(* ========================================================================= *) (* More syntax constructors, and prelogical utilities like matching. *) (* *) (* John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 *) (* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "fusion.ml";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Create probably-fresh variable *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let genvar = let gcounter = ref 0 in fun ty -> let count = !gcounter in (gcounter := count + 1; mk_var("_"^(string_of_int count),ty));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Convenient functions for manipulating types. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let dest_fun_ty ty = match ty with Tyapp("fun",[ty1;ty2]) -> (ty1,ty2) | _ -> failwith "dest_fun_ty";; let rec occurs_in ty bigty = bigty = ty or is_type bigty & exists (occurs_in ty) (snd(dest_type bigty));; let rec tysubst alist ty = try rev_assoc ty alist with Failure _ -> if is_vartype ty then ty else let tycon,tyvars = dest_type ty in mk_type(tycon,map (tysubst alist) tyvars);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A bit more syntax. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let bndvar tm = try fst(dest_abs tm) with Failure _ -> failwith "bndvar: Not an abstraction";; let body tm = try snd(dest_abs tm) with Failure _ -> failwith "body: Not an abstraction";; let list_mk_comb(h,t) = rev_itlist (C (curry mk_comb)) t h;; let list_mk_abs(vs,bod) = itlist (curry mk_abs) vs bod;; let strip_comb = rev_splitlist dest_comb;; let strip_abs = splitlist dest_abs;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Generic syntax to deal with some binary operators. *) (* *) (* Note that "mk_binary" only works for monomorphic functions. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_binary s tm = match tm with Comb(Comb(Const(s',_),_),_) -> s' = s | _ -> false;; let dest_binary s tm = match tm with Comb(Comb(Const(s',_),l),r) when s' = s -> (l,r) | _ -> failwith "dest_binary";; let mk_binary s = let c = mk_const(s,[]) in fun (l,r) -> try mk_comb(mk_comb(c,l),r) with Failure _ -> failwith "mk_binary";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Produces a sequence of variants, considering previous inventions. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec variants av vs = if vs = [] then [] else let vh = variant av (hd vs) in vh::(variants (vh::av) (tl vs));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Gets all variables (free and/or bound) in a term. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let variables = let rec vars(acc,tm) = if is_var tm then insert tm acc else if is_const tm then acc else if is_abs tm then let v,bod = dest_abs tm in vars(insert v acc,bod) else let l,r = dest_comb tm in vars(vars(acc,l),r) in fun tm -> vars([],tm);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* General substitution (for any free expression). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let subst = let rec ssubst ilist tm = if ilist = [] then tm else try fst (find ((aconv tm) o snd) ilist) with Failure _ -> match tm with Comb(f,x) -> let f' = ssubst ilist f and x' = ssubst ilist x in if f' == f & x' == x then tm else mk_comb(f',x') | Abs(v,bod) -> let ilist' = filter (not o (vfree_in v) o snd) ilist in mk_abs(v,ssubst ilist' bod) | _ -> tm in fun ilist -> let theta = filter (fun (s,t) -> Pervasives.compare s t <> 0) ilist in if theta = [] then (fun tm -> tm) else let ts,xs = unzip theta in fun tm -> let gs = variants (variables tm) (map (genvar o type_of) xs) in let tm' = ssubst (zip gs xs) tm in if tm' == tm then tm else vsubst (zip ts gs) tm';; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Alpha conversion term operation. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let alpha v tm = let v0,bod = try dest_abs tm with Failure _ -> failwith "alpha: Not an abstraction"in if v = v0 then tm else if type_of v = type_of v0 & not (vfree_in v bod) then mk_abs(v,vsubst[v,v0]bod) else failwith "alpha: Invalid new variable";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Type matching. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec type_match vty cty sofar = if is_vartype vty then try if rev_assoc vty sofar = cty then sofar else failwith "type_match" with Failure "find" -> (cty,vty)::sofar else let vop,vargs = dest_type vty and cop,cargs = dest_type cty in if vop = cop then itlist2 type_match vargs cargs sofar else failwith "type_match";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Conventional matching version of mk_const (but with a sanity test). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_mconst(c,ty) = try let uty = get_const_type c in let mat = type_match uty ty [] in let con = mk_const(c,mat) in if type_of con = ty then con else fail() with Failure _ -> failwith "mk_const: generic type cannot be instantiated";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Like mk_comb, but instantiates type variables in rator if necessary. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_icomb(tm1,tm2) = let "fun",[ty;_] = dest_type (type_of tm1) in let tyins = type_match ty (type_of tm2) [] in mk_comb(inst tyins tm1,tm2);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Instantiates types for constant c and iteratively makes combination. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let list_mk_icomb cname args = let atys,_ = nsplit dest_fun_ty args (get_const_type cname) in let tyin = itlist2 (fun g a -> type_match g (type_of a)) atys args [] in list_mk_comb(mk_const(cname,tyin),args);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Free variables in assumption list and conclusion of a theorem. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let thm_frees th = let asl,c = dest_thm th in itlist (union o frees) asl (frees c);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Is one term free in another? *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec free_in tm1 tm2 = if aconv tm1 tm2 then true else if is_comb tm2 then let l,r = dest_comb tm2 in free_in tm1 l or free_in tm1 r else if is_abs tm2 then let bv,bod = dest_abs tm2 in not (vfree_in bv tm1) & free_in tm1 bod else false;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Searching for terms. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec find_term p tm = if p tm then tm else if is_abs tm then find_term p (body tm) else if is_comb tm then let l,r = dest_comb tm in try find_term p l with Failure _ -> find_term p r else failwith "find_term";; let find_terms = let rec accum tl p tm = let tl' = if p tm then insert tm tl else tl in if is_abs tm then accum tl' p (body tm) else if is_comb tm then accum (accum tl' p (rator tm)) p (rand tm) else tl' in accum [];; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* General syntax for binders. *) (* *) (* NB! The "mk_binder" function expects polytype "A", which is the domain. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_binder s tm = match tm with Comb(Const(s',_),Abs(_,_)) -> s' = s | _ -> false;; let dest_binder s tm = match tm with Comb(Const(s',_),Abs(x,t)) when s' = s -> (x,t) | _ -> failwith "dest_binder";; let mk_binder op = let c = mk_const(op,[]) in fun (v,tm) -> mk_comb(inst [type_of v,aty] c,mk_abs(v,tm));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Syntax for binary operators. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_binop op tm = match tm with Comb(Comb(op',_),_) -> op' = op | _ -> false;; let dest_binop op tm = match tm with Comb(Comb(op',l),r) when op' = op -> (l,r) | _ -> failwith "dest_binop";; let mk_binop op tm1 = let f = mk_comb(op,tm1) in fun tm2 -> mk_comb(f,tm2);; let list_mk_binop op = end_itlist (mk_binop op);; let binops op = striplist (dest_binop op);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Some common special cases *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_conj = is_binary "/\\";; let dest_conj = dest_binary "/\\";; let conjuncts = striplist dest_conj;; let is_imp = is_binary "==>";; let dest_imp = dest_binary "==>";; let is_forall = is_binder "!";; let dest_forall = dest_binder "!";; let strip_forall = splitlist dest_forall;; let is_exists = is_binder "?";; let dest_exists = dest_binder "?";; let strip_exists = splitlist dest_exists;; let is_disj = is_binary "\\/";; let dest_disj = dest_binary "\\/";; let disjuncts = striplist dest_disj;; let is_neg tm = try fst(dest_const(rator tm)) = "~" with Failure _ -> false;; let dest_neg tm = try