(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Boolean theory including (intuitionistic) defs of logical connectives.    *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*       John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory          *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*            (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998                    *)
(*              (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2006                       *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Set up parse status of basic and derived logical constants.               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

parse_as_prefix "~";;

map parse_as_binder ["\\"; "!"; "?"; "?!"];;

map parse_as_infix ["==>",(4,"right"); "\\/",(6,"right"); "/\\",(8,"right")];;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Set up more orthodox notation for equations and equivalence.              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

override_interface ("<=>",`(=):bool->bool->bool`);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Special syntax for Boolean equations (IFF).                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let is_iff tm =
  match tm with
    Comb(Comb(Const("=",Tyapp("fun",[Tyapp("bool",[]);_])),l),r) -> true
  | _ -> false;;

let dest_iff tm =
  match tm with
    Comb(Comb(Const("=",Tyapp("fun",[Tyapp("bool",[]);_])),l),r) -> (l,r)
  | _ -> failwith "dest_iff";;

let mk_iff =
  let eq_tm = `(<=>)` in
  fun (l,r) -> mk_comb(mk_comb(eq_tm,l),r);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rule allowing easy instantiation of polymorphic proformas.                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let PINST tyin tmin =
  let iterm_fn = INST (map (I F_F (inst tyin)) tmin)
  and itype_fn = INST_TYPE tyin in
  fun th -> try iterm_fn (itype_fn th)
            with Failure _ -> failwith "PINST";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Useful derived deductive rule.                                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let PROVE_HYP ath bth =
  if exists (aconv (concl ath)) (hyp bth)
  then EQ_MP (DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE ath bth) ath
  else bth;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for T                                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let T_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `T = ((\p:bool. p) = (\p:bool. p))`;;

let TRUTH = EQ_MP (SYM T_DEF) (REFL `\p:bool. p`);;

let EQT_ELIM th =
  try EQ_MP (SYM th) TRUTH
  with Failure _ -> failwith "EQT_ELIM";;

  let t = `t:bool` and T = `T` in
  let pth =
    let th2 = EQT_ELIM(ASSUME(concl th1)) in
    DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE th2 th1 in
  fun th -> EQ_MP (INST[concl th,t] pth) th;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for /\                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let AND_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(/\) = \p q. (\f:bool->bool->bool. f p q) = (\f. f T T)`;;

let mk_conj = mk_binary "/\\";;
let list_mk_conj = end_itlist (curry mk_conj);;

let CONJ =
  let f = `f:bool->bool->bool`
  and p = `p:bool`
  and q = `q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let pth = ASSUME p
    and qth = ASSUME q in
    let th1 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM f (EQT_INTRO pth),EQT_INTRO qth) in
    let th2 = ABS f th1 in
    let th3 = BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM AND_DEF p) q) in
    EQ_MP (SYM th3) th2 in
  fun th1 th2 -> substitute_proof (
    let th = INST [concl th1,p; concl th2,q] pth in
    PROVE_HYP th2 (PROVE_HYP th1 th))
  (proof_CONJ (proof_of th1) (proof_of th2));;

  let P = `P:bool` and Q = `Q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM AND_DEF `P:bool`) in
    let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 `Q:bool`) in
    let th3 = EQ_MP th2 (ASSUME `P /\ Q`) in
    EQT_ELIM(BETA_RULE (AP_THM th3 `\(p:bool) (q:bool). p`)) in
  fun th -> substitute_proof (
    try let l,r = dest_conj(concl th) in
        PROVE_HYP th (INST [l,P; r,Q] pth)
    with Failure _ -> failwith "CONJUNCT1") (proof_CONJUNCT1 (proof_of th));;

  let P = `P:bool` and Q = `Q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM AND_DEF `P:bool`) in
    let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 `Q:bool`) in
    let th3 = EQ_MP th2 (ASSUME `P /\ Q`) in
    EQT_ELIM(BETA_RULE (AP_THM th3 `\(p:bool) (q:bool). q`)) in
  fun th -> substitute_proof (
    try let l,r = dest_conj(concl th) in
        PROVE_HYP th (INST [l,P; r,Q] pth)
    with Failure _ -> failwith "CONJUNCT2") (proof_CONJUNCT2 (proof_of th));;

