(* ========================================================================= *)
(*                              Isabelle Light                               *)
(*   Isabelle/Procedural style additions and other user-friendly shortcuts.  *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*                   Petros Papapanagiotou, Jacques Fleuriot                 *)
(*              Center of Intelligent Systems and their Applications         *)
(*                          University of Edinburgh                          *)
(*                                 2009-2012                                 *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
(* FILE         : meta_rules.ml                                              *)
(* DESCRIPTION  : Meta rules is a formalisation used to accommodate          *)
(*                Isabelle's inference rules in HOL Light.The technical      *)
(*                details are described in the comments that follow.         *)
(*                Isabelle rule application tactics (rule, erule, etc.) have *)
(*                been defined to work with meta rules.                      *)
(*                We have not been able to accommodate first order rules     *)
(*                allI and exE. We also make use of metavariables which are  *)
(*                restricted by the limitations of term_unify                *)
(*                (ie. no HO unification and no type instantiation).         *)
(* LAST MODIFIED: October 2012                                               *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ----------------------- META-LEVEL IMPLICATION -------------------------- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Emulation of meta-level implication at the object level.                  *)
(* This is purely for syntax and parsing purposes. It solves a number of     *)
(* problems when parsing theorems as meta-rules (see below).                 *)
(* It is applied at the logic level only for transparency.                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Thanks to Phil Scott for the suggestion.                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Syntax definition.                                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

parse_as_infix ("===>",(4,"right"));;

let is_mimp = is_binary "===>";;
let dest_mimp = dest_binary "===>";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Logic definition: Equivalent to object-level implication.                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let MIMP_DEF = new_basic_definition
  `(===>) = \p q. p ==> q`;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* CONV, RULE and TACTIC to get rid of meta-level implication in proofs.     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)


(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Equivalent of TAUT after getting rid of meta-level implication.           *)
(* Helps prove simple propositional meta-rules easily.                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let MTAUT tm =
    let th = MIMP_TO_IMP_CONV tm in
    EQ_MP (SYM th) ((TAUT o snd o dest_iff o concl) th);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* RULE to replace implication by meta-level implication to easily create    *) 
(* meta-theorems from normal theorems.                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let MIMP_THM = MTAUT `(p==>q) <=> (p===>q)`;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* UNDISCH for meta-level implication.                                       *)
(* Also gets rid of meta-level implication in the undischarged term.         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let MUNDISCH th = 
    let mth = BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM MIMP_DEF `p:bool`) `q:bool`) in 
    let th =  PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [mth] th in
    try let undisch_tm = (rand o rator o concl) th in
    PROVE_HYP ((UNDISCH o snd o EQ_IMP_RULE o MIMP_TO_IMP_CONV) undisch_tm) (UNDISCH th)
    with Failure _ -> failwith "MUNDISCH";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------- HELPFUL FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* REV_PART_MATCH_I: term list -> (term -> term) -> thm -> term              *)
(*                                                         -> instantiation  *)
(* Does a reverse PART_MATCH and returns the resulting instantiation.        *)
(* Avoids instantiating any of the given variables/constants.                *)
(* Does not apply SPEC_ALL like PART_MATCH does.                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The original PART_MATCH matches a term to part of a theorem so that we can*)
(* instantiate that part with the term.                                      *)
(* The reverse used here, matches the part of the theorem with the term so   *)
(* that the term can be instantiated with the part of the theorem.           *)
(* We use this in cases such as erule where we want (part of) an assumption  *)
(* to match a premise of the rule. We need the instantiation of the rule when*)
(* matched to the assumption (thm) and not the other way around.             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec match_bvs t1 t2 acc =
    try let v1,b1 = dest_abs t1
        and v2,b2 = dest_abs t2 in
        let n1 = fst(dest_var v1) and n2 = fst(dest_var v2) in
        let newacc = if n1 = n2 then acc else insert (n1,n2) acc in
        match_bvs b1 b2 newacc
    with Failure _ -> try
        let l1,r1 = dest_comb t1
        and l2,r2 = dest_comb t2 in
        match_bvs l1 l2 (match_bvs r1 r2 acc)
    with Failure _ -> acc in
  fun avoids partfn th ->
    let bod = concl th in
    let pbod = partfn bod in
    let lconsts = union avoids (intersect (frees (concl th)) (freesl(hyp th))) in
    fun tm ->
      let bvms = match_bvs pbod tm [] in
      let atm = deep_alpha bvms tm in
      term_match lconsts atm (partfn bod) ;; (* whereas in PART_MATCH we do it the other way around *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* term_to_asm_match : term list -> term -> (string * thm) list ->           *)
(*                               (string * thm) list * (thm * instantiation) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* term_to_asm_match tries to match key to one of the assumptions using      *)
(* REV_PART_MATCH_I. Returns the new assumption list (with the matching      *)
(* assumption removed), the matching assumption and the resulting            *)
(* instantiation used.                                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* It is doubtful that this has practical use outside the Xrule_tac's.       *)
(* It is used in erule, drule and frule to match the major premise to one of *)
(* the assumptions.                                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec (term_to_asm_match: term list -> term -> (string * thm) list -> (string * thm) list * (thm * instantiation)) =
  fun avoids key asms ->
    if (asms = []) then failwith ("No assumptions match `" ^ (string_of_term key) ^ "`!")
