(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FLYSPECK - BOOK FORMALIZATION                                              *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* External Rational Number Operations                                                    *)
(* Author: Thomas C. Hales                                                    *)
(* Date: 2010-09-17                                                           *)
(* ========================================================================== *)

type mixed_term = 
  | Ocaml_num of num
  | Ocaml_real of num
  | Hol_light of bool*term;; (* true if changed *)

type num =
|	Int of int
|	Big_int of Big_int.big_int
|	Ratio of Ratio.ratio ///;;

let internalize_bool = function
  |  true -> `T`
  |  false -> `F`;;

let realize = 
  let amp = `real_of_num` in
   fun x -> mk_comb (amp,x);;

let real_of_rat  = 
  let real_div = `real_div` in
  let quot n d = mk_binop real_div (realize n) (realize d) in
    fun x -> 
      let n = mk_numeral(Big_int (Ratio.numerator_ratio x)) in
      let d = mk_numeral(Big_int (Ratio.denominator_ratio x)) in 
	quot n d;;

let term_of_mixed = 
  | Ocaml_real a -> 
      (match a with
	| Big_int _ -> realize(mk_numeral a)
        | Int x -> realize (mk_small_numeral x)
	| Ratio x -> real_of_rat x)
  | Ocaml_num a -> 
      (match a with
	| Big_int _ ->(mk_numeral a)
        | Int x ->  (mk_small_numeral x)
	| Ratio _ -> failwith "unnatural quotient")
  | Hol_light (changed,t) -> t;;

let dest_binop_from oplist t = 
  let (h,y)= dest_comb t in
  let (op,x) = dest_comb h in
    if (mem op oplist) then (op,x,y) else failwith "op not found";;

let zero  = Int 0;;

let one = Int 1;;

let num_trunc_minus x y =  if ( y >/ x) then zero else x -/ y;;

let rat_div x y = if (y =/ zero) then zero else (x // y);;

let rat_inv x = if (x =/ zero) then zero else (one // x);;

let mk_cty ty = map (fun (a,b)-> (mk_mconst(a,ty),b));;

let real_rels = mk_cty `:real->real->bool` 

let num_rels = mk_cty `:num->num->bool`

let real_binop = mk_cty `:real->real->real`
 [("real_add",( +/ ));("real_sub", ( -/ ));("real_mul", ( */ ));("real_div",rat_div)];;

let num_binop = mk_cty `:num->num->num`
 [("+",( +/ ));("-",num_trunc_minus);("*", ( */ ))];;

let dec_op = mk_cty `:num->num->real`
 [("DECIMAL",( // ))];;

let numeral_op = mk_cty `:num->real` ["real_of_num",I];;

let real_unary = mk_cty `:real->real` [("real_neg",minus_num);("real_inv",rat_inv)];;

let lift (a,b) x  = function;;

let rec mixed_of_term arith = function
  | Var _ as u -> Hol_light (false,u)
  | Const _ as u -> Hol_light (false,u)
  | Abs(x,t) as u -> let t' = mixed_of_term false t in
      (match t' with
	 | Hol_light (false,_) -> Hol_light (false,u)
	 | _ -> Hol_light (true,mk_abs(x, term_of_mixed t')))
  | Const (h,y) as u -> Hol_lightu;;
      if (is_const h) 

type_of `DECIMAL`;;
type_of `3`;;
let mixedalize t = t;;

Int 3;;

Int 3;;

let v = Int 3 // Int 4;;
let rec sqx n v = if (n = 0) then Int 1 else if (n=1) then v else (sqx (n-1) v)*/ (sqx (n-1) v);;

let vv = sqx 10 v;;