(* Fan summary file created by thales Dec 7, 2009 *) (* mark unfinished material *) let NOT_FOUND =(* FAN DEFINED *) let CTVTAQA_t = `! V E E'. FANO(V,E) /\ (E' SUBSET E) ==> FANO(V,E')`;; let CTVTAQA = NOT_FOUND CTVTAQA_t ;; XOHLED;; (* remarks follow in text, formal proof? *) AAUHTVE;; (* contains the essential content of the lemma *) ULEKUUB;; (* from chapter on trig. phrased in terms of hypermaps. The lemma isn't exactly proved. *) VBTIKLP;; IBZWFFH;; (* JGIYDLE;; not done *)let NOT_IN_SYSTEM = define `NOT_IN_SYSTEM = F` inlet FALSE_ALL =prove(`NOT_IN_SYSTEM ==> x`,