    else try 
      let asm = (snd o hd) asms in
      let i = REV_PART_MATCH_I avoids I asm key in
      (tl asms),(asm,i)
    with Failure _ -> let res,inst = term_to_asm_match avoids key (tl asms) in ((hd asms)::res),inst;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* term_to_asm_n_match : term list -> term -> (string * thm) list -> int ->  *)
(*                               (string * thm) list * (thm * instantiation) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Same as term_to_asm_match but only tries to match nth assumption.         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* It is doubtful that this has practical use outside the Xrulen_tac's.      *)
(* It is used in erulen, drulen and frulen to match the major premise to one *)
(* of the assumptions.                                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec (term_to_asm_n_match: term list -> term -> (string * thm) list -> int -> (string * thm) list * (thm * instantiation)) =
  fun avoids key asms n ->
    if (asms = []) then failwith "No such assumption found!"
    else try match n with
	0 ->  
	  let asm = (snd o hd) asms in
	  let i = REV_PART_MATCH_I avoids I asm key in
	    (tl asms),(asm,i)
      | _ -> let re_asms,m = term_to_asm_n_match avoids key (tl asms) (n-1) in
	  (hd asms)::re_asms,m
    with Failure _ -> failwith ("Assumption `" ^ ((string_of_term o concl o snd o hd) asms) ^ "` doesn't match `" ^ (string_of_term key) ^ "`!");;

(* gmm is not to be used until qed is updated *)
(* We need a MDISCH for that...               *)

let gmm t =
  let fvs = sort (<) (map (fst o dest_var) (frees t)) in
  (if fvs <> [] then
     let errmsg = end_itlist (fun s t -> s^", "^t) fvs in
     warn true ("Free variables in goal: "^errmsg)
   else ());
  let rec split_mimp = fun tm ->
    if (is_mimp tm) 
      let (a,b) = dest_mimp tm in
      let (asms, concl) = split_mimp b in
    else ([],tm) in
   set_goal (split_mimp t);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* gm : term -> goalstack                                                    *)
(* This is used to set a term containing meta-level implication as a goal.   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* (+) Uses g to set the goal then MIMP_TAC to get rid of meta-implication.  *)
(* (+) Note that if the goal has normal implication it gets discharged as    *)
(* well. This will be fixed when gmm is fixed.                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let gm t = g t ; e (MIMP_TAC THEN REPEAT DISCH_TAC);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Isabelle's natural deduction rules as thms with meta-level implication.   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let conjI = MTAUT `p===>q===>p/\q`;;
let conjunct1 = MTAUT `p/\q===>p`;;
let conjunct2 = MTAUT `p/\q===>q`;;
let conjE = MTAUT `p/\q===>(p===>q===>r)===>r`;; 
let disjI1 = MTAUT `p===>p\/q`;;
let disjI2 = MTAUT `q===>p\/q`;;
let disjE = MTAUT `p\/q===>(p===>r)===>(q===>r)===>r`;;

let impI = MTAUT `(p===>q)===>(p==>q)`;;
let impE = MTAUT `(p==>q)===>p===>(q===>r)===>r`;;
let mp = MTAUT `(p==>q)===>(p===>q)`;;

let iffI = MTAUT `(a===>b)===>(b===>a)===>(a<=>b)`;;
let iffE = MTAUT `(a<=>b)===>((a==>b) ===> (b==>a) ===> r) ===> r`;;

let allE = 
prove( `(!x:A. P x) ===> (P (a:A) ===> (r:bool)) ===> r` ,
let exI = 
prove (`P (a:A)===> ?x:A. P x`,
let notI = MTAUT `(p===>F)===> ~p`;; let notE = MTAUT `~a ===> a ===> r`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------ META-RULES START HERE!! ------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* meta_rule (type) *) (* The representation of an Isabelle inference rule in HOL Light. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* term = The conclusion of the inference rule. *) (* goal list = The premises represented as "meta-subgoals". *) (* thm = The representation of the rule as a theorem used for justification. *) (* *) (* (+) thm must be of the form H1,H2,...,Hn |- G *) (* (+) H1--Hn must be represented as "meta-subgoals" in any order (1) *) (* (+) [|P;Q|] ==> R (in Isabelle notation) is translated as "meta-subgoal" *) (* P,Q ?- R and as P==>Q==>R in the justification theorem. *) (* (+) The form of the premises (assumption order etc) must be kept in the *) (* justification theorem (see example in (2)) *) (* (+) Use "mk_meta_rule" to create proper meta rules from theorems. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (1) Since we use PROVE_HYP instead of MP to justify rule, erule etc, the *) (* order of the subgoals is no longer essential. *) (* (2) Example: conjE *) (* In Isabelle: P/\Q [|P;Q|]==> R *) (* ------------------ *) (* R *) (* *) (* As a meta rule (briefly - see conjEm below for full notation): *) (* `R`, - conclusion *) (* [ - premises list *) (* [ ], `P/\Q` ; *) (* [`P`;`Q`], `R` *) (* ], *) (* `P/\Q, P==>Q==>R |- R` - justification theorem *) (* *) (* The form of the premises must be preserved in the justification theorem. *) (* ie. using `P/\Q, Q==>P==>R |- R` or `Q/\P, P==>Q==>R |- R` as a *) (* justification theorem would break the justification and result in an *) (* "invalid tactic" exception. