needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/ineqs/lp_ineqs.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/ineqs/lp_head_ineqs.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/ineqs/lp_body_ineqs.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/main/lp_certificate.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/computations/list_hypermap_computations.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/computations/informal_computations.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/more_arith/prove_lp.hl";;
module Flyspeck_lp = struct
open List;;
open Arith_misc;;
open Linear_function;;
open Prove_lp;;
open Arith_nat;;
open Misc_vars;;
open List_hypermap_computations;;
open List_conversions;;
open Lp_approx_ineqs;;
open Lp_ineqs;;
open Lp_certificate;;
open Lp_informal_computations;;
open Lp_ineqs_proofs;;
open Lp_main_estimate;;
let init_ineqs() =
let _ = Lp_head_ineqs.add_head_ineqs() in
let _ = Lp_body_ineqs.add_body_ineqs() in
(* Prepare theorems for the final inequality: &12 <= scriptL V *)
let to_lin_f_ineq ineq_th =
let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq_th) in
let lhs_th = LIN_F_CONV lhs in
EQ_MP (AP_THM (AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th) rhs) ineq_th;;
let FINAL_INEQ = (MY_RULE_NUM o prove)(`lin_f [] <= -- &n <=> n = 0`,
let lnsum_ineqs =
let DECIMAL_INT = prove(`!n.
DECIMAL n 1 = &n`,
REAL_DIV_1]) in
ineq_th = (add_lp_hyp false o UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL) Lp_ineqs_proofs.lnsum_ineq in
let ineq_tm = concl
ineq_th in
let ths1 = create_approximations [9;12;15;18;21] ineq_tm in
let ths2 = map generalize_hyp ths1 in
let ths3 = map (itlist PROVE_HYP Lp_ineqs_def.list_var_pos) ths2 in
let ths4 = map (C MP
ineq_th) ths3 in
let ths5 = map r ths4 in
zip (3--7) ths5;;
(* Performs the following conversions:
(a + ... + c) + d = a + ... + c + d *)
let plus_assoc_conv =
let rec plus_conv tm =
if (is_binop add_op_real tm) then
let lhs, rhs = dest_binop add_op_real tm in
if (is_binop add_op_real lhs) then
let x_tm, y_tm = dest_binop add_op_real lhs in
let th0 = INST[x_tm, x_var_real; y_tm, y_var_real; rhs, z_var_real] REAL_ADD_ASSOC' in
let ltm, rtm = dest_comb(rand(concl th0)) in
TRANS th0 (AP_TERM ltm (plus_conv rtm))
in plus_conv;;
let convert_ineq hyp_fun =
let rec rewrite_lhs tm =
let rewrite_one tm =
if (is_binop mul_op_real tm) then
let mul_tm, var_tm = dest_comb tm in
let var_f, arg = dest_comb var_tm in
let rec convert_arg arg =
if (is_comb arg) then
let ltm, sub_arg' = dest_comb arg in
let const_name = (fst o dest_const) (if (is_const ltm) then ltm else rator ltm) in
(* Str.first_chars const_name 1 = "D" is a hack *)
if (Str.first_chars const_name 1 = "D" or const_name = "_0"
or const_name = "," or const_name = "CONS" or const_name = "INSERT") then
REFL arg
let sub_arg_th = convert_arg sub_arg' in
let th0 = AP_TERM ltm sub_arg_th in
let rtm = rand(concl th0) in
let th1 =
if (const_name = "set_of_list") then
set_of_list_conv rtm
else if (const_name = "FST") then
fst_conv rtm
else if (const_name = "SND") then
snd_conv rtm
else if (const_name = "HD") then
hd_conv rtm
else if (const_name = "e_list") then
e_list_conv_num rtm
hyp_fun const_name (rand rtm) in
TRANS th0 th1
with _ ->
failwith ("convert_arg: "^const_name)
REFL arg in
let arg_th = convert_arg arg in
AP_TERM mul_tm (AP_TERM var_f arg_th)
(* tm should be list_sum *)
list_sum_conv BETA_CONV tm in
if (is_binop add_op_real tm) then
let lhs, rhs = dest_binop add_op_real tm in
let lhs_th = rewrite_one lhs in
let rhs_th = rewrite_lhs rhs in
let th1 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM add_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th) in
if (is_binop add_op_real (rand(concl lhs_th))) then
