needs "contravening_ineqs.hl";; needs "list_hypermap_computations.hl";; needs "arith/prove_lp.hl";; let plus_op_real = `(+):real->real->real` and mul_op_real = `( * ):real->real->real`;; let REAL_ADD_ASSOC' = (SYM o SPEC_ALL) REAL_ADD_ASSOC;; let x_var_real = `x:real` and y_var_real = `y:real` and z_var_real = `z:real`;; (* Performs the following conversions: (a + ... + c) + d = a + ... + c + d *) let rec plus_assoc_conv tm = if (is_binop plus_op_real tm) then let lhs, rhs = dest_binop plus_op_real tm in if (is_binop plus_op_real lhs) then let x_tm, y_tm = dest_binop plus_op_real lhs in let th0 = INST[x_tm, x_var_real; y_tm, y_var_real; rhs, z_var_real] REAL_ADD_ASSOC' in let ltm, rtm = dest_comb(rand(concl th0)) in TRANS th0 (AP_TERM ltm (plus_assoc_conv rtm)) else REFL tm else REFL tm;; (* let tm = `(&1 + x + y + &2) + (z + t)`;; plus_assoc_conv tm;; (* 0.252 *) test 1000 (REWRITE_CONV[GSYM REAL_ADD_ASSOC]) tm;; (* 0.036 *) test 1000 plus_assoc_conv tm;; *) let prove_hypermap_lp hyp_str precision constraints target_var_bounds var_bounds = let list_hyp, list_thm, fun_table = compute_all hyp_str in let table_set_rewrites = let hyp = Hashtbl.create 10 in let _ = map (fun set, name -> Hashtbl.add hyp set (Hashtbl.find list_thm name)) [ "list_of_darts", "darts"; "list_of_darts3", "darts3"; "list_of_darts4", "darts4"; "list_of_dartsX", "dartsX"; "list_of_nodes", "nodes"; "list_of_edges", "edges"; "list_of_faces", "faces"; "list_of_faces3", "faces3"; "list_of_faces4", "faces4"; "list_of_faces5", "faces5"; "list_of_faces6", "faces6"; ] in hyp in let l_var_list = `L:((num)list)list` in (* Rewrites subterms in the inequality *) let rewrite_ineq ineq = let rec rewrite_lhs = fun tm -> let rewrite_one = fun tm -> if (is_binop mul_op_real tm) then let mul_tm, var_tm = dest_comb tm in let var_f, arg = dest_comb var_tm in let rec convert_arg = fun arg -> if (is_comb arg) then let ltm, sub_arg' = dest_comb arg in let const_name = (fst o dest_const) (if (is_const ltm) then ltm else rator ltm) in if (const_name = "CONS" or const_name = ",") then REFL arg else try let sub_arg_th = convert_arg sub_arg' in let th0 = AP_TERM ltm sub_arg_th in let rtm = rand(concl th0) in let th1 = if (const_name = "set_of_list") then set_of_list_conv rtm else if (const_name = "FST") then fst_conv rtm else if (const_name = "SND") then snd_conv rtm else let table = Hashtbl.find fun_table const_name in Hashtbl.find table (rand rtm) in TRANS th0 th1 with e -> failwith ("convert_arg: "^const_name) else REFL arg in let arg_th = convert_arg arg in AP_TERM mul_tm (AP_TERM var_f arg_th) else (* tm should be list_sum *) list_sum_conv BETA_CONV tm in if (is_binop plus_op_real tm) then let lhs, rhs = dest_binop plus_op_real tm in let lhs_th = rewrite_one lhs in let rhs_th = rewrite_lhs rhs in let th1 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM plus_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th) in if (is_binop plus_op_real (rand(concl lhs_th))) then let th2 = plus_assoc_conv (rand(concl th1)) in TRANS th1 th2 else th1 else rewrite_one tm in let th0 = BETA_RULE ineq in let ltm, rtm = dest_comb(concl th0) in let op_tm, l_tm = dest_comb ltm in let lhs_th = rewrite_lhs l_tm in EQ_MP (AP_THM (AP_TERM op_tm lhs_th) rtm) th0 in (* This function generates all inequalities from a given base inequality *) let get_ineqs = fun ineq indices -> let t0 = INST[list_hyp, l_var_list] ineq in let t1 = MY_PROVE_HYP (Hashtbl.find list_thm "good_list") t0 in let all_tm, set_tm = dest_comb (concl t1) in let set_th = Hashtbl.find table_set_rewrites ((fst o dest_const o rator) set_tm) in let t2 = EQ_MP (AP_TERM all_tm set_th) t1 in let ths = select_all t2 indices in map rewrite_ineq ths in let precision_constant = Int 10 **/ (Int precision) and target_bound = `&12` in (* This function generates all inequalities with the given name and indices, multiplies these inequalities by given coefficients, and adds up the obtained inequalities *) let sum_step = fun (name, indices, c) -> try let ineq = find_ineq precision name in let ineqs = get_ineqs ineq indices