj then rest else for i=0 to 7 do let r = mth (mth p j).l.df i in if (is_zero r) then rest else df_tmp.(i) <- df_tmp.(i) + dfj * r; done; done in let lin = mk_line ( fpy.f, Array.to_list df_tmp ) in (* second derivative init *) let fW_partial = table (fun i -> mk_interval(lower_partial fu i,upper_partial fu i)) in let pW_partial = sparse_table (fun (_,_,z) ->not (is_zero z)) (fun k i -> (k,i,(mk_interval(lower_partial (mth p k) i,upper_partial (mth p k) i)))) in (* chain rule 4-nested loop!, but flattened with sparse table *) let dcw = Array.make_matrix 8 8 zero in let _ = for i=0 to 7 do for j=0 to 7 do for k=0 to 7 do if (is_zero (mth2 (mth p k).dd i j)) then rest else dcw.(i).(j) <- dcw.(i).(j) + mth fW_partial k * mth2 ((mth p k).dd) i j ; done; done; done in let len = List.length pW_partial in let _ = for ki = 0 to len-1 do let (k,i,rki) = List.nth pW_partial ki in for mj=0 to len-1 do let (m,j,rmj) = List.nth pW_partial mj in (* Report.report (Printf.sprintf "k i m j rki rmj fuddkm = %d %d %d %d %f %f %f" k i m j rki.lo rmj.lo (mth2 fu.dd k m).lo); *) dcw.(i).(j) <- dcw.(i).(j) + mth2 fu.dd k m * rki * rmj; (* innermost loop *) done; done in let dcw_list = map Array.to_list (Array.to_list dcw) in make_taylor_interval(lin,w,dcw_list);; let rec evalf4 tf w x y z = match tf with | Prim_a p -> evalf4A p w x y z | Uni p -> evalf4U p w x y z | Plus (tf1,tf2) -> ti_add(evalf4 tf1 w x y z, evalf4 tf2 w x y z) | Product (tf1,tf2) -> ti_mul(evalf4 tf1 w x y z, evalf4 tf2 w x y z) | Composite(h,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8) -> let [p1;p2;p3;p4;p5;p6;p7;p8] = map (fun t-> evalf4 t w x y z) [g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8] in eval_composite (evalf4 h) p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 w | Scale (tf,t) -> ti_scale ((evalf4 tf w x y z),t) | Uni_compose (uf,tf) -> let ti = evalf4 tf w x y z in let fy = ti.l.f in let u_fy = uf.u fy in let du_fy = uf.du fy in let line = let ( * ) = imul in mk_line (u_fy, table (fun i -> du_fy * mth ti.l.df i)) in let fx = mk_interval (lower_bound ti, upper_bound ti) in let dfx = table (fun i -> mk_interval (lower_partial ti i, upper_partial ti i)) in let du_fx = uf.du fx in let ddu_fx = uf.ddu fx in let dd = table2 (fun i j -> let ( + ), ( * ) = iadd, imul in (ddu_fx * mth dfx j) * mth dfx i + du_fx * mth2 ti.dd j i) in make_taylor_interval(line, w, dd);; (* evalf4 (Composite(Uni (mk_primitiveU 0 uf),tf,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit)) w x y z;; *) let evalf tf x z = let (y,w) = center_form (x,z) in evalf4 tf w x y z;; (* Evaluates a function (i = 0) and its first derivatives (i = 1, 2, ...) at the given interval *) let rec evalf0 tf i x z = match tf with | Prim_a p -> p.f_df i x z | Uni p -> let int = mk_interval (mth x p.slot, mth z p.slot) in if i = 0 then eval p.uv int 0 else if i = p.slot + 1 then eval p.uv int 1 else zero | Plus (tf1, tf2) -> iadd (evalf0 tf1 i x z) (evalf0 tf2 i x z) | Product (tf1, tf2) -> let itf1, itf2 = evalf0 tf1 0 x z, evalf0 tf2 0 x z in if i = 0 then imul itf1 itf2 else let i_df1, i_df2 = evalf0 tf1 i x z, evalf0 tf2 i x z in iadd (imul i_df1 itf2) (imul itf1 i_df2) | Scale (tf, t) -> imul (evalf0 tf i x z) t | Uni_compose (uf, tf) -> let itf = evalf0 tf 0 x z in if i = 0 then eval uf itf 0 else let i_df = evalf0 tf i x z in imul (eval uf itf 1) i_df | Composite (h,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8) -> let gs = [g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8] in let ps = map (fun t -> let int = evalf0 t 0 x z in int.lo, int.hi) gs in let x', z' = unzip ps in if i = 0 then evalf0 h 0 x' z' else let dhs = table (fun j -> evalf0 h (j + 1) x' z') in let dgs = map (fun t -> evalf0 t i x z) gs in let ( + ), ( * ) = iadd, imul in itlist2 (fun a b c -> a * b + c) dhs dgs zero;; (* let line_estimate_composite = let ( + ) = iadd in let ( * ) = imul in fun h p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 -> let p = [p1;p2;p3;p4;p5;p6;p7;p8] in let (a,b) = map (fun p -> p.f.lo) p, map (fun p -> p.f.hi) p in let fN = evalf h a b in let fN_partial = table (fun i -> mk_interval(lower_partial fN i,upper_partial fN i)) in let pN_partial =table2(fun i j-> (mth (mth p i).df j)) in let cN_partial2 = table2 (fun i j -> mth fN_partial j * mth2 pN_partial j i) in let cN_partial = map (end_itlist ( + )) cN_partial2 in mk_line ( fN.l.f, cN_partial );; let rec line_estimate tf y = match tf with | Prim_a p -> line_estimateA p y | Uni p -> line_estimateU p y | Plus (p,q) -> ladd (line_estimate p y) (line_estimate q y) | Scale (p,t) -> smul (line_estimate p y) t | Uni_compose (uf,tf) -> line_estimate (Composite(Uni { slot=0; uv=uf; },tf,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit)) y | Composite(h,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8) -> let [p1;p2;p3;p4;p5;p6;p7;p8] = map (fun t-> line_estimate t y) [g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8] in line_estimate_composite h p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8;; *) end;;