(* Multivariate polynomial inequalities *)
(* Examples are taken from the paper:
   César Muñoz and Anthony Narkawicz, 
   Formalization of a Representation of Bernstein Polynomials and Applications to Global Optimization, 
   Journal of Automated Reasoning, DOI: 10.1007/s10817-012-9256-3
   http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/people/cam/Bernstein/ *)

(* Set up the loading path:
load_path := "path to the formal_ineqs directory" :: !load_path;;

(* Change default arithmetic options before loading other libraries *)
(* (arithmetic options cannot be changed later) *)
needs "arith_options.hl";;

(* Set the base of natural number arithmetic to 200 *)
Arith_options.base := 200;;

(* Load all verification libraries *)
(* Note: the verification library loads Multivariate/realanalysis.ml,
   so it is recommended to use a checkpointed version of HOL Light
   with preloaded realanalysis.ml *)
needs "verifier/m_verifier_main.hl";;

  Set the level of info/debug printing:
  0 - no info/debug printing
  1 - report important steps (default)
  2 - report everything
needs "verifier_options.hl";;
Verifier_options.info_print_level := 1;;

(* Open the main verification module *)
open M_verifier_main;;

(* Data *)

(* Polynomials *)
let schwefel_poly = `(x1 - x2 pow 2) pow 2 + (x2 - &1) pow 2 + 
  (x1 - x3 pow 2) pow 2 + (x3 - &1) pow 2` and

    rd_poly = `-- x1 + &2 * x2 - x3 - #0.835634534 * x2 * (&1 + x2)` and

    caprasse_poly = `-- x1 * x3 pow 3 + &4 * x2 * x3 pow 2 * x4 + 
  &4 * x1 * x3 * x4 pow 2 + &2 * x2 * x4 pow 3 + &4 * x1 * x3 + &4 * x3 pow 2 - 
  &10 * x2 * x4 - &10 * x4 pow 2 + &2` and

    lv_poly = `x1 * x2 pow 2 + x1 * x3 pow 2 + x1 * x4 pow 2 - #1.1 * x1 + &1` and

    butcher_poly = `x6 * x2 pow 2 + x5 * x3 pow 2 - x1 * x4 pow 2 + x4 pow 2 -
  &1 / &3 * x1 + &4 / &3 * x4` and

    magnetism_poly = `x1 pow 2 + &2 * x2 pow 2 + &2 * x3 pow 2 + &2 * x4 pow 2 +
  &2 * x5 pow 2 + &2 * x6 pow 2 + &2 * x7 pow 2 - x1` and

    heart_poly = `-- x1 * x6 pow 3 + &3 * x1 * x6 * x7 pow 2 - x3 * x7 pow 3 +
  &3 * x3 * x7 * x6 pow 2 - x2 * x5 pow 3 + &3 * x2 * x5 * x8 pow 2 - x4 * x8 pow 3 + 
  &3 * x4 * x8 * x5 pow 2 - #0.9563453`;;

(* Minimal values *)
let schwefel_min = `-- #0.00000000058806` and
    rd_min = `-- #36.7126907` and
    caprasse_min = `-- #3.1801` and
    lv_min = `-- #20.801` and
    butcher_min = `-- #1.44` and
    magnetism_min = `-- #0.25001` and
    heart_min = `-- #1.7435`;;

(* Domains *)
let schwefel_dom = `[-- &10; -- &10; -- &10]`, `[&10; &10; &10]` and
    rd_dom = `[-- &5; -- &5; -- &5]`, `[&5; &5; &5]` and
    caprasse_dom = `[-- #0.5; -- #0.5; -- #0.5; -- #0.5]`, `[#0.5; #0.5; #0.5; #0.5]` and
    lv_dom = `[-- &2; -- &2; -- &2; -- &2]`, `[&2; &2; &2; &2]` and
    butcher_dom = `[-- &1; -- #0.1; -- #0.1; -- &1; -- #0.1; -- #0.1]`,
  `[&0; #0.9; #0.5; -- #0.1; -- #0.05; -- #0.03]` and
    magnetism_dom = `[-- &1; -- &1; -- &1; -- &1; -- &1; -- &1; -- &1]`,
  `[&1; &1; &1; &1; &1; &1; &1]` and
    heart_dom = `[-- #0.1; #0.4; -- #0.7; -- #0.7; #0.1; -- #0.1; -- #0.3; -- #1.1]`,
  `[#0.4; &1; -- #0.4; #0.4; #0.2; #0.2; #1.1; -- #0.3]`;;

let mk_poly_ineq poly_tm min_tm dom =
  let n = length (frees poly_tm) in
  let xs = map (fun i -> "x"^string_of_int i) (1--n) in
  let ineq_tm = mk_binop `(<):real->real->bool` min_tm poly_tm in
  let ineq2_tm = M_verifier_main.mk_ineq ineq_tm xs dom in

(* Create all inequalities *)
let schwefel_ineq,
  heart_ineq =
  mk_poly_ineq schwefel_poly schwefel_min schwefel_dom,
  mk_poly_ineq rd_poly rd_min rd_dom,
  mk_poly_ineq caprasse_poly caprasse_min caprasse_dom,
  mk_poly_ineq lv_poly lv_min lv_dom,
  mk_poly_ineq butcher_poly butcher_min butcher_dom,
  mk_poly_ineq magnetism_poly magnetism_min magnetism_dom,
  mk_poly_ineq heart_poly heart_min heart_dom;;

(* Tests *)

let test_schwefel () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 schwefel_ineq;;

let test_rd () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 rd_ineq;;

let test_caprasse () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 caprasse_ineq;;

let test_lv () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 lv_ineq;;

let test_butcher () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 butcher_ineq;;

let test_magnetism () =
  verify_ineq default_params 5 magnetism_ineq;;

let test_heart () =
  verify_ineq {default_params with eps = 1e-10} 5 heart_ineq;;

let run_tests () =
  [test_schwefel(); test_rd(); test_caprasse(); test_lv(); 
   test_butcher(); test_magnetism(); test_heart()];;

let results () =
  map fst (run_tests());;
