(* ========================================================================= *) (* Inductive (or free recursive) types. *) (* *) (* John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 *) (* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "grobner.ml";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Abstract left inverses for binary injections (we could construct them...) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let INJ_INVERSE2 = prove (`!P:A->B->C. (!x1 y1 x2 y2. (P x1 y1 = P x2 y2) <=> (x1 = x2) /\ (y1 = y2)) ==> ?X Y. !x y. (X(P x y) = x) /\ (Y(P x y) = y)`, GEN_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC `\z:C. @x:A. ?y:B. P x y = z` THEN EXISTS_TAC `\z:C. @y:B. ?x:A. P x y = z` THEN REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[BETA_THM] THEN CONJ_TAC THEN MATCH_MP_TAC SELECT_UNIQUE THEN GEN_TAC THEN BETA_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN STRIP_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN W(EXISTS_TAC o rand o snd o dest_exists o snd) THEN REFL_TAC);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Define an injective pairing function on ":num". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let NUMPAIR = new_definition `NUMPAIR x y = (2 EXP x) * (2 * y + 1)`;; let NUMPAIR_INJ_LEMMA = prove (`!x1 y1 x2 y2. (NUMPAIR x1 y1 = NUMPAIR x2 y2) ==> (x1 = x2)`, REWRITE_TAC[NUMPAIR] THEN REPEAT(INDUCT_TAC THEN GEN_TAC) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[EXP; GSYM MULT_ASSOC; ARITH; EQ_MULT_LCANCEL; NOT_SUC; GSYM NOT_SUC; SUC_INJ] THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o AP_TERM `EVEN`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[EVEN_MULT; EVEN_ADD; ARITH]);; let NUMPAIR_INJ = prove (`!x1 y1 x2 y2. (NUMPAIR x1 y1 = NUMPAIR x2 y2) <=> (x1 = x2) /\ (y1 = y2)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN FIRST_ASSUM(SUBST_ALL_TAC o MATCH_MP NUMPAIR_INJ_LEMMA) THEN POP_ASSUM MP_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[NUMPAIR] THEN REWRITE_TAC[EQ_MULT_LCANCEL; EQ_ADD_RCANCEL; EXP_EQ_0; ARITH]);; let NUMPAIR_DEST = new_specification ["NUMFST"; "NUMSND"] (MATCH_MP INJ_INVERSE2 NUMPAIR_INJ);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Also, an injective map bool->num->num (even easier!) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let NUMSUM = new_definition `NUMSUM b x = if b then SUC(2 * x) else 2 * x`;; let NUMSUM_INJ = prove (`!b1 x1 b2 x2. (NUMSUM b1 x1 = NUMSUM b2 x2) <=> (b1 = b2) /\ (x1 = x2)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN POP_ASSUM(MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[NUMSUM]) THEN DISCH_THEN(fun th -> MP_TAC th THEN MP_TAC(AP_TERM `EVEN` th)) THEN REPEAT COND_CASES_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[EVEN; EVEN_DOUBLE] THEN REWRITE_TAC[SUC_INJ; EQ_MULT_LCANCEL; ARITH]);; let NUMSUM_DEST = new_specification ["NUMLEFT"; "NUMRIGHT"] (MATCH_MP INJ_INVERSE2 NUMSUM_INJ);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Injection num->Z, where Z == num->A->bool. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let INJN = new_definition `INJN (m:num) = \(n:num) (a:A). n = m`;; let INJN_INJ = prove (`!n1 n2. (INJN n1 :num->A->bool = INJN n2) <=> (n1 = n2)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN POP_ASSUM(MP_TAC o C AP_THM `n1:num` o REWRITE_RULE[INJN]) THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o C AP_THM `a:A`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[BETA_THM]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Injection A->Z, where Z == num->A->bool. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let INJA = new_definition `INJA (a:A) = \(n:num) b. b = a`;; let INJA_INJ = prove (`!a1 a2. (INJA a1 = INJA a2) <=> (a1:A = a2)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[INJA; FUN_EQ_THM] THEN EQ_TAC THENL [DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o SPEC `a1:A`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[]; DISCH_THEN SUBST1_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[]]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Injection (num->Z)->Z, where Z == num->A->bool. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let INJF = new_definition `INJF (f:num->(num->A->bool)) = \n. f (NUMFST n) (NUMSND n)`;; let INJF_INJ = prove (`!f1 f2. (INJF f1 :num->A->bool = INJF f2) <=> (f1 = f2)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN REWRITE_TAC[FUN_EQ_THM] THEN MAP_EVERY X_GEN_TAC [`n:num`; `m:num`; `a:A`] THEN POP_ASSUM(MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[INJF]) THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o C AP_THM `a:A` o C AP_THM `NUMPAIR n m`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[NUMPAIR_DEST]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Injection Z->Z->Z, where Z == num->A->bool. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let INJP = new_definition `INJP f1 f2:num->A->bool = \n a. if NUMLEFT n then f1 (NUMRIGHT n) a else f2 (NUMRIGHT n) a`;; let INJP_INJ = prove (`!(f1:num->A->bool) f1' f2 f2'. (INJP f1 f2 = INJP f1' f2') <=> (f1 = f1') /\ (f2 = f2')`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[FUN_EQ_THM] THEN REWRITE_TAC[AND_FORALL_THM] THEN X_GEN_TAC `n:num` THEN POP_ASSUM(MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[INJP]) THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o GEN `b:bool` o C AP_THM `NUMSUM b n`) THEN DISCH_THEN(fun th -> MP_TAC(SPEC `T` th) THEN MP_TAC(SPEC `F` th)) THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC[NUMSUM_DEST; ETA_AX]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Now, set up "constructor" and "bottom" element. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ZCONSTR = new_definition `ZCONSTR c i r :num->A->bool = INJP (INJN (SUC c)) (INJP (INJA i) (INJF r))`;; let ZBOT = new_definition `ZBOT = INJP (INJN 0) (@z:num->A->bool. T)`;; let ZCONSTR_ZBOT = prove (`!c i r. ~(ZCONSTR c i r :num->A->bool = ZBOT)`, REWRITE_TAC[ZCONSTR; ZBOT; INJP_INJ; INJN_INJ; NOT_SUC]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Carve out an inductively defined set. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ZRECSPACE_RULES,ZRECSPACE_INDUCT,ZRECSPACE_CASES = new_inductive_definition `ZRECSPACE (ZBOT:num->A->bool) /\ (!c i r. (!n. ZRECSPACE (r n)) ==> ZRECSPACE (ZCONSTR c i r))`;; let recspace_tydef = new_basic_type_definition "recspace" ("_mk_rec","_dest_rec") (CONJUNCT1 ZRECSPACE_RULES);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Define lifted constructors. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let BOTTOM = new_definition `BOTTOM = _mk_rec (ZBOT:num->A->bool)`;; let CONSTR = new_definition `CONSTR c i r :(A)recspace = _mk_rec (ZCONSTR c i (\n. _dest_rec(r n)))`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Some lemmas. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MK_REC_INJ = prove (`!x y. (_mk_rec x :(A)recspace = _mk_rec y) ==> (ZRECSPACE x /\ ZRECSPACE y ==> (x = y))`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[snd recspace_tydef] THEN DISCH_THEN(fun th -> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[GSYM th]) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]);; let DEST_REC_INJ = prove (`!x y. (_dest_rec x = _dest_rec y) <=> (x:(A)recspace = y)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN POP_ASSUM(MP_TAC o AP_TERM `_mk_rec:(num->A->bool)->(A)recspace`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[fst recspace_tydef]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Show that the set is freely inductively generated. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let CONSTR_BOT = prove (`!c i r. ~(CONSTR c i r :(A)recspace = BOTTOM)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[CONSTR; BOTTOM] THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o MATCH_MP MK_REC_INJ) THEN REWRITE_TAC[ZCONSTR_ZBOT; ZRECSPACE_RULES] THEN MATCH_MP_TAC(CONJUNCT2 ZRECSPACE_RULES) THEN REWRITE_TAC[fst recspace_tydef; snd recspace_tydef]);; let CONSTR_INJ = prove (`!c1 i1 r1 c2 i2 r2. (CONSTR c1 i1 r1 :(A)recspace = CONSTR c2 i2 r2) <=> (c1 = c2) /\ (i1 = i2) /\ (r1 = r2)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN POP_ASSUM(MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[CONSTR]) THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o MATCH_MP MK_REC_INJ) THEN W(C SUBGOAL_THEN ASSUME_TAC o funpow 2 lhand o snd) THENL [CONJ_TAC THEN MATCH_MP_TAC(CONJUNCT2 ZRECSPACE_RULES) THEN REWRITE_TAC[fst recspace_tydef; snd recspace_tydef]; ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN REWRITE_TAC[ZCONSTR] THEN REWRITE_TAC[INJP_INJ; INJN_INJ; INJF_INJ; INJA_INJ] THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[FUN_EQ_THM] THEN BETA_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[SUC_INJ; DEST_REC_INJ]]);; let CONSTR_IND = prove (`!P. P(BOTTOM) /\ (!c i r. (!n. P(r n)) ==> P(CONSTR c i r)) ==> !x:(A)recspace. P(x)`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN MP_TAC(SPEC `\z:num->A->bool. ZRECSPACE(z) /\ P(_mk_rec z)` ZRECSPACE_INDUCT) THEN BETA_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[ZRECSPACE_RULES; GSYM BOTTOM] THEN W(C SUBGOAL_THEN ASSUME_TAC o funpow 2 lhand o snd) THENL [REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[FORALL_AND_THM] THEN REPEAT STRIP_TAC THENL [MATCH_MP_TAC(CONJUNCT2 ZRECSPACE_RULES) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]; FIRST_ASSUM(ANTE_RES_THEN MP_TAC) THEN REWRITE_TAC[CONSTR] THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC(REWRITE_RULE[snd recspace_tydef]) THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC[ETA_AX]]; ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o SPEC `_dest_rec (x:(A)recspace)`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[fst recspace_tydef] THEN REWRITE_TAC[ITAUT `(a ==> a /\ b) <=> (a ==> b)`] THEN DISCH_THEN MATCH_MP_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[fst recspace_tydef; snd recspace_tydef]]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Now prove the recursion theorem (this subcase is all we need). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let CONSTR_REC = prove (`!Fn:num->A->(num->(A)recspace)->(num->B)->B. ?f. (!c i r. f (CONSTR c i r) = Fn c i r (\n. f (r n)))`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN (MP_TAC o prove_inductive_relations_exist) `(Z:(A)recspace->B->bool) BOTTOM b /\ (!c i r y. (!n. Z (r n) (y n)) ==> Z (CONSTR c i r) (Fn c i r y))` THEN DISCH_THEN(CHOOSE_THEN(CONJUNCTS_THEN2 STRIP_ASSUME_TAC MP_TAC)) THEN DISCH_THEN(CONJUNCTS_THEN2 ASSUME_TAC (ASSUME_TAC o GSYM)) THEN SUBGOAL_THEN `!x. ?!y. (Z:(A)recspace->B->bool) x y` MP_TAC THENL [W(MP_TAC o PART_MATCH rand CONSTR_IND o snd) THEN DISCH_THEN MATCH_MP_TAC THEN CONJ_TAC THEN REPEAT GEN_TAC THENL [FIRST_ASSUM(fun t -> GEN_REWRITE_TAC BINDER_CONV [GSYM t]) THEN REWRITE_TAC[GSYM CONSTR_BOT; EXISTS_UNIQUE_REFL]; DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM; FORALL_AND_THM]) THEN DISCH_THEN(CONJUNCTS_THEN2 MP_TAC ASSUME_TAC) THEN DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE[SKOLEM_THM]) THEN DISCH_THEN(X_CHOOSE_THEN `y:num->B` ASSUME_TAC) THEN REWRITE_TAC[EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] THEN FIRST_ASSUM(fun th -> CHANGED_TAC(ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[GSYM th])) THEN CONJ_TAC THENL [EXISTS_TAC `(Fn:num->A->(num->(A)recspace)->(num->B)->B) c i r y` THEN REWRITE_TAC[CONSTR_BOT; CONSTR_INJ; GSYM CONJ_ASSOC] THEN REWRITE_TAC[UNWIND_THM1; RIGHT_EXISTS_AND_THM] THEN EXISTS_TAC `y:num->B` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]; REWRITE_TAC[CONSTR_BOT; CONSTR_INJ; GSYM CONJ_ASSOC] THEN REWRITE_TAC[UNWIND_THM1; RIGHT_EXISTS_AND_THM] THEN REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN REPEAT AP_TERM_TAC THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[FUN_EQ_THM] THEN X_GEN_TAC `w:num` THEN FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC `w:num` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]]]; REWRITE_TAC[UNIQUE_SKOLEM_ALT] THEN DISCH_THEN(X_CHOOSE_THEN `fn:(A)recspace->B` (ASSUME_TAC o GSYM)) THEN EXISTS_TAC `fn:(A)recspace->B` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN GEN_TAC THEN FIRST_ASSUM(fun th -> GEN_REWRITE_TAC I [GSYM th]) THEN REWRITE_TAC[BETA_THM]]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The following is useful for coding up functions casewise. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let FCONS = new_recursive_definition num_RECURSION `(!a f. FCONS (a:A) f 0 = a) /\ (!a f n. FCONS (a:A) f (SUC n) = f n)`;; let FCONS_UNDO = prove (`!f:num->A. f = FCONS (f 0) (f o SUC)`, GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[FUN_EQ_THM] THEN INDUCT_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[FCONS; o_THM]);; let FNIL = new_definition `FNIL (n:num) = @x:A. T`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The initial mutual type definition function, with a type-restricted *) (* recursion theorem. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let define_type_raw = (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Handy utility to produce "SUC o SUC o SUC ..." form of numeral. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let sucivate = let zero = `0` and suc = `SUC` in fun n -> funpow n (curry mk_comb suc) zero in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Eliminate local "definitions" in hyps. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let SCRUB_EQUATION eq (th,insts) = (*HA*) let eq' = itlist subst (map (fun t -> [t]) insts) eq in let l,r = dest_eq eq' in (MP (INST [r,l] (DISCH eq' th)) (REFL r),(r,l)::insts) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Proves existence of model (inductively); use pseudo-constructors. *) (* *) (* Returns suitable definitions of constructors in terms of CONSTR, and *) (* the rule and induction theorems from the inductive relation package. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let justify_inductive_type_model = let t_tm = `T` and n_tm = `n:num` and beps_tm = `@x:bool. T` in let rec munion s1 s2 = if s1 = [] then s2 else let h1 = hd s1 and s1' = tl s1 in try let _,s2' = remove (fun h2 -> h2 = h1) s2 in h1::(munion s1' s2') with Failure _ -> h1::(munion s1' s2) in fun def -> let newtys,rights = unzip def in let tyargls = itlist ((@) o map snd) rights [] in let alltys = itlist (munion o C subtract newtys) tyargls [] in let epstms = map (fun ty -> mk_select(mk_var("v",ty),t_tm)) alltys in let pty = try end_itlist (fun ty1 ty2 -> mk_type("prod",[ty1;ty2])) alltys with Failure _ -> bool_ty in let recty = mk_type("recspace",[pty]) in let constr = mk_const("CONSTR",[pty,aty]) in let fcons = mk_const("FCONS",[recty,aty]) in let bot = mk_const("BOTTOM",[pty,aty]) in let bottail = mk_abs(n_tm,bot) in let mk_constructor n (cname,cargs) = let ttys = map (fun ty -> if mem ty newtys then recty else ty) cargs in let args = make_args "a" [] ttys in let rargs,iargs = partition (fun t -> type_of t = recty) args in let rec mk_injector epstms alltys iargs = if alltys = [] then [] else let ty = hd alltys in try let a,iargs' = remove (fun t -> type_of t = ty) iargs in a::(mk_injector (tl epstms) (tl alltys) iargs') with Failure _ -> (hd epstms)::(mk_injector (tl epstms) (tl alltys) iargs) in let iarg = try end_itlist (curry mk_pair) (mk_injector epstms alltys iargs) with Failure _ -> beps_tm in let rarg = itlist (mk_binop fcons) rargs bottail in let conty = itlist mk_fun_ty (map type_of args) recty in let condef = list_mk_comb(constr,[sucivate n; iarg; rarg]) in mk_eq(mk_var(cname,conty),list_mk_abs(args,condef)) in let rec mk_constructors n rights = if rights = [] then [] else (mk_constructor n (hd rights))::(mk_constructors (n + 1) (tl rights)) in let condefs = mk_constructors 0 (itlist (@) rights []) in let conths = map ASSUME condefs in let predty = mk_fun_ty recty bool_ty in let edefs = itlist (fun (x,l) acc -> map (fun t -> x,t) l @ acc) def [] in let idefs = map2 (fun (r,(_,atys)) def -> (r,atys),def) edefs condefs in let mk_rule ((r,a),condef) = let left,right = dest_eq condef in let args,bod = strip_abs right in let lapp = list_mk_comb(left,args) in let