let th2 = plus_assoc_conv (rand(concl th1)) in
TRANS th1 th2
rewrite_one tm in
fun ineq_tm ->
if not (is_binary "real_le" ineq_tm) then
REFL ineq_tm
let ltm, rtm = dest_comb ineq_tm in
let op_tm, l_tm = dest_comb ltm in
let lhs_eq_th = rewrite_lhs l_tm in
AP_THM (AP_TERM op_tm lhs_eq_th) rtm;;
let convert_tm =
let num_str = (fst o dest_const) Arith_hash.num_const in
let rec convert hyp_fun tm =
if (is_comb tm) then
let ltm, rtm = dest_comb tm in
let op_tm = if is_comb ltm then rator ltm else ltm in
if is_const op_tm then
let const_name = (fst o dest_const) op_tm in
if const_name = "real_of_num" or const_name = "DECIMAL" then
else if const_name = "real_add" then
let th1 = convert hyp_fun (rand ltm) and
th2 = convert hyp_fun rtm in
MK_COMB (AP_TERM op_tm th1, th2)
else if const_name = "ye_list" then
if is_pair rtm then
let ltm', b_tm = dest_comb rtm in
let pair_op, a_tm = dest_comb ltm' in
let a_th = convert hyp_fun a_tm and
b_th = convert hyp_fun b_tm in
AP_TERM ltm (MK_COMB (AP_TERM pair_op a_th, b_th))
let rtm_th = convert hyp_fun rtm in
AP_TERM ltm rtm_th
let rtm_th = convert hyp_fun rtm in
let th0 = AP_TERM ltm rtm_th in
let arg = rand (concl th0) in
let th1 =
if const_name = num_str then
INST[rand arg, n_var_num] Arith_hash.NUM_THM
match const_name with
| "set_of_list" -> set_of_list_conv arg
| "FST" -> fst_conv arg
| "SND" -> snd_conv arg
| "HD" -> hd_conv arg
| "e_list" -> e_list_conv_num arg
| "LENGTH" -> length_conv arg
| _ ->
(try hyp_fun const_name (rand arg)
with Failure _ -> REFL arg) in
TRANS th0 th1
REFL tm in
let convert_condition hyp_fun tm =
if is_comb tm then
let ltm, rtm = dest_comb tm in
let r_th = convert_tm hyp_fun rtm in
if is_comb ltm then
let op_tm, larg = dest_comb ltm in
let l_th = convert_tm hyp_fun larg in
MK_COMB (AP_TERM op_tm l_th, r_th)
AP_TERM ltm r_th
convert_tm hyp_fun tm;;
let rec simplify_ineq_tm hyp_fun tm =
if is_imp tm then
let ltm, q_tm = dest_comb tm in
let imp_tm, p_tm = dest_comb ltm in
let p_eq_th = convert_condition hyp_fun p_tm in
let q_eq_th = simplify_ineq_tm hyp_fun q_tm in
MK_COMB (AP_TERM imp_tm p_eq_th, q_eq_th)
convert_ineq hyp_fun tm;;
let simplify_ineq hyp_fun ineq_th =
let eq_th = simplify_ineq_tm hyp_fun (concl ineq_th) in
EQ_MP eq_th ineq_th;;
let prove_conditions =
let neq_elim_th = prove(`(s <=> F) <=> ~s`,
let rec prove_rec
ineq_th =
let concl_tm = concl
ineq_th in
if is_imp concl_tm then
let p_tm = lhand concl_tm in
let flag, p_th =
(* (trivial) equality *)
if is_eq p_tm then
let ltm, rtm = dest_eq p_tm in
if ltm = rtm then
true, REFL ltm
false, TRUTH
(* n < m:num *)
else if is_binary "<" p_tm then
true, EQT_ELIM (raw_lt_hash_conv p_tm)
(* ~(n = m) *)
else if is_neg p_tm then
let s_tm = rand p_tm in
th0 = raw_eq_hash_conv s_tm in
let elim_th = INST[s_tm, s_var_bool]
neq_elim_th in
true, EQ_MP elim_th
false, TRUTH in
th1 =
if flag then
ineq_th p_th
ineq_th in
ineq_th in
let get_ineqs (hyp_list_tm, hyp_set, hyp_fun) std_flag precision name indices =
let ineq0_th = (find_ineq std_flag precision name).ineq_th in
let ineq1_th = INST[hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var] ineq0_th in
let all_tm, set_tm = dest_comb (concl ineq1_th) in
let set_eq_th = hyp_set ((fst o dest_const o rator) set_tm) in
let ineq2_th = EQ_MP (AP_TERM all_tm set_eq_th) ineq1_th in
let ineq0_ths = select_all ineq2_th indices in
let ineq1_ths' = map MY_BETA_RULE ineq0_ths in
(* A special treatment of the "main" inequality *)
let ineq1_ths = if name = "main" then
map (fun th -> EQ_MP (term_rewrite (concl th) (hyp_set "list_of_elements")) th) ineq1_ths'
else ineq1_ths' in
let ineq2_ths = map (simplify_ineq hyp_fun) ineq1_ths in
let ineq3_ths = map prove_conditions ineq2_ths in
let int_zero_tm = mk_comb (amp_op_real, (rand o concl o NUMERAL_TO_NUM_CONV) `0`);;
