(* ========================================================================= *) (* Version of the MESON procedure a la PTTP. Various search options. *) (* *) (* John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 *) (* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "canon.ml";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Some parameters controlling MESON behaviour. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meson_depth = ref false;; (* Use depth not inference bound. *) let meson_prefine = ref true;; (* Use Plaisted's positive refinement. *) let meson_dcutin = ref 1;; (* Min size for d-and-c optimization cut-in. *) let meson_skew = ref 3;; (* Skew proof bias (one side is <= n / skew) *) let meson_brand = ref false;; (* Use Brand transformation *) let meson_split_limit = ref 8;; (* Limit of case splits before MESON proper *) let meson_chatty = ref false;; (* Old-style verbose MESON output *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Prolog exception. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception Cut;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Shadow syntax for FOL terms in NNF. Functions and predicates have *) (* numeric codes, and negation is done by negating the predicate code. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type fol_term = Fvar of int | Fnapp of int * fol_term list;; type fol_atom = int * fol_term list;; type fol_form = Atom of fol_atom | Conj of fol_form * fol_form | Disj of fol_form * fol_form | Forallq of int * fol_form;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Type for recording a MESON proof tree. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type fol_goal = Subgoal of fol_atom * fol_goal list * (int * thm) * int * (fol_term * int)list;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* General MESON procedure, using assumptions and with settable limits. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let GEN_MESON_TAC = let offinc = 10000 and inferences = ref 0 in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Like partition, but with short-circuiting for special situation. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let qpartition p m = let rec qpartition l = if l == m then raise Unchanged else match l with [] -> raise Unchanged | (h::t) -> if p h then try let yes,no = qpartition t in h::yes,no with Unchanged -> [h],t else let yes,no = qpartition t in yes,h::no in function l -> try qpartition l with Unchanged -> [],l in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate a term (in NNF) into the shadow syntax. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let reset_vars,fol_of_var,hol_of_var = let vstore = ref [] and gstore = ref [] and vcounter = ref 0 in let inc_vcounter() = let n = !vcounter in let m = n + 1 in if m >= offinc then failwith "inc_vcounter: too many variables" else (vcounter := m; n) in let reset_vars() = vstore := []; gstore := []; vcounter := 0 in let fol_of_var v = let currentvars = !vstore in try assoc v currentvars with Failure _ -> let n = inc_vcounter() in vstore := (v,n)::currentvars; n in let hol_of_var v = try rev_assoc v (!vstore) with Failure _ -> rev_assoc v (!gstore) in let hol_of_bumped_var v = try hol_of_var v with Failure _ -> let v' = v mod offinc in let hv' = hol_of_var v' in let gv = genvar(type_of hv') in gstore := (gv,v)::(!gstore); gv in reset_vars,fol_of_var,hol_of_bumped_var in let reset_consts,fol_of_const,hol_of_const = let false_tm = `F` in let cstore = ref ([]:(term * int)list) and ccounter = ref 2 in let reset_consts() = cstore := [false_tm,1]; ccounter := 2 in let fol_of_const c = let currentconsts = !cstore in try assoc c currentconsts with Failure _ -> let n = !ccounter in ccounter := n + 1; cstore := (c,n)::currentconsts; n in let hol_of_const c = rev_assoc c (!cstore) in reset_consts,fol_of_const,hol_of_const in let rec fol_of_term env consts tm = if is_var tm & not (mem tm consts) then Fvar(fol_of_var tm) else let f,args = strip_comb tm in if mem f env then failwith "fol_of_term: higher order" else let