(* ========================================================================= *) (* Framework for universal real decision procedures, and a simple instance. *) (* *) (* John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 *) (* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *) (* ========================================================================= *) needs "calc_int.ml";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Some lemmas needed now just to drive the decision procedure. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let REAL_LTE_TOTAL = prove (`!x y. x < y \/ y <= x`, REWRITE_TAC[real_lt] THEN CONV_TAC TAUT);; let REAL_LET_TOTAL = prove (`!x y. x <= y \/ y < x`, REWRITE_TAC[real_lt] THEN CONV_TAC TAUT);; let REAL_LT_IMP_LE = prove (`!x y. x < y ==> x <= y`, MESON_TAC[real_lt; REAL_LE_TOTAL]);; let REAL_LTE_TRANS = prove (`!x y z. x < y /\ y <= z ==> x < z`, MESON_TAC[real_lt; REAL_LE_TRANS]);; let REAL_LET_TRANS = prove (`!x y z. x <= y /\ y < z ==> x < z`, MESON_TAC[real_lt; REAL_LE_TRANS]);; let REAL_LT_TRANS = prove (`!x y z. x < y /\ y < z ==> x < z`, MESON_TAC[REAL_LTE_TRANS; REAL_LT_IMP_LE]);; let REAL_LE_ADD = prove (`!x y. &0 <= x /\ &0 <= y ==> &0 <= x + y`, MESON_TAC[REAL_LE_LADD_IMP; REAL_ADD_RID; REAL_LE_TRANS]);; let REAL_LTE_ANTISYM = prove (`!x y. ~(x < y /\ y <= x)`, MESON_TAC[real_lt]);; let REAL_SUB_LE = prove (`!x y. &0 <= (x - y) <=> y <= x`, REWRITE_TAC[real_sub; GSYM REAL_LE_LNEG; REAL_LE_NEG2]);; let REAL_NEG_SUB = prove (`!x y. --(x - y) = y - x`, REWRITE_TAC[real_sub; REAL_NEG_ADD; REAL_NEG_NEG] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ADD_AC]);; let REAL_LE_LT = prove (`!x y. x <= y <=> x < y \/ (x = y)`, REWRITE_TAC[real_lt] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_LE_ANTISYM; REAL_LE_TOTAL]);; let REAL_SUB_LT = prove (`!x y. &0 < (x - y) <=> y < x`, REWRITE_TAC[real_lt] THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_NEG_SUB] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_LE_LNEG; REAL_ADD_RID; REAL_SUB_LE]);; let REAL_NOT_LT = prove (`!x y. ~(x < y) <=> y <= x`, REWRITE_TAC[real_lt]);; let REAL_SUB_0 = prove (`!x y. (x - y = &0) <=> (x = y)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_LE_ANTISYM] THEN GEN_REWRITE_TAC (LAND_CONV o LAND_CONV) [GSYM REAL_NOT_LT] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_SUB_LE; REAL_SUB_LT] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_NOT_LT]);; let REAL_LT_LE = prove (`!x y. x < y <=> x <= y /\ ~(x = y)`, MESON_TAC[real_lt; REAL_LE_TOTAL; REAL_LE_ANTISYM]);; let REAL_LT_REFL = prove (`!x. ~(x < x)`, REWRITE_TAC[real_lt; REAL_LE_REFL]);; let REAL_LTE_ADD = prove (`!x y. &0 < x /\ &0 <= y ==> &0 < x + y`, MESON_TAC[REAL_LE_LADD_IMP; REAL_ADD_RID; REAL_LTE_TRANS]);; let REAL_LET_ADD = prove (`!x y. &0 <= x /\ &0 < y ==> &0 < x + y`, MESON_TAC[REAL_LTE_ADD; REAL_ADD_SYM]);; let REAL_LT_ADD = prove (`!x y. &0 < x /\ &0 < y ==> &0 < x + y`, MESON_TAC[REAL_LT_IMP_LE; REAL_LTE_ADD]);; let