let CONJ_PAIR th =
  with Failure _ -> failwith "CONJ_PAIR: Not a conjunction";;

let CONJUNCTS = striplist CONJ_PAIR;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for ==>                                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let IMP_DEF = new_basic_definition
  `(==>) = \p q. p /\ q <=> p`;;

let mk_imp = mk_binary "==>";;

let MP =
  let p = `p:bool`
  and q = `q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM IMP_DEF p) q) in
    let th2 = EQ_MP th1 (ASSUME `p ==> q`) in
    CONJUNCT2 (EQ_MP (SYM th2) (ASSUME `p:bool`)) in
  fun ith th ->
    let ant,con = dest_imp (concl ith) in
    if aconv ant (concl th) then
      PROVE_HYP th (PROVE_HYP ith (INST [ant,p; con,q] pth))
    else failwith "MP: theorems do not agree";;

let DISCH =
  let p = `p:bool`
  and q = `q:bool` in
  let pth = SYM(BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM IMP_DEF p) q)) in
  fun a th -> substitute_proof (
    let th1 = CONJ (ASSUME a) th in
    let th2 = CONJUNCT1 (ASSUME (concl th1)) in
    let th3 = DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE th1 th2 in
    let th4 = INST [a,p; concl th,q] pth in
    EQ_MP th4 th3) (proof_DISCH (proof_of th) a);;

let rec DISCH_ALL th =
  try DISCH_ALL (DISCH (hd (hyp th)) th)
  with Failure _ -> th;;

let UNDISCH th =
  try MP th (ASSUME(rand(rator(concl th))))
  with Failure _ -> failwith "UNDISCH";;

let rec UNDISCH_ALL th =
  if is_imp (concl th) then UNDISCH_ALL (UNDISCH th)
  else th;;

let IMP_ANTISYM_RULE th1 th2 =
  substitute_proof (DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE (UNDISCH th2) (UNDISCH th1))
                    (proof_IMPAS (proof_of th2) (proof_of th1));;

let ADD_ASSUM tm th = MP (DISCH tm th) (ASSUME tm);;

let EQ_IMP_RULE th =
  try let l,r = dest_eq(concl th) in
      DISCH l (EQ_MP th (ASSUME l)), DISCH r (EQ_MP(SYM th)(ASSUME r))
  with Failure _ -> failwith "EQ_IMP_RULE";;

let IMP_TRANS th1 th2 =
  try let ant = rand(rator(concl th1)) in
      DISCH ant (MP th2 (MP th1 (ASSUME ant)))
  with Failure _ -> failwith "IMP_TRANS";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for !                                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let FORALL_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(!) = \P:A->bool. P = \x. T`;;

let mk_forall = mk_binder "!";;
let list_mk_forall(vs,bod) = itlist (curry mk_forall) vs bod;;

let SPEC =
  let P = `P:A->bool`
  and x = `x:A` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = EQ_MP(AP_THM FORALL_DEF `P:A->bool`) (ASSUME `(!)(P:A->bool)`) in
    let th2 = AP_THM (CONV_RULE BETA_CONV th1) `x:A` in
    let th3 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) th2 in
    DISCH_ALL (EQT_ELIM th3) in
  fun tm th ->
    (substitute_proof (try let abs = rand(concl th) in
         (MP (PINST [snd(dest_var(bndvar abs)),aty] [abs,P; tm,x] pth) th)
    with Failure _ -> failwith "SPEC") (proof_SPEC tm (proof_of th)));;

let SPECL tms th =
  try rev_itlist SPEC tms th
  with Failure _ -> failwith "SPECL";;

let SPEC_VAR th =
  let bv = variant (thm_frees th) (bndvar(rand(concl th))) in
  bv,SPEC bv th;;

let rec SPEC_ALL th =
  if is_forall(concl th) then SPEC_ALL(snd(SPEC_VAR th)) else th;;

let ISPEC t th =
  let x,_ = try dest_forall(concl th) with Failure _ ->
    failwith "ISPEC: input theorem not universally quantified" in
  let tyins = try type_match (snd(dest_var x)) (type_of t) [] with Failure _ ->
    failwith "ISPEC can't type-instantiate input theorem" in
  try SPEC t (INST_TYPE tyins th)
  with Failure _ -> failwith "ISPEC: type variable(s) free in assumptions";;