let int_neg_zero_tm = mk_comb (neg_op_real, int_zero_tm);;
let var_table = Hashtbl.create 1000;;
let prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list_tm hyp_set hyp_fun std_flag precision infeasible constraints target_variables variable_bounds =
let precision_constant = Int 10 **/ (Int precision) in
(* This function generates all inequalities with the given name and indices,
multiplies these inequalities by given coefficients, and finds the sum of
the generated inequalities *)
let sum_step = fun (name, indices, c) ->
let ineqs = get_ineqs (hyp_list_tm, hyp_set, hyp_fun) std_flag precision name indices in
let s1 = map transform_le_ineq (zip ineqs c) in
List.fold_left add_step' dummy s1
| Failure str -> failwith (sprintf "Problem: %s (%s)" name str)
| _ -> failwith ("Problem: "^name) in
let _ = Hashtbl.clear var_table in
let add_to_var_table (name, indices, c) =
let ineqs = get_ineqs (hyp_list_tm, hyp_set, hyp_fun) std_flag precision name indices in
let m_ineqs = map2 (fun th m -> MY_PROVE_HYP th (var1_le_transform (concl th, m))) ineqs c in
let _ = map (
fun th ->
let var = (rand o lhand o concl) th in
if Hashtbl.mem var_table var then
let ineq1 = Hashtbl.find var_table var in
let ineq = add_le_ineqs th ineq1 in
let c_tm = (lhand o lhand o concl) ineq in
if c_tm = int_zero_tm or c_tm = int_neg_zero_tm then
Hashtbl.remove var_table var
Hashtbl.replace var_table var ineq
Hashtbl.add var_table var th) m_ineqs in
() in
let get_first_var ineq_th =
(rand o lhand o rand o lhand o concl) ineq_th
with Failure _ -> a_var_real in
let ineqs1 = map sum_step constraints in
let ineqs2 = List.sort (fun ineq1 ineq2 ->
let var1 = get_first_var ineq1 and
var2 = get_first_var ineq2 in
compare var1 var2) ineqs1 in
let s1' = List.fold_right add_step' ineqs2 dummy in
let s1 = mul_step s1' (mk_real_int precision_constant) in
let r1 = if infeasible then s1 else
let ineq_th0 = assoc precision lnsum_ineqs in
let ineq_th1 = (INST[hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var]) ineq_th0 in
let ineq_th2 = EQ_MP (term_rewrite (concl ineq_th1) (hyp_set "list_of_elements")) ineq_th1 in
let ineq_th3 = simplify_ineq hyp_fun ineq_th2 in
let ineq_th4 = to_lin_f_ineq ineq_th3 in
add_step' ineq_th4 s1 in
let _ = map add_to_var_table variable_bounds and
_ = map add_to_var_table target_variables in
let list1 = Hashtbl.fold (fun tm ineq list -> (tm, ineq) :: list) var_table [] in
let list2 = List.sort (fun (tm1, _) (tm2, _) -> compare tm1 tm2) list1 in
let var_list = map snd list2 in
let result = List.fold_left add_cancel_step r1 var_list in
let n_tm = (rand o rand o rand o concl) result in
let r_eq_th = INST[n_tm, n_var_num] FINAL_INEQ in
let not_zero_th = NUM_EQ0_HASH_CONV n_tm in
EQ_MP not_zero_th (EQ_MP r_eq_th result);;
let prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list_tm hyp_set hyp_fun std_flag precision infeasible constraints target_variables variable_bounds =
let precision_constant = Int 10 **/ (Int precision) in
let sum_step = fun (name, indices, c) ->
let ineqs = get_ineqs (hyp_list_tm, hyp_set, hyp_fun) std_flag precision name indices in
let s1 = map transform_le_ineq (zip ineqs c) in
List.fold_left add_step' dummy s1
| Failure str -> failwith (sprintf "Problem: %s (%s)" name str)
| _ -> failwith ("Problem: "^name) in
let s1' = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step constraints) in
let s1 = mul_step s1' (mk_real_int precision_constant) in
let s2 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step target_variables) in
let s3 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map sum_step variable_bounds) in
let s4 = add_step' (add_step' s1 s2) s3 in
let result = if infeasible then s4 else
let ineq_th0 = assoc precision lnsum_ineqs in