conds = itlist2 (fun arg argty sofar -> if mem argty newtys then mk_comb(mk_var(dest_vartype argty,predty),arg)::sofar else sofar) args a [] in let conc = mk_comb(mk_var(dest_vartype r,predty),lapp) in let rule = if conds = [] then conc else mk_imp(list_mk_conj conds,conc) in list_mk_forall(args,rule) in let rules = list_mk_conj (map mk_rule idefs) in let th0 = derive_nonschematic_inductive_relations rules in let th1 = prove_monotonicity_hyps th0 in let th2a,th2bc = CONJ_PAIR th1 in let th2b = CONJUNCT1 th2bc in conths,th2a,th2b in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Shows that the predicates defined by the rules are all nonempty. *) (* (This could be done much more efficiently/cleverly, but it's OK.) *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let prove_model_inhabitation rth = let srules = map SPEC_ALL (CONJUNCTS rth) in let imps,bases = partition (is_imp o concl) srules in let concs = map concl bases @ map (rand o concl) imps in let preds = setify (map (repeat rator) concs) in let rec exhaust_inhabitations ths sofar = let dunnit = setify(map (fst o strip_comb o concl) sofar) in let useful = filter (fun th -> not (mem (fst(strip_comb(rand(concl th)))) dunnit)) ths in if useful = [] then sofar else let follow_horn thm = let preds = map (fst o strip_comb) (conjuncts(lhand(concl thm))) in let asms = map (fun p -> find (fun th -> fst(strip_comb(concl th)) = p) sofar) preds in MATCH_MP thm (end_itlist CONJ asms) in let newth = tryfind follow_horn useful in exhaust_inhabitations ths (newth::sofar) in let ithms = exhaust_inhabitations imps bases in let exths = map (fun p -> find (fun th -> fst(strip_comb(concl th)) = p) ithms) preds in exths in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Makes a type definition for one of the defined subsets. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let define_inductive_type cdefs exth = let extm = concl exth in let epred = fst(strip_comb extm) in let ename = fst(dest_var epred) in let th1 = ASSUME (find (fun eq -> lhand eq = epred) (hyp exth)) in let th2 = TRANS th1 (SUBS_CONV cdefs (rand(concl th1))) in let th3 = EQ_MP (AP_THM th2 (rand extm)) exth in let th4,_ = itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (hyp th3) (th3,[]) in let mkname = "_mk_"^ename and destname = "_dest_"^ename in let bij1,bij2 = new_basic_type_definition ename (mkname,destname) th4 in let bij2a = AP_THM th2 (rand(rand(concl bij2))) in let bij2b = TRANS bij2a bij2 in bij1,bij2b in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Defines a type constructor corresponding to current pseudo-constructor. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let define_inductive_type_constructor defs consindex th = let avs,bod = strip_forall(concl th) in let asms,conc = if is_imp bod then conjuncts(lhand bod),rand bod else [],bod in let asmlist = map dest_comb asms in let cpred,cterm = dest_comb conc in let oldcon,oldargs = strip_comb cterm in let modify_arg v = try let dest = snd(assoc (rev_assoc v asmlist) consindex) in let ty' = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of dest))) in let v' = mk_var(fst(dest_var v),ty') in mk_comb(dest,v'),v' with Failure _ -> v,v in let newrights,newargs = unzip(map modify_arg oldargs) in let retmk = fst(assoc cpred consindex) in let defbod = mk_comb(retmk,list_mk_comb(oldcon,newrights)) in let defrt = list_mk_abs(newargs,defbod) in let expth = find (fun th -> lhand(concl th) = oldcon) defs in let rexpth = SUBS_CONV [expth] defrt in let deflf = mk_var(fst(dest_var oldcon),type_of defrt) in let defth = new_definition(mk_eq(deflf,rand(concl rexpth))) in TRANS defth (SYM rexpth) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Instantiate the induction theorem on the representatives to transfer *) (* it to the new type(s). Uses "\x. rep-pred(x) /\ P(mk x)" for "P". *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let instantiate_induction_theorem consindex ith = let avs,bod = strip_forall(concl ith) in let corlist = map((repeat rator F_F repeat rator) o dest_imp o body o rand) (conjuncts(rand bod)) in let consindex' = map (fun v -> let w = rev_assoc v corlist in w,assoc w consindex) avs in let recty = (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o fst o snd o hd) consindex in let newtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o snd o snd) consindex' in let ptypes = map (C mk_fun_ty bool_ty) newtys in let preds = make_args "P" [] ptypes in let args = make_args "x" [] (map (K recty) preds) in let lambs = map2 (fun (r,(m,d)) (p,a) -> mk_abs(a,mk_conj(mk_comb(r,a),mk_comb(p,mk_comb(m,a))))) consindex' (zip preds args) in SPECL lambs ith in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Reduce a single clause of the postulated induction theorem (old_ver) ba *) (* to the kind wanted for the new type (new_ver); |- new_ver ==> old_ver *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pullback_induction_clause tybijpairs conthms = let PRERULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE (funpow 3 RAND_CONV) (map SYM conthms) in let IPRULE = SYM o GEN_REWRITE_RULE I (map snd tybijpairs) in fun rthm tm -> let avs,bimp = strip_forall tm in if is_imp bimp then let ant,con = dest_imp bimp in let ths = map (CONV_RULE BETA_CONV) (CONJUNCTS (ASSUME ant)) in let tths,pths = unzip (map CONJ_PAIR ths) in let tth = MATCH_MP (SPEC_ALL rthm) (end_itlist CONJ tths) in let mths = map IPRULE (tth::tths) in let conth1 = BETA_CONV con in let contm1 = rand(concl conth1) in let conth2 = TRANS conth1 (AP_TERM (rator contm1) (SUBS_CONV (tl mths) (rand contm1))) in let conth3 = PRERULE conth2 in let lctms = map concl pths in let asmin = mk_imp(list_mk_conj lctms,rand(rand(concl conth3))) in let argsin = map rand (conjuncts(lhand asmin)) in let argsgen = map (fun tm -> mk_var(fst(dest_var(rand tm)),type_of tm)) argsin in let asmgen = subst (zip argsgen argsin) asmin in let asmquant = list_mk_forall(snd(strip_comb(rand(rand asmgen))),asmgen) in let th1 = INST (zip argsin argsgen) (SPEC_ALL (ASSUME asmquant)) in let th2 = MP th1 (end_itlist CONJ pths) in let th3 = EQ_MP (SYM conth3) (CONJ tth th2) in DISCH asmquant (GENL avs (DISCH ant th3)) else let con = bimp in let conth2 = BETA_CONV con in let tth = PART_MATCH I rthm (lhand(rand(concl conth2))) in let conth3 = PRERULE conth2 in let asmgen = rand(rand(concl conth3)) in let asmquant = list_mk_forall(snd(strip_comb(rand asmgen)),asmgen) in let th2 = SPEC_ALL (ASSUME asmquant) in let th3 = EQ_MP (SYM conth3) (CONJ tth th2) in DISCH asmquant (GENL avs th3) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Finish off a consequence of the induction theorem. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let finish_induction_conclusion consindex tybijpairs = let tybij1,tybij2 = unzip tybijpairs in let PRERULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE (LAND_CONV o LAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) tybij1 o GEN_REWRITE_RULE LAND_CONV tybij2 and FINRULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE RAND_CONV tybij1 in fun th -> let av,bimp = dest_forall(concl th) in let pv = lhand(body(rator(rand bimp))) in let p,v = dest_comb pv in let mk,dest = assoc p consindex in let ty = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of dest))) in let v' = mk_var(fst(dest_var v),ty) in let dv = mk_comb(dest,v') in let th1 = PRERULE (SPEC dv th) in let th2 = MP th1 (REFL (rand(lhand(concl th1)))) in let th3 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV th2 in GEN v' (FINRULE (CONJUNCT2 th3)) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Derive the induction theorem. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let derive_induction_theorem consindex tybijpairs conthms iith rth = let bths = map2 (pullback_induction_clause tybijpairs conthms) (CONJUNCTS rth) (conjuncts(lhand(concl iith))) in let asm = list_mk_conj(map (lhand o concl) bths) in let ths = map2 MP bths (CONJUNCTS (ASSUME asm)) in let th1 = MP iith (end_itlist CONJ ths) in let th2 = end_itlist CONJ (map (finish_induction_conclusion consindex tybijpairs) (CONJUNCTS th1)) in let th3 = DISCH asm th2 in let preds = map (rator o body o rand) (conjuncts(rand(concl th3))) in let th4 = GENL preds th3 in let pasms = filter (C mem (map fst consindex) o lhand) (hyp th4) in let th5 = itlist DISCH pasms th4 in let th6,_ = itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (hyp th5) (th5,[]) in let th7 = UNDISCH_ALL th6 in fst (itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (hyp th7) (th7,[])) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Create the recursive functions and eliminate pseudo-constructors. *) (* (These are kept just long enough to derive the key property.) *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let create_recursive_functions tybijpairs consindex conthms rth = let domtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o snd o snd) consindex in let recty = (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o fst o snd o hd) consindex in let ranty = mk_vartype "Z" in let fn = mk_var("fn",mk_fun_ty recty ranty) and fns = make_args "fn" [] (map (C mk_fun_ty ranty) domtys) in let args = make_args "a" [] domtys in let rights = map2 (fun (_,(_,d)) a -> mk_abs(a,mk_comb(fn,mk_comb(d,a)))) consindex args in let eqs = map2 (curry mk_eq) fns rights in let fdefs = map ASSUME eqs in let fxths1 = map (fun th1 -> tryfind (fun th2 -> MK_COMB(th2,th1)) fdefs) conthms in let fxths2 = map (fun th -> TRANS th (BETA_CONV (rand(concl th)))) fxths1 in let mk_tybijcons (th1,th2) = let th3 = INST [rand(lhand(concl th1)),rand(lhand(concl th2))] th2 in let th4 = AP_TERM (rator(lhand(rand(concl th2)))) th1 in EQ_MP (SYM th3) th4 in let SCONV = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I (map mk_tybijcons tybijpairs) and ERULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE I (map snd tybijpairs) in let simplify_fxthm rthm fxth = let pat = funpow 4 rand (concl fxth) in if is_imp(repeat (snd o dest_forall) (concl rthm)) then let th1 = PART_MATCH (rand o rand) rthm pat in let tms1 = conjuncts(lhand(concl th1)) in let ths2 = map (fun t -> EQ_MP (SYM(SCONV t)) TRUTH) tms1 in ERULE (MP th1 (end_itlist CONJ ths2)) else ERULE (PART_MATCH rand rthm pat) in let fxths3 = map2 simplify_fxthm (CONJUNCTS rth) fxths2 in let fxths4 = map2 (fun th1 -> TRANS th1 o AP_TERM fn) fxths2 fxths3 in let cleanup_fxthm cth fxth = let tms = snd(strip_comb(rand(rand(concl fxth)))) in let kth = RIGHT_BETAS tms (ASSUME (hd(hyp cth))) in TRANS fxth (AP_TERM fn kth) in let fxth5 = end_itlist CONJ (map2 cleanup_fxthm conthms fxths4) in let pasms = filter (C mem (map fst consindex) o lhand) (hyp fxth5) in let fxth6 = itlist DISCH pasms fxth5 in let fxth7,_ = itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (itlist (union o hyp) conthms []) (fxth6,[]) in let fxth8 = UNDISCH_ALL fxth7 in fst (itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (subtract (hyp fxth8) eqs) (fxth8,[])) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Create a function for recursion clause. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let create_recursion_iso_constructor = let s = `s:num->Z` in let zty = `:Z` in let numty = `:num` in let rec extract_arg tup v = if v = tup then REFL tup else let t1,t2 = dest_pair tup in let PAIR_th = ISPECL [t1;t2] (if free_in v t1 then FST else SND) in let tup' = rand(concl PAIR_th) in if tup' = v then PAIR_th else let th = extract_arg (rand(concl PAIR_th)) v in SUBS[SYM PAIR_th] th in fun consindex -> let recty = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of(fst(hd consindex))))) in let domty = hd(snd(dest_type recty)) in let i = mk_var("i",domty) and r = mk_var("r",mk_fun_ty numty recty) in let mks = map (fst o snd) consindex in let mkindex = map (fun t -> hd(tl(snd(dest_type(type_of t)))),t) mks in fun cth -> let artms = snd(strip_comb(rand(rand(concl cth)))) in let artys = mapfilter (type_of o rand) artms in let args,bod = strip_abs(rand(hd(hyp cth))) in let ccitm,rtm = dest_comb bod in let cctm,itm = dest_comb ccitm in let rargs,iargs = partition (C free_in rtm) args in let xths = map (extract_arg itm) iargs in let cargs' = map (subst [i,itm] o lhand o concl) xths in let indices = map sucivate (0--(length rargs - 1)) in let rindexed = map (curry mk_comb r) indices in let rargs' = map2 (fun a rx -> mk_comb(assoc a mkindex,rx)) artys rindexed in let sargs' = map (curry mk_comb s) indices in let allargs = cargs'@ rargs' @ sargs' in let funty = itlist (mk_fun_ty o type_of) allargs zty in let funname = fst(dest_const(repeat rator (lhand(concl cth))))^"'" in let funarg = mk_var(funname,funty) in list_mk_abs([i;r;s],list_mk_comb(funarg,allargs)) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Derive the recursion theorem. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let derive_recursion_theorem = let CCONV = funpow 3 RATOR_CONV (REPEATC (GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [FCONS])) in fun tybijpairs consindex conthms rath -> let isocons = map (create_recursion_iso_constructor consindex) conthms in let ty = type_of(hd isocons) in let fcons = mk_const("FCONS",[ty,aty]) and fnil = mk_const("FNIL",[ty,aty]) in let bigfun = itlist (mk_binop fcons) isocons fnil in let eth = ISPEC bigfun CONSTR_REC in let fn = rator(rand(hd(conjuncts(concl rath)))) in let betm = let v,bod = dest_abs(rand(concl eth)) in vsubst[fn,v] bod in let LCONV = REWR_CONV (ASSUME betm) in let fnths = map (fun t -> RIGHT_BETAS [bndvar(rand t)] (ASSUME t)) (hyp rath) in let SIMPER = PURE_REWRITE_RULE (map SYM fnths @ map fst tybijpairs @ [FST; SND; FCONS; BETA_THM]) in let hackdown_rath th = let ltm,rtm = dest_eq(concl th) in let wargs = snd(strip_comb(rand ltm)) in let th1 = TRANS th (LCONV rtm) in let th2 = TRANS th1 (CCONV (rand(concl th1))) in let th3 = TRANS th2 (funpow 2 RATOR_CONV BETA_CONV (rand(concl th2))) in let th4 = TRANS th3 (RATOR_CONV BETA_CONV (rand(concl th3))) in let th5 = TRANS th4 (BETA_CONV (rand(concl th4))) in GENL wargs (SIMPER th5) in let rthm = end_itlist CONJ (map hackdown_rath (CONJUNCTS rath)) in let seqs = let unseqs = filter is_eq (hyp rthm) in let tys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o snd o snd) consindex in map (fun ty -> find (fun t -> hd(snd(dest_type(type_of(lhand t)))) = ty) unseqs) tys in let rethm = itlist EXISTS_EQUATION seqs rthm in let fethm = CHOOSE(fn,eth) rethm in let pcons = map (repeat rator o rand o repeat (snd o dest_forall)) (conjuncts(concl rthm)) in GENL pcons fethm in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Basic function: returns induction and recursion separately. No parser. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun def -> let defs,rth,ith = justify_inductive_type_model def in let neths = prove_model_inhabitation rth in let tybijpairs = map (define_inductive_type defs) neths in let preds = map (repeat rator o concl) neths in let mkdests = map (fun (th,_) -> let tm = lhand(concl th) in rator tm,rator(rand tm)) tybijpairs in let consindex = zip preds mkdests in let condefs = map (define_inductive_type_constructor defs consindex) (CONJUNCTS rth) in let conthms = map (fun th -> let args = fst(strip_abs(rand(concl th))) in RIGHT_BETAS args th) condefs in let iith = instantiate_induction_theorem consindex ith in let fth = derive_induction_theorem consindex tybijpairs conthms iith rth in let rath = create_recursive_functions tybijpairs consindex conthms rth in let kth = derive_recursion_theorem tybijpairs consindex conthms rath in fth,kth;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parser to present a nice interface a la Melham. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let parse_inductive_type_specification = let parse_type_loc src = let pty,rst = parse_pretype src in type_of_pretype pty,rst in let parse_type_conapp src = let cn,sps = match src with (Ident cn)::sps -> cn,sps | _ -> fail() in let tys,rst = many parse_type_loc sps in (cn,tys),rst in let parse_type_clause src = let tn,sps = match src with (Ident tn)::sps -> tn,sps | _ -> fail() in let tys,rst = (a (Ident "=") ++ listof parse_type_conapp (a (Resword "|")) "type definition clauses" >> snd) sps in (mk_vartype tn,tys),rst in let parse_type_definition = listof parse_type_clause (a (Resword ";")) "type definition" in fun s -> let spec,rst = (parse_type_definition o lex o explode) s in if rst = [] then spec else failwith "parse_inductive_type_specification: junk after def";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Use this temporary version to define the sum type. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let sum_INDUCT,sum_RECURSION = define_type_raw (parse_inductive_type_specification "sum = INL A | INR B");; let OUTL = new_recursive_definition sum_RECURSION `OUTL (INL x :A+B) = x`;; let OUTR = new_recursive_definition sum_RECURSION `OUTR (INR y :A+B) = y`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Generalize the recursion theorem to multiple domain types. *) (* (We needed to use a single type to justify it via a proforma theorem.) *) (* *) (* NB! Before this is called nontrivially (i.e. more than one new type) *) (* the type constructor ":sum", used internally, must have been defined. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let define_type_raw = let generalize_recursion_theorem = let ELIM_OUTCOMBS = GEN_REWRITE_RULE TOP_DEPTH_CONV [OUTL; OUTR] in let rec mk_sum tys = let k = length tys in if k = 1 then hd tys else let tys1,tys2 = chop_list (k / 2) tys in mk_type("sum",[mk_sum tys1; mk_sum tys2]) in let mk_inls = let rec mk_inls ty = if is_vartype ty then [mk_var("x",ty)] else let _,[ty1;ty2] = dest_type ty in let inls1 = mk_inls ty1 and inls2 = mk_inls ty2 in let inl = mk_const("INL",[ty1,aty; ty2,bty]) and inr = mk_const("INR",[ty1,aty; ty2,bty]) in map (curry mk_comb inl) inls1 @ map (curry mk_comb inr) inls2 in fun ty -> let bods = mk_inls ty in map (fun t -> mk_abs(find_term is_var t,t)) bods in let mk_outls = let rec mk_inls sof ty = if is_vartype ty then [sof] else let _,[ty1;ty2] = dest_type ty in let outl = mk_const("OUTL",[ty1,aty; ty2,bty]) and outr = mk_const("OUTR",[ty1,aty; ty2,bty]) in mk_inls (mk_comb(outl,sof)) ty1 @ mk_inls (mk_comb(outr,sof)) ty2 in fun ty -> let x = mk_var("x",ty) in map (curry mk_abs x) (mk_inls x ty) in let mk_newfun fn outl = let s,ty = dest_var fn in let dty = hd(snd(dest_type ty)) in let x = mk_var("x",dty) in let y,bod = dest_abs outl in let r = mk_abs(x,vsubst[mk_comb(fn,x),y] bod) in let l = mk_var(s,type_of r) in let th1 = ASSUME (mk_eq(l,r)) in RIGHT_BETAS [x] th1 in fun th -> let avs,ebod = strip_forall(concl th) in let evs,bod = strip_exists ebod in let n = length evs in if n = 1 then th else let tys = map (fun i -> mk_vartype ("Z"^(string_of_int i))) (0--(n - 1)) in let sty = mk_sum tys in let inls = mk_inls sty and outls = mk_outls sty in let zty = type_of(rand(snd(strip_forall(hd(conjuncts bod))))) in let ith = INST_TYPE [sty,zty] th in let avs,ebod = strip_forall(concl ith) in let evs,bod = strip_exists ebod in let fns' = map2 mk_newfun evs outls in let fnalist = zip evs (map (rator o lhs o concl) fns') and inlalist = zip evs inls and outlalist = zip evs outls in let hack_clause tm = let avs,bod = strip_forall tm in let l,r = dest_eq bod in let fn,args = strip_comb r in let pargs = map (fun a -> let g = genvar(type_of a) in if is_var a then g,g else let outl = assoc (rator a) outlalist in mk_comb(outl,g),g) args in let args',args'' = unzip pargs in let inl = assoc (rator l) inlalist in let rty = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of inl))) in let nty = itlist (mk_fun_ty o type_of) args' rty in let fn' = mk_var(fst(dest_var fn),nty) in let r' = list_mk_abs(args'',mk_comb(inl,list_mk_comb(fn',args'))) in r',fn in let defs = map hack_clause (conjuncts bod) in let jth = BETA_RULE (SPECL (map fst defs) ith) in let bth = ASSUME (snd(strip_exists(concl jth))) in let finish_clause th = let avs,bod = strip_forall (concl th) in let outl = assoc (rator (lhand bod)) outlalist in GENL avs (BETA_RULE (AP_TERM outl (SPECL avs th))) in let cth = end_itlist CONJ (map finish_clause (CONJUNCTS bth)) in let dth = ELIM_OUTCOMBS cth in let eth = GEN_REWRITE_RULE ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (map SYM fns') dth in let fth = itlist SIMPLE_EXISTS (map snd fnalist) eth in let dtms = map (hd o hyp) fns' in let gth = itlist (fun e th -> let l,r = dest_eq e in MP (INST [r,l] (DISCH e th)) (REFL r)) dtms fth in let hth = PROVE_HYP jth (itlist SIMPLE_CHOOSE evs gth) in let xvs = map (fst o strip_comb o rand o snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts(concl eth)) in GENL xvs hth in fun def -> let ith,rth = define_type_raw def in ith,generalize_recursion_theorem rth;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Set up options and lists. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let option_INDUCT,option_RECURSION = define_type_raw (parse_inductive_type_specification "option = NONE | SOME A");; let list_INDUCT,list_RECURSION = define_type_raw (parse_inductive_type_specification "list = NIL | CONS A list");; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Tools for proving injectivity and distinctness of constructors. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let prove_constructors_injective = let DEPAIR = GEN_REWRITE_RULE TOP_SWEEP_CONV [PAIR_EQ] in let prove_distinctness ax pat = let f,args = strip_comb pat in let rt = end_itlist (curry mk_pair) args in let ty = mk_fun_ty (type_of pat) (type_of rt) in let fn = genvar ty in let dtm = mk_eq(mk_comb(fn,pat),rt) in let eth = prove_recursive_functions_exist ax (list_mk_forall(args,dtm)) in let args' = variants args args in let atm = mk_eq(pat,list_mk_comb(f,args')) in let ath = ASSUME atm in let bth = AP_TERM fn ath in let cth1 = SPECL args (ASSUME(snd(dest_exists(concl eth)))) in let cth2 = INST (zip args' args) cth1 in let pth = TRANS (TRANS (SYM cth1) bth) cth2 in let qth = DEPAIR pth in let qtm = concl qth in let rth = rev_itlist (C(curry MK_COMB)) (CONJUNCTS(ASSUME qtm)) (REFL f) in let tth = IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (DISCH atm qth) (DISCH qtm rth) in let uth = GENL args (GENL args' tth) in PROVE_HYP eth (SIMPLE_CHOOSE fn uth) in fun ax -> let cls = conjuncts(snd(strip_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl ax))))) in let pats = map (rand o lhand o snd o strip_forall) cls in end_itlist CONJ (mapfilter (prove_distinctness ax) pats);; let prove_constructors_distinct = let num_ty = `:num` in let rec allopairs f l m = if l = [] then [] else map (f (hd l)) (tl m) @ allopairs f (tl l) (tl m) in let NEGATE = GEN_ALL o CONV_RULE (REWR_CONV (TAUT `a ==> F <=> ~a`)) in let prove_distinct ax pat = let nums = map mk_small_numeral (0--(length pat - 1)) in let fn = genvar (mk_type("fun",[type_of(hd pat); num_ty])) in let ls = map (curry mk_comb fn) pat in let defs = map2 (fun l r -> list_mk_forall(frees (rand l),mk_eq(l,r))) ls nums in let eth = prove_recursive_functions_exist ax (list_mk_conj defs) in let ev,bod = dest_exists(concl eth) in let REWRITE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (CONJUNCTS (ASSUME bod)) in let pat' = map (fun t -> let f,args = if is_numeral t then t,[] else strip_comb t in list_mk_comb(f,variants args args)) pat in let pairs = allopairs (curry mk_eq) pat pat' in let nths = map (REWRITE o AP_TERM fn o ASSUME) pairs in let fths = map2 (fun t th -> NEGATE (DISCH t (CONV_RULE NUM_EQ_CONV th))) pairs nths in CONJUNCTS(PROVE_HYP eth (SIMPLE_CHOOSE ev (end_itlist CONJ fths))) in fun ax -> let cls = conjuncts(snd(strip_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl ax))))) in let lefts = map (dest_comb o lhand o snd o strip_forall) cls in let fns = itlist (insert o fst) lefts [] in let pats = map (fun f -> map snd (filter ((=)f o fst) lefts)) fns in end_itlist CONJ (end_itlist (@) (mapfilter (prove_distinct ax) pats));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Automatically prove the case analysis theorems. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let prove_cases_thm = let mk_exclauses x rpats = let xts = map (fun t -> list_mk_exists(frees t,mk_eq(x,t))) rpats in mk_abs(x,list_mk_disj xts) in let prove_triv tm = let evs,bod = strip_exists tm in let l,r = dest_eq bod in if l = r then REFL l else let lf,largs = strip_comb l and rf,rargs = strip_comb r in if lf = rf then let ths = map (ASSUME o mk_eq) (zip rargs largs) in let th1 = rev_itlist (C (curry MK_COMB)) ths (REFL lf) in itlist EXISTS_EQUATION (map concl ths) (SYM th1) else failwith "prove_triv" in let rec prove_disj tm = if is_disj tm then let l,r = dest_disj tm in try DISJ1 (prove_triv l) r with Failure _ -> DISJ2 l (prove_disj r) else prove_triv tm in let prove_eclause tm = let avs,bod = strip_forall tm in let ctm = if is_imp bod then rand bod else bod in let cth = prove_disj ctm in let dth = if is_imp bod then DISCH (lhand bod) cth else cth in GENL avs dth in fun th -> let avs,bod = strip_forall(concl th) in let cls = map (snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts(lhand bod)) in let pats = map (fun t -> if is_imp t then rand t else t) cls in let spats = map dest_comb pats in let preds = itlist (insert o fst) spats [] in let rpatlist = map (fun pr -> map snd (filter (fun (p,x) -> p = pr) spats)) preds in let xs = make_args "x" (freesl pats) (map (type_of o hd) rpatlist) in let xpreds = map2 mk_exclauses xs rpatlist in let ith = BETA_RULE (INST (zip xpreds preds) (SPEC_ALL th)) in let eclauses = conjuncts(fst(dest_imp(concl ith))) in MP ith (end_itlist CONJ (map prove_eclause eclauses));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Now deal with nested recursion. Need a store of previous theorems. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) inductive_type_store := ["list",(2,list_INDUCT,list_RECURSION); "option",(2,option_INDUCT,option_RECURSION); "sum",(2,sum_INDUCT,sum_RECURSION)] @ (!inductive_type_store);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Also add a cached rewrite of distinctness and injectivity theorems. Since *) (* there can be quadratically many distinctness clauses, it would really be *) (* preferable to have a conversion, but this seems OK up 100 constructors. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let basic_rectype_net = ref empty_net;; let distinctness_store = ref ["bool",TAUT `(T <=> F) <=> F`];; let injectivity_store = ref [];; let extend_rectype_net (tyname,(_,_,rth)) = let ths1 = try [prove_constructors_distinct rth] with Failure _ -> [] and ths2 = try [prove_constructors_injective rth] with Failure _ -> [] in let canon_thl = itlist (mk_rewrites false) (ths1 @ ths2) [] in distinctness_store := map (fun th -> tyname,th) ths1 @ (!distinctness_store); injectivity_store := map (fun th -> tyname,th) ths2 @ (!injectivity_store); basic_rectype_net := itlist (net_of_thm true) canon_thl (!basic_rectype_net);; do_list extend_rectype_net (!inductive_type_store);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Return distinctness and injectivity for a type by simple lookup. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let distinctness ty = assoc ty (!distinctness_store);; let injectivity ty = assoc ty (!injectivity_store);; let cases ty = if ty = "num" then num_CASES else let _,ith,_ = assoc ty (!inductive_type_store) in prove_cases_thm ith;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Convenient definitions for type isomorphism. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ISO = new_definition `ISO (f:A->B) (g:B->A) <=> (!x. f(g x) = x) /\ (!y. g(f y) = y)`;; let ISO_REFL = prove (`ISO (\x:A. x) (\x. x)`, REWRITE_TAC[ISO]);; let ISO_FUN = prove (`ISO (f:A->A') f' /\ ISO (g:B->B') g' ==> ISO (\h a'. g(h(f' a'))) (\h a. g'(h(f a)))`, REWRITE_TAC[ISO; FUN_EQ_THM] THEN MESON_TAC[]);; let ISO_USAGE = prove (`ISO f g ==> (!P. (!x. P x) <=> (!x. P(g x))) /\ (!P. (?x. P x) <=> (?x. P(g x))) /\ (!a b. (a = g b) <=> (f a = b))`, REWRITE_TAC[ISO; FUN_EQ_THM] THEN MESON_TAC[]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Hence extend type definition to nested types. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let define_type_raw = (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Dispose of trivial antecedent. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let TRIV_ANTE_RULE = let TRIV_IMP_CONV tm = let avs,bod = strip_forall tm in let bth = if is_eq bod then REFL (rand bod) else let ant,con = dest_imp bod in let ith = SUBS_CONV (CONJUNCTS(ASSUME ant)) (lhs con) in DISCH ant ith in GENL avs bth in fun th -> let tm = concl th in if is_imp tm then let ant,con = dest_imp(concl th) in let cjs = conjuncts ant in let cths = map TRIV_IMP_CONV cjs in MP th (end_itlist CONJ cths) else th in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Lift type bijections to "arbitrary" (well, free rec or function) type. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ISO_EXPAND_CONV = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV[ISO] in let rec lift_type_bijections iths cty = let itys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o lhand o concl) iths in try assoc cty (zip itys iths) with Failure _ -> if not (exists (C occurs_in cty) itys) then INST_TYPE [cty,aty] ISO_REFL else let tycon,isotys = dest_type cty in if tycon = "fun" then MATCH_MP ISO_FUN (end_itlist CONJ (map (lift_type_bijections iths) isotys)) else failwith ("lift_type_bijections: Unexpected type operator \""^tycon^"\"") in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Prove isomorphism of nested types where former is the smaller. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE = let pth = prove (`(?) P ==> (c = (@)P) ==> P c`, GEN_REWRITE_TAC (LAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) [GSYM ETA_AX] THEN DISCH_TAC THEN DISCH_THEN SUBST1_TAC THEN MATCH_MP_TAC SELECT_AX THEN POP_ASSUM ACCEPT_TAC) in let USE_PTH = MATCH_MP pth in let rec DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE th = if not (is_exists(concl th)) then [],th else let th1 = USE_PTH th in let v1 = rand(rand(concl th1)) in let gv = genvar(type_of v1) in let th2 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (UNDISCH (INST [gv,v1] th1)) in let vs,th3 = DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE th2 in gv::vs,th3 in DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE in let grab_type = type_of o rand o lhand o snd o strip_forall in let clause_corresponds cl0 = let f0,ctm0 = dest_comb (lhs cl0) in let c0 = fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb ctm0))) in let dty0,rty0 = dest_fun_ty (type_of f0) in fun cl1 -> let f1,ctm1 = dest_comb (lhs cl1) in let c1 = fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb ctm1))) in let dty1,rty1 = dest_fun_ty (type_of f1) in c0 = c1 & dty0 = rty1 & rty0 = dty1 in let prove_inductive_types_isomorphic n k (ith0,rth0) (ith1,rth1) = let sth0 = SPEC_ALL rth0 and sth1 = SPEC_ALL rth1 and t_tm = concl TRUTH in let pevs0,pbod0 = strip_exists (concl sth0) and pevs1,pbod1 = strip_exists (concl sth1) in let pcjs0,qcjs0 = chop_list k (conjuncts pbod0) and pcjs1,qcjs1 = chop_list k (snd(chop_list n (conjuncts pbod1))) in let tyal0 = setify (zip (map grab_type pcjs1) (map grab_type pcjs0)) in let tyal1 = map (fun (a,b) -> (b,a)) tyal0 in let tyins0 = map (fun f -> let domty,ranty = dest_fun_ty (type_of f) in tysubst tyal0 domty,ranty) pevs0 and tyins1 = map (fun f -> let domty,ranty = dest_fun_ty (type_of f) in tysubst tyal1 domty,ranty) pevs1 in let tth0 = INST_TYPE tyins0 sth0 and tth1 = INST_TYPE tyins1 sth1 in let evs0,bod0 = strip_exists(concl tth0) and evs1,bod1 = strip_exists(concl tth1) in let lcjs0,rcjs0 = chop_list k (map (snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts bod0)) and lcjs1,rcjsx = chop_list k (map (snd o strip_forall) (snd(chop_list n (conjuncts bod1)))) in let rcjs1 = map (fun t -> find (clause_corresponds t) rcjsx) rcjs0 in let proc_clause tm0 tm1 = let l0,r0 = dest_eq tm0 and l1,r1 = dest_eq tm1 in let vc0,wargs0 = strip_comb r0 in let con0,vargs0 = strip_comb(rand l0) in let gargs0 = map (genvar o type_of) wargs0 in let nestf0 = map (fun a -> can (find (fun t -> is_comb t & rand t = a)) wargs0) vargs0 in let targs0 = map2 (fun a f -> if f then find (fun t -> is_comb t & rand t = a) wargs0 else a) vargs0 nestf0 in let gvlist0 = zip wargs0 