REAL_ENTIRE = prove (`!x y. (x * y = &0) <=> (x = &0) \/ (y = &0)`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN STRIP_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_LZERO; REAL_MUL_RZERO] THEN ASM_CASES_TAC `x = &0` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN FIRST_ASSUM(MP_TAC o AP_TERM `(*) (inv x)`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_ASSOC] THEN FIRST_ASSUM(fun th -> REWRITE_TAC[MATCH_MP REAL_MUL_LINV th]) THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_LID; REAL_MUL_RZERO]);; let REAL_LE_NEGTOTAL = prove (`!x. &0 <= x \/ &0 <= --x`, REWRITE_TAC[REAL_LE_RNEG; REAL_ADD_LID; REAL_LE_TOTAL]);; let REAL_LE_SQUARE = prove (`!x. &0 <= x * x`, GEN_TAC THEN DISJ_CASES_TAC(SPEC `x:real` REAL_LE_NEGTOTAL) THEN POP_ASSUM(fun th -> MP_TAC(MATCH_MP REAL_LE_MUL (CONJ th th))) THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_LNEG; REAL_MUL_RNEG; REAL_NEG_NEG]);; let REAL_MUL_RID = prove (`!x. x * &1 = x`, MESON_TAC[REAL_MUL_LID; REAL_MUL_SYM]);; let REAL_POW_2 = prove (`!x. x pow 2 = x * x`, REWRITE_TAC[num_CONV `2`; num_CONV `1`] THEN REWRITE_TAC[real_pow; REAL_MUL_RID]);; let REAL_POLY_CLAUSES = prove (`(!x y z. x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z) /\ (!x y. x + y = y + x) /\ (!x. &0 + x = x) /\ (!x y z. x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z) /\ (!x y. x * y = y * x) /\ (!x. &1 * x = x) /\ (!x. &0 * x = &0) /\ (!x y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) /\ (!x. x pow 0 = &1) /\ (!x n. x pow (SUC n) = x * x pow n)`, REWRITE_TAC[real_pow; REAL_ADD_LDISTRIB; REAL_MUL_LZERO] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_ASSOC; REAL_ADD_LID; REAL_MUL_LID] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ADD_AC] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_SYM]);; let REAL_POLY_NEG_CLAUSES = prove (`(!x. --x = --(&1) * x) /\ (!x y. x - y = x + --(&1) * y)`, REWRITE_TAC[REAL_MUL_LNEG; real_sub; REAL_MUL_LID]);; let REAL_POS = prove (`!n. &0 <= &n`, REWRITE_TAC[REAL_OF_NUM_LE; LE_0]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Data structure for Positivstellensatz refutations. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type positivstellensatz = Axiom_eq of int | Axiom_le of int | Axiom_lt of int | Rational_eq of num | Rational_le of num | Rational_lt of num | Square of term | Eqmul of term * positivstellensatz | Sum of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz | Product of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parametrized reals decision procedure. *) (* *) (* This is a bootstrapping version, and subsequently gets overwritten twice *) (* with more specialized versions, once here and finally in "calc_rat.ml". