needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/main/prove_flyspeck_lp.hl";;

open Arith_misc;;
open Linear_function;;
open Prove_lp;;
open Arith_nat;;
open Misc_vars;;
open List_hypermap_computations;;
open List_conversions;;
open Lp_approx_ineqs;;
open Lp_ineqs;;
open Lp_ineqs_proofs;;
open Lp_main_estimate;;
open Flyspeck_lp;;

let split4_lemma = 
prove(`(a <= b /\ a <= sqrt8) \/ (b <= a /\ b <= sqrt8) \/ (a <= b /\ sqrt8 <= a /\ a <= &3) \/ (b <= a /\ sqrt8 <= b /\ b <= &3) \/ (&3 <= a /\ &3 <= b)`,
MP_TAC Flyspeck_constants.bounds THEN ARITH_TAC);;
let split4_lemma' = INST[`ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) d1`, `a:real`; `ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) d2`, `b:real`] split4_lemma;; let d1_var = `d1:num#num` and d2_var = `d2:num#num`;; let rec assoc_all a list = match list with | [] -> [] | (k,v) :: t -> if k = a then v :: assoc_all a t else assoc_all a t;; let gen_extra_ineqs = let tm_3 = `&3` and tm_sqrt8 = `sqrt8` in let r tm = prove(tm, MP_TAC Flyspeck_constants.bounds THEN ARITH_TAC) in let l_ths_list = [ tm_3, r `&3 <= a ==> sqrt8 <= a`; ] in let r_ths_list = [ tm_sqrt8, r `a <= sqrt8 ==> a <= &3`; ] in let a_var_real = `a:real` in fun ineq_th -> let lhs, rhs = dest_binary "real_le" (concl ineq_th) in let l_ths = map (fun th -> MP (INST[rhs, a_var_real] th) ineq_th) (assoc_all lhs l_ths_list) and r_ths = map (fun th -> MP (INST[lhs, a_var_real] th) ineq_th) (assoc_all rhs r_ths_list) in l_ths @ r_ths;; let dest_ye_list tm = let lhs, rhs = dest_comb tm in let c_tm = rator lhs in if (fst o dest_const) c_tm <> "ye_list" then failwith "dest_ye_list: not ye_list" else dest_pair rhs;; let gen_ye_sym_ineqs ye_sym_th ineq_th = let sym_eqs tm = try let n_tm, m_tm = dest_ye_list tm in [REFL tm; INST[n_tm, n_var_num; m_tm, m_var_num] ye_sym_th] with Failure _ -> [REFL tm] in let ltm, rhs = dest_comb (concl ineq_th) in let op_tm, lhs = dest_comb ltm in let l_eqs = sym_eqs lhs and r_eqs = sym_eqs rhs in tl (allpairs (fun l_eq r_eq -> EQ_MP (MK_COMB (AP_TERM op_tm l_eq, r_eq)) ineq_th) l_eqs r_eqs);; let gen_all_extra_cases ye_sym_th case_tms = let case_ths = map ASSUME case_tms in let extra = List.flatten (map gen_extra_ineqs case_ths) in let sym = gen_ye_sym_ineqs ye_sym_th in extra @ List.flatten (map sym (case_ths @ extra));; let e_cap_var = `E:(real^3->bool)->bool`;;
let lp_cond_imp_good_list = 
prove(`lp_cond (L, g, h:num->real^3) (V,E) ==> good_list L`,
let ye_sym0 = (add_lp_hyp false o prove)(`(!d. g d = h (FST d), h (SND d)) ==> ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) (n,m) = ye_list g (m,n)`, DISCH_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC Lp_ineqs_def.list_defs2 THEN REWRITE_TAC[Lp_ineqs_def.ye_fan; DIST_SYM]);; let gen_list_ineq simplify_all_flag th = let th0 = add_lp_hyp true th in let tm1, proof_th = mk_lp_ineq th0 in let raw_data = {name = "tmp"; tm = tm1; proof = Some proof_th; std_only = false} in generate_ineq1 simplify_all_flag raw_data;; let tau_split4 = gen_list_ineq false lp_tau_split4;; let diag4_lo = gen_list_ineq true dart4_y4'_lo;; let get_all_ineqs hyp_set0 all_ineq_th = let all_tm, set_tm = dest_comb (concl all_ineq_th) in let set_eq_th = hyp_set0 ((fst o dest_const o rator) set_tm) in let ineq1_th = EQ_MP (AP_TERM all_tm set_eq_th) all_ineq_th in map MY_BETA_RULE (get_all ineq1_th);; let contravening_conditions hyp_list_tm hyp_set = let th0 = (MY_RULE_NUM o REWRITE_RULE[Seq.size]) contravening_lp_cond_alt in let th1 = (UNDISCH_ALL o ISPEC hyp_list_tm o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP]) th0 in let good_list_nodes_th = EQT_ELIM (eval_good_list_nodes_condition hyp_set) in