let ineq_th1 = (INST[hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var]) ineq_th0 in
let ineq_th2 = EQ_MP (term_rewrite (concl ineq_th1) (hyp_set "list_of_elements")) ineq_th1 in
let ineq_th3 = simplify_ineq hyp_fun ineq_th2 in
let ineq_th4 = to_lin_f_ineq ineq_th3 in
add_step' ineq_th4 s4 in
let n_tm = (rand o rand o rand o concl) result in
let r_eq_th = INST[n_tm, n_var_num] FINAL_INEQ in
let not_zero_th = NUM_EQ0_HASH_CONV n_tm in
EQ_MP not_zero_th (EQ_MP r_eq_th result);;
(* Replaces the given term tm with a variable named var_name in the given theorem th *)
(* A new assumption tm = var_name is added *)
let ABBREV_RULE var_name tm th =
let var_tm = mk_var (var_name, type_of tm) in
let eq_th = ASSUME (mk_eq (tm, var_tm)) in
(* Transforms a theorem |- ?x. P x into (@x. P x) = x |- P x *)
let P = `P:A->bool` in
let pth = prove
(`(?) (P:A->bool) ==> P((@) P)`,
th ->
let abs = rand (concl
th) in
let var, b_tm = dest_abs abs in
let name, ty = dest_var var in
let select_tm = mk_binder "@" (var, b_tm) in
th0 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (MP (PINST [ty,aty] [abs,P]
th) in
ABBREV_RULE name select_tm
with Failure
_ -> failwith "SELECT_AND_ABBREV_RULE";
(* Transforms a theorem tm = var_name, G |- P into G[tm/var_name] |- P[tm/var_name] *)
let EXPAND_RULE var_name th =
let hyp_tm = find (fun tm -> is_eq tm && is_var (rand tm) && name_of (rand tm) = var_name) (hyp th) in
let l_tm, var_tm = dest_eq hyp_tm in
let th1 = INST[l_tm, var_tm] th in
PROVE_HYP (REFL l_tm) th1;;
(* Transforms a theorem tm = var_name, G |- P into tm = var_name, G |- P[tm/var_name] *)
let EXPAND_CONCL_RULE var_name th =
let hyp_tm = find (fun tm -> is_eq tm && is_var (rand tm) && name_of (rand tm) = var_name) (hyp th) in
let eq_th = SYM (ASSUME hyp_tm) in
(* Auxiliary definitions *)
let report s =
Format.print_string s; Format.print_newline(); Format.print_flush();;
let e_cap_var = `E:(real^3->bool)->bool` and
l_cap_var = `L:((num)list)list` and
estd_v = `ESTD V` and
contravening_v = `contravening V` and
d_var_pair = `d:num#num` and
diag_vars = map (fun i -> mk_var ("diag" ^ string_of_int i, `:num#num`)) (0--6) and
a_vars = map (fun i -> mk_var ("a" ^ string_of_int i, `:real`)) (0--6);;
let mk_raw_num = rand o Arith_nat.mk_small_numeral_array;;
let mk_dart face i1 i2 = mk_pair (mk_raw_num (nth face i1), mk_raw_num (nth face i2));;
let mk_all_darts face = map mk_pair (list_pairs (map mk_raw_num face));;
(* Given a list of pairs [x1,y1; ...; xn,yn] and an element x, *)
(* finds all y's such that (x,y) is in the list *)
let rec assoc_all a list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| (k,v) :: t -> if k = a then v :: assoc_all a t else assoc_all a t;;
(* Combines theorems |- A ==> C, |- B ==> C and yields |- A \/ B ==> C *)
let combine_cases =
let combine_th = TAUT `(A ==> C) /\ (B ==> C) ==> (A \/ B ==> C)` in
fun case1_th case2_th ->
MATCH_MP combine_th (CONJ case1_th case2_th);;
let dest_ye_list tm =
let lhs, rhs = dest_comb tm in
let c_tm = rator lhs in
if (fst o dest_const) c_tm <> "ye_list" then
failwith "dest_ye_list: not ye_list"
dest_pair rhs;;
(* Given |- ALL (\x. P x) (hypermap_set), *)
(* returns |- P x1, ..., |- P xn for all elements x in hypermap_set *)
let get_all_ineqs hyp_set0 all_ineq_th =
let all_tm, set_tm = dest_comb (concl all_ineq_th) in
let set_eq_th = hyp_set0 ((fst o dest_const o rator) set_tm) in
let ineq1_th = EQ_MP (AP_TERM all_tm set_eq_th) all_ineq_th in
map MY_BETA_RULE (get_all ineq1_th);;
(* Generates a list inequality from a fan inequality. *)
(* If simplify_all_flag is true then the conclusion of *)
(* the generated inequality is simplified (yi's are transformed into ye). *)
let gen_list_ineq simplify_all_flag th =
let th0 = add_lp_hyp true th in
let tm1, proof_th = mk_lp_ineq th0 in