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let GEN_REAL_ARITH = let pth = prove (`(x < y <=> y - x > &0) /\ (x <= y <=> y - x >= &0) /\ (x > y <=> x - y > &0) /\ (x >= y <=> x - y >= &0) /\ ((x = y) <=> (x - y = &0)) /\ (~(x < y) <=> x - y >= &0) /\ (~(x <= y) <=> x - y > &0) /\ (~(x > y) <=> y - x >= &0) /\ (~(x >= y) <=> y - x > &0) /\ (~(x = y) <=> x - y > &0 \/ --(x - y) > &0)`, REWRITE_TAC[real_gt; real_ge; REAL_SUB_LT; REAL_SUB_LE; REAL_NEG_SUB] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_SUB_0; real_lt] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_LE_ANTISYM]) and pth_final = TAUT `(~p ==> F) ==> p` and pth_add = prove (`((x = &0) /\ (y = &0) ==> (x + y = &0)) /\ ((x = &0) /\ y >= &0 ==> x + y >= &0) /\ ((x = &0) /\ y > &0 ==> x + y > &0) /\ (x >= &0 /\ (y = &0) ==> x + y >= &0) /\ (x >= &0 /\ y >= &0 ==> x + y >= &0) /\ (x >= &0 /\ y > &0 ==> x + y > &0) /\ (x > &0 /\ (y = &0) ==> x + y > &0) /\ (x > &0 /\ y >= &0 ==> x + y > &0) /\ (x > &0 /\ y > &0 ==> x + y > &0)`, SIMP_TAC[REAL_ADD_LID; REAL_ADD_RID; real_ge; real_gt] THEN REWRITE_TAC[REAL_LE_LT] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_ADD_LID; REAL_ADD_RID; REAL_LT_ADD]) and pth_mul = prove (`((x = &0) /\ (y = &0) ==> (x * y = &0)) /\ ((x = &0) /\ y >= &0 ==> (x * y = &0)) /\ ((x = &0) /\ y > &0 ==> (x * y = &0)) /\ (x >= &0 /\ (y = &0) ==> (x * y = &0)) /\ (x >= &0 /\ y >= &0 ==> x * y >= &0) /\ (x >= &0 /\ y > &0 ==> x * y >= &0) /\ (x > &0 /\ (y = &0) ==> (x * y = &0)) /\ (x > &0 /\ y >= &0 ==> x * y >= &0) /\ (x > &0 /\ y > &0 ==> x * y > &0)`, SIMP_TAC[REAL_MUL_LZERO; REAL_MUL_RZERO; real_ge; real_gt] THEN SIMP_TAC[REAL_LT_LE; REAL_LE_MUL] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_ENTIRE]) and pth_emul = prove (`(y = &0) ==> !x. x * y = &0`, SIMP_TAC[REAL_MUL_RZERO]) and pth_square = prove (`!x. x * x >= &0`, REWRITE_TAC[real_ge; REAL_POW_2; REAL_LE_SQUARE]) and MATCH_MP_RULE th = let net = itlist (fun th -> net_of_conv (lhand(concl th)) (PART_MATCH lhand th)) (CONJUNCTS th) empty_net in fun th -> MP (REWRITES_CONV net (concl th)) th and x_tm = `x:real` and y_tm = `y:real` and neg_tm = `(--):real->real` and gt_tm = `(>):real->real->bool` and ge_tm = `(>=):real->real->bool` and eq_tm = `(=):real->real->bool` and p_tm = `p:bool` and or_tm = `(\/)` and false_tm = `F` and z_tm = `&0 :real` and xy_lt = `(x:real) < y` and xy_nlt = `~((x:real) < y)` and xy_le = `(x:real) <= y` and xy_nle = `~((x:real) <= y)` and xy_gt = `(x:real) > y` and xy_ngt = `~((x:real) > y)` and xy_ge = `(x:real) >= y` and xy_nge = `~((x:real) >= y)` and xy_eq = `x:real = y` and xy_ne = `~(x:real = y)` in let is_ge = is_binop ge_tm and is_gt = is_binop gt_tm and is_req = is_binop eq_tm in fun (mk_numeric, NUMERIC_EQ_CONV,NUMERIC_GE_CONV,NUMERIC_GT_CONV, POLY_CONV,POLY_NEG_CONV,POLY_ADD_CONV,POLY_MUL_CONV, absconv1,absconv2,prover) -> let REAL_INEQ_CONV pth tm = let lop,r = dest_comb tm in let th = INST [rand lop,x_tm; r,y_tm] pth in TRANS th (LAND_CONV POLY_CONV (rand(concl th))) in let [REAL_LT_CONV; REAL_LE_CONV; REAL_GT_CONV; REAL_GE_CONV; REAL_EQ_CONV; REAL_NOT_LT_CONV; REAL_NOT_LE_CONV; REAL_NOT_GT_CONV; REAL_NOT_GE_CONV; _] = map REAL_INEQ_CONV (CONJUNCTS pth) and