(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FLYSPECK - BOOK FORMALIZATION                                              *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Chapter: leg                                                               *)
(* Author: Thomas C. Hales                                                    *)
(* Date: 2010-02-10                                                           *)
(* ========================================================================== *)

General utilities.


module type Flyspeck_utility_type = sig

(* looks up all constants first defined in a given file.
    The file should be specified in the same way as the "flyspeck_needs" statement 
    Also, the first argument is filetable() from build.hl

val constants_by_file : (string * int) list -> string -> (string * hol_type) list

(* inverse lookup *)

val file_of_constant : (string * int) list -> string -> string


module Flyspeck_utility  :Flyspeck_utility_type = struct

(* track constants by file *)
  let rec findpos c a  = function
      [] -> failwith "find"
    | b::bs -> if Pervasives.compare a b = 0 then c else findpos (c+1) a bs;;

let rec sublist t a b = match t with
   [] -> []
  | t0::ts -> if (a>0) then sublist ts (a-1) (b-1) else if (b<=0) then [] else t0::sublist ts 0 (b-1);;

let range_by_table c (m:(string*int)list) (s:string) = 
    let r = assoc s m in
    let i = findpos 0 (s,r) m in
    let start = if (i<=0) then 0 else (let (_,j) = List.nth m (i-1) in j) in
      sublist c start r)
  with Failure "find" -> [];;

let rec rev_assoc_sorted t i = match t with
   [] -> failwith "find"
  | (x,j)::ts -> if (i>=j) then rev_assoc_sorted ts i else x;;

let constants_by_file   = fun (ftable:(string*int)list) s -> range_by_table (List.rev (constants())) ftable s;;

(* Example: constants_by_file "trigonometry/trig1.hl" *)

let file_of_constant ftable s = 
   let cs = map fst (List.rev (constants())) in
   try (let i = findpos 0 s cs in rev_assoc_sorted (List.rev ftable) i)
   with Failure "find" -> "Constant not located";;

(* Example: file_of_constant ftable "packing" *)
