(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Church-Rosser property for combinatory logic (S and K combinators).       *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* This is adapted from a HOL4 develoment, itself derived from an old HOL88  *)
(* example by Tom Melham and Juanito Camilleri. For a detailed discussion,   *)
(* see pp. 29-39 of the following paper:                                     *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*    http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/tom.melham/pub/Camilleri-1992-RID.pdf       *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
needs "Examples/reduct.ml";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Definition of confluence.                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let confluent = define
  `confluent R <=>
        !x y z. RTC R x y /\ RTC R x z ==> ?u. RTC R y u /\ RTC R z u`;;
let confluent_diamond_RTC = 
prove (`!R. confluent R <=> CR(RTC R)`,
REWRITE_TAC[confluent; CR]);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Basic term structure: S and K combinators and function application ("%"). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) parse_as_infix("%",(20,"left"));;
let cl_INDUCT,cl_RECURSION = define_type "cl = S | K | % cl cl";
; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Reduction relation. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) parse_as_infix("-->",(12,"right"));; let redn_rules, redn_ind, redn_cases = new_inductive_definition `(!x y f. x --> y ==> f % x --> f % y) /\ (!f g x. f --> g ==> f % x --> g % x) /\ (!x y. K % x % y --> x) /\ (!f g x. S % f % g % x --> (f % x) % (g % x))`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A different, "parallel", reduction relation. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) parse_as_infix("-||->",(12,"right"));; let predn_rules, predn_ind, predn_cases = new_inductive_definition `(!x. x -||-> x) /\ (!x y u v. x -||-> y /\ u -||-> v ==> x % u -||-> y % v) /\ (!x y. K % x % y -||-> x) /\ (!f g x. S % f % g % x -||-> (f % x) % (g % x))`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Abbreviations for their reflexive-transitive closures. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) parse_as_infix("-->*",(12,"right"));; parse_as_infix("-||->*",(12,"right"));;
let RTCredn = define `(-->*) = RTC(-->)`;;
let RTCpredn = define `(-||->*) = RTC(-||->)`;;
let RTCredn_rules = REWRITE_RULE[SYM RTCredn] (ISPEC `(-->)` RTC_RULES);; let RTCredn_ind = REWRITE_RULE[SYM RTCredn] (ISPEC `(-->)` RTC_INDUCT);; let RTCpredn_rules = REWRITE_RULE[SYM RTCpredn] (ISPEC `(-||->)` RTC_RULES);; let RTCpredn_ind = REWRITE_RULE[SYM RTCpredn] (ISPEC `(-||->)` RTC_INDUCT);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Prove that the two RTCs are actually the same. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let RTCredn_RTCpredn = 
prove (`!x y. x -->* y ==> x -||->* y`,
let RTCredn_ap_monotonic = 
prove (`!x y. x -->* y ==> !z. x % z -->* y % z /\ z % x -->* z % y`,
MATCH_MP_TAC RTCredn_ind THEN MESON_TAC[RTCredn_rules; redn_rules]);;
let predn_RTCredn = 
prove (`!x y. x -||-> y ==> x -->* y`,
MATCH_MP_TAC predn_ind THEN MESON_TAC[RTCredn_rules; redn_rules; RTCredn_ap_monotonic]);;
let RTCpredn_RTCredn = 
prove (`!x y. x -||->* y ==> x -->* y`,
MATCH_MP_TAC RTCpredn_ind THEN MESON_TAC[predn_RTCredn; RTCredn_rules]);;
let RTCpredn_EQ_RTCredn = 
prove (`(-||->*) = (-->*)`,
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Now prove diamond property for "-||->" reduction. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let characterise t = SIMP_RULE[distinctness "cl"; injectivity "cl"; GSYM EXISTS_REFL; RIGHT_EXISTS_AND_THM; GSYM CONJ_ASSOC; UNWIND_THM1] (SPEC t predn_cases);;
let Sx_PREDN = 
prove (`!x y. S % x -||-> y <=> ?z. y = S % z /\ x -||-> z`,
REWRITE_TAC[characterise `S % x`] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules; characterise `S`]);;
let Kx_PREDN = 
prove (`!x y. K % x -||-> y <=> ?z. y = K % z /\ x -||-> z`,
REWRITE_TAC[characterise `K % x`] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules; characterise `K`]);;
let Kxy_PREDN = 
prove (`!x y z. K % x % y -||-> z <=> (?u v. z = K % u % v /\ x -||-> u /\ y -||-> v) \/ z = x`,
REWRITE_TAC[characterise `K % x % y`] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules; Kx_PREDN]);;
let Sxy_PREDN = 
prove (`!x y z. S % x % y -||-> z <=> ?u v. z = S % u % v /\ x -||-> u /\ y -||-> v`,
REWRITE_TAC[characterise `S % x % y`] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules; characterise `S`; Sx_PREDN]);;
let Sxyz_PREDN = 
prove (`!w x y z. S % w % x % y -||-> z <=> (?p q r. z = S % p % q % r /\ w -||-> p /\ x -||-> q /\ y -||-> r) \/ z = (w % y) % (x % y)`,
REWRITE_TAC[characterise `S % w % x % y`] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules; Sxy_PREDN]);;
let predn_diamond_lemma = 
prove (`!x y. x -||-> y ==> !z. x -||-> z ==> ?u. y -||-> u /\ z -||-> u`,
ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[TAUT `a ==> b <=> a ==> a /\ b`] THEN MATCH_MP_TAC predn_ind THEN SIMP_TAC[predn_rules] THEN REPEAT CONJ_TAC THENL [MESON_TAC[predn_rules]; REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN UNDISCH_THEN `x % u -||-> z` (STRIP_ASSUME_TAC o SIMP_RULE[characterise `x % y`]) THENL [ASM_MESON_TAC[predn_rules]; ASM_MESON_TAC[predn_rules]; SUBGOAL_THEN `?w. y = K % w /\ z -||-> w` MP_TAC; SUBGOAL_THEN `?p q. y = S % p % q /\ f -||-> p /\ g -||-> q` MP_TAC] THEN ASM_MESON_TAC[Kx_PREDN; Sxy_PREDN; predn_rules]; REWRITE_TAC[Kxy_PREDN] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules]; REWRITE_TAC[Sxyz_PREDN] THEN MESON_TAC[predn_rules]]);;
let predn_diamond = 
prove (`CR (-||->)`,
MESON_TAC[CR; predn_diamond_lemma]);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Hence we have confluence of the main reduction. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let confluent_redn = 
prove (`confluent(-->)`,