needs "../formal_lp/ineqs/constants_approx.hl";; module Lp_approx_ineqs = struct open Constants_approx;; (* Integral approximation of inequalities and equalities *) let mk_decimal = let decimal_const = `DECIMAL` and neg_op_real = `(--):real->real` in fun (n,m) -> let tm = mk_comb(mk_comb(decimal_const, mk_numeral (abs_num n)), mk_numeral m) in if (n real->bool` in fun tm precision -> let n = rat_of_term tm in let m = Int 10 **/ (Int precision) in let n1 = n */ m in let low, high = floor_num n1, ceiling_num n1 in let l_tm, h_tm = if precision = 0 then term_of_rat low, term_of_rat high else mk_decimal (low, m), mk_decimal (high, m) in let l_th = EQT_ELIM (REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (mk_binop le_op_real l_tm tm)) in let h_th = EQT_ELIM (REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (mk_binop le_op_real tm h_tm)) in l_th, h_th;; (* Splits a sum into two parts: with and without free variables *) let split_sum_conv = let sum_th0 = REAL_ARITH `x = x + &0 + &0` and sum_th1 = REAL_ARITH `(x + y) + b + c = y + (x + b) + c:real` and sum_th2 = REAL_ARITH `(x + y) + b + c = y + b + (x + c):real` and sum_th1' = REAL_ARITH `x + b + c = (x + b) + c:real` and sum_th2' = REAL_ARITH `x + b + c = b + (x + c):real` in let x_var_real = `x:real` and y_var_real = `y:real` and b_var_real = `b:real` and c_var_real = `c:real` and add_op_real = `(+):real->real->real` in let rec split_sum_raw_conv tm = let xy_tm, bc_tm = dest_binop add_op_real tm in let b_tm, c_tm = dest_binop add_op_real bc_tm in if (is_binop add_op_real xy_tm) then let x_tm, y_tm = dest_binop add_op_real xy_tm in let inst_th = INST[x_tm, x_var_real; y_tm, y_var_real; b_tm, b_var_real; c_tm, c_var_real] in let th1 = if (frees x_tm <> []) then inst_th sum_th1 else inst_th sum_th2 in let th2 = split_sum_raw_conv (rand(concl th1)) in TRANS th1 th2 else let inst_th = INST[xy_tm, x_var_real; b_tm, b_var_real; c_tm, c_var_real] in if (frees xy_tm <> []) then inst_th sum_th1' else inst_th sum_th2' in fun tm -> let th0 = INST[tm, x_var_real] sum_th0 in let th1 = split_sum_raw_conv (rand(concl th0)) in TRANS th0 th1;; let rearrange_mul_conv = let mul_op_real = `( * ):real->real->real` in let rec dest_mul tm = if (is_binop mul_op_real tm) then let lhs, rhs = dest_binop mul_op_real tm in let cs, vars = dest_mul rhs in if (frees lhs = []) then lhs::cs, vars else cs, lhs::vars else if (frees tm = []) then [tm], [] else [], [tm] in let mk_mul list = if (list = []) then failwith "rearrange_mul: empty list" else itlist (fun l r -> mk_binop mul_op_real l r) (tl list) (hd list) in fun tm -> let cs, vars = dest_mul tm in let cs_mul, vars_mul = mk_mul cs, mk_mul vars in let t = mk_eq(tm, mk_binop mul_op_real cs_mul vars_mul) in EQT_ELIM (REWRITE_CONV[REAL_MUL_AC] t);; (* Moves everything with free variables on the left and performs basic reductions *) let ineq_rewrite_conv = let le_add_th = REAL_ARITH `x + y <= b + c <=> x - b <= c - y:real` in REWRITE_CONV[real_ge; real_div; DECIMAL] THENC LAND_CONV REAL_POLY_CONV THENC RAND_CONV REAL_POLY_CONV THENC LAND_CONV split_sum_conv THENC RAND_CONV split_sum_conv THENC ONCE_REWRITE_CONV[le_add_th] THENC LAND_CONV REAL_POLY_CONV THENC RAND_CONV