(* ========================================================================= *) (* Cubic formula. *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "Complex/complex_transc.ml";; prioritize_complex();; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Define cube roots (it doesn't matter which one we choose here) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ccbrt = new_definition `ccbrt(z) = if z = Cx(&0) then Cx(&0) else cexp(clog(z) / Cx(&3))`;; let CCBRT = prove (`!z. ccbrt(z) pow 3 = z`, GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[ccbrt] THEN COND_CASES_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THENL [CONV_TAC COMPLEX_RING; ALL_TAC] THEN REWRITE_TAC[COMPLEX_FIELD `z pow 3 = z * z * z:complex`; GSYM CEXP_ADD] THEN REWRITE_TAC[COMPLEX_FIELD `z / Cx(&3) + z / Cx(&3) + z / Cx(&3) = z`] THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC[CEXP_CLOG]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The reduction to a simpler form. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let CUBIC_REDUCTION = COMPLEX_FIELD `~(a = Cx(&0)) /\ x = y - b / (Cx(&3) * a) /\ p = (Cx(&3) * a * c - b pow 2) / (Cx(&9) * a pow 2) /\ q = (Cx(&9) * a * b * c - Cx(&2) * b pow 3 - Cx(&27) * a pow 2 * d) / (Cx(&54) * a pow 3) ==> (a * x pow 3 + b * x pow 2 + c * x + d = Cx(&0) <=> y pow 3 + Cx(&3) * p * y - Cx(&2) * q = Cx(&0))`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The solutions of the special form. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let CUBIC_BASIC = COMPLEX_FIELD `!i t s. s pow 2 = q pow 2 + p pow 3 /\ (s1 pow 3 = if p = Cx(&0) then Cx(&2) * q else q + s) /\ s2 = --s1 * (Cx(&1) + i * t) / Cx(&2) /\ s3 = --s1 * (Cx(&1) - i * t) / Cx(&2) /\ i pow 2 + Cx(&1) = Cx(&0) /\ t pow 2 = Cx(&3) ==> if p = Cx(&0) then (y pow 3 + Cx(&3) * p * y - Cx(&2) * q = Cx(&0) <=> y = s1 \/ y = s2 \/ y = s3) else ~(s1 = Cx(&0)) /\ (y pow 3 + Cx(&3) * p * y - Cx(&2) * q = Cx(&0) <=> (y = s1 - p / s1 \/ y = s2 - p / s2 \/ y = s3 - p / s3))`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Explicit formula for the roots (doesn't matter which square/cube roots). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let CUBIC = prove (`~(a = Cx(&0)) ==> let p = (Cx(&3) * a * c - b pow 2) / (Cx(&9) * a pow 2) and q = (Cx(&9) * a * b * c - Cx(&2) * b pow 3 - Cx(&27) * a pow 2 * d) / (Cx(&54) * a pow 3) in let s = csqrt(q pow 2 + p pow 3) in let s1 = if p = Cx(&0) then ccbrt(Cx(&2) * q) else ccbrt(q + s) in let s2 = --s1 * (Cx(&1) + ii * csqrt(Cx(&3))) / Cx(&2) and s3 = --s1 * (Cx(&1) - ii * csqrt(Cx(&3))) / Cx(&2) in if p = Cx(&0) then a * x pow 3 + b * x pow 2 + c * x + d = Cx(&0) <=> x = s1 - b / (Cx(&3) * a) \/ x = s2 - b / (Cx(&3) * a) \/ x = s3 - b / (Cx(&3) * a) else ~(s1 = Cx(&0)) /\ (a * x pow 3 + b * x pow 2 + c * x + d = Cx(&0) <=> x = s1 - p / s1 - b / (Cx(&3) * a) \/ x = s2 - p / s2 - b / (Cx(&3) * a) \/ x = s3 - p / s3 - b / (Cx(&3) * a))`, DISCH_TAC THEN REPEAT LET_TAC THEN ABBREV_TAC `y = x + b / (Cx(&3) * a)` THEN SUBGOAL_THEN `a * x pow 3 + b * x pow 2 + c * x + d = Cx(&0) <=> y pow 3 + Cx(&3) * p * y - Cx(&2) * q = Cx(&0)` SUBST1_TAC THENL [MATCH_MP_TAC CUBIC_REDUCTION THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN EXPAND_TAC "y" THEN CONV_TAC COMPLEX_RING; ALL_TAC] THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[COMPLEX_RING `x = a - b <=> x + b = (a:complex)`] THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN MATCH_MP_TAC CUBIC_BASIC THEN MAP_EVERY EXISTS_TAC [`ii`; `csqrt(Cx(&3))`; `csqrt (q pow 2 + p pow 3)`] THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN REPEAT CONJ_TAC THENL [ASM_MESON_TAC[CSQRT]; ASM_MESON_TAC[CCBRT]; MP_TAC COMPLEX_POW_II_2 THEN CONV_TAC COMPLEX_RING; ASM_MESON_TAC[CSQRT]]);;