(* (c) Copyright, Bill Richter 2013 *) (* Distributed under the same license as HOL Light *) (* *) (* Definitions of FunctionSpace and FunctionComposition. A proof that the *) (* Cartesian product satisfies the universal property that given functions *) (* α ∈ M → A and β ∈ M → B, there is a unique γ ∈ M → A ∏ B whose *) (* projections to A and B are f and g. *) needs "RichterHilbertAxiomGeometry/readable.ml";; ParseAsInfix("∉",(11, "right"));; ParseAsInfix("∏",(20, "right"));; ParseAsInfix("∘",(20, "right"));; ParseAsInfix("→",(13,"right"));; (* ∉ |- ∀a l. a ∉ l ⇔ ¬(a ∈ l) CartesianProduct |- ∀X Y. X ∏ Y = {x,y | x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y} FUNCTION |- ∀α. FUNCTION α ⇔ (∃f s t. α = t,f,s ∧ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t) ∧ (∀x. x ∉ s ⇒ f x = (@y. T))) SOURCE |- ∀α. SOURCE α = SND (SND α) FUN |- ∀α. FUN α = FST (SND α) TARGET |- ∀α. TARGET α = FST α FunctionSpace |- ∀s t. s → t = {α | FUNCTION α ∧ s = SOURCE α ∧ t = TARGET α} makeFunction |- ∀t f s. makeFunction t f s = t,(λx. if x ∈ s then f x else @y. T),s Projection1Function |- ∀X Y. Pi1 X Y = makeFunction X FST (X ∏ Y) Projection2Function |- ∀X Y. Pi2 X Y = makeFunction Y SND (X ∏ Y) FunctionComposition |- ∀α β. α ∘ β = makeFunction (TARGET α) (FUN α o FUN β) (SOURCE β) IN_CartesianProduct |- ∀X Y x y. x,y ∈ X ∏ Y ⇔ x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y CartesianFstSnd |- ∀pair. pair ∈ X ∏ Y ⇒ FST pair ∈ X ∧ SND pair ∈ Y FUNCTION_EQ |- ∀α β. FUNCTION α ∧ FUNCTION β ∧ SOURCE α = SOURCE β ∧ FUN α = FUN β ∧ TARGET α = TARGET β ⇒ α = β IN_FunctionSpace |- ∀s t α. α ∈ s → t ⇔ FUNCTION α ∧ s = SOURCE α ∧ t = TARGET α makeFunction_EQ |- ∀f g s t. (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x = g x) ⇒ makeFunction t f s = makeFunction t g s makeFunctionyieldsFUN |- ∀α g t f s. α = makeFunction t f s ∧ g = FUN α ⇒ ∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x = g x makeFunctionEq |- ∀α β f g s t. α = makeFunction t f s ∧ β = makeFunction t g s ∧ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x = g x) ⇒ α = β FunctionSpaceOnSource |- ∀α f s t. α ∈ s → t ∧ f = FUN α ⇒ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t) FunctionSpaceOnOffSource |- ∀α f s t. α ∈ s → t ∧ f = FUN α ⇒ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t) ∧ (∀x. x ∉ s ⇒ f x = (@y. T)) ImpliesTruncatedFunctionSpace |- ∀α s t f. α = makeFunction t f s ∧ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t) ⇒ α ∈ s → t FunFunctionSpaceImplyFunction |- ∀α s t f. α ∈ s → t ∧ f = FUN α ⇒ α = makeFunction t f s UseFunctionComposition |- ∀α β u f t g s. α = makeFunction u f t ∧ β = makeFunction t g s ∧ β ∈ s → t ⇒ α ∘ β = makeFunction u (f o g) s PairProjectionFunctions |- ∀X Y. Pi1 X Y ∈ X ∏ Y → X ∧ Pi2 X Y ∈ X ∏ Y → Y UniversalPropertyProduct |- ∀M A B α β. α ∈ M → A ∧ β ∈ M → B ⇒ (∃!