let raw_data = {name = "tmp"; tm = tm1; proof = Some proof_th; std_only = false} in
generate_ineq1 simplify_all_flag raw_data;;
(* Special lemmas *)
(* Quad split cases *)
let split4_lemma = (INST[`ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) diag1`, `a:real`;
`ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) diag2`, `b:real`] o prove)
(`(a <= b /\ a <= sqrt8)
\/ (b <= a /\ b <= sqrt8)
\/ (a <= b /\ sqrt8 <= a /\ a <= &3)
\/ (b <= a /\ sqrt8 <= b /\ b <= &3)
\/ (&3 <= a /\ &3 <= b)`,
MP_TAC Flyspeck_constants.bounds THEN ARITH_TAC);;
(* Pent split cases *)
let split5_lemma =
let inst = zip (map (fun d -> mk_comb (`ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3)`, d)) diag_vars) a_vars in
(INST inst o prove)(`(sqrt8 <= a1 /\ sqrt8 <= a2 /\ sqrt8 <= a3 /\ sqrt8 <= a4 /\ sqrt8 <= a5)
\/ (a1 <= sqrt8 /\ sqrt8 <= a3 /\ sqrt8 <= a4)
\/ (a2 <= sqrt8 /\ sqrt8 <= a4 /\ sqrt8 <= a5)
\/ (a3 <= sqrt8 /\ sqrt8 <= a5 /\ sqrt8 <= a1)
\/ (a4 <= sqrt8 /\ sqrt8 <= a1 /\ sqrt8 <= a2)
\/ (a5 <= sqrt8 /\ sqrt8 <= a2 /\ sqrt8 <= a3)
\/ (a1 <= sqrt8 /\ a3 <= sqrt8)
\/ (a2 <= sqrt8 /\ a4 <= sqrt8)
\/ (a3 <= sqrt8 /\ a5 <= sqrt8)
\/ (a4 <= sqrt8 /\ a1 <= sqrt8)
\/ (a5 <= sqrt8 /\ a2 <= sqrt8)`,
MAP_EVERY DISJ_CASES_TAC (map (fun tm -> SPECL[tm; `sqrt8`] REAL_LE_TOTAL) (take 5 (drop 1 a_vars))) THEN
(* Hex split cases *)
let split6_lemma =
let inst = zip (map (fun d -> mk_comb (`ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3)`, d)) diag_vars) a_vars in
(INST inst o prove)(`(sqrt8 <= a1 /\ sqrt8 <= a2 /\ sqrt8 <= a3 /\ sqrt8 <= a4 /\ sqrt8 <= a5 /\ sqrt8 <= a6)
\/ a1 <= sqrt8
\/ a2 <= sqrt8
\/ a3 <= sqrt8
\/ a4 <= sqrt8
\/ a5 <= sqrt8
\/ a6 <= sqrt8`, ARITH_TAC);;
(* Node and edge split lemmas *)
let split218_lemma = SPECL [`#2.18`; `yn_list (h:num->real^3) i`] REAL_LE_TOTAL;;
let split236_lemma = SPECL [`yn_list (h:num->real^3) i`; `#2.36`] REAL_LE_TOTAL;;
let split225_lemma = SPECL [`#2.25`; `ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) d`] REAL_LE_TOTAL;;
(* lp_cond ==> good_list *)
(* ESTD V = ESTD V *)
let estd_refl = REFL estd_v;;
(* ye_list g d <= &3 for a standard fan *)
let ye_hi_3 = generate_ineq (gen_raw_ineq_data "tmp" true ye_hi_std);;
(* ye_list g d <= #2.52 for a standard fan *)
let ye_hi_2h0 = generate_ineq (gen_raw_ineq_data "tmp" true yy10_std);;
(* ye_list g (a,b) = ye_list g (b,a) *)
let ye_sym0 = (add_lp_hyp false o prove)(`(!d. g d = h (FST d), h (SND d))
==> ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3) (n,m) = ye_list g (m,n)`,
REWRITE_TAC[Lp_ineqs_def.ye_fan; DIST_SYM]);;
(* #2.52 <= ye_list g d for diagonals *)
let diag4_lo = gen_list_ineq true dart4_y4'_lo and
diag5_lo = (gen_list_ineq true o CONV_RULE NUM_REDUCE_CONV o SPEC `5` o add_lp_hyp false) y4'_lo_2h0 and
diag6_lo = (gen_list_ineq true o CONV_RULE NUM_REDUCE_CONV o SPEC `6` o add_lp_hyp false) y4'_lo_2h0;;
let diag5_lo_sym = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[ye_sym0] diag5_lo and
diag6_lo_sym = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[ye_sym0] diag6_lo;;
(* lp_tau for different cases *)
let tau_split4, tau_split5_one, tau_split5_two, tau_split6 =
let r = SPEC `d:num#num` o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM ALL_MEM] o gen_list_ineq true in
r lp_tau_split4, r lp_tau_split5_one_diag, r lp_tau_split5_two_diags, r lp_tau_split6;;
(* Generates extra inequalities for a given inequality. *)
(* For instance, |- a <= sqrt8 yields |- a <= &3 *)
let gen_extra_ineqs =
let tm_3 = `&3` and
tm_sqrt8 = `sqrt8` and
tm_218 = `#2.18` and
tm_236 = `#2.36` in
let r tm = prove(tm, MP_TAC Flyspeck_constants.bounds THEN ARITH_TAC) in
let l_ths_list = [
tm_3, r `&3 <= a ==> sqrt8 <= a`;
tm_236, r `#2.36 <= a ==> #2.18 <= a`;
] in
let r_ths_list = [
tm_sqrt8, r `a <= sqrt8 ==> a <= &3`;