ff = fol_of_const f in Fnapp(ff,map (fol_of_term env consts) args) in let fol_of_atom env consts tm = let f,args = strip_comb tm in if mem f env then failwith "fol_of_atom: higher order" else let ff = fol_of_const f in ff,map (fol_of_term env consts) args in let fol_of_literal env consts tm = try let tm' = dest_neg tm in let p,a = fol_of_atom env consts tm' in -p,a with Failure _ -> fol_of_atom env consts tm in let rec fol_of_form env consts tm = try let v,bod = dest_forall tm in let fv = fol_of_var v in let fbod = fol_of_form (v::env) (subtract consts [v]) bod in Forallq(fv,fbod) with Failure _ -> try let l,r = dest_conj tm in let fl = fol_of_form env consts l and fr = fol_of_form env consts r in Conj(fl,fr) with Failure _ -> try let l,r = dest_disj tm in let fl = fol_of_form env consts l and fr = fol_of_form env consts r in Disj(fl,fr) with Failure _ -> Atom(fol_of_literal env consts tm) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Further translation functions for HOL formulas. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec hol_of_term tm = match tm with Fvar v -> hol_of_var v | Fnapp(f,args) -> list_mk_comb(hol_of_const f,map hol_of_term args) in let hol_of_atom (p,args) = list_mk_comb(hol_of_const p,map hol_of_term args) in let hol_of_literal (p,args) = if p < 0 then mk_neg(hol_of_atom(-p,args)) else hol_of_atom (p,args) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Versions of shadow syntax operations with variable bumping. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec fol_free_in v tm = match tm with Fvar x -> x = v | Fnapp(_,lis) -> exists (fol_free_in v) lis in let rec fol_subst theta tm = match tm with Fvar v -> rev_assocd v theta tm | Fnapp(f,args) -> let args' = qmap (fol_subst theta) args in if args' == args then tm else Fnapp(f,args') in let fol_inst theta ((p,args) as at:fol_atom) = let args' = qmap (fol_subst theta) args in if args' == args then at else p,args' in let rec fol_subst_bump offset theta tm = match tm with Fvar v -> if v < offinc then let v' = v + offset in rev_assocd v' theta (Fvar(v')) else rev_assocd v theta tm | Fnapp(f,args) -> let args' = qmap (fol_subst_bump offset theta) args in if args' == args then tm else Fnapp(f,args') in let fol_inst_bump offset theta ((p,args) as at:fol_atom) = let args' = qmap (fol_subst_bump offset theta) args in if args' == args then at else p,args' in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Main unification function, maintaining a "graph" instantiation. *) (* We implicitly apply an offset to variables in the second term, so this *) (* is not symmetric between the arguments. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec istriv env x t = match t with Fvar y -> y = x or (try let t' = rev_assoc y env in istriv env x t' with Failure "find" -> false) | Fnapp(f,args) -> exists (istriv env x) args & failwith "cyclic" in let rec fol_unify offset tm1 tm2 sofar = match tm1,tm2 with Fnapp(f,fargs),Fnapp(g,gargs) -> if f <> g then failwith "" else itlist2 (fol_unify offset) fargs gargs sofar | _,Fvar(x) -> (let x' = x + offset in try let tm2' = rev_assoc x' sofar in fol_unify 0 tm1 tm2' sofar with Failure "find" -> if istriv sofar x' tm1 then sofar else (tm1,x')::sofar) | Fvar(x),_ -> (try let tm1' = rev_assoc x sofar in fol_unify offset tm1' tm2 sofar with Failure "find" -> let tm2' = fol_subst_bump offset [] tm2 in if istriv sofar x tm2' then sofar else (tm2',x)::sofar) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Test for equality under the pending instantiations. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec fol_eq insts tm1 tm2 = tm1 == tm2 or match tm1,tm2 with Fnapp(f,fargs),Fnapp(g,gargs) -> f = g & forall2 (fol_eq insts) fargs gargs | _,Fvar(x) -> (try let tm2' = rev_assoc x insts in fol_eq insts tm1 tm2' with Failure "find" -> try istriv insts x tm1 with Failure _ -> false) | Fvar(x),_ -> (try let tm1' = rev_assoc x insts in fol_eq insts tm1' tm2 with Failure "find" -> try istriv insts x tm2 with Failure _ -> false) in let fol_atom_eq insts (p1,args1) (p2,args2) = p1 = p2 & forall2 (fol_eq insts) args1 args2 in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Cacheing continuations. Very crude, but it works remarkably well. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let cacheconts f = let memory = ref [] in fun (gg,(insts,offset,size) as input) -> if exists (fun (_,(insts',_,size')) -> insts = insts' & (size <= size' or !meson_depth)) (!memory) then failwith "cachecont" else memory := input::(!memory); f input in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Check ancestor list for repetition. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let checkan insts (p,a) ancestors = let p' = -p in let t' = (p',a) in try let ours = assoc p' ancestors in if exists (fun u -> fol_atom_eq insts t' (snd(fst u))) ours then failwith "checkan" else ancestors with Failure "find" -> ancestors in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Insert new goal's negation in ancestor clause, given refinement. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let insertan insts (p,a) ancestors = let p' = -p in let t' = (p',a) in let ourancp,otheranc = try remove (fun (pr,_) -> pr = p') ancestors with Failure _ -> (p',[]),ancestors in let ouranc = snd ourancp in if exists (fun u -> fol_atom_eq insts t' (snd(fst u))) ouranc then failwith "insertan: loop" else (p',(([],t'),(0,TRUTH))::ouranc)::otheranc in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Apply a multi-level "graph" instantiation. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec fol_subst_partial insts tm = match tm with Fvar(v) -> (try let t = rev_assoc v insts in fol_subst_partial insts t with Failure "find" -> tm) | Fnapp(f,args) -> Fnapp(f,map (fol_subst_partial insts) args) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Tease apart local and global instantiations. *) (* At the moment we also force a full evaluation; should eliminate this. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let separate_insts offset oldinsts newinsts = let locins,globins = qpartition (fun (_,v) -> offset <= v) oldinsts newinsts in if globins = oldinsts then map (fun (t,x) -> fol_subst_partial newinsts t,x) locins,oldinsts else map (fun (t,x) -> fol_subst_partial newinsts t,x) locins, map (fun (t,x) -> fol_subst_partial newinsts t,x) globins in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform basic MESON expansion. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meson_single_expand loffset rule ((g,ancestors),(insts,offset,size)) = let (hyps,conc),tag = rule in let allins = rev_itlist2 (fol_unify loffset) (snd g) (snd conc) insts in let locin,globin = separate_insts offset insts allins in let mk_ihyp h = let h' = fol_inst_bump offset locin h in h',checkan insts h' ancestors in let newhyps = map mk_ihyp hyps in inferences := !inferences + 1; newhyps,(globin,offset+offinc,size-length hyps) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform first basic expansion which allows continuation call. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meson_expand_cont loffset rules state cont = tryfind (fun r -> cont (snd r) (meson_single_expand loffset r state)) rules in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Try expansion and continuation call with ancestor or initial rule. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meson_expand rules ((g,ancestors),((insts,offset,size) as tup)) cont = let pr = fst g in let newancestors = insertan insts g ancestors in let newstate = (g,newancestors),tup in try if !meson_prefine & pr > 0 then failwith "meson_expand" else let arules = assoc pr ancestors in meson_expand_cont 0 arules newstate cont with Cut -> failwith "meson_expand" | Failure _ -> try let crules = filter (fun ((h,_),_) -> length h <= size) (assoc pr rules) in meson_expand_cont offset crules newstate cont with Cut -> failwith "meson_expand" | Failure _ -> failwith "meson_expand" in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Simple Prolog engine organizing search and backtracking. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let expand_goal rules = let rec expand_goal depth ((g,_),(insts,offset,size) as state) cont = if depth < 0 then failwith "expand_goal: too deep" else meson_expand rules state (fun apprule (_,(pinsts,_,_) as newstate) -> expand_goals (depth-1) newstate (cacheconts(fun (gs,(newinsts,newoffset,newsize)) -> let locin,globin = separate_insts offset pinsts newinsts in let g' = Subgoal(g,gs,apprule,offset,locin) in if globin = insts & gs = [] then try cont(g',(globin,newoffset,size)) with Failure _ -> raise Cut else try cont(g',(globin,newoffset,newsize)) with Cut -> failwith "expand_goal" | Failure _ -> failwith "expand_goal"))) and expand_goals depth (gl,(insts,offset,size as tup)) cont = match gl with [] -> cont ([],tup) | [g] -> expand_goal depth (g,tup) (fun (g',stup) -> cont([g'],stup)) | gl -> if size >= !meson_dcutin then let lsize = size / (!meson_skew) in let rsize = size - lsize in let lgoals,rgoals = chop_list (length gl / 2) gl in try expand_goals depth (lgoals,(insts,offset,lsize)) (cacheconts(fun (lg',(i,off,n)) -> expand_goals depth (rgoals,(i,off,n + rsize)) (cacheconts(fun (rg',ztup) -> cont (lg'@rg',ztup))))) with Failure _ -> expand_goals depth (rgoals,(insts,offset,lsize)) (cacheconts(fun (rg',(i,off,n)) -> expand_goals depth (lgoals,(i,off,n + rsize)) (cacheconts (fun (lg',((_,_,fsize) as ztup)) -> if n + rsize <= lsize + fsize then failwith "repetition of demigoal pair" else cont (lg'@rg',ztup))))) else let g::gs = gl in expand_goal depth (g,tup) (cacheconts(fun (g',stup) -> expand_goals depth (gs,stup) (cacheconts(fun (gs',ftup) -> cont(g'::gs',ftup))))) in fun g maxdep maxinf cont -> expand_goal maxdep (g,([],2 * offinc,maxinf)) cont in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* With iterative deepening of inferences or depth. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let solve_goal rules incdepth min max incsize = let rec solve n g = if n > max then failwith "solve_goal: Too deep" else (if !meson_chatty & !verbose then (Format.print_string ((string_of_int (!inferences))^" inferences so far. "^ "Searching with maximum size "^(string_of_int n)^"."); Format.print_newline()) else if !verbose then (Format.print_string(string_of_int (!inferences)^".."); Format.print_flush()) else ()); try let gi = if incdepth then expand_goal rules g n 100000 (fun x -> x) else expand_goal rules g 100000 n (fun x -> x) in (if !meson_chatty & !verbose then (Format.print_string ("Goal solved with "^(string_of_int (!inferences))^ " inferences."); Format.print_newline()) else if !verbose then (Format.print_string("solved at "^string_of_int (!inferences)); Format.print_newline()) else ()); gi with Failure _ -> solve (n + incsize) g in fun g -> solve min (g,[]) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Creation of tagged contrapositives from a HOL clause. *) (* This includes any possible support clauses (1 = falsity). *) (* The rules are partitioned into association lists. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let fol_of_hol_clauses = let eqt (a1,(b1,c1)) (a2, (b2,c2)) = ((a1 = a2) & (b1 = b2) & (equals_thm c1 c2)) in let mk_negated (p,a) = -p,a in let rec mk_contraposes n th used unused sofar = match unused with [] -> sofar | h::t -> let nw = (map mk_negated (used @ t),h),(n,th) in mk_contraposes (n + 1) th (used@[h]) t (nw::sofar) in let fol_of_hol_clause th = let lconsts = freesl (hyp th) in let tm = concl th in let hlits = disjuncts tm in let flits = map (fol_of_literal [] lconsts) hlits in let basics = mk_contraposes 0 th [] flits [] in if forall (fun (p,_) -> p < 0) flits then ((map mk_negated flits,(1,[])),(-1,th))::basics else basics in fun thms -> let rawrules = itlist (union' eqt o fol_of_hol_clause) thms [] in let prs = setify (map (fst o snd o fst) rawrules) in let prules = map (fun t -> t,filter ((=) t o fst o snd o fst) rawrules) prs in let srules = sort (fun (p,_) (q,_) -> abs(p) <= abs(q)) prules in srules in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Optimize set of clauses; changing literal order complicates HOL stuff. