(* ========================================================================== *) (* FLYSPECK - BOOK FORMALIZATION *) (* *) (* Conclusions *) (* Chapter: Tame Hypermap *) (* Author: Thomas C. Hales *) (* Date: 2010-02-27 *) (* ========================================================================== *) (* Conclusions file for Tame Hypermap *) flyspeck_needs "hypermap/hypermap.hl";; flyspeck_needs "fan/fan_defs.hl";; flyspeck_needs "packing/pack_defs.hl";; flyspeck_needs "tame/tame_defs.hl";; module Tame_concl = struct let PPHEUFG_concl = `!(H:(A)hypermap). tame_hypermap H <=> tame_hypermap (opposite_hypermap H)`;; let RUNOQPQ_concl = `!(H:(A)hypermap). tame_hypermap H ==> restricted_hypermap H`;; (* WTEMDTA_concl skipped. Tame hypermap classification theorem. *) let UBHDEUU1_concl = `! V. packing V /\ V SUBSET ball_annulus ==> FAN(vec 0, V, ESTD V)`;; let UBHDEUU2_concl = `! V. packing V /\ V SUBSET ball_annulus ==> FAN(vec 0, V, ECTC V)`;; let FATUGPD_concl = `!V. packing V /\ V SUBSET ball_annulus ==> (?W phi. BIJ phi V W /\ (!v. v IN V ==> norm(v) = norm(phi v)) /\ (!w. w IN W ==> (set_of_edge w W (ECTC W) = {}) \/ (surrounded_node (W,(ECTC W)) w)))`;; let FJLBXS_concl = `!V. packing V /\ V SUBSET ball_annulus ==> (?W phi. BIJ phi V W /\ (!v. v IN V ==> norm(v) = norm(phi v)) /\ (!w. w IN W ==> (set_of_edge w W (ESTD W) = {}) \/ (surrounded_node (W,(ESTD W)) w)))`;; let FCDJDOT_concl = `(?W. packing W /\ W SUBSET ball_annulus /\ scriptL W > &12) ==> (?V. contravening V)`;; let HRXEFDM_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> ( sum (face_set_of_fan (V,ESTD V)) (\ f. tauVEF (V,ESTD V,f) ) < &4 * pi - &20 * sol0 )`;; let JGTDEBU1_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> planar_hypermap (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU2_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> plain_hypermap (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU3_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> connected_hypermap (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU4_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> simple_hypermap (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU5_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> is_edge_nondegenerate (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU6_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> no_loops (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU7_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> is_no_double_joints (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU8_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> number_of_faces (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V)) >= 3 `;; let JGTDEBU10_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> tame_10 (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let JGTDEBU11_concl = `!V. contravening V ==> tame_11a (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let CDTETAT_concl = `!V x. contravening V /\ x IN dart_of_fan (V,ESTD V) /\ tame_hypermap_calcs ==> (let (p,q,r) = type_of_node (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V)) x in ((p,q+r) IN { (0,3), (0,4), (0,5), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (4,0), (4,1),(4,2), (5,0), (5,1), (6,0), (6,1), (7,0) }))`;; let SZIPOAS_concl = `!V. contravening V /\ tame_hypermap_calcs ==> tame_11b (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; let KCBLRQC_concl = `!V x. contravening V /\ x IN dart_of_fan (V,ESTD V) /\ tame_hypermap_calcs ==> (let H = hypermap_of_fan (V,ESTD V) in let (p,q,r) = type_of_node H x in (r > 0) \/ (sum (set_of_face_meeting_node H x) (\ f. tauVEF (V,ESTD V,f)) >= b_tame p q))`;; let BDJYFFB1_concl = `!V x. contravening V /\ x IN dart_of_fan (V, ESTD V) /\ tame_hypermap_calcs ==> tame_12o ( hypermap_of_fan (V,ESTD V) ) `;; let BDJYFFB2_concl = `!V x. contravening V /\ x IN dart_of_fan (V, ESTD V) /\ tame_hypermap_calcs ==> (let H = hypermap_of_fan (V,ESTD V) in (type_of_node H x = (5,0,1)) ==> sum {f | f IN set_of_face_meeting_node H x /\ CARD(f)=3 } (\f. tauVEF (V, ESTD V,f)) > #0.63)`;; let CRTTXAT_concl = `!V. contravening V /\ tame_hypermap_calcs /\ (perimeterbound (V, ESTD V))==> tame_9a (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; (* main result of the chapter. *) let MQMSMAB_concl = `!V. contravening V /\ tame_hypermap_calcs /\ (perimeterbound (V, ESTD V))==> tame_hypermap (hypermap_of_fan (V, ESTD V))`;; end;;