(* Several simple examples *)

(* Set up the loading path:
load_path := "path to the formal_ineqs directory" :: !load_path;;

(* Change default arithmetic options before loading other libraries *)
(* (arithmetic options cannot be changed later) *)
needs "arith_options.hl";;

(* Set the base of natural number arithmetic to 200 *)
Arith_options.base := 200;;

(* Load all verification libraries *)
(* Note: the verification library loads Multivariate/realanalysis.ml,
   so it is recommended to use a checkpointed version of HOL Light
   with preloaded realanalysis.ml *)
needs "verifier/m_verifier_main.hl";;

  Set the level of info/debug printing:
  0 - no info/debug printing
  1 - report important steps (default)
  2 - report everything
needs "verifier_options.hl";;
Verifier_options.info_print_level := 1;;

(* Open the main verification module *)
open M_verifier_main;;

(* Several simple tests *)

(* default_params: default verification parameters *)
(* 5: precision parameter for floating point arithmetic *)
let test1 () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 `sqrt(pi) < #1.773`;;

let test2 () =
  verify_ineq default_params 11 `#1.230959417 < acs(&1 / &3)`;;

let test3 () =
  verify_ineq default_params 11 `#1.230959418 > acs(&1 / &3)`;;

(* An approximation of atn *)
let test4 () =
  let ineq1 = `&0 <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> atn x - x / (&1 + #0.28 * x * x) < #0.005` in
  let ineq2 = `&0 <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> -- #0.005 < atn x - x / (&1 + #0.28 * x * x)` in
    [verify_ineq default_params 5 ineq1;
     verify_ineq default_params 6 ineq2];;

(* A polynomial approximation of atn *)
(* Taken from: *)
(* Marc Daumas, David Lester, and César Muñoz, 
   Verified real number calculations: A library for interval arithmetic, 
   IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 58, Number 2, 2009. *)
let test5 () =
  let ineq1 = `-- &1 / &30 <= x /\ x <= &1 / &30 ==> x * (&1 - (x * x) * (&11184811 / &33554432 - (x * x) * (&13421773 / &67108864))) - atn x < #0.1 pow 7` in
  let ineq2 = `-- &1 / &30 <= x /\ x <= &1 / &30 ==> -- (#0.1 pow 7) < x * (&1 - (x * x) * (&11184811 / &33554432 - (x * x) * (&13421773 / &67108864))) - atn x` in
    [verify_ineq default_params 5 ineq1;
     verify_ineq default_params 5 ineq2];;

(* Returns a list of theorems with verification information *)
let run_tests () =
  [test1(); test2(); test3()] @ test4() @ test5();;

(* Returns a list of theorems *)
let results () =
  map fst (run_tests ());;