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let optimize_rules = let optimize_clause_order cls = sort (fun ((l1,_),_) ((l2,_),_) -> length l1 <= length l2) cls in map (fun (a,b) -> a,optimize_clause_order b) in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Create a HOL contrapositive on demand, with a cache. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let clear_contrapos_cache,make_hol_contrapos = let DISJ_AC = AC DISJ_ACI and imp_CONV = REWR_CONV(TAUT `a \/ b <=> ~b ==> a`) and push_CONV = GEN_REWRITE_CONV TOP_SWEEP_CONV [TAUT `~(a \/ b) <=> ~a /\ ~b`; TAUT `~(~a) <=> a`] and pull_CONV = GEN_REWRITE_CONV DEPTH_CONV [TAUT `~a \/ ~b <=> ~(a /\ b)`] and imf_CONV = REWR_CONV(TAUT `~p <=> p ==> F`) in let memory = ref [] in let clear_contrapos_cache() = memory := [] in let make_hol_contrapos (n,th) = let tm = concl th in let key = (n,tm) in try assoc key (!memory) with Failure _ -> if n < 0 then CONV_RULE (pull_CONV THENC imf_CONV) th else let djs = disjuncts tm in let acth = if n = 0 then th else let ldjs,rdjs = chop_list n djs in let ndjs = (hd rdjs)::(ldjs@(tl rdjs)) in EQ_MP (DISJ_AC(mk_eq(tm,list_mk_disj ndjs))) th in let fth = if length djs = 1 then acth else CONV_RULE (imp_CONV THENC push_CONV) acth in (memory := (key,fth)::(!memory); fth) in clear_contrapos_cache,make_hol_contrapos in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate back the saved proof into HOL. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meson_to_hol = let hol_negate tm = try dest_neg tm with Failure _ -> mk_neg tm in let merge_inst (t,x) current = (fol_subst current t,x)::current in let finish_RULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE I [TAUT `(~p ==> p) <=> p`; TAUT `(p ==> ~p) <=> ~p`] in let rec meson_to_hol insts (Subgoal(g,gs,(n,th),offset,locin)) = let newins = itlist merge_inst locin insts in let g' = fol_inst newins g in let hol_g = hol_of_literal g' in let ths = map (meson_to_hol newins) gs in let hth = if equals_thm th TRUTH then ASSUME hol_g else let cth = make_hol_contrapos(n,th) in if ths = [] then cth else MATCH_MP cth (end_itlist CONJ ths) in let ith = PART_MATCH I hth hol_g in finish_RULE (DISCH (hol_negate(concl ith)) ith) in meson_to_hol in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Create equality axioms for all the function and predicate symbols in *) (* a HOL term. Not very efficient (but then neither is throwing them into *) (* automated proof search!) *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let create_equality_axioms = let eq_thms = (CONJUNCTS o prove) (`(x:A = x) /\ (~(x:A = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ (y = z))`, REWRITE_TAC[] THEN ASM_CASES_TAC `x:A = y` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN CONV_TAC TAUT) in let imp_elim_CONV = REWR_CONV (TAUT `(a ==> b) <=> ~a \/ b`) in let eq_elim_RULE = MATCH_MP(TAUT `(a <=> b) ==> b \/ ~a`) in let veq_tm = rator(rator(concl(hd eq_thms))) in let create_equivalence_axioms (eq,_) = let tyins = type_match (type_of veq_tm) (type_of eq) [] in map (INST_TYPE tyins) eq_thms in let rec tm_consts tm acc = let fn,args = strip_comb tm in if args = [] then acc else itlist tm_consts args (insert (fn,length args) acc) in let rec fm_consts tm ((preds,funs) as acc) = try fm_consts(snd(dest_forall tm)) acc with Failure _ -> try fm_consts(snd(dest_exists tm)) acc with Failure _ -> try let l,r = dest_conj tm in fm_consts l (fm_consts r acc) with Failure _ -> try let l,r = dest_disj tm in fm_consts l (fm_consts r acc) with Failure _ -> try let l,r = dest_imp tm in fm_consts l (fm_consts r acc) with Failure _ -> try fm_consts (dest_neg tm) acc with Failure _ -> try let l,r = dest_eq tm in if type_of l = bool_ty then fm_consts r (fm_consts l acc) else failwith "atomic equality" with Failure _ -> let pred,args = strip_comb tm in if args = [] then acc else insert (pred,length args) preds,itlist tm_consts args funs in let create_congruence_axiom pflag (tm,len) = let atys,rty = splitlist (fun ty -> let op,l = dest_type ty in if op = "fun" then hd l,hd(tl l) else fail()) (type_of