(* FILE          : equalities.ml                                              *)
(* DESCRIPTION   : Using equalities.                                          *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* READS FILES   : <none>                                                     *)
(* WRITES FILES  : <none>                                                     *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* AUTHOR        : R.J.Boulton                                                *)
(* DATE          : 19th June 1991                                             *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* LAST MODIFIED : R.J.Boulton                                                *)
(* DATE          : 7th August 1992                                            *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* LAST MODIFIED : P. Papapanagiotou (University of Edinburgh)                *)
(* DATE          : 2008                                                       *)

(* is_explicit_value_template : term -> bool                                  *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Function to compute whether a term is an explicit value template.          *)
(* An explicit value template is a non-variable term composed entirely of     *)
(* T or F or variables or applications of shell constructors.                 *)
(* A `bottom object' corresponds to an application to no arguments. I have    *)
(* also made numeric constants valid components of explicit value templates,  *)
(* since they are equivalent to some number of applications of SUC to 0.      *)

let is_explicit_value_template tm =
   let rec is_explicit_value_template' constructors tm =
      (is_T tm) or (is_F tm) or ((is_const tm) & (type_of tm = `:num`)) or
      (is_var tm) or (is_numeral tm) or
      (let (f,args) = strip_comb tm
       in  (try(mem (fst (dest_const f)) constructors) with Failure _ -> false) &
           (forall (is_explicit_value_template' constructors) args))
   in (not (is_var tm)) &
      (is_explicit_value_template' (all_constructors ()) tm);;

(* subst_conv : thm -> conv                                                   *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Substitution conversion. Given a theorem |- l = r, it replaces all         *)
(* occurrences of l in the term with r.                                       *)

let subst_conv th tm = SUBST_CONV [(th,lhs (concl th))] tm tm;;

(* use_equality_subst : bool -> bool -> thm -> conv                           *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Function to perform substitution when using equalities. The first argument *)
(* is a Boolean that controls which side of an equation substitution is to    *)
(* take place on. The second argument is also a Boolean, indicating whether   *)
(* or not we have decided to cross-fertilize. The third argument is a         *)
(* substitution theorem of the form:                                          *)
(*                                                                            *)
(*    t' = s' |- t' = s'                                                      *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* If we are not cross-fertilizing, s' is substituted for t' throughout the   *)
(* term. If we are cross-fertilizing, the behaviour depends on the structure  *)
(* of the term, tm:                                                           *)
(*                                                                            *)
(*    (a) if tm is "l = r", substitute s' for t' in either r or l.            *)
(*    (b) if tm is "~(l = r)", substitute s' for t' throughout tm.            *)
(*    (c) otherwise, do not substitute.                                       *)

(* The heuristic above is modified so that in case (c) a substitution does    *)
(* take place. This reduces the chances of an invalid subgoal (clause) being  *)
(* generated, and has been shown to be a better option for certain examples.  *)

let use_equality_subst right cross_fert th tm =
 try (if cross_fert
  then if (is_eq tm) then
          (if right
           then RAND_CONV (subst_conv th) tm
           else RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV (subst_conv th)) tm)
       else if ((is_neg tm) & (try(is_eq (rand tm)) with Failure _ -> false)) then subst_conv th tm
       else (* ALL_CONV tm *) subst_conv th tm
  else subst_conv th tm
 ) with Failure _ -> failwith "use_equality_subst";;

(* EQ_EQ_IMP_DISJ_EQ =                                                        *)
(* |- !x x' y y'. (x = x') /\ (y = y') ==> (x \/ y = x' \/ y')                *)