REAL_NOT_EQ_CONV = let pth = last(CONJUNCTS pth) in fun tm -> let l,r = dest_eq tm in let th = INST [l,x_tm; r,y_tm] pth in let th_p = POLY_CONV(lhand(lhand(rand(concl th)))) in let th_x = AP_TERM neg_tm th_p in let th_n = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV POLY_NEG_CONV) th_x in let th' = MK_DISJ (AP_THM (AP_TERM gt_tm th_p) z_tm) (AP_THM (AP_TERM gt_tm th_n) z_tm) in TRANS th th' in let net_single = itlist (uncurry net_of_conv) [xy_lt,REAL_LT_CONV; xy_nlt,(fun t -> REAL_NOT_LT_CONV(rand t)); xy_le,REAL_LE_CONV; xy_nle,(fun t -> REAL_NOT_LE_CONV(rand t)); xy_gt,REAL_GT_CONV; xy_ngt,(fun t -> REAL_NOT_GT_CONV(rand t)); xy_ge,REAL_GE_CONV; xy_nge,(fun t -> REAL_NOT_GE_CONV(rand t)); xy_eq,REAL_EQ_CONV; xy_ne,(fun t -> REAL_NOT_EQ_CONV(rand t))] empty_net and net_double = itlist (uncurry net_of_conv) [xy_lt,(fun t -> REAL_LT_CONV t,REAL_NOT_LT_CONV t); xy_le,(fun t -> REAL_LE_CONV t,REAL_NOT_LE_CONV t); xy_gt,(fun t -> REAL_GT_CONV t,REAL_NOT_GT_CONV t); xy_ge,(fun t -> REAL_GE_CONV t,REAL_NOT_GE_CONV t); xy_eq,(fun t -> REAL_EQ_CONV t,REAL_NOT_EQ_CONV t)] empty_net in let REAL_INEQ_NORM_CONV = REWRITES_CONV net_single and REAL_INEQ_NORM_DCONV = REWRITES_CONV net_double in let NNF_NORM_CONV = GEN_NNF_CONV false (REAL_INEQ_NORM_CONV,REAL_INEQ_NORM_DCONV) in let MUL_RULE = let rules = MATCH_MP_RULE pth_mul in fun th -> CONV_RULE(LAND_CONV POLY_MUL_CONV) (rules th) and ADD_RULE = let rules = MATCH_MP_RULE pth_add in fun th -> CONV_RULE(LAND_CONV POLY_ADD_CONV) (rules th) and EMUL_RULE = let rule = MATCH_MP pth_emul in fun tm th -> CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV POLY_MUL_CONV) (SPEC tm (rule th)) and SQUARE_RULE t = CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV POLY_MUL_CONV) (SPEC t pth_square) in let hol_of_positivstellensatz(eqs,les,lts) = let rec translate prf = match prf with Axiom_eq n -> el n eqs | Axiom_le n -> el n les | Axiom_lt n -> el n lts | Rational_eq x -> EQT_ELIM(NUMERIC_EQ_CONV(mk_comb(mk_comb(eq_tm,mk_numeric x),z_tm))) | Rational_le x -> EQT_ELIM(NUMERIC_GE_CONV(mk_comb(mk_comb(ge_tm,mk_numeric x),z_tm))) | Rational_lt x -> EQT_ELIM(NUMERIC_GT_CONV(mk_comb(mk_comb(gt_tm,mk_numeric x),z_tm))) | Square t -> SQUARE_RULE t | Eqmul(t,p) -> EMUL_RULE t (translate p) | Sum(p1,p2) -> ADD_RULE (CONJ (translate p1) (translate p2)) | Product(p1,p2) -> MUL_RULE (CONJ (translate p1) (translate p2)) in fun prf -> CONV_RULE(FIRST_CONV[NUMERIC_GE_CONV; NUMERIC_GT_CONV; NUMERIC_EQ_CONV]) (translate prf) in let init_conv = TOP_DEPTH_CONV BETA_CONV THENC PRESIMP_CONV THENC NNF_CONV THENC DEPTH_BINOP_CONV or_tm CONDS_ELIM_CONV THENC NNF_NORM_CONV THENC SKOLEM_CONV THENC PRENEX_CONV THENC WEAK_DNF_CONV in let rec overall dun ths = match ths with [] -> let eq,ne = partition (is_req o concl) dun in let le,nl = partition (is_ge o concl) ne in let lt = filter (is_gt o concl) nl in prover hol_of_positivstellensatz (eq,le,lt) | th::oths -> let tm = concl th in if is_conj tm then let