needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/main/lp_certificate.hl";; needs "../formal_lp/glpk/lp_binary_certificate.hl";; needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/computations/informal_computations.hl";; needs "../glpk/tame_archive/";; needs "../glpk/tame_archive/";; module Build_certificates = struct (* Temporary directory where certificates are computed *) let tmp_dir = ref (flyspeck_dir ^ "/../formal_lp/glpk/tmp");; (* Output directory for certificates *) let output_dir = ref (flyspeck_dir ^ "/../formal_lp/glpk/binary");; (* Path to LP_HL.exe *) let lp_hl_dir = ref (flyspeck_dir ^ "/../formal_lp/LP-HL/LP-HL/bin/Release");; (* Main model file *) let model2_path = ref (tame_dir ^ "/model2.mod");; open Glpk_link;; open Lp_informal_computations;; open Lpproc;; open Hard_lp;; open List;; open Lp_certificate;; open Lp_binary_certificate;; let mem_stat () = let stat = Gc.stat() in let word = float_of_int (Sys.word_size / 8) in let free = float_of_int stat.Gc.free_words *. word /. 1024.0 in let total = float_of_int stat.Gc.heap_words *. word /. 1024.0 in let allocated = total -. free in let str = sprintf "allocated = %f (free = %f; total_size = %f; %f)\n" allocated free total (free /. total) in print_string str;; let run_command dir com = let cur_dir = Sys.getcwd() in let _ = Sys.chdir dir in let result = Sys.command com in let _ = Sys.chdir cur_dir in result;; let make_models include_main = let _ = make_model() in let sed1 = "s/maximize objective:.*/maximize objective: sum{i in node} ln[i];/" and sed2 = "s/lnsum_def:.*//" and sed3 = "s/main:.*//" in let _ = if include_main then () else let cmd = sprintf "sed -e '%s' %s > %s" sed3 model !model2_path in let cmd2 = sprintf "cp %s %s" !model2_path model in let _ = run_command tame_dir cmd in let _ = run_command tame_dir cmd2 in () in let cmds = [sed1; sed2] in let str1 = itlist (fun cmd str -> sprintf "-e '%s' %s" cmd str) cmds "" in let cmd = sprintf "sed %s %s > %s" str1 model !model2_path in let _ = run_command tame_dir cmd in ();; let ampl_of_bb' fname bb = let out = open_out fname in let _ = ampl_of_bb out bb in close_out out;; let save_string fname str = let out = open_out fname in let _ = Printf.fprintf out "%s" str in close_out out;; let find_index p list = fst (find (fun _,x -> p x) (Glpk_link.enumerate list));; let find_face_index fs f = let rots = Glpk_link.rotation [f] in let rec find fs = match fs with | [] -> failwith "find_face_index" | h :: t -> let eq = fold_right (or) (map ((=) h) rots) false in if eq then 0 else find t + 1 in find fs;; let build_permutation fs0 fs = map (fun f -> find_face_index fs f) fs0;; let save_info out_dir name infeasible hyp_list bb = let f2 = faces bb in let perm = build_permutation hyp_list f2 in let _ = ampl_of_bb' (sprintf "%s/%s_pars.txt" out_dir name) bb in let perm_str = unsplit ", " string_of_int perm in let hyp_str = unsplit ";" (unsplit "," string_of_int) hyp_list in let p = sprintf in let lines = [ p "name: %s" name; p "infeasible: %b" infeasible; p "hypermap: %s" hyp_str; p "faces: %s" perm_str; ] in save_string (out_dir ^ "/flyspeck-" ^ name ^ ".txt") (join_lines lines);; let clean_out_dir = let permanent_files = [ "000.txt"; "string_archive.txt"; ] in fun out_dir -> let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir out_dir) in let files' = filter (fun name -> not (mem name permanent_files)) files in let _ = map (fun name -> Sys.remove (sprintf "%s/%s" out_dir name)) files' in ();; (************************************) (* Builds a terminal case from the given hypermap *) let build_terminal_case = let create_infeasible_solution out_name = let sed1_cmd = sprintf "sed -f %s/../sed_add_slack.sed %s.lp > %s_slack.lp" !tmp_dir out_name out_name and sed2_cmd = sprintf "sed -f %s/../sed_build_objective.sed %s.lp > /dev/null" !tmp_dir out_name and sed3_cmd = sprintf "sed -f %s/../sed_replace_objective.sed %s_slack.lp > %s_slack2.lp" !tmp_dir out_name out_name in let _ = run_command !tmp_dir sed1_cmd and _ = run_command !tmp_dir sed2_cmd and _ = run_command !tmp_dir sed3_cmd in let solve_com2 = sprintf "glpsol --cpxlp %s_slack2.lp -w %s.txt" out_name out_name in run_command !tmp_dir solve_com2 in fun hyp_list infeasible bb -> let error_glpsol = sprintf "build_terminal_case: glpsol failed for %s" bb.hypermap_id in let _ = clean_out_dir !tmp_dir in let out_name = "out" in (* Create info and parameter files *) let _ = save_info !tmp_dir out_name infeasible hyp_list bb in let data_file = sprintf "%s_pars.txt" out_name in (* Create .lp file and solve a feasible problem *) let solve_com = sprintf "glpsol -m %s -d %s -w %s.txt --wcpxlp %s.lp > /dev/null" !model2_path data_file out_name out_name in let result = run_command !tmp_dir solve_com in let _ = result = 0 or failwith error_glpsol in (* Solve an infeasible problem *) let result = if infeasible then create_infeasible_solution out_name else 0 in let _ = result = 0 or failwith error_glpsol in (* Run LP-HL.exe *) let com = sprintf "mono %s/LP-HL.exe %s" !lp_hl_dir (sprintf "flyspeck-%s.txt" out_name) in let result = run_command !tmp_dir com in let _ = result = 0 or failwith (sprintf "LP-HL.exe failed for %s" bb.hypermap_id) in (* Create a certificate *) let terminal = read_binary_terminal (sprintf "%s/%s_out.bin" !tmp_dir out_name) in terminal;; (*************************************) (* If true, then terminal cases are not constructed *) let test_mode = ref false;; let print_progress = ref false;; let reset_build_counters, next_build_case, next_terminal_case, report_build_progress = let cases = ref 0 and terminals = ref 0 in (fun () -> cases := 0; terminals := 0), (fun () -> cases := !cases + 1), (fun () -> terminals := !terminals + 1), (fun () -> if !print_progress then report (sprintf "cases = %d; terminals = %d" !cases !terminals) else ());; let set_face_numerics_info bb = let opp xs = nub (xs @ map (C opposite_edge bb) xs) in let edge_of_small = opp (rotation bb.std3_small) in let short_edge = opp bb.d_edge_200_225 in let long_edge = opp bb.d_edge_225_252 in let _ = (intersect edge_of_small long_edge = []) or failwith "set_face_numerics" in let shortadds = subtract (edge_of_small @ short_edge) bb.d_edge_200_225 in let shortfields = (map (fun t-> ("e_200_225",t)) shortadds) in let longadds = subtract long_edge bb.d_edge_225_252 in let longfields = (map (fun t-> ("e_225_252",t)) longadds) in let r = filter (fun t -> mem t (std_faces bb) & (length t = 3) ) (nub (map (C face_of_dart bb) long_edge)) in let _ = (intersect (rotation bb.std3_small) r =[]) or failwith "set_face_numerics" in let bigfields = map (fun t -> ("bt",t)) (subtract r bb.std3_big) in let fields = shortfields @ longfields @ bigfields in if fields=[] then bb, [] else let new_bb = modify_bb bb false fields [] in (* Don't need to add symmetric inequalities and short edges for small triangles: *) (* it is done at other steps. Add new big triangles only. *) let new_big_faces = subtract r bb.std3_big in let long_edge_faces = zip (map (C face_of_dart bb) long_edge) long_edge in let darts = map (C assoc long_edge_faces) new_big_faces in let info_list = map (fun d -> {split_type = "add_big"; split_face = d}) darts in new_bb, info_list;; let set_node_numerics_info bb = if not(card_node bb = 13) then bb, [] else let n_high = length bb.node_236_252 in let n_mid = length bb.node_218_236 in let n_highish = length (highish bb) in if (n_high =0 ) & (n_mid +n_highish < 2) then bb, [] else let _ = (n_mid * 18 + n_highish * 18 + n_high *36 <= 52) or failwith "set_node_numerics" in let node_new_low = subtract (node_list bb) (unions [bb.node_200_218 ;bb.node_218_236; bb.node_236_252;bb.node_218_252]) in let vfields_low = map (fun t -> ("200_218",t)) node_new_low in let vfields_mid = map(fun t->("218_236",t)) (highish bb) in let vfields = vfields_low @ vfields_mid in if vfields = [] then bb, [] else let new_bb = modify_bb bb false [] vfields in let info = if n_high > 0 then {split_type = "high"; split_face = bb.node_236_252} else {split_type = "mid"; split_face = bb.node_218_236 @ highish bb} in new_bb, [info];; let rec build hard_flag (hyp_list, bb0) = let _ = next_build_case() in let _ = report_build_progress() in let bb, info_list = if not hard_flag then bb0, [] else let bb1, list1 = set_face_numerics_info bb0 in let bb2, list2 = set_node_numerics_info bb1 in bb2, list1 @ list2 in let f_hint = if hard_flag then add_hints_include_flat else (fun t -> ()) in let result = solve_f f_hint bb in let certificate = if not (is_feas result) then let _ = next_terminal_case() in let infeasible = match result.lpvalue with | Lp_infeasible -> true | _ -> false in (* terminal case *) let terminal = if !test_mode then empty_terminal else build_terminal_case hyp_list infeasible bb in Lp_terminal terminal else (* split case *) let n = length (hd bb.std_faces_not_super) in if n = 3 then if hard_flag then split3_hard hyp_list bb else split3 hard_flag hyp_list bb else if n = 4 then split4 hard_flag hyp_list bb else if