(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FLYSPECK - BOOK FORMALIZATION                                              *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Chapter: nonlinear inequalities                                            *)
(* Author:  Roland Zumkeller    *)
(* Date: 2010                                                                 *)
(* ========================================================================== *)

ssh -t wh opt/bin/dmtcp/dmtcp_restart flyspeck.dmtcp
rsync -ahv ~/doc/flyspeck/ wh:ext/flyspeck/ --exclude .svn

module Oracle = struct

#load "unix.cma";; (* on Mac OS unix.cma needs to be pre-cooked into the toplevel with ocamlmktop *)

let sergei_path = "sergei/bin/sergei";;

let dest_decimal x = match strip_comb x with
  | (dec,[a;b]) ->                     div_num (dest_numeral a) (dest_numeral b)
  | (sqrt8,[]) when sqrt8 = `sqrt8` -> div_num (Int 3880899) (Int 1372105)
  | _ -> failwith ("dest_decimal: '" ^ string_of_term x ^ "'") ;;

let string_of_num' x = string_of_float (float_of_num x);; (* rounding :( *)

let rec sergei_of_ccl t =
  let soh = sergei_of_ccl in
  if is_var t then fst (dest_var t) else
  let (f,xs) = strip_comb t in
  let ifix i = let [a;b] = xs in "(" ^ soh a ^ " " ^ i ^ " " ^ soh b ^ ")" in
  let ifix_swapped i = let [b;a] = xs in "(" ^ soh a ^ " " ^ i ^ " " ^ soh b ^ ")" in
  (if not (is_const f) then failwith ("Oracle error: " ^ string_of_term f));
  match fst (dest_const f) with
  | "real_gt" | "real_ge" | "real_sub" -> ifix "-"
  | "real_lt" | "real_le" -> ifix_swapped "-"
  | "real_add" -> ifix "+"
  | "real_mul" -> ifix "*"
  | "real_div" -> ifix "/"
  | "real_pow" -> ifix "^"
  | "\\/" -> ifix "\\/"
  | "atn"      -> let [a] = xs in "Atan [" ^ soh a ^ "]"
  | "sqrt"     -> let [a] = xs in "Sqrt [" ^ soh a ^ "]"
  | "real_neg" -> let [a] = xs in "(-" ^ soh a ^ ")"
  | "pi"       -> let [] = xs in "Pi"
  | "real_of_num" -> let [a] = xs in string_of_num' (dest_numeral a) (* is this line redundant ? *)
  | "NUMERAL" -> let [a] = xs in string_of_num' (dest_numeral t)
  | "DECIMAL" ->  string_of_num' (dest_decimal t)
  | "atn2"      -> let [ab] = xs in let (a,b) = dest_pair ab in  "(" ^ soh a ^ " ATN2 " ^ soh b ^ ")"
  | s -> failwith ("Encountered unknown constant '" ^ s ^ "'");;

let sergei_of_goal (asms,ccl) =
  print_endline "Converting HOL term to sergei format...";
  let vars = map (fun (_,axb) ->
         let (ax,xb) = dest_conj (concl axb) in
         let (a,x) = dest_binary "real_le" ax in
         let (x',b) = dest_binary "real_le" xb in
           if x <> x' then
             failwith ("Malformed assumption: " ^ string_of_term x' ^
                       " should be " ^ string_of_term x ^ ".")
             string_of_num' (dest_decimal a) ^ " <= " ^
             string_of_term x ^ " <= " ^
             string_of_num' (dest_decimal b) ^ " ->\n") asms
  in List.fold_right (^) vars "" ^ " " ^ sergei_of_ccl ccl;;

let SERGEI_TAC : tactic = fun (asms,ccl) ->
  print_endline ("Running sergei [" ^ sergei_path ^ "]:");
  let (pin,pout) = Unix.open_process ("time " ^ sergei_path ^ " -nv -e0.00001") in
    Pervasives.output_string pout (sergei_of_goal (asms,ccl));
    close_out pout;
    (try while true do
      print_endline ("sergei> " ^ input_line pin);
      flush stdout
    done with End_of_file -> ());
    close_in pin; NO_TAC (asms,ccl);;

let SERGEI_DUMP : tactic = fun gl ->
  print_endline (sergei_of_goal gl); NO_TAC gl;;

let rec SINGLE_CONV c = c
  ORELSEC (fun t -> if is_comb t then
           else failwith "SINGLE_CONV");;


let ineq' = define
  `(!         c. ineq'                [] c <=> c)
/\ (!a x b xs c. ineq' (CONS (a,x,b) xs) c <=> a <= x /\ x <= b ==> ineq' xs c)`;;
(* valid: (except for x=0, y<=0) useful: y >= 0 (1st & 2nd quadrant) *)
let ATN2_ATN = 
prove (`atn2(x,y) = &2 * atn(y / (sqrt (x*x + y*y) + x))`,
let ATN2_90 = 
prove (`atn2(x,y) = atn2(--y,x) - pi/(&2)`,
let ATN2_30 = 
prove (`atn2(x,y) = atn2(sqrt (&3) * x - y, x + sqrt (&3) * y) - pi/(&6)`,
let ATN2_60 = 
prove (`atn2(x,y) = atn2(x - sqrt (&3) * y, sqrt (&3) * x + y) - pi/(&3)`,
let ATN2_45 = 
prove (`atn2(x,y) = atn2(x-y,x+y) - pi/(&4)`,
(* rotates atan by atan(t): valid if we don't cross the discontinuous line *)
let ATN2_ROT_TAN = 
prove (`atn2 (x,y) = atn2 (x - y*t, y + x*t) - atn t`,
(* valid : x >= 0 (1st & 4th quadrant) useful: x >= 0 and y fixed (1st & 4th quadrant) *)
let ATN2_ATN_XPOS = 
prove (`atn2(x,y) = atn(y/x)`,
(* rotate such that sign y becomes constant, then use ATN2_ATN. if we manage to make both sign x and sign y positive, then ATN2_ATN_POS is valid and useful (smaller formula) *) let delta = [ Sphere.taum; Sphere.sol_y; Sphere.const1; Sphere.lnazim; Sphere.delta_x; Sphere.delta_x4; Sphere.ly; Sphere.interp; Sphere.rhazim; Sphere.tauq; Pack_defs.lmfun (*COND*); Sphere.rho; Sphere.arclength; Sphere.ups_x; Sphere.dih_x; Sphere.dih_y; Enclosed.enclosed; Quadratic_root_plus.quadratic_root_plus; Abc_of_quadratic.abc_of_quadratic; Mur.muR; Cayleyr.cayleyR ];; let PREP = ((REPEAT GEN_TAC) THEN (REWRITE_TAC [prove (`ineq = ineq'`, CHEAT_TAC)]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC [ineq'])) THEN ((REWRITE_TAC delta) THEN (CONV_TAC (TOP_DEPTH_CONV let_CONV)) THEN (REPEAT DISCH_TAC));; end;;