γ. γ ∈ M → A ∏ B ∧ Pi1 A B ∘ γ = α ∧ Pi2 A B ∘ γ = β) *) let NOTIN = NewDefinition `; ∀a l. a ∉ l ⇔ ¬(a ∈ l)`;; let CartesianProduct = NewDefinition `; ∀X Y. X ∏ Y = {x,y | x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y}`;; let FUNCTION = NewDefinition `; FUNCTION α ⇔ ∃f s t. α = (t, f, s) ∧ (∀x. x IN s ⇒ f x IN t) ∧ ∀x. x ∉ s ⇒ f x = @y. T`;; let SOURCE = NewDefinition `; SOURCE α = SND (SND α)`;; let FUN = NewDefinition `; FUN α = FST (SND α)`;; let TARGET = NewDefinition `; TARGET α = FST α`;; let FunctionSpace = NewDefinition `; ∀s t. s → t = {α | FUNCTION α ∧ s = SOURCE α ∧ t = TARGET α}`;; let makeFunction = NewDefinition `; ∀t f s. makeFunction t f s = (t, (λx. if x ∈ s then f x else @y. T), s)`;; let Projection1Function = NewDefinition `; Pi1 X Y = makeFunction X FST (X ∏ Y)`;; let Projection2Function = NewDefinition `; Pi2 X Y = makeFunction Y SND (X ∏ Y)`;; let FunctionComposition = NewDefinition `; ∀α β. α ∘ β = makeFunction (TARGET α) (FUN α o FUN β) (SOURCE β)`;; let IN_CartesianProduct = theorem `; ∀X Y x y. x,y ∈ X ∏ Y ⇔ x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y proof rewrite IN_ELIM_THM CartesianProduct; fol PAIR_EQ; qed; `;; let IN_CartesianProduct = theorem `; ∀X Y x y. x,y ∈ X ∏ Y ⇔ x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y proof rewrite IN_ELIM_THM CartesianProduct; fol PAIR_EQ; qed; `;; let CartesianFstSnd = theorem `; ∀pair. pair ∈ X ∏ Y ⇒ FST pair ∈ X ∧ SND pair ∈ Y by rewrite FORALL_PAIR_THM PAIR_EQ IN_CartesianProduct`;; let FUNCTION_EQ = theorem `; ∀α β. FUNCTION α ∧ FUNCTION β ∧ SOURCE α = SOURCE β ∧ FUN α = FUN β ∧ TARGET α = TARGET β ⇒ α = β by simplify FORALL_PAIR_THM FUNCTION SOURCE TARGET FUN PAIR_EQ`;; let IN_FunctionSpace = theorem `; ∀s t α. α ∈ s → t ⇔ FUNCTION α ∧ s = SOURCE α ∧ t = TARGET α by rewrite IN_ELIM_THM FunctionSpace`;; let makeFunction_EQ = theorem `; ∀f g s t. (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x = g x) ⇒ makeFunction t f s = makeFunction t g s by simplify makeFunction ∉ FUN_EQ_THM`;; let makeFunctionyieldsFUN = theorem `; ∀α g t f s. α = makeFunction t f s ∧ g = FUN α ⇒ ∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x = g x by simplify makeFunction FORALL_PAIR_THM FUN PAIR_EQ`;; let makeFunctionEq = theorem `; ∀α β f g s t. α = makeFunction t f s ∧ β = makeFunction t g s ∧ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x = g x) ⇒ α = β by simplify FORALL_PAIR_THM makeFunction PAIR_EQ`;; let FunctionSpaceOnSource = theorem `; ∀α f s t. α ∈ s → t ∧ f = FUN α ⇒ ∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t proof rewrite FORALL_PAIR_THM IN_FunctionSpace FUNCTION SOURCE TARGET PAIR_EQ FUN; fol; qed; `;; let FunctionSpaceOnOffSource = theorem `; ∀α f s t. α ∈ s → t ∧ f = FUN α ⇒ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t) ∧ ∀x. x ∉ s ⇒ f x = @y. T proof rewrite FORALL_PAIR_THM IN_FunctionSpace FUNCTION SOURCE TARGET PAIR_EQ FUN; fol; qed; `;; let ImpliesTruncatedFunctionSpace = theorem `; ∀α s t f. α = makeFunction t f s ∧ (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ f x ∈ t) ⇒ α ∈ s → t proof rewrite FORALL_PAIR_THM IN_FunctionSpace makeFunction FUNCTION SOURCE TARGET NOTIN PAIR_EQ; fol; qed; `;; let FunFunctionSpaceImplyFunction = theorem `; ∀α s t f. α ∈ s → t ∧ f = FUN α ⇒ α = makeFunction t f s proof rewrite FORALL_PAIR_THM IN_FunctionSpace makeFunction FUNCTION SOURCE TARGET FUN NOTIN PAIR_EQ; fol FUN_EQ_THM; qed; `;; let UseFunctionComposition = theorem `; ∀α β u f t g s. α = makeFunction u f t ∧ β = makeFunction t g s ∧ β ∈ s → t ⇒ α _o_ β = makeFunction u (f o g) s proof rewrite FORALL_PAIR_THM makeFunction FunctionComposition SOURCE TARGET FUN BETA_THM o_THM IN_FunctionSpace FUNCTION SOURCE TARGET NOTIN PAIR_EQ; X_genl_TAC u' f' t' t1 g1 s1 u f t g s; intro_TAC Hα Hβ Hβ_st Hs Ht; (∀x. x ∈ s ⇒ g x ∈ t) [g_st] by fol Hβ_st Hβ; simplify Hα GSYM Hs Hβ g_st; qed; `;; let PairProjectionFunctions = theorem `; ∀X Y. Pi1 X Y ∈ X ∏ Y → X ∧ Pi2 X Y ∈ X ∏ Y → Y proof intro_TAC ∀X Y; ∀pair. pair ∈ X ∏ Y ⇒ FST pair ∈ X ∧ SND pair ∈ Y [] by fol CartesianFstSnd; fol Projection1Function Projection2Function - ImpliesTruncatedFunctionSpace; qed; `;; let UniversalPropertyProduct = theorem `; ∀M A B α β. α ∈ M → A ∧ β ∈ M → B ⇒ ∃!γ. γ ∈ M → A ∏ B ∧ Pi1 A B ∘ γ = α ∧ Pi2 A B ∘ γ = β proof intro_TAC ∀M A B α β, H1; consider f g such that f = FUN α ∧ g = FUN β [fgExist] by fol; consider h such that h = λx. (f x,g x) [hExists] by fol; ∀x. x ∈ M ⇒ h x ∈ A ∏ B [hProd] by fol hExists IN_CartesianProduct H1 fgExist FunctionSpaceOnSource; consider γ such that γ = makeFunction (A ∏ B) h M [γExists] by fol; γ ∈ M → A ∏ B [γFunSpace] by fol - hProd ImpliesTruncatedFunctionSpace; ∀x. x ∈ M ⇒ (FST o h) x = f x ∧ (SND o h) x = g x [h_fg] by simplify hExists PAIR o_THM; Pi1 A B ∘ γ = makeFunction A (FST o h) M ∧ Pi2 A B ∘ γ = makeFunction B (SND o h) M [] by fol Projection1Function Projection2Function γExists γFunSpace UseFunctionComposition; Pi1 A B ∘ γ = α ∧ Pi2 A B ∘ γ = β [γWorks] by fol - h_fg makeFunction_EQ H1 fgExist FunFunctionSpaceImplyFunction; ∀θ. θ ∈ M → A ∏ B ∧ Pi1 A B ∘ θ = α ∧ Pi2 A B ∘ θ = β ⇒ θ = γ [] proof intro_TAC ∀θ, θWorks; consider k such that k = FUN θ [kExists] by fol; θ = makeFunction (A ∏ B) k M [θFUNk] by fol θWorks - FunFunctionSpaceImplyFunction; α = makeFunction A (FST o k) M ∧ β = makeFunction B (SND o k) M [] by fol Projection1Function Projection2Function θFUNk θWorks UseFunctionComposition; ∀x. x ∈ M ⇒ f x = (FST o k) x ∧ g x = (SND o k) x [fg_k] by fol ISPECL [α; f; A; (FST o k); M] makeFunctionyieldsFUN ISPECL [β; g; B; (SND o k); M] makeFunctionyieldsFUN - fgExist; ∀x. x ∈ M ⇒ k x = ((FST o k) x, (SND o k) x) [] by fol PAIR o_THM; ∀x. x ∈ M ⇒ k x = (f x, g x) [] by fol - fg_k PAIR_EQ; fol hExists θFUNk γExists - makeFunctionEq; qed; fol γFunSpace γWorks - EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM; qed; `;;