let lp_cond_th = (MY_PROVE_HYP (hyp_set "good_list") o MY_PROVE_HYP good_list_nodes_th) th1 in let lp_cond_th' = (SELECT_AND_ABBREV_RULE o SELECT_AND_ABBREV_RULE o ABBREV_RULE "L" hyp_list_tm) lp_cond_th in let lp_tau_th = (UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL) contravening_lp_tau in lp_cond_th', lp_tau_th;; let split_conditions hyp_list_tm d_tm lp_cond0_th = let split_eq_th = (ABBREV_RULE "L" hyp_list_tm) (eval_split_list_hyp hyp_list_tm d_tm) in let split_tm = (rand o concl) split_eq_th in let lp_cond2_th = (PURE_REWRITE_RULE[split_eq_th] o SPEC d_tm o MATCH_MP lp_cond_trans1) lp_cond0_th in let e2_tm = (rand o rand o concl) lp_cond2_th in let lp_cond2_th' = (ABBREV_RULE "L2" split_tm) lp_cond2_th in (* let good2_th = MATCH_MP lp_cond_imp_good_list lp_cond2_th;; let hyp2_set, hyp2_fun = compute_all split_tm (Some good2_th);; *) let hyp2_set, hyp2_fun = compute_all split_tm None in lp_cond2_th', split_eq_th, split_tm, e2_tm, (hyp2_set, hyp2_fun);; (******************************) (* Load data *) loadt "../formal_lp/glpk/ex2/bb2_1_out.hl";; let p1, c1, t1, v1 = precision, constraints, target_variables, variable_bounds;; loadt "../formal_lp/glpk/ex2/bb2_2_out.hl";; let p2, c2, t2, v2 = precision, constraints, target_variables, variable_bounds;; loadt "../formal_lp/glpk/ex2/bb2_3_out.hl";; let p3, c3, t3, v3 = precision, constraints, target_variables, variable_bounds;; loadt "../formal_lp/glpk/ex2/bb2_4_out.hl";; let p4, c4, t4, v4 = precision, constraints, target_variables, variable_bounds;; loadt "../formal_lp/glpk/ex2/bb2_5_out.hl";; let p5, c5, t5, v5 = precision, constraints, target_variables, variable_bounds;; (******************************) (* Compute preliminary data *) let hyp_list0_tm = (to_num o create_hol_list_str) hypermap_string;; let hyp_set0, hyp_fun0 = compute_all hyp_list0_tm None;; let d13 = to_num `1,2` and d24 = to_num `0,1`;; let lp_cond0, lp_tau0 = contravening_conditions hyp_list0_tm hyp_set0;; let ye_sym_th = (MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond0 o INST[`ESTD V`, e_cap_var]) ye_sym0;; let ye_hi_3 = generate_ineq (find_raw_ineq true "ye_hi");; let ye_hi_2h0 = generate_ineq (find_raw_ineq true "yy10");; let ye_ineqs_3, ye_ineqs_2h0, diag4_ineqs, tau_ths = let estd_refl = REFL `ESTD V` in let r = get_all_ineqs hyp_set0 o EXPAND_CONCL_RULE "L" o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_tau0 o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond0 o MY_PROVE_HYP estd_refl o INST[`ESTD V`, e_cap_var] in r ye_hi_3, r ye_hi_2h0, r diag4_lo, r tau_split4;; let diag4_ths = map (fun th -> EQ_MP (convert_tm hyp_fun0 (concl th)) th) diag4_ineqs;; let tau_ths2 = map (UNDISCH_ALL o simplify_ineq hyp_fun0) ((fst o chop_list 2) tau_ths);; let tau_split13 = List.nth tau_ths2 1;; let tau_split24 = List.nth tau_ths2 0;; let base_ineqs = ye_ineqs_3 @ ye_ineqs_2h0 @ diag4_ths;; (******************************) (* case 1 *) let lp_cond1, split1_eq, hyp_list1_tm, e1_tm, (hyp1_set, hyp1_fun) = split_conditions hyp_list0_tm d13 lp_cond0;;
let lp1_th0 = prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list1_tm hyp1_set hyp1_fun false p1 c1 t1 v1;;
let lp1_th1 = (MY_PROVE_HYP tau_split13 o INST[e1_tm, e_cap_var]) lp1_th0;; let lp1_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP base_ineqs lp1_th1;; let case1_th = (EXPAND_RULE "L2" o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond1 o INST[e1_tm, e_cap_var] o ABBREV_RULE "L2" hyp_list1_tm) lp1_th2;; (******************************) (* case 2 *) let lp_cond2, split2_eq, hyp_list2_tm, e2_tm, (hyp2_set, hyp2_fun) = split_conditions hyp_list0_tm d24 lp_cond0;;