tm_218, r `a <= #2.18 ==> a <= #2.36`;
] in
let a_var_real = `a:real` in
fun ineq_th ->
let lhs, rhs = dest_binary "real_le" (concl ineq_th) in
let l_ths = map (fun th -> MP (INST[rhs, a_var_real] th) ineq_th) (assoc_all lhs l_ths_list) and
r_ths = map (fun th -> MP (INST[lhs, a_var_real] th) ineq_th) (assoc_all rhs r_ths_list) in
l_ths @ r_ths;;
(* Generates ye-symmetric inequalities. *)
(* Example: |- ye (a,b) <= c yields |- ye (b,a) <= c *)
(* Accepts inequalities in the form: *)
(* |- ye d <= c, |- c <= ye d, and |- ye d1 <= ye d2 *)
(* This function does not return the original inequality *)
let gen_ye_sym_ineqs ye_sym_th ineq_th =
let sym_eqs tm =
let n_tm, m_tm = dest_ye_list tm in
[REFL tm; INST[n_tm, n_var_num; m_tm, m_var_num] ye_sym_th]
with Failure _ ->
[REFL tm] in
let ltm, rhs = dest_comb (concl ineq_th) in
let op_tm, lhs = dest_comb ltm in
let l_eqs = sym_eqs lhs and
r_eqs = sym_eqs rhs in
tl (allpairs (fun l_eq r_eq -> EQ_MP (MK_COMB (AP_TERM op_tm l_eq, r_eq)) ineq_th) l_eqs r_eqs);;
(* Generates all extra inequalities (including ye-symmetric inequalities) *)
let gen_all_extra_cases ye_sym_th case_tms =
let case_ths = map ASSUME case_tms in
let extra = List.flatten (map gen_extra_ineqs case_ths) in
let sym = gen_ye_sym_ineqs ye_sym_th in
extra @ List.flatten (map sym (case_ths @ extra));;
(* Computes lp_cond and lp_tau for a contravening packing *)
let contravening_conditions hyp_list_tm hyp_set =
let th0 = (MY_RULE_NUM o REWRITE_RULE[Seq.size]) Lp_ineqs_proofs.contravening_lp_cond_alt in
let th1 = (UNDISCH_ALL o ISPEC hyp_list_tm o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP]) th0 in
let good_list_nodes_th = EQT_ELIM (eval_good_list_nodes_condition hyp_set) in
let lp_cond_th = (MY_PROVE_HYP (hyp_set "good_list") o MY_PROVE_HYP good_list_nodes_th) th1 in
let lp_cond_th' = (SELECT_AND_ABBREV_RULE o SELECT_AND_ABBREV_RULE o ABBREV_RULE "L" hyp_list_tm) lp_cond_th in
let lp_tau_th = (UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL) Lp_main_estimate.contravening_lp_tau in
lp_cond_th', lp_tau_th;;
(* Verification test functions *)
(* Returns all terminal cases and corresponding hypermap lists *)
(* for a given hypermap list and lp_certificate_case *)
let rec terminal_cases (hyp_list, case) =
match case with
| Lp_terminal terminal -> [(hyp_list, terminal)]
| Lp_split (info, cs) ->
(match info.split_type with
(* Triangles, edges, nodes *)
| "tri" | "edge" | "236" | "218" ->
let case_args = zip [hyp_list; hyp_list] cs in
flatten (map terminal_cases case_args)
(* Special cases *)
| "high" | "mid" | "add_big" ->
let case_args = zip [hyp_list] cs in
flatten (map terminal_cases case_args)
(* Quad *)
| "quad" ->
let split_face = info.split_face in
let dart13 = nth split_face 1, nth split_face 2 and
dart24 = nth split_face 0, nth split_face 1 in
let split13 = split_list hyp_list dart13 and
split24 = split_list hyp_list dart24 in
let case_args = zip [split13; split24; split13; split24; hyp_list] cs in
flatten (map terminal_cases case_args)
(* Pent *)
| "pent" ->
let split_face = info.split_face in
let darts = rotateL 1 (list_pairs split_face) in
let splits_one = map (split_list hyp_list) darts in
let splits_two = map2 split_list splits_one (rotateL 2 darts) in
let case_args = zip (hyp_list :: (splits_one @ splits_two)) cs in
flatten (map terminal_cases case_args)
(* Hex *)
| "hex" ->
let split_face = info.split_face in
let darts = rotateL 1 (list_pairs split_face) in
let splits = map (split_list hyp_list) darts in
let case_args = zip (hyp_list :: splits) cs in
flatten (map terminal_cases case_args)
| s -> failwith ("cases: unknown split type: " ^ s));;
(* Returns all terminal cases and corresponding hypermap lists for lp_certificate *)
let get_terminal_cases certificate =