REAL_POLY_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV[GSYM real_div] THENC ONCE_DEPTH_CONV rearrange_mul_conv;; (* Approximation *) let le_mul1_th = REAL_ARITH `!x. &1 * x <= x`;; let ge_mul1_th = REAL_ARITH `!x. x <= &1 * x`;; let INTERVAL_LO = prove(`interval_arith x (a,b) ==> a <= x`, SIMP_TAC[interval_arith]);; let INTERVAL_HI = prove(`interval_arith x (a,b) ==> x <= b`, SIMP_TAC[interval_arith]);; let add_op_real = `(+):real->real->real`;; let rec low_approx tm precision = let low_approx1 tm precision = if (is_binop mul_op_real tm && frees tm <> []) then let c, var = dest_binop mul_op_real tm in let interval_th = approx_interval (create_interval c) precision in let l_th = MATCH_MP INTERVAL_LO interval_th in let a, b = dest_binop le_op_real (concl l_th) in (PROVE_HYP l_th o UNDISCH_ALL o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP] o SPECL[a; b; var]) REAL_LE_RMUL else if (frees tm = []) then MATCH_MP INTERVAL_LO (approx_interval (create_interval tm) precision) else SPEC tm le_mul1_th in if (is_binop add_op_real tm && frees tm <> []) then let lhs, rhs = dest_binop add_op_real tm in let l_th = low_approx1 lhs precision in let r_th = low_approx rhs precision in MATCH_MP REAL_LE_ADD2 (CONJ l_th r_th) else low_approx1 tm precision;; let rec hi_approx tm precision = let hi_approx1 tm precision = if (is_binop mul_op_real tm && frees tm <> []) then let c, var = dest_binop mul_op_real tm in let interval_th = approx_interval (create_interval c) precision in let h_th = MATCH_MP INTERVAL_HI interval_th in let a, b = dest_binop le_op_real (concl h_th) in (PROVE_HYP h_th o UNDISCH_ALL o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP] o SPECL[a; b; var]) REAL_LE_RMUL else if (frees tm = []) then MATCH_MP INTERVAL_HI (approx_interval (create_interval tm) precision) else SPEC tm ge_mul1_th in if (is_binop add_op_real tm && frees tm <> []) then let lhs, rhs = dest_binop add_op_real tm in let l_th = hi_approx1 lhs precision in let r_th = hi_approx rhs precision in MATCH_MP REAL_LE_ADD2 (CONJ l_th r_th) else hi_approx1 tm precision;; let approx_le_ineq precision tm = let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real tm in let lhs_th = low_approx lhs precision in let rhs_th = hi_approx rhs precision in let ll, lr = dest_binop le_op_real (concl lhs_th) in let rl, rr = dest_binop le_op_real (concl rhs_th) in let th0 = ASSUME tm in let th1 = SPECL[ll; lr; rhs] REAL_LE_TRANS in let th2 = SPECL[ll; rhs; rr] REAL_LE_TRANS in let s1 = MATCH_MP th1 (CONJ lhs_th th0) in MATCH_MP th2 (CONJ s1 rhs_th);; let integer_approx_le_ineq precision ineq = let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real ineq in let m = (Int 10 **/ Int precision) in let m_num, m_real = mk_numeral m, term_of_rat m in let m_pos = SPEC m_num REAL_POS in let mul_th = SPECL[m_real; lhs; rhs] REAL_LE_LMUL in let th0 = MATCH_MP mul_th (CONJ m_pos (ASSUME ineq)) in let th1 = (CONV_RULE ineq_rewrite_conv) th0 in let approx = approx_le_ineq 0 (concl th1) in PROVE_HYP th1 approx;; let create_approximations precision_list ineq = let ineq_th = ineq_rewrite_conv ineq in let rhs = rand(concl ineq_th) in let th0 = CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV (REWRITE_CONV[DECIMAL] THENC REAL_POLY_CONV)) (approx_le_ineq 8 rhs) in let int_approx p = let th1 = integer_approx_le_ineq p (concl th0) in let th2 = PROVE_HYP th0 th1 in let th3 = DISCH rhs th2 in REWRITE_RULE[GSYM ineq_th] th3 in map int_approx precision_list;; (**********************************) (* let tm = `(&34/ &13 + pi/sol0)* x + &2 + -- &14 / &3 * z <= pi + rho218 + z * sol0 - u / &1000`;; create_approximations [3;4;5] tm;; *) (*************************) (* Additional step for generalizing hypotheses *) let LIST_SUM_LMUL = prove(`!(f:A->real) c n. list_sum n (\x. c * f x) = c * list_sum n f`, REWRITE_TAC[Seq2.list_sum_lmul]);; let le_hyp_gen = prove(`!f y. (!x. &0 <= f x) ==> &0 <= f y`, SIMP_TAC[]);; let le_list_sum_hyp_gen = prove(`!(f:A->real) n. (!x. &0 <= f x) ==> &0 <= list_sum n f`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN MATCH_MP_TAC Seq2.list_sum_ge0 THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]);; let generalize_hyp th = let gen_hyp tm = let fn, arg = dest_comb (rand tm) in if (is_comb fn && is_const (rator fn) && (fst o dest_const o rator) fn = "list_sum") then let f, n = arg, rand fn in UNDISCH_ALL (ISPECL[f; n] le_list_sum_hyp_gen) else UNDISCH_ALL (ISPECL[fn; arg] le_hyp_gen) in let hyp_ths = map gen_hyp (hyp th) in itlist PROVE_HYP hyp_ths th;; (* let tm = `list_sum n (\x. s x * r) + &1 / &3 * (azim_dart (V,E) o g) x <= pi`;; let ths = create_approximations [3] tm;; map generalize_hyp ths;; *) (*******************************) let generate_ineqs = let imp_th = TAUT `(A ==> B) ==> ((P ==> A) ==> (P ==> B))` in let and_imp_th = TAUT `(A ==> B /\ C) <=> ((A ==> B) /\ (A ==> C))` in let p_bool = `P:bool` in let strip_imp = splitlist dest_imp in let list_mk_imp = itlist (curry mk_imp) in let create_approxs pos_ths original_th precision_list = let var, ineq' = (dest_abs o rand o rator o concl) original_th in let cond_tms, ineq = strip_imp ineq' in let final_step = fun approx_th -> let p_tm', q_tm' = dest_imp (concl approx_th) in let p_tm, q_tm = mk_abs(var, list_mk_imp cond_tms p_tm'), mk_abs(var, list_mk_imp cond_tms q_tm') in let list_tm = (rand o concl) original_th in let mono_th = BETA_RULE (ISPECL[p_tm; q_tm; list_tm] (GEN_ALL MONO_ALL)) in let approx_th2 = itlist (fun p_tm th -> MATCH_MP (INST [p_tm, p_bool] imp_th) th) cond_tms approx_th in let s1 = MATCH_MP mono_th (GEN var approx_th2) in MATCH_MP s1 original_th in let approx_ths0 = map generalize_hyp (create_approximations precision_list ineq) in let approx_ths1 = map (itlist PROVE_HYP pos_ths) approx_ths0 in let approx_ths = map (REWRITE_RULE[GSYM LIST_SUM_LMUL]) approx_ths1 in map final_step approx_ths in fun pos_ths precision_list ineq_th -> let _, ineq = (strip_imp o snd o dest_abs o rand o rator o concl) ineq_th in if (is_eq ineq) then let eq_th = PURE_REWRITE_RULE[GSYM REAL_LE_ANTISYM; and_imp_th; GSYM AND_ALL] ineq_th in let ths1 = create_approxs pos_ths (CONJUNCT1 eq_th) precision_list in let ths2 = create_approxs pos_ths (CONJUNCT2 eq_th) precision_list in ths1, ths2 else create_approxs pos_ths ineq_th precision_list, [];; (* generate_ineqs [] [3;4] (ASSUME `ALL (\n. list_sum n (\x. f x) - &1 <= pi) s`);; *) end;;