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type meta_rule = term * goal list * thm;; let print_meta_rule: meta_rule->unit = fun (c,glist,j) -> print_term c ; hd (map (print_newline () ; print_goal) glist) ; print_newline () ; print_thm j ; print_newline ();; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* inst_meta_rule: instantiation -> meta_rule -> meta_rule *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Instantiates all parts of meta_rules based on an instantiation. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let inst_meta_rule:instantiation->meta_rule->meta_rule = fun inst (c,glist,j) -> instantiate inst c, map (inst_goal inst) glist, INSTANTIATE_ALL inst j;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* meta_rule_frees: meta_rule -> term list *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Returns the list of free variables (or Isabelle ?metavariables) in a *) (* meta_rule. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meta_rule_frees: meta_rule -> term list = fun (c,glist,l) -> itlist (union o gl_frees) glist (union (frees c) (thm_frees l));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* meta_rule_mk_primed_vars_I: term_list -> meta_rule -> *) (* meta_rule * instantiation *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Applies mk_primed_var to all the free variables in a meta_rule. *) (* Returns the new meta_rule and the instantiation for the variable renaming.*) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meta_rule_mk_primed_vars_I: term list -> meta_rule -> meta_rule * instantiation = fun avoids r -> let fvars = meta_rule_frees r in let rec mk_primed_l = fun avoids vars -> match vars with [] -> null_inst | v::rest -> let new_v = mk_primed_var avoids v in compose_insts (term_match [] v new_v) (mk_primed_l (new_v::avoids) rest) in let inst = mk_primed_l avoids fvars in (inst_meta_rule inst r),inst;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* meta_rule_mk_primed_vars: term_list -> meta_rule -> meta_rule *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Applies mk_primed_var to all the free variables in a meta_rule. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let meta_rule_mk_primed_vars: term list -> meta_rule -> meta_rule = fun avoids r -> fst (meta_rule_mk_primed_vars_I avoids r);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* inst_meta_rule_vars: *) (* (term * term) list -> meta_rule -> term list -> meta_rule *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Instantiates the free variables in a meta_rule. Also renames the *) (* uninstantiated variables so as to avoid clashes with free variables and *) (* constants in the given goal. *) (* Essentially it prepares the meta_rule for use with any of xrulem_tac. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (+) By instlist we mean the list of variables and instantiation pairs *) (* given by the user. *) (* (+) First we check the terms given as variables in the instlist. We must *) (* check if they are indeed variables and if they are free variables in the *) (* given meta_rule. *) (* (+) "match_var" is used to compare a variable with a free variable in the *) (* meta_rule. *NOTE* that a variable is accepted as long as it can match a *) (* free variable in the meta_rule allowing only type instantiation. *) (* (+) "mcheck_var" does the is_var check and tries to find a match with the *) (* meta_rule's free vars (rfrees) using match_var. *) (* (+) "mcheck_gvar" tries to match variables on the rhs of each instlist *) (* pair with the free variables in the goal so as to instantiate their types *) (* properly. This is done to free the user from declaring the variable types.*) (* (+) Given variables are replaced with the meta_rule variables (effectively*) (* achieving type instantiation) and later recombined into the instlist. *) (* (+) Secondly, we rename all the variables in the meta_rule using *) (* "meta_rule_mk_primed_vars_I" so that they don't match any of the free *) (* variables in the goal. *) (* (+) We use the same instantiation to rename instlist variables so that *) (* they properly match the new variables of the meta_rule. *) (* (+) "new_instlist" should contain variables that fully match primed *) (* variables in the meta_rule (new_r). *) (* (+) For each instlist pair, we find the instantiation that allows the *) (* variable to be substituted by the given term. *NOTE* that no check is *) (* made on that term. It is the user's responsibility to give a sensible, *) (* matching and correctly typed term. *) (* (+) All the instantiations produced by the instlist are composed into one *) (* which is then applied to new_r to give the result. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let inst_meta_rule_vars: (term * term) list -> meta_rule -> term list -> meta_rule = fun instlist r gfrees -> let rfrees = meta_rule_frees r in let vars,subs = List.split instlist in let match_var = fun tm1 tm2 -> let inst = try term_match [] tm1 tm2 with Failure _ -> [],[tm2,tm1],[] in match inst with [],[],_ -> tm2 | _ -> failwith "match_var: no match" in let mcheck_var = fun tm -> if (not (is_var tm)) then failwith ("inst_meta_rule_vars: `" ^ string_of_term tm ^ "` is not a variable") else try list_match_first (match_var tm) rfrees with Failure _ -> failwith ("inst_meta_rule_vars: `" ^ string_of_term tm ^ "` could not be found in the meta_rule") in let mcheck_gvar = fun var -> try let mvar = list_match_first (match_var var) gfrees in term_match [] var mvar with Failure _ -> warn true ("inst_meta_rule_vars: `" ^ string_of_term var ^ "` could not be found in the goal") ; null_inst in let new_r,prim_inst = meta_rule_mk_primed_vars_I gfrees r in let new_vars = map ((instantiate prim_inst) o mcheck_var) vars in let subs_vars = flat (map frees subs) in let new_subs_inst = itlist compose_insts (map mcheck_gvar subs_vars) null_inst in let new_subs = map (instantiate new_subs_inst) subs in let new_instlist = List.combine new_vars new_subs in let mk_inst = fun t1,t2 -> term_match [] t1 t2 in let inst = itlist compose_insts (map mk_inst new_instlist) null_inst in let result_r = inst_meta_rule inst new_r in result_r;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* mk_meta_rule: thm -> meta_rule *) (* Creates a meta_rule out of a theorem. *) (* Theorem must be of the form |- H1 ===> H2 ===> ...===> Hn ===> C *) (* "===>" is the emulation of meta-level implication so this corresponds to *) (* [|H1;H2;...;Hn|] ==> C in Isabelle) *) (* For each Hi that is a meta-level implication, a "meta_subgoal" is created.*) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (+) undisch_premises uses MUNDISCH to handle meta-level implication. All *) (* the premises are undischarged. It returns the list of premises paired *) (* with the resulting theorem. Note that MUNDISCH also removes meta-level *) (* implication from the undischarged premises. *) (* (+) "mk_meta_subgoal" creates a meta_subgoal from a term. If the term is *) (* an implication, the lhs is added as an assumption/premise of the *) (* meta_subgoal and mk_meta_subgoal is called recursively for the rhs. *) (* (+) The conclusion of the undischarged theorem is the first part of the *) (* produced meta_rule. *) (* (+) mk_meta_subgoal creates the meta_subgoals for all the premises. They *) (* form the second part of the meta_rule. *) (* (+) The theorem itself is used as the justification theorem, after *) (* eliminating any remaining meta-level implication in the conclusion. *) (* In theory, the conclusion should never have any remaining meta-level *) (* implications. We're just making sure because we don't want any meta-level *) (* implications to appear in our new subgoals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (mk_meta_rule: thm -> meta_rule) = fun thm -> let rec undisch_premises th = if is_mimp (concl th) then let rest,res_th = undisch_premises (MUNDISCH th) in (rand(rator(concl th)))::rest,res_th else [],th in let (prems,thm) = undisch_premises thm in let rec mk_meta_subgoal tm = ( if (is_mimp(tm)) then let (a,c) = dest_mimp tm in let (prems,concl) = mk_meta_subgoal c in ("",ASSUME a)::prems,concl else [],tm ) in concl thm,map mk_meta_subgoal prems,MIMP_TO_IMP_RULE thm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* mk_meta_rule_old: thm -> meta_rule *) (* Creates a meta_rule out of a theorem. === DEPRECATED === *) (* Theorem must be of the form H1,H2,...,Hn |- C *) (* If Hi is of the form Hi1==>Hi2==>...==>Hik==>HiC then it is treated as *) (* Hi1,Hi2,...,Hik ?- HiC (or "meta-level" implication *) (* [|Hi1;Hi2;...;Hik|] ==> HiC in Isabelle) and the corresponding *) (* meta_subgoal is created. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --As a result you CANNOT have rules with implication in their premises!-- *) (* (You'll have to use mk_elim_meta_rule or build the meta_rule yourself.) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (+) The theorem is destroyed to its hypothesis list and its conclusion. *) (* The conclusion is the first part of the meta_rule. *) (* (+) "mk_meta_subgoal" creates a meta_subgoal from a term. If the term is *) (* an implication, the lhs is added as an assumption/premise of the *) (* meta_subgoal and mk_meta_subgoal is called recursively for the rhs. *) (* (+) The theorem itself is used as the justification theorem. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Deprecated. New mk_meta_rule uses meta-level implication. *) (* Kept until new mk_meta_rule is tested and stable. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (mk_meta_rule_old: thm -> meta_rule) = fun thm -> let (hyps,concl) = dest_thm thm in let rec mk_meta_subgoal tm = ( if (is_imp(tm)) then let (a,c) = dest_imp tm in let (prems,concl) = mk_meta_subgoal c in ("",ASSUME a)::prems,concl else [],tm ) in concl,map mk_meta_subgoal hyps,thm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* mk_elim_meta_rule_old: thm -> meta_rule *) (* Creates a meta_rule out of a theorem. === DEPRECATED === *) (* Works like mk_meta_rule but acommodates elimination/destruction rules *) (* a little bit better by not breaking the major premise. This effectively *) (* allows the major premise to be an implication. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* In an elimination or destruction rule, the first or major premise is *) (* matched against one of the assumptions. Therefore, you cannot have a *) (* meta_subgoal for a major premise. If there is an implication there we *) (* shall leave it intact and not treat it as "meta-level" implication. *) (* This still disallows the use of implication in the rest of the premises *) (* (by treating it as "meta-level" implication). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Deprecated. New mk_meta_rule uses meta-level implication. *) (* Kept until new mk_meta_rule is tested and stable. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (mk_elim_meta_rule_old: thm -> meta_rule) = fun thm -> let (hyps,concl) = dest_thm thm in if (hyps = []) then failwith "mk_elim_meta_rule: Invalid rule - no premises!" else let major_prem,hyps = ([],hd hyps),tl hyps in let rec mk_meta_subgoal tm = ( if (is_imp(tm)) then let (a,c) = dest_imp tm in let (prems,concl) = mk_meta_subgoal c in ("",ASSUME a)::prems,concl else [],tm ) in concl,major_prem :: (map mk_meta_subgoal hyps),thm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Isabelle's natural deduction inference rules as meta_rules. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The trailing 'm' indicates they are represented as meta_rules as opposed *) (* to theorems. *) (* Use "mk_meta_rule" to create meta_rules from theorems. *) (* Most of the following can be created using mk_meta_rule but are left here *) (* as examples. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Deprecated. New mk_meta_rule uses meta-level implication so now ALL of *) (* these can be represented at the object-level and turned into meta_rules *) (* using mk_meta_rule. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let conjIm:meta_rule = (`p/\q`, [ [],`p:bool`; [],`q:bool` ], conjI);; let conjEm:meta_rule = (`r:bool`, [ [],`p/\q`; [("",ASSUME `p:bool`);("",ASSUME `q:bool`)],`r:bool` ], (UNDISCH o UNDISCH o TAUT) `p/\q==>(p==>q==>r)==>r` );; let notEm:meta_rule = (`r:bool`, [ [],`~a`; [],`a:bool` ], (UNDISCH o UNDISCH o TAUT) `~a==>a==>r` );; let disjI1m:meta_rule = (`p\/q`, [ [],`p:bool`; ], UNDISCH ( TAUT `p==>p\/q` ));; let disjI2m:meta_rule = (`p\/q`, [ [],`q:bool`; ], UNDISCH ( TAUT `q==>p\/q` ));; let disjEm:meta_rule = (`r:bool`, [ [],`p\/q`; [("",ASSUME `p:bool`)],`r:bool`; [("",ASSUME `q:bool`)],`r:bool` ], (UNDISCH o UNDISCH o UNDISCH) ( TAUT `p\/q==>(p==>r)==>(q==>r)==>r`) );; let impIm:meta_rule = (`p==>q`, [ [("",ASSUME `p:bool`)],`q:bool` ], UNDISCH (TAUT `(p==>q)==>(p==>q)`) );; let impEm:meta_rule = (`r:bool`, [ [],`p==>q`; [],`p:bool`; [("",ASSUME `q:bool`)],`r:bool` ], (UNDISCH o UNDISCH o UNDISCH o TAUT) `(p==>q)==>p==>(q==>r)==>r` );; let mpm:meta_rule = (`q:bool`, [ [],`p==>q`; [],`p:bool` ], (UNDISCH o UNDISCH o TAUT) `(p==>q)==>(p==>q)` );; (* Note from old mk_meta_rule: *) (* This one cannot be expressed as a theorem because HOL Light insists on *) (* ordering the assumptions of the theorem so the major premise is `p` *) (* instead of `~p`. *) let notEm:meta_rule = (`r:bool`, [ [],`~a`; [],`a:bool` ], (UNDISCH o UNDISCH o TAUT) `~a==>a==>r` );; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* rulem_tac: ((term * term) list -> meta_rule -> tactic): *) (* Isabelle's rule as a HOL Light meta_rule tactic. *) (* Uses a rule of the form H1,H2,...,Hn |- C represented as a meta_rule *) (* to solve A1,A2,...,Am ?- G *) (* Matches C to the goal G, then splits the goal to *) (* A1,A2,...,Am ?- H1 *) (* A1,A2,...,Am ?- H2 *) (* ... *) (* A1,A2,...,Am ?- Hn *) (* Hi can be of the form Hi1,Hi2,...,Hik ?- HiC then the goal produced is *) (* A1,A2,...,Am,Hi1,Hi2,...,Hik ?- HiC *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (+) "avoids" lists all the free variables in the assumptions and goal so *) (* as to avoid instantiating those (as in variable conflicts with the rule *) (* or partly instantiated rule in the case of erule) *) (* (+) First we check if C matches G. If it does we keep the resulting *) (* instantiation (ins). *) (* (+) We instantiate the "meta-subgoals" of the meta_rule using ins. *) (* In essence we're instantiating the premises of the rule. (new_hyps) *) (* (+) The "create_goal" function creates the new goals by adding the *) (* assumption list A1--Am to the instantiated "meta-subgoal". *) (* (+) create_goal is mapped on new_hyps to create the new subgoal list. *) (* (+) The "create_dischl" function creates the list of the terms involved *) (* in the premises of each instantiated meta-subgoal. In order to create the *) (* justification of the tactic, we need to convert Hi1,Hi2,...,Hik |- HiC *) (* into |- Hi1==>Hi2==>...==>Hik==>HiC. That is the only way we can capture *) (* the notion of a "subgoal" within a HOL Light object-level theorem. *) (* We will then use PROVE_HYP to eliminate each of the proven subgoals from *) (* the rule's justification theorem. In order to achieve this conversion we *) (* need to keep a list of the instantiated premises of the rule (dischls) *) (* for each meta_subgoal so as to avoid discharging the original goal's *) (* assumptions or _FALSITY_. *) (* (+) "disch_pair" is used for convenience. dishls is combined with the *) (* list of proven subgoals so that each subgoal is attached to its *) (* corresponding premises list (dischl). disch_pair then does the discharges.