let hyp_list = (snd o convert_to_list) certificate.hypermap_string in
let hyp_list0_tm = (to_num o create_hol_list) hyp_list in
let hyp_set0, hyp_fun0 = compute_all hyp_list0_tm None in
let lp_cond0, lp_tau0 = contravening_conditions hyp_list0_tm hyp_set0 in
let ye_ineqs_3, ye_ineqs_2h0, diag4_ineqs =
let r = get_all_ineqs hyp_set0 o EXPAND_CONCL_RULE "L" o
MY_PROVE_HYP lp_tau0 o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond0 o MY_PROVE_HYP estd_refl o INST[estd_v, e_cap_var] in
r ye_hi_3, r ye_hi_2h0, r diag4_lo in
let diag4_ths = map (fun th -> EQ_MP (convert_tm hyp_fun0 (concl th)) th) diag4_ineqs in
let base_ineqs = ye_ineqs_3 @ ye_ineqs_2h0 @ diag4_ths in
base_ineqs, terminal_cases (hyp_list, certificate.root_case);;
(* Tests (verifies) a terminal case *)
let test_terminal (hyp_list, terminal) =
let hyp_list_tm = (to_num o create_hol_list) hyp_list in
let hyp_set, hyp_fun = compute_all hyp_list_tm None in
let r = (fun name, ind, v -> name, ind, map mk_real_int64 v) in
let c = map r terminal.constraints and
tv = map r terminal.target_variables and
vb = map r terminal.variable_bounds in
prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 hyp_list_tm hyp_set hyp_fun false terminal.precision terminal.infeasible c tv vb;;
(* Main verification functions *)
type lp_verification_arg = {
(* Hypermap data *)
hyp_data : ((string->thm) * (string->term->thm))list;
ye_sym_th : thm;
(* Theorems *)
lp_cond_th : thm;
lp_tau_th : thm;
(* Terms *)
hyp_list_tm : term;
e_tm : term;
(* Computes a splitted hypermap list (L2), a new E term (E2), lp_cond (L2,g,h) (V,E2) *)
let split_lp_conditions hyp_list_tm lp_cond_th d_tm =
let split_eq_th = eval_split_list_hyp hyp_list_tm d_tm in
let split_tm = (rand o concl) split_eq_th in
let lp_cond2_th = (PURE_REWRITE_RULE[split_eq_th] o SPEC d_tm o MATCH_MP lp_cond_trans1) lp_cond_th in
let e2_tm = (rand o rand o concl) lp_cond2_th in
(split_tm, e2_tm), lp_cond2_th;;
(* Computes lp_tau (V,E2) *)
let get_tau_split_th tau_trans_th (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg d_tm =
let set_name = (fst o dest_const o rator o rand o lhand o concl) tau_trans_th in
let set_th = hyp_set set_name in
let mem_th = EQT_ELIM (apply_op set_th (eval_mem_num_pair d_tm)) in
let th0 = INST[arg.hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var; d_tm, d_var_pair; arg.e_tm, e_cap_var] tau_trans_th in
(UNDISCH_ALL o MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_cond_th o MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_tau_th o simplify_ineq hyp_fun o MP th0) mem_th;;
(* Eliminates extra assumptions and discharges case assumptions *)
let get_final_case_th ye_sym_th cases_tm case_th =
let case_tms = striplist dest_conj cases_tm in
let case_th2 = itlist MY_PROVE_HYP (gen_all_extra_cases ye_sym_th case_tms) case_th in
PURE_REWRITE_RULE[IMP_IMP; GSYM CONJ_ASSOC] (itlist DISCH case_tms case_th2);;
(* Returns terms and inequalities for the triangle splitting case: *)
(* split_th = |- #6.25 <= a + b + c \/ a + b + c <= #6.25 *)
(* big_tm = `#6.25 <= a + b + c`, small_tm = `a + b + c <= #6.25 *)
(* sym_big_ineqs = [|- #6.25 <= b + c + a; |- #6.25 <= c + a + b] *)
(* sym_small_ineqs = [|- b + c + a <= #6.25; |- c + a + b <= #6.25; *)
(* |- a <= #2.52; |- b <= #2.25; |- c <= #2.25; *)
(* |- e(a) <= #2.52; |- e(b) <= #2.52; |- e(c) <= #2.52] *)
(* Here, a = ye_list g (i1,i2), b = ye_list g (i2,i3), c = ye_list g (i3,i1) *)
(* for split_face = [i1; i2; i3] *)
let gen_triangle_ineqs =
let ye_tm = `ye_list (g:num#num->real^3#real^3)` and
c625 = `#6.25` in
let sym_big = (SPEC c625 o ARITH_RULE) `!c. c <= x + y + z ==> c <= y + z + x /\ c <= z + x + y` and
sym_small = (SPEC c625 o ARITH_RULE) `!c. x + y + z <= c ==> y + z + x <= c /\ z + x + y <= c` and
