let ACI_CONJ =
let rec build ths tm =
if is_conj tm then
let l,r = dest_conj tm in CONJ (build ths l) (build ths r)
else find (fun th -> concl th = tm) ths in
fun p p' ->
let cjs = CONJUNCTS(ASSUME p) and cjs' = CONJUNCTS(ASSUME p') in
let th = build cjs p' and th' = build cjs' p in
let OR_ASSOC = TAUT `(a \/ b) \/ c <=> a \/ b \/ c`;;
let LIFT_QELIM_CONV afn_conv nfn_conv qfn_conv =
let rec qelift_conv vars fm =
if fm = t_tm or fm = f_tm then REFL fm
else if is_neg fm then
let thm1 = qelift_conv vars (dest_neg fm) in
MK_COMB(REFL not_tm,thm1)
else if is_conj fm or is_disj fm or is_imp fm or is_iff fm then
let (op,p,q) = get_binop fm in
let thm1 = qelift_conv vars p in
let thm2 = qelift_conv vars q in
MK_COMB(MK_COMB((REFL op),thm1),thm2)
else if is_forall fm then
let (x,p) = dest_forall fm in
let nex_thm = BETA_RULE (ISPEC (mk_abs(x,p)) forall_thm) in
let nex_thm' = CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV x))) nex_thm in
let nex_thm'' = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV x)))) nex_thm' in
let elim_thm = qelift_conv vars (mk_exists(x,mk_neg p)) in
TRANS nex_thm'' (MK_COMB (REFL not_tm,elim_thm))
else if is_exists fm then
let (x,p) = dest_exists fm in
let thm1 = qelift_conv (x::vars) p in
let thm1a = MK_EXISTS x thm1 in
let thm1b = PURE_REWRITE_RULE[OR_ASSOC] thm1a in
let thm2 = nfn_conv (rhs(concl thm1)) in
let thm2a = MK_EXISTS x thm2 in
let thm2b = PURE_REWRITE_RULE[OR_ASSOC] thm2a in
let djs = disjuncts (rhs (concl thm2)) in
let djthms = map (qelim x vars) djs in
let thm3 = end_itlist
(fun thm1 thm2 -> MK_COMB(MK_COMB (REFL or_tm,thm1),thm2)) djthms in
let split_ex_thm = GSYM (or_exists_conv (lhs (concl thm3))) in
let thm3a = TRANS split_ex_thm thm3 in
TRANS (TRANS thm1b thm2b) thm3a
afn_conv vars fm
and qelim x vars p =
let cjs = conjuncts p in
let ycjs,ncjs = partition (mem x o frees) cjs in
if ycjs = [] then triv_exists_conv(mk_exists(x,p))
else if ncjs = [] then qfn_conv vars (mk_exists(x,p)) else
let th1 = ACI_CONJ p (mk_conj(list_mk_conj ncjs,list_mk_conj ycjs)) in
let th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV push_exists_conv) (MK_EXISTS x th1) in
let t1,t2 = dest_comb (rand(concl th2)) in
TRANS th2 (AP_TERM t1 (qfn_conv vars t2)) in
fun fm -> ((qelift_conv (frees fm)) THENC QE_SIMPLIFY_CONV) fm;;
let LIFT_QELIM_CONV afn_conv nfn_conv qfn_conv =
fun fm -> ((qelift_conv (frees fm)) THENC QE_SIMPLIFY_CONV) fm;;
let k0 = (TRANS thm1a thm2a)
let k1 = thm3a
let k2 = CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV `x:real`))) k1
TRANS k0 k2
let vars = []
let fm,vars = !lqc_fm,!lqc_vars
let fm = `?x y z. x * y * z < &0`
let p = `~((&0 + y * (&0 + x * &1) = &0) <=> (&0 + x * &1 = &0) \/ (&0 + y * &1 = &0))`
#trace qelift_conv
#trace qelim
TRANS (ASSUME `T <=> (?x. x * y > &0)`) (ASSUME `(?z. z * y > &0) <=> F`)
MATCH_TRANS (ASSUME `T <=> (?x. x * y > &0)`) (ASSUME `?z. z * y > &0 <=> F`)
MATCH_EQ_MP (ASSUME `(?x. x * y > &0) <=> F`) (ASSUME `?z. z * y > &0`)
qelift_conv vars fm
let fm = `?x y. x * y = &0`
let fm = `!y. (x * y = &0) <=> (x = &0) \/ (y = &0)`
let fm = `?y. (x * y = &0) <=> (x = &0) \/ (y = &0)`
let fm = `?y. ~ ((x * y = &0) <=> (x = &0) \/ (y = &0))`
let fm = `?x. ~(!y. (x * y = &0) <=> (x = &0) \/ (y = &0))`
let vars = [ry;rx]
let vars = [rx]