*) (* It also takes care of instantiating the meta-variables in those premises *) (* for proper justification. *) (* (+) normalfrees is used to calculate the list of metavariables that will *) (* end up in the new subgoals. It contains all the free variables in the *) (* goal and instlist. *) (* (+) The newly introduced metavariables are found by subtracting *) (* normalfrees from the set of all free variables in all new goals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (rulem_tac: (term*term) list->meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let ins = try ( term_match [] c w ) with Failure _ -> failwith "Rule doesn't match!" in let new_hyps = map (inst_goal ins) hyps in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = map (create_goal asl) new_hyps in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL (compose_insts ins i) thm) (map (disch_pair i) (List.combine dischls l));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* erulem_tac: ((term * term) list -> meta_rule -> tactic): *) (* Isabelle's erule as a HOL Light meta_rule tactic. *) (* Works like rulem but also matches the first hypothesis H1 with one of the *) (* assumptions A1--Am and instantiates accordingly. *) (* A "proper" elimination rule H1 is of the form ?- H1 (ie. has no premises) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Same as rulem with some added stuff. *) (* (+) If there are no "meta_subgoals" (no new subgoals to create) we fail. *) (* (+) Otherwise we use the first "meta_subgoal" as our primary hypothesis *) (* (the one that will be eliminated - prim_hyp). *) (* (+) If prim_hyp has premises then this is not a "proper" elimination rule.*) (* (+) Otherwise try to match any of the assumptions with prim_hyp. The *) (* resulting instantiation is elim_inst. *) (* (+) Instantiate all generated meta_subgoals with elim_inst. Retrieve the *) (* (now instantiated) prim_hyp and remove it from the new subgoals (it is *) (* trivially proven). We get a "pattern-matching is not exhaustive" warning *) (* here, but we have already checked that new_hyps is non-empty. *) (* (+) prim_thm is a trivial theorem that proves the subgoal corresponding *) (* to prim_hyp. *) (* (+) Instantiate the justification theorem with elim_thm. *) (* (+) Add prim_hyp to the justification (pretending its a proven subgoal). *) (* (+) Use a hack to add the eliminated assumption to the proven subgoals so *) (* that we pass the validity check properly. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (erulem_tac: (term * term) list -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let ins = try ( term_match [] c w ) with Failure _ -> failwith "Rule doesn't match!" in let new_hyps = map (inst_goal ins) hyps in let (prems,prim_hyp) = if (new_hyps = []) then failwith "erule: Not a proper elimination rule: no premises!" else hd new_hyps in let avoids = gl_frees g in let asl,(prim_thm,elim_inst) = if (prems = []) then try term_to_asm_match avoids prim_hyp asl with Failure s -> failwith ("erule: " ^ s) else failwith "erule: Not a proper elimination rule: major premise has assumptions!" in let (_,prim_hyp)::new_hyps = map (inst_goal elim_inst) new_hyps in let thm = INSTANTIATE_ALL elim_inst thm in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = map (create_goal asl) new_hyps in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> let major_thmi = INSTANTIATE_ALL i prim_thm in List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL (compose_insts ins i) thm) (major_thmi :: map (ADD_HYP major_thmi) (map (disch_pair i) (List.combine dischls l)));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* drulem_tac: ((term * term) list -> meta_rule -> tactic): *) (* Isabelle's drule as a HOL Light meta_rule tactic. *) (* Uses rules as shown in "rule". *) (* Matches the first hypothesis H1 with one of the *) (* assumptions A1--Am and instantiates accordingly. *) (* The assumption is removed from the list and the trivial goal is proven *) (* automatically. *) (* A "proper" destructio rule H1 is of the form ?- H1 (ie. has no premises) *) (* The goal A1,A2,...,Am,G ?- C is also added. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Same as erulem with a few differences. *) (* [+] Does not try to match the goal c. *) (* [+] Adds an extra goal c ?- w after instantiating c. *) (* [+] The new goal is treated slightly different in the justification. *) (* It is the one whose premises must be proven so as to get to the final *) (* goal. So it gets proven using PROVE_HYP by the result of the *) (* justification on the original rule. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (drulem_tac: (term * term) list -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let (prems,major_prem) = if (hyps = []) then failwith "drule: Not a proper destruction rule: no premises!" else hd hyps in let avoids = gl_frees g in let asl,(major_thm,elim_inst) = if (prems = []) then try term_to_asm_match avoids major_prem asl with Failure s -> failwith ("drule: " ^ s) else failwith "drule: not a proper destruction rule: major premise has assumptions!" in let (_,major_asm)::new_hyps = map (inst_goal elim_inst) hyps in let thm = INSTANTIATE_ALL elim_inst thm in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = (map (create_goal asl) new_hyps) @ [create_goal asl (["",ASSUME (instantiate elim_inst c)],w)] in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in (* We add an empty discharge list at the end for the extra goal. *) let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps @ [[]] in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> let major_thmi = INSTANTIATE_ALL i major_thm in let l = (major_thmi :: map (ADD_HYP major_thmi) (map (disch_pair i) (List.combine dischls l))) in PROVE_HYP (List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL i thm) ((butlast) l)) (last l);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* frulem_tac: ((term * term) list -> meta_rule -> tactic): *) (* Isabelle's frule as a HOL Light meta_rule tactic. *) (* Same as drule, but does not remove the matching assumption from the list. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Same as drulem only skipping the parts that eat up the assumption and *) (* re-add it to the proven subgoals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (frulem_tac: (term * term) list -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let (prems,major_prem) = if (hyps = []) then failwith "frule: Not a proper destruction rule: no premises!" else hd hyps in let avoids = gl_frees g in let _,(major_thm,elim_inst) = if (prems = []) then try term_to_asm_match avoids major_prem asl with Failure s -> failwith ("frule: " ^ s) else failwith "frule: Not a proper destruction rule: major premise has assumptions!" in let (_,major_asm)::new_hyps = map (inst_goal elim_inst) hyps in let thm = INSTANTIATE_ALL elim_inst thm in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = (map (create_goal asl) new_hyps) @ [create_goal asl (["",ASSUME (instantiate elim_inst c)],w)] in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps @ [[]] in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> let major_thmi = INSTANTIATE_ALL i major_thm in let l = (major_thmi :: ((map (disch_pair i)) o (List.combine dischls)) l) in PROVE_HYP (List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL i thm) ((butlast) l)) (last l);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* cutm_tac: ((term * term) list -> meta_rule -> tactic): *) (* Isabelle's cut_tac as a HOL Light meta_rule tactic. *) (* Inserts a theorem in the assumptions. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* (+) WARNING: It does not introduce metavariables like the other tactics *) (* do! In the TODO list... *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (cutm_tac: (term * term) list -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist r g -> let (_,_,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in (ASSUME_TAC thm) g;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* erulenm_tac : (term * term) list -> int -> meta_rule->tactic) *) (* drulenm_tac : (term * term) list -> int -> meta_rule->tactic) *) (* frulenm_tac : (term * term) list -> int -> meta_rule->tactic) *) (* Identical to their counterparts, the only difference being that they try *) (* to match a particular assumption given by number. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (erulenm_tac: (term * term) list -> int -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist n r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let ins = try ( term_match [] c w ) with Failure _ -> failwith "Rule doesn't match!" in let new_hyps = map (inst_goal ins) hyps in let (prems,prim_hyp) = if (new_hyps = []) then failwith "erule: Not a proper elimination rule: no premises!" else hd new_hyps in let avoids = gl_frees g in let asl,(prim_thm,elim_inst) = if (prems = []) then try term_to_asm_n_match avoids prim_hyp (rev asl) n with Failure s -> failwith ("erule: " ^ s) else failwith "erule: Not a proper elimination rule: major premise has assumptions!" in let (_,prim_hyp)::new_hyps = map (inst_goal elim_inst) new_hyps in let thm = INSTANTIATE_ALL elim_inst thm in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = map (create_goal asl) new_hyps in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> let major_thmi = INSTANTIATE_ALL i prim_thm in List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL (compose_insts ins i) thm) (major_thmi :: map (ADD_HYP major_thmi) (map (disch_pair i) (List.combine dischls l)));; let (drulenm_tac: (term * term) list -> int -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist n r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let (prems,major_prem) = if (hyps = []) then failwith "drule: Not a proper destruction rule: no premises!" else hd hyps in let avoids = gl_frees g in let asl,(major_thm,elim_inst) = if (prems = []) then try term_to_asm_n_match avoids