needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/main/prove_flyspeck_lp.hl";;

module Verify_all = struct

open List;;
open Flyspeck_lp;;
open Lp_certificate;;

let cert_dir = ref (flyspeck_dir ^ "/../formal_lp/glpk/binary");;

let get_files_with_prefix dir prefix =
  let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in
  let n = String.length prefix in
  let files1 = filter (fun f -> String.length f >= n) files in
  let files2 = filter (fun f -> String.sub f 0 n = prefix) files1 in
    map (fun f -> sprintf "%s/%s" dir f) files2;;

let get_certificate_files_with_prefix dir prefix =
  let alt_dir = dir ^ "/lp_certificates" in
  let files1 = get_files_with_prefix dir prefix in
  let files2 =
    if Sys.file_exists alt_dir then
      get_files_with_prefix alt_dir prefix
      [] in
    files1 @ files2;;

let mem_stat () =
  let stat = Gc.stat() in
  let word = float_of_int (Sys.word_size / 8) in
  let free = float_of_int stat.Gc.free_words *. word /. 1024.0 in
  let total = float_of_int stat.Gc.heap_words *. word /. 1024.0 in
  let allocated = total -. free in
  let str = sprintf "allocated = %f (free = %f; total_size = %f; %f)\n" 
    allocated free total (free /. total) in
    print_string str;;

let verify_file =
  let counter = ref 0 and
      total = ref 0 in
  let report s =
    Format.print_string s; Format.print_newline(); Format.print_flush() in
  let process certificate =
    let _ = counter := !counter + 1 in
    let _ = report (sprintf "%d/%d" !counter !total) in
      verify_lp_certificate certificate in
  let process_all file =
    let certificates = read_lp_certificates file in
    let _ = counter := 0 in
    let _ = total := length certificates in
    let start = Unix.gettimeofday() in
    let result = map process certificates in
    let finish = Unix.gettimeofday() in
      result, finish -. start in
    fun file ->
      let _ = report (sprintf "Verifying %s" file) in
      let result, time = process_all file in
      let _ = Gc.compact() in
      let _ = mem_stat() in
	result, time;;

let init_ineqs() =
    let _ = Lp_ineqs.find_ineq false 3 "y1_def" in
    let _ = report "Inequalities are already initialized" in
  with Not_found ->

let verify_easy() =
  let _ = init_ineqs() in
  let files = get_certificate_files_with_prefix !cert_dir "easy" in
    map verify_file files;;

let verify_hard() =
  let _ = init_ineqs() in
  let files = get_certificate_files_with_prefix !cert_dir "hard" in
    map verify_file files;;

let verify_all() =
  let result_hard = verify_hard() in
  let result_easy = verify_easy() in
    result_hard @ result_easy;;

let test_result result =
  let ths = List.flatten (map fst result) in
  let time = map snd result in
  let total = end_itlist (+.) time in
  let concls = setify (map concl ths) in
  let hyps = unions (map (fun th -> filter (fun tm -> not (is_binary "iso" tm)) (hyp th)) ths) in
    total, concls, hyps;;