let n,p = dest_comb tm in if fst(dest_const n) = "~" then p else fail() with Failure _ -> failwith "dest_neg";; let is_uexists = is_binder "?!";; let dest_uexists = dest_binder "?!";; let dest_cons = dest_binary "CONS";; let is_cons = is_binary "CONS";; let dest_list tm = try let tms,nil = splitlist dest_cons tm in if fst(dest_const nil) = "NIL" then tms else fail() with Failure _ -> failwith "dest_list";; let is_list = can dest_list;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Syntax for numerals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let dest_numeral = let rec dest_num tm = if try fst(dest_const tm) = "_0" with Failure _ -> false then num_0 else let l,r = dest_comb tm in let n = num_2 */ dest_num r in let cn = fst(dest_const l) in if cn = "BIT0" then n else if cn = "BIT1" then n +/ num_1 else fail() in fun tm -> try let l,r = dest_comb tm in if fst(dest_const l) = "NUMERAL" then dest_num r else fail() with Failure _ -> failwith "dest_numeral";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Syntax for generalized abstractions. *) (* *) (* These are here because they are used by the preterm->term translator; *) (* preterms regard generalized abstractions as an atomic notion. This is *) (* slightly unclean --- for example we need locally some operations on *) (* universal quantifiers --- but probably simplest. It has to go somewhere! *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let dest_gabs = let dest_geq = dest_binary "GEQ" in fun tm -> try if is_abs tm then dest_abs tm else let l,r = dest_comb tm in if not (fst(dest_const l) = "GABS") then fail() else let ltm,rtm = dest_geq(snd(strip_forall(body r))) in rand ltm,rtm with Failure _ -> failwith "dest_gabs: Not a generalized abstraction";; let is_gabs = can dest_gabs;; let mk_gabs = let mk_forall(v,t) = let cop = mk_const("!",[type_of v,aty]) in mk_comb(cop,mk_abs(v,t)) in let list_mk_forall(vars,bod) = itlist (curry mk_forall) vars bod in let mk_geq(t1,t2) = let p = mk_const("GEQ",[type_of t1,aty]) in mk_comb(mk_comb(p,t1),t2) in fun (tm1,tm2) -> if is_var tm1 then mk_abs(tm1,tm2) else let fvs = frees tm1 in let fty = mk_fun_ty (type_of tm1) (type_of tm2) in let f = variant (frees tm1 @ frees tm2) (mk_var("f",fty)) in let bod = mk_abs(f,list_mk_forall(fvs,mk_geq(mk_comb(f,tm1),tm2))) in mk_comb(mk_const("GABS",[fty,aty]),bod);; let list_mk_gabs(vs,bod) = itlist (curry mk_gabs) vs bod;; let strip_gabs = splitlist dest_gabs;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Syntax for let terms. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let dest_let tm = try let l,aargs = strip_comb tm in if fst(dest_const l) <> "LET" then fail() else let vars,lebod = strip_gabs (hd aargs) in let eqs = zip vars (tl aargs) in let le,bod = dest_comb lebod in if fst(dest_const le) = "LET_END" then eqs,bod else fail() with Failure _ -> failwith "dest_let: not a let-term";; let is_let = can dest_let;; let mk_let(assigs,bod) = let lefts,rights = unzip assigs in let lend = mk_comb(mk_const("LET_END",[type_of bod,aty]),bod) in let lbod = list_mk_gabs(lefts,lend) in let ty1,ty2 = dest_fun_ty(type_of lbod) in let ltm = mk_const("LET",[ty1,aty; ty2,bty]) in list_mk_comb(ltm,lbod::rights);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Useful function to create stylized arguments using numbers. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let make_args = let rec margs n s avoid tys = if tys = [] then [] else let v = variant avoid (mk_var(s^(string_of_int n),hd tys)) in v::(margs (n + 1) s (v::avoid) (tl tys)) in fun s avoid tys -> if length tys = 1 then [variant avoid (mk_var(s,hd tys))] else margs 0 s avoid tys;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Director strings down a term. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let find_path = let rec find_path p tm = if p tm then [] else if is_abs tm then "b"::(find_path p (body tm)) else try "r"::(find_path p (rand tm)) with Failure _ -> "l"::(find_path p (rator tm)) in fun p tm -> implode(find_path p tm);; let follow_path = let rec follow_path s tm = match s with [] -> tm | "l"::t -> follow_path t (rator tm) | "r"::t -> follow_path t (rand tm) | _::t -> follow_path t (body tm) in fun s tm -> follow_path (explode s) tm;;