needs "";;

type script_step =
| Tac of string * tactic
| Par of script_step list list;;

type prooftree =
| Prooftree of goal * (string * tactic) * prooftree list
| Open_goal of goal;;

let read_script filename lemmaname =
  let rec check_semisemi l =
    match l with
    | ";"::";"::_ -> true
    | " "::l' -> check_semisemi l'
    | _ -> false in
  let file = open_in filename in
  let lemma_string = "
let "^lemmaname^" = prove" in
  let n = String.length lemma_string in
  let rec read_script1 () =
    let s = input_line file in
    if String.length s >= n & String.sub s 0 n = lemma_string
      then (explode s)@"\n"::read_script2 () else read_script1 ()
  and read_script2 () =
    let l = explode (input_line file) in
    if check_semisemi (rev l) then l else l@"\n"::read_script2 () in
  let l = read_script1 () in
  close_in file;
let rec tokenize l = match l with | [] -> [] | c::l' -> let l1,l23 = if isalnum c then many (some isalnum) l else [c],l' in let l2,l3 = many (some isspace) l23 in (implode l1,if l2 = [] then "" else " ")::tokenize l3;; let parse_script l = let rec parse_statement s l = match l with | ("`",_)::(",",_)::l' -> s,l' | (x,y)::l' -> parse_statement (s^x^y) l' | [] -> failwith "parse_statement" in let rec parse_tactic b n s y' l = match l with | ("\\",y)::l' when not b -> parse_tactic b n (s^y'^"\\\\") y l' | (x,y)::l' -> if n = 0 & (x = "THEN" or x = "THENL" or x = ";" or x = "]" or x = ")") then (Tac(s,exec_tactic s)),l else let n' = if x = "[" or x = "(" then n + 1 else if x = "]" or x = ")" then n - 1 else n in let x',b' = if x = "`" then if b then "(parse_term \"",(not b) else "\")",(not b) else x,b in parse_tactic b' n' (s^y'^x') y l' | [] -> failwith "parse_tactic" in let rec parse_tactics tacs l = let tac,l' = parse_tactic true 0 "" "" l in parse_tactics1 (tac::tacs) l' and parse_tactics1 tacs l = match l with | ("THEN",_)::l' -> parse_tactics tacs l' | ("THENL",_)::("[",_)::l' -> let tac,l'' = parse_par_tactics [] l' in parse_tactics1 (tac::tacs) l'' | _ -> (rev tacs),l and parse_par_tactics tacss l = let tacs,l' = parse_tactics [] l in match l' with | (";",_)::l'' -> parse_par_tactics (tacs::tacss) l'' | ("]",_)::l'' -> (Par (rev (tacs::tacss))),l'' | _ -> failwith "parse_par_tactics" in match l with | ("let",_)::_::("=",_)::("prove",_)::("(",_)::("`",_)::l' -> let s,l'' = parse_statement "" l' in let tacs,l''' = parse_tactics [] l'' in (match l''' with | [")",_; ";",_; ";",_] -> parse_term s,tacs | _ -> failwith "parse_script") | _ -> failwith "parse_script";; let read_script1 filename lemmaname = parse_script (tokenize (read_script filename lemmaname));; let tactic_of_script l = let rec tactic_of_script1 l = match l with | [] -> ALL_TAC | [Tac(_,tac)] -> tac | (Tac(_,tac))::l' -> tactic_of_script1 l' THEN tac | (Par ll)::l' -> tactic_of_script1 l' THENL (map (tactic_of_script1 o rev) ll) in tactic_of_script1 (rev l);; let run_script (tm,l) = prove(tm,tactic_of_script l);; let prooftree_of_script g l = let rec prooftrees_of gltl tl = match gltl with | [] -> [] | (gl,t)::rst -> let tl1,tl' = chop_list (length gl) tl in (t tl1)::prooftrees_of rst tl' in let prooftree_of_script2 t gltl = flat (map fst gltl),(fun tl -> t (prooftrees_of gltl tl)) in let rec prooftree_of_script1 g l = match l with | [] -> [g],(function [t] -> t | _ -> failwith "prooftree_of_script1") | (Tac(s,tac))::l' -> let gl,t = prooftree_of_script1 g l' in let gltl = map (fun g' -> let _,x,_ = tac g' in x,(fun tl -> Prooftree(g',(s,tac),tl))) gl in prooftree_of_script2 t gltl | (Par ll)::l' -> let gl,t = prooftree_of_script1 g l' in let gltl = map2 prooftree_of_script1 gl (map rev ll) in prooftree_of_script2 t gltl in let gl,t = prooftree_of_script1 g (rev l) in t (map (fun x -> Open_goal x) gl);; let goal_of_prooftree t = match t with | Prooftree(g,_,_) -> g | Open_goal(g) -> g;; let