let ISPECL tms th =
  try if tms = [] then th else
      let avs = fst (chop_list (length tms) (fst(strip_forall(concl th)))) in
      let tyins = itlist2 type_match (map (snd o dest_var) avs)
                          (map type_of tms) [] in
      SPECL tms (INST_TYPE tyins th)
  with Failure _ -> failwith "ISPECL";;

let GEN =
  let P = `P:A->bool` and true_tm = `T` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = ASSUME `P = \x:A. T` in
    let th2 = AP_THM FORALL_DEF `P:A->bool` in
  fun x th -> substitute_proof (
    try let th1 = ABS x (EQT_INTRO th) in
        let tm1 = mk_abs(mk_var("x",type_of x),true_tm) in
        let th2 = TRANS th1 (REFL tm1) in
        let th3 = PINST [snd(dest_var x),aty] [rand(rator(concl th1)),P] pth in
        MP th3 th2
    with Failure _ -> failwith "GEN") (proof_GEN (proof_of th) x);;

let GENL = itlist GEN;;

let GEN_ALL th =
  let asl,c = dest_thm th in
  let vars = subtract (frees c) (freesl asl) in
  GENL vars th;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for ?                                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let EXISTS_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(?) = \P:A->bool. !q. (!x. P x ==> q) ==> q`;;

let mk_exists =  mk_binder "?";;
let list_mk_exists(vs,bod) =  itlist (curry mk_exists) vs bod;;

let EXISTS =
  let P = `P:A->bool` and x = `x:A` and PX = `(P:A->bool) x` in
  let pth =
    let th2 = SPEC `x:A` (ASSUME `!x:A. P x ==> Q`) in
    let th3 = DISCH `!x:A. P x ==> Q` (MP th2 (ASSUME `(P:A->bool) x`)) in
    DISCH_ALL (EQ_MP (SYM th1) (GEN `Q:bool` th3)) in
  fun (etm,stm) th -> substitute_proof (
    try let qf,abs = dest_comb etm in
        let bth = BETA_CONV(mk_comb(abs,stm)) in
        let cth = PINST [type_of stm,aty] [abs,P; stm,x] pth in
        MP cth (EQ_MP (SYM bth) th)
    with Failure _ -> failwith "EXISTS") (proof_EXISTS etm stm (proof_of th));;

let SIMPLE_EXISTS v th =
  EXISTS (mk_exists(v,concl th),v) th;;

let CHOOSE =
  let P = `P:A->bool` and Q = `Q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th2 = SPEC `Q:bool` (UNDISCH(fst(EQ_IMP_RULE th1))) in
    DISCH_ALL (DISCH `(?) (P:A->bool)` (UNDISCH th2)) in
  fun (v,th1) th2 -> substitute_proof (
    try let abs = rand(concl th1) in
        let bv,bod = dest_abs abs in
        let cmb = mk_comb(abs,v) in
        let pat = vsubst[v,bv] bod in
        let th3 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (ASSUME cmb) in
        let th4 = GEN v (DISCH cmb (MP (DISCH pat th2) th3)) in
        let th5 = PINST [snd(dest_var v),aty] [abs,P; concl th2,Q] pth in
        MP (MP th5 th4) th1
    with Failure _ -> failwith "CHOOSE")
      (proof_CHOOSE v (proof_of th1) (proof_of th2));;

let SIMPLE_CHOOSE v th =
  CHOOSE(v,ASSUME (mk_exists(v,hd(hyp th)))) th;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for \/                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let OR_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(\/) = \p q. !r. (p ==> r) ==> (q ==> r) ==> r`;;

let mk_disj = mk_binary "\\/";;
let list_mk_disj = end_itlist (curry mk_disj);;

let DISJ1 =
  let P = `P:bool` and Q = `Q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM OR_DEF `P:bool`) in
    let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 `Q:bool`) in
    let th3 = MP (ASSUME `P ==> t`) (ASSUME `P:bool`) in
    let th4 = GEN `t:bool` (DISCH `P ==> t` (DISCH `Q ==> t` th3)) in
    DISCH_ALL (EQ_MP (SYM th2) th4) in
  fun th tm -> substitute_proof (
    try MP (INST [concl th,P; tm,Q] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "DISJ1") (proof_DISJ1 (proof_of th) tm);;