tm) in let ctys = fst(chop_list len atys) in let largs = map genvar ctys and rargs = map genvar ctys in let th1 = rev_itlist (C (curry MK_COMB)) (map (ASSUME o mk_eq) (zip largs rargs)) (REFL tm) in let th2 = if pflag then eq_elim_RULE th1 else th1 in itlist (fun e th -> CONV_RULE imp_elim_CONV (DISCH e th)) (hyp th2) th2 in fun tms -> let preds,funs = itlist fm_consts tms ([],[]) in let eqs0,noneqs = partition (fun (t,_) -> is_const t & fst(dest_const t) = "=") preds in if eqs0 = [] then [] else let pcongs = map (create_congruence_axiom true) noneqs and fcongs = map (create_congruence_axiom false) funs in let preds1,_ = itlist fm_consts (map concl (pcongs @ fcongs)) ([],[]) in let eqs1 = filter (fun (t,_) -> is_const t & fst(dest_const t) = "=") preds1 in let eqs = union eqs0 eqs1 in let equivs = itlist (union' equals_thm o create_equivalence_axioms) eqs [] in equivs@pcongs@fcongs in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Brand's transformation. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let perform_brand_modification = let rec subterms_irrefl lconsts tm acc = if is_var tm or is_const tm then acc else let fn,args = strip_comb tm in itlist (subterms_refl lconsts) args acc and subterms_refl lconsts tm acc = if is_var tm then if mem tm lconsts then insert tm acc else acc else if is_const tm then insert tm acc else let fn,args = strip_comb tm in itlist (subterms_refl lconsts) args (insert tm acc) in let CLAUSIFY = CONV_RULE(REWR_CONV(TAUT `a ==> b <=> ~a \/ b`)) in let rec BRAND tms th = if tms = [] then th else let tm = hd tms in let gv = genvar (type_of tm) in let eq = mk_eq(gv,tm) in let th' = CLAUSIFY (DISCH eq (SUBS [SYM (ASSUME eq)] th)) and tms' = map (subst [gv,tm]) (tl tms) in BRAND tms' th' in let BRAND_CONGS th = let lconsts = freesl (hyp th) in let lits = disjuncts (concl th) in let atoms = map (fun t -> try dest_neg t with Failure _ -> t) lits in let eqs,noneqs = partition (fun t -> try fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb t))) = "=" with Failure _ -> false) atoms in let acc = itlist (subterms_irrefl lconsts) noneqs [] in let uts = itlist (itlist (subterms_irrefl lconsts) o snd o strip_comb) eqs acc in let sts = sort (fun s t -> not(free_in s t)) uts in BRAND sts th in let BRANDE th = let tm = concl th in let l,r = dest_eq tm in let gv = genvar(type_of l) in let eq = mk_eq(r,gv) in CLAUSIFY(DISCH eq (EQ_MP (AP_TERM (rator tm) (ASSUME eq)) th)) in let LDISJ_CASES th lth rth = DISJ_CASES th (DISJ1 lth (concl rth)) (DISJ2 (concl lth) rth) in let ASSOCIATE = CONV_RULE(REWR_CONV(GSYM DISJ_ASSOC)) in let rec BRAND_TRANS th = let tm = concl th in try let l,r = dest_disj tm in if is_eq l then let lth = ASSUME l in let lth1 = BRANDE lth and lth2 = BRANDE (SYM lth) and rth = BRAND_TRANS (ASSUME r) in map (ASSOCIATE o LDISJ_CASES th lth1) rth @ map (ASSOCIATE o LDISJ_CASES th lth2) rth else let rth = BRAND_TRANS (ASSUME r) in map (LDISJ_CASES th (ASSUME l)) rth with Failure _ -> if is_eq tm then [BRANDE th; BRANDE (SYM th)] else [th] in let find_eqs = find_terms (fun t -> try fst(dest_const t) = "=" with Failure _ -> false) in let REFLEXATE ths = let eqs = itlist (union o find_eqs o concl) ths [] in let tys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o snd o dest_const) eqs in let gvs = map genvar tys in itlist (fun v acc -> (REFL v)::acc) gvs ths in fun ths -> if exists (can (find_term is_eq o concl)) ths then let ths' = map BRAND_CONGS ths in let ths'' = itlist (union' equals_thm o BRAND_TRANS) ths' [] in REFLEXATE ths'' else ths in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Push duplicated copies of poly theorems to match existing assumptions. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let POLY_ASSUME_TAC = let rec uniq' eq = fun l -> match l with x::(y::_ as t) -> let t' = uniq' eq t in if eq x y then t' else if t'==t then l else x::t' | _ -> l in let setify' le eq s = uniq' eq (sort le s) in let rec grab_constants tm acc = if is_forall tm or is_exists tm then grab_constants (body(rand tm)) acc else if is_iff tm or is_imp tm or is_conj tm or is_disj tm then grab_constants (rand tm) (grab_constants (lhand tm) acc) else if is_neg tm then grab_constants (rand tm) acc else union (find_terms is_const tm) acc in let match_consts (tm1,tm2) = let s1,ty1 = dest_const tm1 and s2,ty2 = dest_const tm2 in if s1 = s2 then type_match ty1 ty2 [] else failwith "match_consts" in let polymorph mconsts th = let tvs = subtract (type_vars_in_term (concl th)) (unions (map type_vars_in_term (hyp th))) in if tvs = [] then [th] else let pconsts = grab_constants (concl th) [] in let tyins = mapfilter match_consts (allpairs (fun x y -> x,y) pconsts mconsts) in let ths' = setify' (fun th th' -> dest_thm th <= dest_thm th') equals_thm (mapfilter (C INST_TYPE th) tyins) in if ths' = [] then (warn true "No useful-looking instantiations of lemma"; [th]) else ths' in let rec polymorph_all mconsts ths acc = if ths = [] then acc else let ths' = polymorph mconsts (hd ths) in let mconsts' = itlist grab_constants (map concl ths') mconsts in polymorph_all mconsts' (tl ths) (union' equals_thm ths' acc) in fun ths (asl,w as gl) -> let mconsts = itlist (grab_constants o concl o snd) asl [] in let ths' = polymorph_all mconsts ths [] in MAP_EVERY ASSUME_TAC ths' gl in (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Basic HOL MESON procedure. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let SIMPLE_MESON_REFUTE min max inc ths = clear_contrapos_cache(); inferences := 0; let old_dcutin = !meson_dcutin in if !meson_depth then meson_dcutin := 100001 else (); let ths' = if !meson_brand then perform_brand_modification ths else ths @ create_equality_axioms (map concl ths) in let rules = optimize_rules(fol_of_hol_clauses ths') in let proof,(insts,_,_) = solve_goal rules (!meson_depth) min max inc (1,[]) in meson_dcutin := old_dcutin; meson_to_hol insts proof in let CONJUNCTS_THEN' ttac cth = ttac(CONJUNCT1 cth) THEN ttac(CONJUNCT2 cth) in let PURE_MESON_TAC min max inc gl = reset_vars(); reset_consts(); (FIRST_ASSUM CONTR_TAC ORELSE W(ACCEPT_TAC o SIMPLE_MESON_REFUTE min max inc o map snd o fst)) gl in let QUANT_BOOL_CONV = PURE_REWRITE_CONV[FORALL_BOOL_THM; EXISTS_BOOL_THM; COND_CLAUSES; NOT_CLAUSES; IMP_CLAUSES; AND_CLAUSES; OR_CLAUSES; EQ_CLAUSES; FORALL_SIMP; EXISTS_SIMP] in let rec SPLIT_TAC n g = ((FIRST_X_ASSUM(CONJUNCTS_THEN' ASSUME_TAC) THEN SPLIT_TAC n) ORELSE (if n > 0 then FIRST_X_ASSUM DISJ_CASES_TAC THEN SPLIT_TAC (n - 1) else NO_TAC) ORELSE ALL_TAC) g in fun min max step ths -> REFUTE_THEN ASSUME_TAC THEN POLY_ASSUME_TAC (map GEN_ALL ths) THEN W(MAP_EVERY(UNDISCH_TAC o concl o snd) o fst) THEN SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN W(fun (asl,w) -> MAP_EVERY (fun v -> SPEC_TAC(v,v)) (frees w)) THEN CONV_TAC(PRESIMP_CONV THENC TOP_DEPTH_CONV BETA_CONV THENC LAMBDA_ELIM_CONV THENC CONDS_CELIM_CONV THENC QUANT_BOOL_CONV) THEN REPEAT(GEN_TAC ORELSE DISCH_TAC) THEN REFUTE_THEN ASSUME_TAC THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC(CONV_RULE(NNF_CONV THENC SKOLEM_CONV)) THEN REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM CHOOSE_TAC) THEN ASM_FOL_TAC THEN SPLIT_TAC (!meson_split_limit) THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC(CONV_RULE(PRENEX_CONV THENC WEAK_CNF_CONV)) THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC(repeat (fun th -> SPEC(genvar(type_of(fst(dest_forall(concl th))))) th)) THEN REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM (CONJUNCTS_THEN' ASSUME_TAC)) THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC(CONV_RULE(ASSOC_CONV DISJ_ASSOC)) THEN REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM SUBST_VAR_TAC) THEN PURE_MESON_TAC min max step;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Common cases. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ASM_MESON_TAC = GEN_MESON_TAC 0 50 1;; let MESON_TAC ths = POP_ASSUM_LIST(K ALL_TAC) THEN ASM_MESON_TAC ths;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Also introduce a rule. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MESON ths tm = prove(tm,MESON_TAC ths);;