rec step_of_prooftree prefix n context t = let frees_of_goal (asl,w) = union (flat (map (frees o concl o snd) asl)) (frees w) in let rec extra_ass ass' ass = if subset ass' ass then [] else (hd ass')::(extra_ass (tl ass') ass) in let rec lets prefix l = match l with | [] -> [] | t::_ -> let l',l'' = partition ((=) (type_of t) o type_of) l in step_of_substep prefix (Let l')::lets prefix l'' in let rec intros prefix n ass = match ass with | [] -> [],n,[] | a::ass' -> let steps,n',context = intros prefix (n + 1) ass' in let lab = string_of_int n in (step_of_substep prefix (Assume(a,[lab]))::steps), n',((a,lab)::context) in let shift_labels steps = let labels = rev (labels_of_steps [] [] steps) in let labels' = map ((fun s -> [s],[string_of_int (int_of_string s - 1)]) o hd o fst) labels in snd (renumber_steps labels' [] steps) in let rec steps_of_prooftrees prefix n context (asl,_ as g) tl = match tl with | [] -> [],[],n,context | t'::tl' -> let (asl',w' as g') = goal_of_prooftree t' in let prefix' = prefix^(!proof_indent) in let ll = lets prefix' (subtract (frees_of_goal g') (frees_of_goal g)) in let vars = flat (map (function (_,_,Let l) -> l | _ -> []) ll) in let ass = extra_ass (map (concl o snd) asl') (map (concl o snd) asl) in let w'' = list_mk_forall(vars, itlist (curry mk_imp) ass w') in try let lab = assoc w'' context in let steps,labs,n',context' = steps_of_prooftrees prefix n context g tl' in steps,Label lab::labs,n',context' with Failure "find" -> if vars = [] & ass = [] then let steps,just,n',context' = steps_of_prooftree prefix n context t' in try let lab = assoc w'' context' in let steps',labs,n'',context'' = steps_of_prooftrees prefix n' context' g tl' in (steps@steps'),Label lab::labs,n'',context'' with Failure "find" -> let lab = string_of_int n' in let steps',labs,n'',context'' = steps_of_prooftrees prefix (n' + 1) ((w',lab)::context') g tl' in (steps@ [rewrap_step (step_of_substep prefix (Have(w'',[lab],just)))]@ steps'),Label lab::labs,n'',context'' else let lab = string_of_int n in let steps,n',context' = intros prefix' (n + 1) ass in let steps',just,n'',context'' = steps_of_prooftree prefix' n' (rev context'@context) t' in let qed = [rewrap_step (step_of_substep prefix (Qed just))] in let steps'',n''' = if steps' = [] then (steps'@qed),n'' else match last steps' with | _,_,Have(w''',_,Proof(_,steps''',_)) when w''' = w' -> (butlast steps'@ map (outdent (String.length !proof_indent)) (shift_labels steps''')),n'' | _ -> (steps'@qed),n'' in let steps''',labs,n'''',context''' = steps_of_prooftrees prefix n''' ((w'',lab)::context'') g tl' in (step_of_substep prefix (Have(w'',[lab], Proof (Some (step_of_substep prefix Bracket_proof), (ll@steps@steps''), None))):: steps'''),Label lab::labs,n'''',context''' and steps_of_prooftree prefix n context t = match t with | Prooftree((_,w as g),(s,tac),tl) -> let steps,f_labs,n',context' = steps_of_prooftrees prefix n context g tl in let b_labs = map ((fun x -> Label x) o C assoc context o concl o snd) (rev (fst g)) in steps,By((Tactic(s,K tac))::b_labs,f_labs,false),n',context' | Open_goal(g) -> [],By([Hole],[],false),n,context in let prefix' = prefix^(!proof_indent) in match t with | Prooftree((_,w as g),_,_) -> let steps,_,_,_ = steps_of_prooftrees prefix n context g [t] in (match last steps with | _,_,Have(_,_,just) -> step_of_substep prefix (Have(w,[string_of_int n], if length steps = 1 then just else let steps',_,_,_ = steps_of_prooftrees prefix' (n + 1) context g [t] in Proof (Some (step_of_substep prefix Bracket_proof), (butlast steps'@ [rewrap_step (step_of_substep prefix (Qed just))]), None))) | _ -> failwith "step_of_prooftree") | _ -> failwith "step_of_prooftree";; let miz3_of_hol filename lemmaname = let tm,l = read_script1 filename lemmaname in step_of_prooftree "" 1 [] (prooftree_of_script ([],tm) l);;