let DISJ2 =
  let P = `P:bool` and Q = `Q:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM OR_DEF `P:bool`) in
    let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 `Q:bool`) in
    let th3 = MP (ASSUME `Q ==> t`) (ASSUME `Q:bool`) in
    let th4 = GEN `t:bool` (DISCH `P ==> t` (DISCH `Q ==> t` th3)) in
    DISCH_ALL (EQ_MP (SYM th2) th4) in
  fun tm th -> substitute_proof (
    try MP (INST [tm,P; concl th,Q] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "DISJ2") (proof_DISJ2 (proof_of th) tm);;

  let P = `P:bool` and Q = `Q:bool` and R = `R:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM OR_DEF `P:bool`) in
    let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 `Q:bool`) in
    let th3 = SPEC `R:bool` (EQ_MP th2 (ASSUME `P \/ Q`)) in
    UNDISCH (UNDISCH th3) in
  fun th0 th1 th2 -> substitute_proof (
    try let c1 = concl th1 and c2 = concl th2 in
        if not (aconv c1 c2) then failwith "DISJ_CASES" else
        let l,r = dest_disj (concl th0) in
        let th = INST [l,P; r,Q; c1,R] pth in
        PROVE_HYP (DISCH r th2) (PROVE_HYP (DISCH l th1) (PROVE_HYP th0 th))
    with Failure _ -> failwith "DISJ_CASES")
      (proof_DISJCASES (proof_of th0) (proof_of th1) (proof_of th2));;

let SIMPLE_DISJ_CASES th1 th2 =
  DISJ_CASES (ASSUME(mk_disj(hd(hyp th1),hd(hyp th2)))) th1 th2;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for negation and falsity.                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let F_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `F = !p:bool. p`;;

let NOT_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(~) = \p. p ==> F`;;

let mk_neg =
  let neg_tm = `(~)` in
  fun tm -> try mk_comb(neg_tm,tm)
            with Failure _ -> failwith "mk_neg";;

let NOT_ELIM =
  let P = `P:bool` in
  fun th -> substitute_proof (
    try EQ_MP (INST [rand(concl th),P] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "NOT_ELIM") (proof_NOTE (proof_of th));;

  let P = `P:bool` in
  fun th -> substitute_proof (
    try EQ_MP (INST [rand(rator(concl th)),P] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "NOT_ELIM") (proof_NOTI (proof_of th));;

  let P = `P:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = NOT_ELIM (ASSUME `~ P`)
    and th2 = DISCH `F` (SPEC P (EQ_MP F_DEF (ASSUME `F`))) in
  fun th ->
    try MP (INST [rand(concl th),P] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "EQF_INTRO";;

let EQF_ELIM =
  let P = `P:bool` in
  let pth =
    let th1 = EQ_MP (ASSUME `P = F`) (ASSUME `P:bool`) in
    let th2 = DISCH P (SPEC `F` (EQ_MP F_DEF th1)) in
    DISCH_ALL (NOT_INTRO th2) in
  fun th ->
    try MP (INST [rand(rator(concl th)),P] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "EQF_ELIM";;

let CONTR =
  let P = `P:bool` and f_tm = `F` in
  let pth = SPEC P (EQ_MP F_DEF (ASSUME `F`)) in
  fun tm th -> substitute_proof (
    if concl th <> f_tm then failwith "CONTR"
    else PROVE_HYP th (INST [tm,P] pth)) (proof_CONTR (proof_of th) tm);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rules for unique existence.                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let EXISTS_UNIQUE_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(?!) = \P:A->bool. ((?) P) /\ (!x y. P x /\ P y ==> x = y)`;;

let mk_uexists = mk_binder "?!";;

  let P = `P:A->bool` in
  let pth =
    let th2 = UNDISCH (fst(EQ_IMP_RULE th1)) in
    DISCH_ALL (CONJUNCT1 th2) in
  fun th ->
    try let abs = rand(concl th) in
        let ty = snd(dest_var(bndvar abs)) in
        MP (PINST [ty,aty] [abs,P] pth) th
    with Failure _ -> failwith "EXISTENCE";;