(* =========================================================== *) (* OCaml verification and result transformation functions *) (* Author: Alexey Solovyev *) (* Date: 2012-10-27 *) (* =========================================================== *) needs "verifier/interval_m/recurse.hl";; (*needs "verifier/interval_m/recurse0.ml";;*) module Verifier = struct open Interval_types;; open Interval;; open Univariate;; open Line_interval;; open Taylor;; open Recurse;; type certificate_stats = { pass : int; pass_raw : int; pass_mono : int; mono : int; glue : int; glue_convex : int; };; let dummy_stats = { pass = 0; pass_raw = 0; pass_mono = 0; mono = 0; glue = 0; glue_convex = 0; };; (**********************************) type run_test_options = { min_flag : bool; min_max : float; allow_d : bool; allow_convex_flag : bool; mono_pass_flag : bool; raw_interval_flag : bool; epsilon : float; };; let run_test_opt0 = { min_flag = false; min_max = 0.0; allow_d = true; allow_convex_flag = false; mono_pass_flag = false; raw_interval_flag = false; epsilon = 0.0; };; let run_test fs x z opt0 = let pad = replicate 0.0 (8 - length x) in let xx = x @ pad and zz = z @ pad in let mone = mk_interval(-1.0,-1.0) in let neg_fs = map (fun f -> Scale(f, mone)) fs in let ffs = if opt0.min_flag then map (fun neg_f -> Plus(neg_f, Scale(unit,mk_interval(opt0.min_max, opt0.min_max)))) neg_fs else map (fun f -> Plus(f, Scale(unit, ineg (mk_interval(opt0.min_max, opt0.min_max))))) fs in let opt = { only_check_deriv1_negative = false; is_using_dihmax =false; is_using_bigface126 =false; width_cutoff =0.05; allow_sharp =false; allow_derivatives = opt0.allow_d; iteration_count = 0; iteration_limit = 0; recursion_depth = 200; mono_pass = opt0.mono_pass_flag; convex_flag = opt0.allow_convex_flag; raw_int_flag = opt0.raw_interval_flag; eps = opt0.epsilon; } in let tfs = map2 (fun f i -> {tf = f; index = i}) ffs (0--(length ffs - 1)) in recursive_verifier(xx,zz,xx,zz,tfs,opt);; (* A verification procedure which uses raw interval arithmetic only *) (* open Recurse0;; let run_test0 f x z min_flag min_max allow_d convex_flag mono_pass_flag eps = let pad = replicate 0.0 (8 - length x) in let xx = x @ pad and zz = z @ pad in let mone = mk_interval(-1.0,-1.0) in let neg_f = Scale(f, mone) in let ff = if min_flag then Plus(neg_f, Scale(unit,mk_interval(min_max, min_max))) else Plus(f, Scale(unit, ineg (mk_interval(min_max, min_max)))) in let opt = { only_check_deriv1_negative = false; is_using_dihmax =false; is_using_bigface126 =false; width_cutoff =0.05; allow_sharp =false; allow_derivatives =allow_d; iteration_count =0; iteration_limit =0; recursion_depth =200; mono_pass = mono_pass_flag; convex_flag = convex_flag; raw_int_flag = true; eps = eps; } in recursive_verifier0(0,xx,zz,xx,zz,ff,opt);; *) (****************************************) let domain_str x z = let s1 = map string_of_float x and s2 = map string_of_float z in sprintf "[%s], [%s]" (String.concat "; " s1) (String.concat "; " s2);; let path_str p = String.concat "," (map (fun s, j -> sprintf "%s(%d)" s j) p);; (* get_results0 *) (* This function finds all subtrees of the given solution tree which can be veified immediately (no Result_pass_mono). These subtrees are added to the accumulator. Paths to the roots of all subtrees are also saved in the accumulator. The third returned value is a solution tree where all found subtrees are replaced with Result_pass_ref j, with j = #of the corresponding subtree in the accumulator (1-based) *) let get_results0 path r acc = let dummy_tree = Result_false ([], []) in let is_ref r = match r with Result_pass_ref _ -> true | _ -> false in let rec get_rec path r acc = match r with | Result_mono (mono, r1) -> let get_m m = (if m.decr_flag then "ml" else "mr"), m.variable in let path' = rev_itlist (fun m l -> get_m m :: l) mono path in let flag, acc', tree = get_rec path' r1 acc in if flag then true, acc', dummy_tree else false, acc', Result_mono (mono, tree) | Result_glue (j, convex_flag, r1, r2) -> let s1, s2 = if convex_flag then "ml", "mr" else "l", "r" in let p1, p2 = ((s1, j + 1) :: path), ((s2, j + 1) :: path) in let flag1, acc1, tree1 = get_rec p1 r1 acc in let flag2, acc', tree2 = get_rec p2 r2 acc1 in let n = (length acc' + 1) in if flag1 then if flag2 then true, acc', dummy_tree else if is_ref r1 then false, acc', Result_glue (j, convex_flag, r1, tree2) else false, acc' @ [rev p1, r1], Result_glue (j, convex_flag, Result_pass_ref n, tree2) else if flag2 then if is_ref r2 then false, acc', Result_glue (j, convex_flag, tree1, r2) else