(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FLYSPECK - BOOK FORMALIZATION                                              *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Chapter: Jordan                                                               *)
(* Copied from HOL Light jordan directory *)
(* Author: Thomas C. Hales                                                    *)
(* Date: 2010-07-08                                                           *)
(* ========================================================================== *)

module Refinement = struct

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* This bundles an interactive session into a proof. *)
(* Later split off into general/prove_by_refinement *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

let labels_flag = ref false;; (* if true add labels to assumptions *)

let LABEL_ALL_TAC:tactic = 
 let mk_label avoid =
  let rec mk_one_label i avoid  = 
    let label = "Z-"^(string_of_int i) in
      if not(mem label avoid) then label else mk_one_label (i+1) avoid in
    mk_one_label 0 avoid in
 let update_label i asl = 
  let rec f_at_i f j =
    function [] -> []
      | a::b -> if (j=0) then (f a)::b else a::(f_at_i f (j-1) b) in
  let avoid = map fst asl in
  let current = el i avoid in
  let new_label = mk_label avoid in
  if (String.length current > 0) then asl else 
    f_at_i (fun (_,y) -> (new_label,y) ) i asl in
  fun gl  ->  
    let (asl,w) = dest_goal gl in
    let aslp = ref asl in
    (for i=0 to ((length asl)-1) do (aslp := update_label i !aslp) done;
    (ALL_TAC (mk_goal(!aslp,w))));;

(* global_var *)
let enhance flag every tac =
  if flag then (tac THEN every) THEN LABEL_ALL_TAC
   else tac;;

let (e_enhance :bool ->tactic->tactic ->goalstack) =  
   fun flag every tac -> refine(by(VALID (enhance flag every tac)));;

let e_bak = e;;
let every = ALL_TAC;;
let e = e_enhance true every;;

let has_stv t = 
  let typ = (type_vars_in_term t) in
  can (find (fun ty -> (is_vartype ty) && ((dest_vartype ty).[0] = '?'))) typ;;

let enhanced_prove_by_refinement flag every (t,(tacl:tactic list)) = 
  if (length (frees t) > 0) 
    then failwith "prove_by_refinement: free vars" else
  if (has_stv t) 
    then failwith "prove_by_refinement: has stv" else
  let gstate = mk_goalstate ([],t) in
  let _,sgs,just = rev_itlist 
    (fun tac gs -> by  (enhance flag every tac) gs)
     tacl gstate in
  let th = if sgs = [] then just null_inst []
  else failwith "BY_REFINEMENT_PROOF: Unsolved goals" in
  let t' = concl th in
  if t' = t then th else
  try EQ_MP (ALPHA t' t) th
  with Failure _ -> failwith "prove_by_refinement: generated wrong theorem";;

let prove_by_refinement = enhanced_prove_by_refinement false ALL_TAC;;