th1,th2 = CONJ_PAIR th in overall dun (th1::th2::oths) else if is_disj tm then let th1 = overall dun (ASSUME (lhand tm)::oths) and th2 = overall dun (ASSUME (rand tm)::oths) in DISJ_CASES th th1 th2 else overall (th::dun) oths in fun tm -> let NNF_NORM_CONV' = GEN_NNF_CONV false (CACHE_CONV REAL_INEQ_NORM_CONV,fun t -> failwith "") in let rec absremover t = (TOP_DEPTH_CONV(absconv1 THENC BINOP_CONV (LAND_CONV POLY_CONV)) THENC TRY_CONV(absconv2 THENC NNF_NORM_CONV' THENC BINOP_CONV absremover)) t in let th0 = init_conv(mk_neg tm) in let tm0 = rand(concl th0) in let th = if tm0 = false_tm then fst(EQ_IMP_RULE th0) else let evs,bod = strip_exists tm0 in let avs,ibod = strip_forall bod in let th1 = itlist MK_FORALL avs (DEPTH_BINOP_CONV or_tm absremover ibod) in let th2 = overall [] [SPECL avs (ASSUME(rand(concl th1)))] in let th3 = itlist SIMPLE_CHOOSE evs (PROVE_HYP (EQ_MP th1 (ASSUME bod)) th2) in DISCH_ALL(PROVE_HYP (EQ_MP th0 (ASSUME (mk_neg tm))) th3) in MP (INST [tm,p_tm] pth_final) th;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Linear prover. This works over the rationals in general, but is designed *) (* to be OK on integers provided the input contains only integers. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let REAL_LINEAR_PROVER = let linear_add = combine (+/) (fun z -> z =/ num_0) and linear_cmul c = mapf (fun x -> c */ x) and one_tm = `&1` in let contradictory p (e,_) = (is_undefined e & not(p num_0)) or (dom e = [one_tm] & not(p(apply e one_tm))) in let rec linear_ineqs vars (les,lts) = try find (contradictory (fun x -> x >/ num_0)) lts with Failure _ -> try find (contradictory (fun x -> x >=/ num_0)) les with Failure _ -> if vars = [] then failwith "linear_ineqs: no contradiction" else let ineqs = les @ lts in let blowup v = length(filter (fun (e,_) -> tryapplyd e v num_0 >/ num_0) ineqs) * length(filter (fun (e,_) -> tryapplyd e v num_0 i < j) (map (fun v -> v,blowup v) vars))) in let addup (e1,p1) (e2,p2) acc = let c1 = tryapplyd e1 v num_0 and c2 = tryapplyd e2 v num_0 in if c1 */ c2 >=/ num_0 then acc else let e1' = linear_cmul (abs_num c2) e1 and e2' = linear_cmul (abs_num c1) e2 and p1' = Product(Rational_lt(abs_num c2),p1) and p2' = Product(Rational_lt(abs_num c1),p2) in (linear_add e1' e2',Sum(p1',p2'))::acc in let les0,les1 = partition (fun (e,_) -> tryapplyd e v num_0 =/ num_0) les and lts0,lts1 = partition (fun (e,_) -> tryapplyd e v num_0 =/ num_0) lts in let lesp,lesn = partition (fun (e,_) -> tryapplyd e v num_0 >/ num_0) les1 and ltsp,ltsn = partition (fun (e,_) -> tryapplyd e v num_0 >/ num_0) lts1 in let les' = itlist (fun ep1 -> itlist (addup ep1) lesp) lesn les0 and lts' = itlist (fun ep1 -> itlist (addup ep1) (lesp@ltsp)) ltsn (itlist (fun ep1 -> itlist (addup ep1) (lesn@ltsn)) ltsp lts0) in linear_ineqs (subtract vars [v]) (les',lts') in let rec linear_eqs(eqs,les,lts) = try find (contradictory (fun x -> x =/ num_0)) eqs with Failure _ -> match eqs with [] -> let vars = subtract (itlist (union o dom o fst) (les@lts) []) [one_tm] in linear_ineqs vars (les,lts) | (e,p)::es -> if is_undefined e then linear_eqs(es,les,lts) else let x,c = choose (undefine one_tm e) in let xform(t,q as inp) = let d = tryapplyd t x num_0 in if d =/ num_0 then inp else let k = minus_num d */ abs_num c // c in let e' = linear_cmul k e and t' = linear_cmul (abs_num c) t and p' = Eqmul(term_of_rat k,p) and q' = Product(Rational_lt(abs_num c),q) in linear_add e' t',Sum(p',q') in linear_eqs(map xform es,map xform les,map xform lts) in let linear_prover = fun (eq,le,lt) -> let eqs = map2 (fun p n -> p,Axiom_eq n) eq (0--(length eq-1)) and les = map2 (fun p n -> p,Axiom_le n) le (0--(length le-1)) and lts = map2 (fun p n -> p,Axiom_lt n) lt (0--(length lt-1)) in linear_eqs(eqs,les,lts) in let lin_of_hol = let one_tm = `&1` and zero_tm = `&0` and add_tm = `(+):real->real->real` and mul_tm = `(*):real->real->real` in let rec lin_of_hol tm = if tm = zero_tm then undefined else if not (is_comb tm) then (tm |=> Int 1) else if is_ratconst tm then (one_tm |=> rat_of_term tm) else let lop,r = dest_comb tm in if not (is_comb lop) then (tm |=> Int 1) else let op,l = dest_comb lop in if op = add_tm then linear_add (lin_of_hol l) (lin_of_hol r) else if op = mul_tm & is_ratconst l then (r |=> rat_of_term l) else (tm |=> Int 1) in lin_of_hol in let is_alien tm = match tm with Comb(Const("real_of_num",_),n) when not(is_numeral n) -> true | _ -> false in let n_tm = `n:num` in let pth = REWRITE_RULE[GSYM real_ge] (SPEC n_tm REAL_POS) in fun translator (eq,le,lt) -> let eq_pols = map (lin_of_hol o lhand o concl) eq and le_pols = map (lin_of_hol o lhand o concl) le and lt_pols = map (lin_of_hol o lhand o concl) lt in let aliens = filter is_alien (itlist (union o dom) (eq_pols @ le_pols @ lt_pols) []) in let le_pols' = le_pols @ map (fun v -> (v |=> Int 1)) aliens in let _,proof = linear_prover(eq_pols,le_pols',lt_pols) in let le' = le @ map (fun a -> INST [rand a,n_tm] pth) aliens in translator (eq,le',lt) proof;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Bootstrapping REAL_ARITH: trivial abs-elim and only integer constants. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let REAL_ARITH = let REAL_POLY_NEG_CONV,REAL_POLY_ADD_CONV,REAL_POLY_SUB_CONV, REAL_POLY_MUL_CONV,REAL_POLY_POW_CONV,REAL_POLY_CONV = SEMIRING_NORMALIZERS_CONV REAL_POLY_CLAUSES REAL_POLY_NEG_CLAUSES (is_realintconst, REAL_INT_ADD_CONV,REAL_INT_MUL_CONV,REAL_INT_POW_CONV) (<) in let rule = GEN_REAL_ARITH (mk_realintconst, REAL_INT_EQ_CONV,REAL_INT_GE_CONV,REAL_INT_GT_CONV, REAL_POLY_CONV,REAL_POLY_NEG_CONV,REAL_POLY_ADD_CONV,REAL_POLY_MUL_CONV, NO_CONV,NO_CONV,REAL_LINEAR_PROVER) and deabs_conv = REWRITE_CONV[real_abs; real_max; real_min] in fun tm -> let th1 = deabs_conv tm in EQ_MP (SYM th1) (rule(rand(concl th1)));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Slightly less parametrized GEN_REAL_ARITH with more intelligent *) (* elimination of abs, max and min hardwired in. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let GEN_REAL_ARITH = let ABSMAXMIN_ELIM_CONV1 = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [time REAL_ARITH `(--(&1) * abs(x) >= r <=> --(&1) * x >= r /\ &1 * x >= r) /\ (--(&1) * abs(x) + a >= r <=> a + --(&1) * x >= r /\ a + &1 * x >= r) /\ (a + --(&1) * abs(x) >= r <=> a + --(&1) * x >= r /\ a + &1 * x >= r) /\ (a + --(&1) * abs(x) + b >= r <=> a + --(&1) * x + b >= r /\ a + &1 * x + b >= r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * abs(x) >= r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x >= r /\ a + b + &1 * x >= r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * abs(x) + c >= r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x + c >= r /\ a + b + &1 * x + c >= r) /\ (--(&1) * max x y >= r <=> --(&1) * x >= r /\ --(&1) * y >= r) /\ (--(&1) * max x y + a >= r <=> a + --(&1) * x >= r /\ a + --(&1) * y >= r) /\ (a + --(&1) * max x y >= r <=> a + --(&1) * x >= r /\ a + --(&1) * y >= r) /\ (a + --(&1) * max x y + b >= r <=> a + --(&1) * x + b >= r /\ a + --(&1) * y + b >= r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * max x y >= r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x >= r /\ a + b + --(&1) * y >= r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * max x y + c >= r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x + c >= r /\ a + b + --(&1) * y + c >= r) /\ (&1 * min x y >= r <=> &1 * x >= r /\ &1 * y >= r) /\ (&1 * min x y + a >= r <=> a + &1 * x >= r /\ a + &1 * y >= r) /\ (a + &1 * min x y >= r <=> a + &1 * x >= r /\ a + &1 * y >= r) /\ (a + &1 * min x y + b >= r <=> a + &1 * x + b >= r /\ a + &1 * y + b >= r) /\ (a + b + &1 * min x y >= r <=> a + b + &1 * x >= r /\ a + b + &1 * y >= r) /\ (a + b + &1 * min x y + c >= r <=> a + b + &1 * x + c >= r /\ a + b + &1 * y + c >= r) /\ (min x y >= r <=> x >= r /\ y >= r) /\ (min x y + a >= r <=> a + x >= r /\ a + y >= r) /\ (a + min x y >= r <=> a + x >= r /\ a + y >= r) /\ (a + min x y + b >= r <=> a + x + b >= r /\ a + y + b >= r) /\ (a + b + min x y >= r <=> a + b + x >= r /\ a + b + y >= r) /\ (a + b + min x y + c >= r <=> a + b + x + c >= r /\ a + b + y + c >= r) /\ (--(&1) * abs(x) > r <=> --(&1) * x > r /\ &1 * x > r) /\ (--(&1) * abs(x) + a > r <=> a + --(&1) * x > r /\ a + &1 * x > r) /\ (a + --(&1) * abs(x) > r <=> a + --(&1) * x > r /\ a + &1 * x > r) /\ (a + --(&1) * abs(x) + b > r <=> a + --(&1) * x + b > r /\ a + &1 * x + b > r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * abs(x) > r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x > r /\ a + b + &1 * x > r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * abs(x) + c > r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x + c > r /\ a + b + &1 * x + c > r) /\ (--(&1) * max x y > r <=> --(&1) * x > r /\ --(&1) * y > r) /\ (--(&1) * max x y + a > r <=> a + --(&1) * x > r /\ a + --(&1) * y > r) /\ (a + --(&1) * max x y > r <=> a + --(&1) * x > r /\ a + --(&1) * y > r) /\ (a + --(&1) * max x y + b > r <=> a + --(&1) * x + b > r /\ a + --(&1) * y + b > r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * max x y > r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x > r /\ a + b + --(&1) * y > r) /\ (a + b + --(&1) * max x y + c > r <=> a + b + --(&1) * x + c > r /\ a + b + --(&1) * y + c > r) /\ (min x y > r <=> x > r /\ y > r) /\ (min x y + a > r <=> a + x > r /\ a + y > r) /\ (a + min x y > r <=> a + x > r /\ a + y > r) /\ (a + min x y + b > r <=> a + x + b > r /\ a + y + b > r) /\ (a + b + min x y > r <=> a + b + x > r /\ a + b + y > r) /\ (a + b + min x y + c > r <=> a + b + x + c > r /\ a + b + y + c > r)`] and ABSMAXMIN_ELIM_CONV2 = let pth_abs = prove (`P(abs x) <=> (x >= &0 /\ P x) \/ (&0 > x /\ P (--x))`, REWRITE_TAC[real_abs; real_gt; real_ge] THEN COND_CASES_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[real_lt]) and pth_max = prove (`P(max x y) <=> (y >= x /\ P y) \/ (x > y /\ P x)`, REWRITE_TAC[real_max; real_gt; real_ge] THEN COND_CASES_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[real_lt]) and pth_min = prove (`P(min x y) <=> (y >= x /\ P x) \/ (x > y /\ P y)`, REWRITE_TAC[real_min; real_gt; real_ge] THEN COND_CASES_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[real_lt]) and abs_tm = `real_abs` and p_tm = `P:real->bool` and x_tm = `x:real` and y_tm = `y:real` in let is_max = is_binop `real_max` and is_min = is_binop `real_min` and is_abs t = is_comb t & rator t = abs_tm in let eliminate_construct p c tm = let t = find_term (fun t -> p t & free_in t tm) tm in let v = genvar(type_of t) in let th0 = SYM(BETA_CONV(mk_comb(mk_abs(v,subst[v,t] tm),t))) in let p,ax = dest_comb(rand(concl th0)) in CONV_RULE(RAND_CONV(BINOP_CONV(RAND_CONV BETA_CONV))) (TRANS th0 (c p ax)) in let elim_abs = eliminate_construct is_abs (fun p ax -> INST [p,p_tm; rand ax,x_tm] pth_abs) and elim_max = eliminate_construct is_max (fun p ax -> let ax,y = dest_comb ax in INST [p,p_tm; rand ax,x_tm; y,y_tm] pth_max) and elim_min = eliminate_construct is_min (fun p ax -> let ax,y = dest_comb ax in INST [p,p_tm; rand ax,x_tm; y,y_tm] pth_min) in FIRST_CONV [elim_abs; elim_max; elim_min] in fun (mkconst,EQ,GE,GT,NORM,NEG,ADD,MUL,PROVER) -> GEN_REAL_ARITH(mkconst,EQ,GE,GT,NORM,NEG,ADD,MUL, ABSMAXMIN_ELIM_CONV1,ABSMAXMIN_ELIM_CONV2,PROVER);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Incorporate that. This gets overwritten again in "calc_rat.ml". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let REAL_ARITH = let REAL_POLY_NEG_CONV,REAL_POLY_ADD_CONV,REAL_POLY_SUB_CONV, REAL_POLY_MUL_CONV,REAL_POLY_POW_CONV,REAL_POLY_CONV = SEMIRING_NORMALIZERS_CONV REAL_POLY_CLAUSES REAL_POLY_NEG_CLAUSES (is_realintconst, REAL_INT_ADD_CONV,REAL_INT_MUL_CONV,REAL_INT_POW_CONV) (<) in GEN_REAL_ARITH (mk_realintconst, REAL_INT_EQ_CONV,REAL_INT_GE_CONV,REAL_INT_GT_CONV, REAL_POLY_CONV,REAL_POLY_NEG_CONV,REAL_POLY_ADD_CONV,REAL_POLY_MUL_CONV, REAL_LINEAR_PROVER);;