gargs0 in let xargs = map (fun v -> assoc v gvlist0) targs0 in let inst0 = list_mk_abs(gargs0,list_mk_comb(fst(strip_comb(rand l1)),xargs)),vc0 in let vc1,wargs1 = strip_comb r1 in let con1,vargs1 = strip_comb(rand l1) in let gargs1 = map (genvar o type_of) wargs1 in let targs1 = map2 (fun a f -> if f then find (fun t -> is_comb t & rand t = a) wargs1 else a) vargs1 nestf0 in let gvlist1 = zip wargs1 gargs1 in let xargs = map (fun v -> assoc v gvlist1) targs1 in let inst1 = list_mk_abs(gargs1,list_mk_comb(fst(strip_comb(rand l0)),xargs)),vc1 in inst0,inst1 in let insts0,insts1 = unzip (map2 proc_clause (lcjs0@rcjs0) (lcjs1@rcjs1)) in let uth0 = BETA_RULE(INST insts0 tth0) and uth1 = BETA_RULE(INST insts1 tth1) in let efvs0,sth0 = DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE uth0 and efvs1,sth1 = DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE uth1 in let efvs2 = map (fun t1 -> find (fun t2 -> hd(tl(snd(dest_type(type_of t1)))) = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of t2)))) efvs1) efvs0 in let isotms = map2 (fun ff gg -> list_mk_icomb "ISO" [ff;gg]) efvs0 efvs2 in let ctm = list_mk_conj isotms in let cth1 = ISO_EXPAND_CONV ctm in let ctm1 = rand(concl cth1) in let cjs = conjuncts ctm1 in let eee = map (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) (0--(length cjs - 1)) in let cjs1,cjs2 = partition fst (zip eee cjs) in let ctm2 = mk_conj(list_mk_conj (map snd cjs1), list_mk_conj (map snd cjs2)) in let DETRIV_RULE = TRIV_ANTE_RULE o REWRITE_RULE[sth0;sth1] in let jth0 = let itha = SPEC_ALL ith0 in let icjs = conjuncts(rand(concl itha)) in let cinsts = map (fun tm -> tryfind (fun vtm -> term_match [] vtm tm) icjs) (conjuncts (rand ctm2)) in let tvs = subtract (fst(strip_forall(concl ith0))) (itlist (fun (_,x,_) -> union (map snd x)) cinsts []) in let ctvs = map (fun p -> let x = mk_var("x",hd(snd(dest_type(type_of p)))) in mk_abs(x,t_tm),p) tvs in DETRIV_RULE (INST ctvs (itlist INSTANTIATE cinsts itha)) and jth1 = let itha = SPEC_ALL ith1 in let icjs = conjuncts(rand(concl itha)) in let cinsts = map (fun tm -> tryfind (fun vtm -> term_match [] vtm tm) icjs) (conjuncts (lhand ctm2)) in let tvs = subtract (fst(strip_forall(concl ith1))) (itlist (fun (_,x,_) -> union (map snd x)) cinsts []) in let ctvs = map (fun p -> let x = mk_var("x",hd(snd(dest_type(type_of p)))) in mk_abs(x,t_tm),p) tvs in DETRIV_RULE (INST ctvs (itlist INSTANTIATE cinsts itha)) in let cths4 = map2 CONJ (CONJUNCTS jth0) (CONJUNCTS jth1) in let cths5 = map (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[GSYM ISO]) cths4 in let cth6 = end_itlist CONJ cths5 in cth6,CONJ sth0 sth1 in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Define nested type by doing a 1-level unwinding. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let SCRUB_ASSUMPTION th = let hyps = hyp th in let eqn = find (fun t -> let x = lhs t in forall (fun u -> not (free_in x (rand u))) hyps) hyps in let l,r = dest_eq eqn in MP (INST [r,l] (DISCH eqn th)) (REFL r) in let define_type_basecase def = let add_id s = fst(dest_var(genvar bool_ty)) in let def' = map (I F_F (map (add_id F_F I))) def in define_type_raw def' in let SIMPLE_BETA_RULE = GSYM o PURE_REWRITE_RULE[BETA_THM; FUN_EQ_THM] in let ISO_USAGE_RULE = MATCH_MP ISO_USAGE in let SIMPLE_ISO_EXPAND_RULE = CONV_RULE(REWR_CONV ISO) in let REWRITE_FUN_EQ_RULE = let ths = itlist (mk_rewrites false) [FUN_EQ_THM] [] in let net = itlist (net_of_thm false) ths (basic_net()) in CONV_RULE o GENERAL_REWRITE_CONV true TOP_DEPTH_CONV net in let is_nested vs ty = not (is_vartype ty) & not (intersect (tyvars ty) vs = []) in let rec modify_type alist ty = try rev_assoc ty alist with Failure _ -> try let tycon,tyargs = dest_type ty in mk_type(tycon,map (modify_type alist) tyargs) with Failure _ -> ty in let modify_item alist (s,l) = s,map (modify_type alist) l in let modify_clause alist (l,lis) = l,map (modify_item alist) lis in let recover_clause id tm = let con,args = strip_comb tm in fst(dest_const con)^id,map type_of args in let rec create_auxiliary_clauses nty = let id = fst(dest_var(genvar bool_ty)) in let tycon,tyargs = dest_type nty in let k,ith,rth = try assoc tycon (!inductive_type_store) with Failure _ -> failwith ("Can't find definition for nested type: "^tycon) in let evs,bod = strip_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl rth))) in let cjs = map (lhand o snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts bod) in let rtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) evs in let tyins = tryfind (fun vty -> type_match vty nty []) rtys in let cjs' = map (inst tyins o rand) (fst(chop_list k cjs)) in let mtys = itlist (insert o type_of) cjs' [] in let pcons = map (fun ty -> filter (fun t -> type_of t = ty) cjs') mtys in let cls' = zip mtys (map (map (recover_clause id)) pcons) in let tyal = map (fun ty -> mk_vartype(fst(dest_type ty)^id),ty) mtys in let cls'' = map (modify_type tyal F_F map (modify_item tyal)) cls' in k,tyal,cls'',INST_TYPE tyins ith,INST_TYPE tyins rth in let rec define_type_nested def = let n = length(itlist (@) (map (map fst o snd) def) []) in let newtys = map fst def in let utys = unions (itlist (union o map snd o snd) def []) in let rectys = filter (is_nested newtys) utys in if rectys = [] then let th1,th2 = define_type_basecase def in n,th1,th2 else let nty = hd (sort (fun t1 t2 -> occurs_in t2 t1) rectys) in let k,tyal,ncls,ith,rth = create_auxiliary_clauses nty in let cls = map (modify_clause tyal) def @ ncls in let _,ith1,rth1 = define_type_nested cls in let xnewtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) (fst(strip_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl rth1))))) in let xtyal = map (fun ty -> let s = dest_vartype ty in find (fun t -> fst(dest_type t) = s) xnewtys,ty) (map fst cls) in let ith0 = INST_TYPE xtyal ith and rth0 = INST_TYPE xtyal rth in let isoth,rclauses = prove_inductive_types_isomorphic n k (ith0,rth0) (ith1,rth1) in let irth3 = CONJ ith1 rth1 in let vtylist = itlist (insert o type_of) (variables(concl irth3)) [] in let isoths = CONJUNCTS isoth in let isotys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o lhand o concl) isoths in let ctylist = filter (fun ty -> exists (fun t -> occurs_in t ty) isotys) vtylist in let atylist = itlist (union o striplist dest_fun_ty) ctylist [] in let isoths' = map (lift_type_bijections isoths) (filter (fun ty -> exists (fun t -> occurs_in t ty) isotys) atylist) in let cisoths = map (BETA_RULE o lift_type_bijections isoths') ctylist in let uisoths = map ISO_USAGE_RULE cisoths in let visoths = map (ASSUME o concl) uisoths in let irth4 = itlist PROVE_HYP uisoths (REWRITE_FUN_EQ_RULE visoths irth3) in let irth5 = REWRITE_RULE (rclauses :: map SIMPLE_ISO_EXPAND_RULE isoths') irth4 in let irth6 = repeat SCRUB_ASSUMPTION irth5 in let ncjs = filter (fun t -> exists (fun v -> not(is_var v)) (snd(strip_comb(rand(lhs(snd(strip_forall t))))))) (conjuncts(snd(strip_exists (snd(strip_forall(rand(concl irth6))))))) in let mk_newcon tm = let vs,bod = strip_forall tm in let rdeb = rand(lhs bod) in let rdef = list_mk_abs(vs,rdeb) in let newname = fst(dest_var(genvar bool_ty)) in let def = mk_eq(mk_var(newname,type_of rdef),rdef) in let dth = new_definition def in SIMPLE_BETA_RULE dth in let dths = map mk_newcon ncjs in let ith6,rth6 = CONJ_PAIR(PURE_REWRITE_RULE dths irth6) in n,ith6,rth6 in fun def -> let newtys = map fst def in let truecons = itlist (@) (map (map fst o snd) def) [] in let (p,ith0,rth0) = define_type_nested def in let avs,etm = strip_forall(concl rth0) in let allcls = conjuncts(snd(strip_exists etm)) in let relcls = fst(chop_list (length truecons) allcls) in let gencons = map (repeat rator o rand o lhand o snd o strip_forall) relcls in let cdefs = map2 (fun s r -> SYM(new_definition (mk_eq(mk_var(s,type_of r),r)))) truecons gencons in let tavs = make_args "f" [] (map type_of avs) in let ith1 = SUBS cdefs ith0 and rth1 = GENL tavs (SUBS cdefs (SPECL tavs rth0)) in let retval = p,ith1,rth1 in let newentries = map (fun s -> dest_vartype s,retval) newtys in (inductive_type_store := newentries @ (!inductive_type_store); do_list extend_rectype_net newentries; ith1,rth1);; (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The overall function, with rather crude string-based benignity. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let the_inductive_types = ref ["list = NIL | CONS A list",(list_INDUCT,list_RECURSION); "option = NONE | SOME A",(option_INDUCT,option_RECURSION); "sum = INL A | INR B",(sum_INDUCT,sum_RECURSION)];; let define_type s = try let retval = assoc s (!the_inductive_types) in (warn true "Benign redefinition of inductive type"; retval) with Failure _ -> let defspec = parse_inductive_type_specification s in let newtypes = map fst defspec and constructors = itlist ((@) o map fst) (map snd defspec) [] in if not(length(setify newtypes) = length newtypes) then failwith "define_type: multiple definitions of a type" else if not(length(setify constructors) = length constructors) then failwith "define_type: multiple instances of a constructor" else if exists (can get_type_arity o dest_vartype) newtypes then let t = find (can get_type_arity) (map dest_vartype newtypes) in failwith("define_type: type :"^t^" already defined") else if exists (can get_const_type) constructors then let t = find (can get_const_type) constructors in failwith("define_type: constant "^t^" already defined") else let retval = define_type_raw defspec in the_inductive_types := (s,retval)::(!the_inductive_types); retval;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Unwinding, and application of patterns. Add easy cases to default net. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let UNWIND_CONV,MATCH_CONV = let pth_0 = prove (`(if ?!x. x = a /\ p then @x. x = a /\ p else @x. F) = (if p then a else @x. F)`, BOOL_CASES_TAC `p:bool` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[COND_ID] THEN MESON_TAC[]) and pth_1 = prove (`_MATCH x (_SEQPATTERN r s) = (if ?y. r x y then _MATCH x r else _MATCH x s) /\ _FUNCTION (_SEQPATTERN r s) x = (if ?y. r x y then _FUNCTION r x else _FUNCTION s x)`, REWRITE_TAC[_MATCH; _SEQPATTERN; _FUNCTION] THEN MESON_TAC[]) and pth_2 = prove (`((?y. _UNGUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ s t) (GEQ u y)) <=> s = t) /\ ((?y. _GUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ s t) p (GEQ u y)) <=> s = t /\ p)`, REWRITE_TAC[_UNGUARDED_PATTERN; _GUARDED_PATTERN; GEQ_DEF] THEN MESON_TAC[]) and pth_3 = prove (`(_MATCH x (\y z. P y z) = if ?!z. P x z then @z. P x z else @x. F) /\ (_FUNCTION (\y z. P y z) x = if ?!z. P x z then @z. P x z else @x. F)`, REWRITE_TAC[_MATCH; _FUNCTION]) and pth_4 = prove (`(_UNGUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ s t) (GEQ u y) <=> y = u /\ s = t) /\ (_GUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ s t) p (GEQ u y) <=> y = u /\ s = t /\ p)`, REWRITE_TAC[_UNGUARDED_PATTERN; _GUARDED_PATTERN; GEQ_DEF] THEN MESON_TAC[]) and pth_5 = prove (`(if ?!z. z = k then @z. z = k else @x. F) = k`, MESON_TAC[]) in let rec INSIDE_EXISTS_CONV conv tm = if is_exists tm then BINDER_CONV (INSIDE_EXISTS_CONV conv) tm else conv tm in let PUSH_EXISTS_CONV = let econv = REWR_CONV SWAP_EXISTS_THM in let rec conv bc tm = try (econv THENC BINDER_CONV(conv bc)) tm with Failure _ -> bc tm in conv in let BREAK_CONS_CONV = let conv2 = GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [AND_CLAUSES; OR_CLAUSES] THENC ASSOC_CONV CONJ_ASSOC in fun tm -> let conv0 = TOP_SWEEP_CONV(REWRITES_CONV(!basic_rectype_net)) in let conv1 = if is_conj tm then LAND_CONV conv0 else conv0 in (conv1 THENC conv2) tm in let UNWIND_CONV = let baseconv = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [UNWIND_THM1; UNWIND_THM2; EQT_INTRO(SPEC_ALL EXISTS_REFL); EQT_INTRO(GSYM(SPEC_ALL EXISTS_REFL))] in let rec UNWIND_CONV tm = let evs,bod = strip_exists tm in let eqs = conjuncts bod in try let eq = find (fun tm -> is_eq tm & let l,r = dest_eq tm in (mem l evs & not (free_in l r)) or (mem r evs & not (free_in r l))) eqs in let l,r = dest_eq eq in let v = if mem l evs & not (free_in l r) then l else r in let cjs' = eq::(subtract eqs [eq]) in let n = length evs - (1 + index v (rev evs)) in let th1 = CONJ_ACI_RULE(mk_eq(bod,list_mk_conj cjs')) in let th2 = itlist MK_EXISTS evs th1 in let th3 = funpow n BINDER_CONV (PUSH_EXISTS_CONV baseconv) (rand(concl th2)) in CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV UNWIND_CONV) (TRANS th2 th3) with Failure _ -> REFL tm in UNWIND_CONV in let MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_1] THENC RATOR_CONV(LAND_CONV (BINDER_CONV(RATOR_CONV BETA_CONV THENC BETA_CONV) THENC PUSH_EXISTS_CONV(GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_2] THENC BREAK_CONS_CONV) THENC UNWIND_CONV THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [EQT_INTRO(SPEC_ALL EQ_REFL); AND_CLAUSES] THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [EXISTS_SIMP])) and MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV tm = let th1 = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_3] tm in let tm' = body(rand(lhand(rand(concl th1)))) in let th2 = (INSIDE_EXISTS_CONV (GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_4] THENC RAND_CONV BREAK_CONS_CONV) THENC UNWIND_CONV THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [EQT_INTRO(SPEC_ALL EQ_REFL); AND_CLAUSES] THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [EXISTS_SIMP]) tm' in let conv tm = if tm = lhand(concl th2) then th2 else fail() in CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (RATOR_CONV (COMB2_CONV (RAND_CONV (BINDER_CONV conv)) (BINDER_CONV conv)))) th1 in let MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV_TRIV = MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [COND_CLAUSES] and MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV_GEN = MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV TRY_CONV [COND_CLAUSES] and MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV_TRIV = MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [pth_5] and MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV_GEN = MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV THENC GEN_REWRITE_CONV TRY_CONV [pth_0; pth_5] in do_list extend_basic_convs ["MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV", (`_MATCH x (_SEQPATTERN r s)`,MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV_TRIV); "FUN_SEQPATTERN_CONV", (`_FUNCTION (_SEQPATTERN r s) x`,MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV_TRIV); "MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV", (`_MATCH x (\y z. P y z)`,MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV_TRIV); "FUN_ONEPATTERN_CONV", (`_FUNCTION (\y z. P y z) x`,MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV_TRIV)]; (CHANGED_CONV UNWIND_CONV, (MATCH_SEQPATTERN_CONV_GEN ORELSEC MATCH_ONEPATTERN_CONV_GEN));; let FORALL_UNWIND_CONV = let PUSH_FORALL_CONV = let econv = REWR_CONV SWAP_FORALL_THM in let rec conv bc tm = try (econv THENC BINDER_CONV(conv bc)) tm with Failure _ -> bc tm in conv in let baseconv = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [MESON[] `(!x. x = a /\ p x ==> q x) <=> (p a ==> q a)`; MESON[] `(!x. a = x /\ p x ==> q x) <=> (p a ==> q a)`; MESON[] `(!x. x = a ==> q x) <=> q a`; MESON[] `(!x. a = x ==> q x) <=> q a`] in let rec FORALL_UNWIND_CONV tm = try let avs,bod = strip_forall tm in let ant,con = dest_imp bod in let eqs = conjuncts ant in let eq = find (fun tm -> is_eq tm & let l,r = dest_eq tm in (mem l avs & not (free_in l r)) or (mem r avs & not (free_in r l))) eqs in let l,r = dest_eq eq in let v = if mem l avs & not (free_in l r) then l else r in let cjs' = eq::(subtract eqs [eq]) in let n = length avs - (1 + index v (rev avs)) in let th1 = CONJ_ACI_RULE(mk_eq(ant,list_mk_conj cjs')) in let th2 = AP_THM (AP_TERM (rator(rator bod)) th1) con in let th3 = itlist MK_FORALL avs th2 in let th4 = funpow n BINDER_CONV (PUSH_FORALL_CONV baseconv) (rand(concl th3)) in CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV FORALL_UNWIND_CONV) (TRANS th3 th4) with Failure _ -> REFL tm in FORALL_UNWIND_CONV;;