major_prem (rev asl) n with Failure s -> failwith ("drule: " ^ s) else failwith "drule: not a proper destruction rule: major premise has assumptions!" in let (_,major_asm)::new_hyps = map (inst_goal elim_inst) hyps in let thm = INSTANTIATE_ALL elim_inst thm in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = (map (create_goal asl) new_hyps) @ [create_goal asl (["",ASSUME (instantiate elim_inst c)],w)] in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in (* We add an empty discharge list at the end for the extra goal. *) let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps @ [[]] in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> let major_thmi = INSTANTIATE_ALL i major_thm in let l = (major_thmi :: map (ADD_HYP major_thmi) (map (disch_pair i) (List.combine dischls l))) in PROVE_HYP (List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL i thm) ((butlast) l)) (last l);; let (frulenm_tac: (term * term) list -> int -> meta_rule->tactic) = fun instlist n r ((asl,w) as g) -> let (c,hyps,thm) = inst_meta_rule_vars instlist r (gl_frees g) in let (prems,major_prem) = if (hyps = []) then failwith "frule: Not a proper destruction rule: no premises!" else hd hyps in let avoids = gl_frees g in let _,(major_thm,elim_inst) = if (prems = []) then try term_to_asm_n_match avoids major_prem (rev asl) n with Failure s -> failwith ("frule: " ^ s) else failwith "frule: Not a proper destruction rule: major premise has assumptions!" in let (_,major_asm)::new_hyps = map (inst_goal elim_inst) hyps in let thm = INSTANTIATE_ALL elim_inst thm in let create_goal = fun asms (hs,gl) -> (hs@asms,gl) in let new_goals = (map (create_goal asl) new_hyps) @ [create_goal asl (["",ASSUME (instantiate elim_inst c)],w)] in let rec create_dischl = fun (asms,g) -> if (asms = []) then [] else ((concl o snd o hd) asms)::(create_dischl ((tl asms),g)) in let dischls = map create_dischl new_hyps @ [[]] in let disch_pair = fun i (dischl,thm) -> DISCHL (map (instantiate i) dischl) thm in let normalfrees = itlist union (map ( fun (_,y) -> frees y ) instlist ) (gl_frees g) in let mvs = subtract (itlist union (map gl_frees new_goals) []) normalfrees in (mvs,null_inst),new_goals,fun i l -> let major_thmi = INSTANTIATE_ALL i major_thm in let l = (major_thmi :: ((map (disch_pair i)) o (List.combine dischls)) l) in PROVE_HYP (List.fold_left (fun t1 t2 -> PROVE_HYP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i t2) t1) (INSTANTIATE_ALL i thm) ((butlast) l)) (last l);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Xrulem versions for empty instlist. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rulem: meta_rule -> tactic = rulem_tac [];; let erulem: meta_rule -> tactic = erulem_tac [];; let drulem: meta_rule -> tactic = drulem_tac [];; let frulem: meta_rule -> tactic = frulem_tac [];; let erulenm: int -> meta_rule -> tactic = erulenm_tac [];; let drulenm: int -> meta_rule -> tactic = drulenm_tac [];; let frulenm: int -> meta_rule -> tactic = frulenm_tac [];; (* For consistency with HOL Light capitalized tactics: *) let RULEM,ERULEM,DRULEM,FRULEM = rulem,erulem,drulem,frulem;; let ERULENM,DRULENM,FRULENM = erulenm,drulenm,frulenm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Xrule and Xrule_tac using arbitrary inference rules in the form of thms. *) (* (see mk_meta_rule and meta_rule type) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rule_tac: (term * term) list -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist thm -> rulem_tac instlist (mk_meta_rule thm);; let erule_tac: (term * term) list -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist thm -> erulem_tac instlist (mk_meta_rule thm);; let drule_tac: (term * term) list -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist thm -> drulem_tac instlist (mk_meta_rule thm);; let frule_tac: (term * term) list -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist thm -> frulem_tac instlist (mk_meta_rule thm);; let cut_tac: (term * term) list -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist thm -> cutm_tac instlist (mk_meta_rule thm);; let RULE_TAC,ERULE_TAC,DRULE_TAC,FRULE_TAC,CUT_TAC = rule_tac,erule_tac,drule_tac,frule_tac,cut_tac;; let erulen_tac: (term * term) list -> int -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist n thm -> erulenm_tac instlist n (mk_meta_rule thm);; let drulen_tac: (term * term) list -> int -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist n thm -> drulenm_tac instlist n (mk_meta_rule thm);; let frulen_tac: (term * term) list -> int -> thm -> tactic = fun instlist n thm -> frulenm_tac instlist n (mk_meta_rule thm);; let ERULEN_TAC,DRULEN_TAC,FRULEN_TAC = erulen_tac,drulen_tac,frulen_tac;; let rule: (thm -> tactic) = rule_tac [];; let erule: (thm -> tactic) = erule_tac [];; let drule: (thm -> tactic) = drule_tac [];; let frule: (thm -> tactic) = frule_tac [];; let RULE,ERULE,DRULE,FRULE = rule,erule,drule,frule;; let erulen: (int -> thm -> tactic) = erulen_tac [];; let drulen: (int -> thm -> tactic) = drulen_tac [];; let frulen: (int -> thm -> tactic) = frulen_tac [];; let ERULEN,DRULEN,FRULEN = erulen,drulen,frulen;;