in let s1 = map transform_le_ineq (zip ineqs c) in List.fold_left add_step' dummy s1 with e -> failwith ("Problem: "^name) in (* Find all sums *) let s1' = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step constraints) in let s1 = mul_step s1' (mk_real_int precision_constant) in let s2 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step target_var_bounds) in let s3 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step var_bounds) in let s4 = add_step' (add_step' s1 s2) s3 in (* Final transformations *) let r6 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV NUM_TO_NUMERAL_CONV) s4 in let m = term_of_rat (precision_constant */ precision_constant */ precision_constant) in let r7 = mul_rat_step r6 (mk_comb (`(/) (&1)`, m)) in let r8 = REWRITE_RULE[lin_f; ITLIST; REAL_ADD_RID] r7 in let r9 = EQT_ELIM (REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (mk_binop le_op ((rand o concl) r8) target_bound)) in MATCH_MP REAL_LE_TRANS (CONJ r8 r9);; (*******************************************) (* needs "test_out.hl";; prove_hypermap_lp hypermap_string precision constraints target_variables variable_bounds;; (* 3.060 *) test 1 (prove_hypermap_lp hypermap_string precision constraints target_variables) variable_bounds;; let x = 1;; *) (*************************************) (* let prove_hypermap_lp hyp_str precision constraints target_var_bounds var_bounds = (* Compute all components of the hypermap *) let list_hyp, list_thm = compute_all hyp_str in let hyp_rewrites1 = map (Hashtbl.find list_thm) [ "darts"; "darts3"; "darts4"; "dartsX"; "nodes"; "edges"; "faces"; "faces3"; "faces4"; "faces5"; "faces6" ] in let hyp_rewrites2 = map (Hashtbl.find list_thm) [ "f_list_ext"; "nodes_table"; "faces_table"; ] in let l_var_list = `L:((num)list)list` in (* This function generates all inequalities from a given base inequality *) let get_ineqs = fun ineq indices -> let t0 = INST[list_hyp, l_var_list] ineq in let t1 = MY_PROVE_HYP (Hashtbl.find list_thm "good_list") t0 in let t2 = REWRITE_RULE hyp_rewrites1 t1 in let ths = select_all t2 indices in let ineqs = map (REWRITE_RULE ([list_sum; ITLIST; REAL_ADD_RID; set_of_list; GSYM REAL_ADD_ASSOC] @ hyp_rewrites2)) ths in ineqs in let precision_constant = Int 10 **/ (Int precision) in let target_bound = `&12` in (* This function generates all inequalities with the given name and indices, multiplies these inequalities by given coefficients, and adds up the obtained inequalities *) let sum_step = fun (name, indices, c) -> try let ineq = find_ineq precision name in let ineqs = get_ineqs ineq indices in let s1 = map transform_le_ineq (zip ineqs c) in List.fold_left add_step' dummy s1 with e -> failwith ("Problem: "^name) in (* Find all sums *) let s1' = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step constraints) in let s1 = mul_step s1' (mk_real_int precision_constant) in let s2 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step target_var_bounds) in let s3 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step var_bounds) in let s4 = add_step' (add_step' s1 s2) s3 in (* Final transformations *) let r6 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV NUM_TO_NUMERAL_CONV) s4 in let m = term_of_rat (precision_constant */ precision_constant */ precision_constant) in let r7 = mul_rat_step r6 (mk_comb (`(/) (&1)`, m)) in let r8 = REWRITE_RULE[lin_f; ITLIST; REAL_ADD_RID] r7 in let r9 = EQT_ELIM (REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (mk_binop le_op ((rand o concl) r8) target_bound)) in MATCH_MP REAL_LE_TRANS (CONJ r8 r9);; *) (***********************************) (* needs "test_out.hl";; (* 18.821 *) test 1 (prove_hypermap_lp hypermap_string precision constraints target_variables) variable_bounds;; *) (* (* Compute all components of the hypermap *) let hyp_str = hypermap_string and target_var_bounds = target_variables and var_bounds = variable_bounds;; (* 0.736 *) test 1 (compute_all) hyp_str;; (**************************) (* (* 2.340 *) test 10 (get_ineqs ineq) indices;; (* 2.136 *) test 10 (get_ineqs2 ineq) indices;; *) *)