let lp2_th0 = prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list2_tm hyp2_set hyp2_fun false p2 c2 t2 v2;;
let lp2_th1 = (MY_PROVE_HYP tau_split24 o INST[e2_tm, e_cap_var]) lp2_th0;; let lp2_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP base_ineqs lp2_th1;; let case2_th = (EXPAND_RULE "L2" o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond2 o INST[e2_tm, e_cap_var] o ABBREV_RULE "L2" hyp_list2_tm) lp2_th2;; (******************************) (* case 3 *) let lp_cond3, split3_eq, hyp_list3_tm, e3_tm, (hyp3_set, hyp3_fun) = split_conditions hyp_list0_tm d13 lp_cond0;;
let lp3_th0 = prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list3_tm hyp3_set hyp3_fun false p3 c3 t3 v3;;
let lp3_th1 = (MY_PROVE_HYP tau_split13 o INST[e3_tm, e_cap_var]) lp3_th0;; let lp3_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP base_ineqs lp3_th1;; let case3_th = (EXPAND_RULE "L2" o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond3 o INST[e2_tm, e_cap_var] o ABBREV_RULE "L2" hyp_list3_tm) lp3_th2;; (******************************) (* case 4 *) let lp_cond4, split4_eq, hyp_list4_tm, e4_tm, (hyp4_set, hyp4_fun) = split_conditions hyp_list0_tm d24 lp_cond0;;
let lp4_th0 = prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list4_tm hyp4_set hyp4_fun false p4 c4 t4 v4;;
let lp4_th1 = (MY_PROVE_HYP tau_split24 o INST[e2_tm, e_cap_var]) lp4_th0;; let lp4_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP base_ineqs lp4_th1;; let case4_th = (EXPAND_RULE "L2" o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond4 o INST[e4_tm, e_cap_var] o ABBREV_RULE "L2" hyp_list4_tm) lp4_th2;; (******************************) (* case 5 *)
let lp5_th0 = prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list0_tm hyp_set0 hyp_fun0 true p5 c5 t5 v5;;
let lp5_th1 = (MY_PROVE_HYP (REFL `ESTD V`) o INST [`ESTD V`, e_cap_var]) lp5_th0;; let lp5_th2 = (MY_PROVE_HYP lp_tau0 o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond0 o ABBREV_RULE "L" hyp_list0_tm) lp5_th1;; let case5_th = lp5_th2;; (******************************) (* combine all cases *) let diag2 = to_num `1,3`;; let diag1 = to_num `0,2`;; let split_th = INST[diag1, d1_var; diag2, d2_var] split4_lemma';; let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th);; let case1_tms = striplist dest_conj (List.nth split_cases 0);; map concl (gen_all_extra_cases ye_sym_th case1_tms);; let case1_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP (gen_all_extra_cases ye_sym_th case1_tms) case1_th;; let case1_th_final = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[IMP_IMP] (itlist DISCH case1_tms case1_th2);; let get_final_case_th ye_sym_th n case_th cases = let case_tms = striplist dest_conj (List.nth cases n) in let case_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP (gen_all_extra_cases ye_sym_th case_tms) case_th in PURE_REWRITE_RULE[IMP_IMP; GSYM CONJ_ASSOC] (itlist DISCH case_tms case_th2);; let case1_th_final = get_final_case_th ye_sym_th 0 case1_th split_cases;; let case2_th_final = get_final_case_th ye_sym_th 1 case2_th split_cases;; let case3_th_final = get_final_case_th ye_sym_th 2 case3_th split_cases;; let case4_th_final = get_final_case_th ye_sym_th 3 case4_th split_cases;; let case5_th_final = get_final_case_th ye_sym_th 4 case5_th split_cases;; let combine_cases = let combine_th = TAUT `(A ==> C) /\ (B ==> C) ==> (A \/ B ==> C)` in fun case1_th case2_th -> MATCH_MP combine_th (CONJ case1_th case2_th);; let final' = itlist combine_cases [case1_th_final; case2_th_final; case3_th_final; case4_th_final] case5_th_final;; let final = (DISCH `contravening V` o EXPAND_RULE "g" o EXPAND_RULE "h" o EXPAND_RULE "L") (MP final' split_th);;