prove (`!x x' y y'. (x = x') /\ (y = y') ==> ((x \/ y) = (x' \/ y'))`,
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* DISJ_EQ : thm -> thm -> thm *) (* *) (* |- x = x' |- y = y' *) (* ------------------------ *) (* |- (x \/ y) = (x' \/ y') *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) let DISJ_EQ th1 th2 = try (let (x,x') = dest_eq (concl th1) and (y,y') = dest_eq (concl th2) in MP (SPECL [x;x';y;y'] EQ_EQ_IMP_DISJ_EQ) (CONJ th1 th2) ) with Failure _ -> failwith "DISJ_EQ";; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* use_equality_heuristic : (term # bool) -> ((term # bool) list # proof) *) (* *) (* Heuristic for using equalities, and in particular for cross-fertilizing. *) (* Given a clause, the function looks for a literal of the form ~(s' = t') *) (* where t' occurs in another literal and is not an explicit value template. *) (* If no such literal is present, the function looks for a literal of the *) (* form ~(t' = s') where t' occurs in another literal and is not an explicit *) (* value template. If a substitution literal of one of these two forms is *) (* found, substitution takes place as follows. *) (* *) (* If the clause is an induction step, and there is an equality literal *) (* mentioning t' on the RHS (or LHS if the substitution literal was *) (* ~(t' = s')), and s' is not an explicit value, the function performs a *) (* cross-fertilization. The substitution function is called for each literal *) (* other than the substitution literal. Each call results in a theorem of the *) (* form: *) (* *) (* t' = s' |- old_lit = new_lit *) (* *) (* If the clause is an induction step and s' is not an explicit value, the *) (* substitution literal is rewritten to F, and so will subsequently be *) (* eliminated. Otherwise this literal is unchanged. The theorems for each *) (* literal are recombined using the DISJ_EQ rule, and the new clause is *) (* returned. See the comments for the substitution heuristic for a *) (* description of how the original clause is proved from the new clause. *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) let use_equality_heuristic (tm,(ind:bool)) = try (let checkx (tml1,tml2) t' = (not (is_explicit_value_template t')) & ((exists (is_subterm t') tml1) or (exists (is_subterm t') tml2)) in let rec split_disjuncts side prevl tml = if (can (check (checkx (prevl,tl tml)) o side o dest_neg) (hd tml)) then (prevl,tml) else split_disjuncts side ((hd tml)::prevl) (tl tml) in let is_subterm_of_side side subterm tm = (try(is_subterm subterm (side tm)) with Failure _ -> false) in let literals = disj_list tm in let (right,(overs,neq'::unders)) = try (true,(hashI rev) (split_disjuncts rhs [] literals)) with Failure _ -> (false,(hashI rev) (split_disjuncts lhs [] literals)) in let side = if right then rhs else lhs in let flipth = if right then ALL_CONV neq' else RAND_CONV SYM_CONV neq' in let neq = rhs (concl flipth) in let eq = dest_neg neq in let (s',t') = dest_eq eq in let delete = ind & (not (is_explicit_value s')) in let cross_fert = delete & ((exists (is_subterm_of_side side t') overs) or (exists (is_subterm_of_side side t') unders)) in let sym_eq = mk_eq (t',s') in let sym_neq = mk_neg sym_eq in let ass1 = EQ_MP (SYM flipth) (NOT_EQ_SYM (ASSUME sym_neq)) and ass2 = ASSUME sym_eq in let subsfun = use_equality_subst right cross_fert ass2 in let overths = map subsfun overs and neqth = if delete then TRANS (RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (subst_conv ass2)) neq) (ISPEC s' NOT_EQ_F) else ADD_ASSUM sym_eq (REFL neq) and underths = map subsfun unders in let neqth' = TRANS flipth neqth in let th1 = itlist DISJ2 overs (try DISJ1 ass1 (list_mk_disj unders) with Failure _ -> ass1) and th2 = itlist DISJ_EQ overths (end_itlist DISJ_EQ (neqth'::underths)) and th3 = SPEC sym_eq EXCLUDED_MIDDLE in let tm' = rhs (concl th2) in let proof th = DISJ_CASES th3 (EQ_MP (SYM th2) th) th1 in (proof_print_string_l "-> Use Equality Heuristic" () ; ([(tm',ind)],apply_proof (proof o hd) [tm'])) ) with Failure _ -> failwith "use_equality_heuristic`";