(* ========================================================================= *) (* Create a standalone HOL image. Assumes that we are running under Linux *) (* and have the program "ckpt" available to create checkpoints. *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *) (* ========================================================================= *) #use "hol.ml";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Record the build date and OCaml version for the startup banner. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) #load "unix.cma";; let startup_banner = let {Unix.tm_mday = d;Unix.tm_mon = m;Unix.tm_year = y;Unix.tm_wday = w} = Unix.localtime(Unix.time()) in let nice_date = string_of_int d ^ " " ^ el m ["January"; "February"; "March"; "April"; "May"; "June"; "July"; "August"; "September"; "October"; "November"; "December"] ^ " " ^ string_of_int(1900+y) in " HOL Light "^hol_version^ ", built "^nice_date^" on OCaml "^Sys.ocaml_version;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Self-destruct to create checkpoint file; print banner when restarted. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let self_destruct bannerstring = let longer_banner = startup_banner ^ " with ckpt" in let complete_banner = if bannerstring = "" then longer_banner else longer_banner^"\n "^bannerstring in (Gc.compact(); ignore(Unix.system "sleep 1s; kill -USR1 $PPID"); Format.print_string complete_banner; Format.print_newline(); Format.print_newline());; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Non-destructive checkpoint using CryoPID "freeze". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let checkpoint bannerstring = let rec waste_time n = if n = 0 then () else waste_time(n - 1) in let longer_banner = startup_banner ^ " with CryoPID" in let complete_banner = if bannerstring = "" then longer_banner else longer_banner^"\n "^bannerstring in (Gc.compact(); ignore(Unix.system "(sleep 1s; freeze -l hol.snapshot $PPID) &"); waste_time 100000000; Format.print_string complete_banner; Format.print_newline(); Format.print_newline());;