false, acc' @ [rev p2, r2], Result_glue (j, convex_flag, tree1, Result_pass_ref n) else false, acc', Result_glue (j, convex_flag, tree1, tree2) | Result_pass_mono _ -> false, acc, r | _ -> true, acc, dummy_tree in get_rec path r acc;; (* transform_result *) let transform_result x z r = (* get_domain *) (* Subdivides the given domain (x,z) according to the given path *) let domain_hash = Hashtbl.create 1000 in let find_hash, mem_hash, add_hash = Hashtbl.find domain_hash, Hashtbl.mem domain_hash, Hashtbl.add domain_hash in let get_domain path = let n = length x in let table f = map f (0--(n - 1)) in let rec rec_domain (x, z) path hash = match path with | [] -> x, z | (s, j) :: ps -> let hash' = hash^s^(string_of_int j) in if mem_hash hash' then rec_domain (find_hash hash') ps hash' else let j = j - 1 in let domain' = if s = "l" or s = "r" then let ( ++ ), ( / ) = up(); upadd, updiv in let yj = (mth x j ++ mth z j) / 2.0 in let delta b v = table (fun i -> if i = j && b then yj else mth v i) in if s = "l" then delta false x, delta true z else delta true x, delta false z else if s = "ml" then x, table (fun i -> if i = j then mth x i else mth z i) else table (fun i -> if i = j then mth z i else mth x i), z in let _ = add_hash hash' domain' in rec_domain domain' ps hash' in rec_domain (x,z) path "" in (* sub_domain *) (* Verifies if interval [x',z'] SUBSET interval [x,z] *) let sub_domain (x',z') (x,z) = let le a b = itlist2 (fun a b c -> c & (a <= b)) a b true in le x x' & le z' z in (* transform_pass_mono *) (* Replaces all (Result_pass_mono m) with (Result_mono [m] (Result_ref j)) where j is the reference to the corresponding domain *) let transform_pass_mono x z domains r = let domains_i = zip domains (1--length domains) in let find_domain x' z' = try find (fun d, _ -> sub_domain (x', z') d) domains_i with Failure _ -> (x,z), -1 in let get_m m = (if m.decr_flag then "ml" else "mr"), m.variable in let rec rec_transform path r = match r with | Result_mono (mono, r1) -> let path' = rev_itlist (fun m l -> get_m m :: l) mono path in Result_mono (mono, rec_transform path' r1) | Result_glue (j, convex_flag, r1, r2) -> let s1, s2 = if convex_flag then "ml", "mr" else "l", "r" in let p1, p2 = ((s1, j + 1) :: path), ((s2, j + 1) :: path) in let t1 = rec_transform p1 r1 in let t2 = rec_transform p2 r2 in Result_glue (j, convex_flag, t1, t2) | Result_pass_mono m -> let path' = rev (get_m m :: path) in let x', z' = get_domain path' in let _, i = find_domain x' z' in (* let _ = report (sprintf "p = %s, d = %s, found: %d" (domain_str x' z') (path_str path') i) in *) if i >= 0 then Result_mono ([m], Result_pass_ref (-i)) else r | _ -> r in rec_transform [] r in let rec transform acc r = let flag, rs, r' = get_results0 [] r acc in if flag then (rs @ [[], r]) else let domains = map (fun p, _ -> get_domain p) rs in let r_next = transform_pass_mono x z domains r' in let _ = r_next <> r' or failwith "transform_result: deadlock" in transform rs r_next in transform [] r;; (* Computes result statistics *) let result_stats result = let pass = ref 0 and mono = ref 0 and glue = ref 0 and pass_mono = ref 0 and pass_raw = ref 0 and glue_convex = ref 0 in let rec count r = match r with | Result_false _ -> failwith "False result" | Result_pass (_, flag) -> pass := !pass + 1; if flag then pass_raw := !pass_raw + 1 else () | Result_pass_mono _ -> pass_mono := !pass_mono + 1 | Result_pass_ref _ -> () | Result_mono (_, r1) -> mono := !mono + 1; count r1 | Result_glue (_, flag, r1, r2) -> glue := !glue + 1; if flag then glue_convex := !glue_convex + 1 else (); count r1; count r2 in let _ = count result in {pass = !pass; pass_raw = !pass_raw; pass_mono = !pass_mono; mono = !mono; glue = !glue; glue_convex = !glue_convex};; let report_stats stats = let s = sprintf "pass = %d (pass_raw = %d)\nmono = %d\nglue = %d (glue_convex = %d)\npass_mono = %d" stats.pass stats.pass_raw stats.mono stats.glue stats.glue_convex stats.pass_mono in report s;; let result_p_stats glue_flag p_result = let p_table = Hashtbl.create 10 in let add1 p = let c = if Hashtbl.mem p_table p then Hashtbl.find p_table p else 0 in Hashtbl.replace p_table p (succ c) in let rec count r = match r with | P_result_ref _ -> () | P_result_pass (pp, _, _) -> add1 pp.pp | P_result_mono (pp, _, r1) -> add1 pp.pp; count r1 | P_result_glue (pp, _, _, r1, r2) -> if glue_flag then add1 pp.pp else (); count r1; count r2 in let _ = count p_result in let s = Hashtbl.fold (fun p c s -> (sprintf "p = %d: %d\n" p c) ^ s) p_table "" in report s;; end;;