n = 5 then split5 hard_flag hyp_list bb else if n = 6 then split6 hard_flag hyp_list bb else failwith (sprintf "build: incorrect face size - %d" n) in itlist (fun info c -> Lp_split (info, [c])) info_list certificate (* split3 - hard cases *) and split3_hard hyp_list bb = let _ = assert (bb.hints <> []) in let bbs, split_type, list = match hd (bb.hints) with | Triangle_split d -> switch_std3 d bb, "tri", face_of_dart d bb | Edge_split d -> switch_edge d bb, "edge", d | High_low i -> switch_node bb i, (if mem i (highish bb) then "236" else "218"), [i] in let _ = map clear_hint bbs in let case_args = zip [hyp_list; hyp_list] bbs in let cases = map (build true) case_args in let info = {split_type = split_type; split_face = list} in Lp_split (info, cases) (* split3 *) and split3 hard_flag hyp_list bb = let split_face = hd (std_tri_prebranch bb) in let _ = assert (length split_face = 3) in let bbs = switch3 bb in let case_args = zip [hyp_list; hyp_list] bbs in let cases = map (build hard_flag) case_args in let info = {split_type = "tri"; split_face = split_face} in Lp_split (info, cases) (* split4 *) and split4 hard_flag hyp_list bb = let split_face = hd bb.std_faces_not_super in let _ = assert (length split_face = 4) in let bbs = switch4 bb in let dart13 = nth split_face 1, nth split_face 2 and dart24 = nth split_face 0, nth split_face 1 in let split13 = split_list hyp_list dart13 and split24 = split_list hyp_list dart24 in let case_args = zip [split13; split24; split13; split24; hyp_list] bbs in let cases = map (build hard_flag) case_args in let info = {split_type = "quad"; split_face = split_face} in Lp_split (info, cases) (* split5 *) and split5 hard_flag hyp_list bb = let split_face = hd bb.std_faces_not_super in let _ = assert (length split_face = 5) in let bbs = switch5 bb in let darts = rotateL 1 (list_pairs split_face) in let splits_one = map (split_list hyp_list) darts in let splits_two = map2 split_list splits_one (rotateL 2 darts) in let case_args = zip (hyp_list :: (splits_one @ splits_two)) bbs in let cases = map (build hard_flag) case_args in let info = {split_type = "pent"; split_face = split_face} in Lp_split (info, cases) (* split6 *) and split6 hard_flag hyp_list bb = let split_face = hd bb.std_faces_not_super in let _ = assert (length split_face = 6) in let bbs = switch6 bb in let darts = Glpk_link.rotateL 1 (list_pairs split_face) in let splits = map (split_list hyp_list) darts in let case_args = zip (hyp_list :: splits) bbs in let cases = map (build hard_flag) case_args in let info = {split_type = "hex"; split_face = split_face} in Lp_split (info, cases);; (* Moves all hex faces to std56_flat_free *) (* This operation can be done on all hypermaps since branching on hexes is not required: *) (* there are no inequalities for std56_flat_free INTER std6 *) let modify_hex_cases bb = let faces6 = filter (fun f -> length f = 6) bb.std_faces_not_super in itlist (fun fc bb -> modify_bb bb true ["flat_free", fc] []) faces6 bb;; (* Builds an lp certificate *) let build_certificate modify_hex bb = let _ = reset_build_counters() in let bb = if modify_hex then modify_hex_cases bb else bb in let hyp_list = (snd o convert_to_list) bb.string_rep in let hard_flag = bb.hints <> [] in let root = build hard_flag (hyp_list, bb) in let _ = report_build_progress() in let certificate = {hypermap_string = bb.string_rep; root_case = root} in certificate;; (************************) (* Builds and saves certificates for all given cases *) let build_and_save_all = let counter = ref 0 and total = ref 0 in let buf = ref [] and file_counter = ref 0 and buf_terminals = ref 0 in let save_buf name_prefix = if length !buf > 0 then let _ = file_counter := !file_counter + 1 in let fname = sprintf "%s/%s_%d.dat" !output_dir name_prefix !file_counter in let _ = write_lp_certificates fname !buf in buf := []; buf_terminals := 0 else () in let process name_prefix max modify_hex bb = let _ = counter := !counter + 1 in let _ = report (sprintf "%d/%d" !counter !total) in let certificate = build_certificate modify_hex bb in let _ = buf := certificate :: !buf in let _ = buf_terminals := !buf_terminals + count_terminals certificate.root_case in if !buf_terminals >= max then save_buf name_prefix else () in fun name_prefix max modify_hex bbs -> let _ = total := length bbs and _ = counter := 0 and _ = file_counter := 0 and _ = buf := [] and _ = buf_terminals := 0 in let _ = map (process name_prefix max modify_hex) bbs in save_buf name_prefix;; end;;