split3_lemma = SPECL[c625; `x:real`] REAL_LE_TOTAL and
small_extra = (SPEC `d:num#num` o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM ALL_MEM] o gen_list_ineq true) Lp_ineqs_proofs2.extra_ineqs_std3_small in
fun (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg split_face ->
let dart_tms = mk_all_darts split_face in
let ye_tms = map (curry mk_comb ye_tm) dart_tms in
let sum_tm = end_itlist (fun tm1 tm2 -> mk_comb (mk_comb (add_op_real, tm1), tm2)) ye_tms in
let inst_list = zip ye_tms [x_var_real; y_var_real; z_var_real] in
let big_tm = mk_comb (mk_comb (le_op_real, c625), sum_tm) and
small_tm = mk_comb (mk_comb (le_op_real, sum_tm), c625) and
split3_th = INST[sum_tm, x_var_real] split3_lemma in
let sym_small_ineqs = (CONJUNCTS o MP (INST inst_list sym_small) o ASSUME) small_tm and
sym_big_ineqs = (CONJUNCTS o MP (INST inst_list sym_big) o ASSUME) big_tm in
let extra_small_ineqs =
let set_th = hyp_set "list_of_darts3" in
let mem_th = EQT_ELIM (apply_op set_th (eval_mem_num_pair (hd dart_tms))) in
let th0 = INST[arg.hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var; hd dart_tms, d_var_pair; arg.e_tm, e_cap_var] small_extra in
let extra0 = (CONJUNCTS o UNDISCH_ALL o MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_cond_th o simplify_ineq hyp_fun o MP th0) mem_th in
map (CONV_RULE (convert_condition hyp_fun)) extra0 in
let extra_sym = flatten (map (gen_ye_sym_ineqs arg.ye_sym_th) extra_small_ineqs) in
split3_th, (big_tm, small_tm), (sym_big_ineqs, sym_small_ineqs @ extra_small_ineqs @ extra_sym);;
(* Generate |- 6.25 <= a + b + c and symmetric inequalities when 2.25 <= a *)
let gen_add_big_ineqs =
let c625 = `#6.25` in
let sym_big = (SPEC c625 o ARITH_RULE) `!c. c <= x + y + z ==> c <= y + z + x /\ c <= z + x + y` in
let big_extra = (SPEC `d:num#num` o REWRITE_RULE[GSYM ALL_MEM] o gen_list_ineq true) Lp_ineqs_proofs2.extra_ineq_std3_big in
fun (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg split_face ->
let d_tm = mk_dart split_face 0 1 in
let set_th = hyp_set "list_of_darts3" in
let mem_th = EQT_ELIM (apply_op set_th (eval_mem_num_pair d_tm)) in
let th0 = INST[arg.hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var; d_tm, d_var_pair; arg.e_tm, e_cap_var] big_extra in
let big_th = (CONV_RULE (convert_condition hyp_fun) o MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_cond_th o UNDISCH o MP th0) mem_th in
let x_tm, yz_tms = dest_binary "real_add" (rand (concl big_th)) in
let y_tm, z_tm = dest_binary "real_add" yz_tms in
let inst_list = zip [x_tm; y_tm; z_tm] [x_var_real; y_var_real; z_var_real] in
big_th :: CONJUNCTS (MP (INST inst_list sym_big) big_th);;
(* Generates extra inequalities in the case when 2.18 <= yn(i) and 2.18 <= yn(j) for ~(i = j) *)
let gen_mid_ineqs =
let eq13 = (REWRITE_RULE[Arith_hash.NUM_THM] o NUMERAL_TO_NUM_CONV) `13` in
let lnsum13_mid_lemma = (REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP; eq13; Seq.size] o
SPEC_ALL o add_lp_hyp false o UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL) Lp_ineqs_proofs.lnsum13_mid in
fun (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg split_face ->
let i_tm = mk_raw_num (nth split_face 0) in
let j_tm = mk_raw_num (nth split_face 1) in
let th0 = (MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_cond_th o
INST[arg.e_tm, e_cap_var; arg.hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var; i_tm, i_var_num; j_tm, j_var_num]) lnsum13_mid_lemma in
let els_eq_th = hyp_set "list_of_elements" in
let els_tm = rand (concl els_eq_th) in
let indices =
let list = dest_list els_tm in
let i_ind = index i_tm list and
j_ind = index j_tm list in
subtract (0--(length list - 1)) [i_ind; j_ind] in
let th1 = EQ_MP (term_rewrite (concl th0) els_eq_th) th0 in
let th2 = (prove_conditions o simplify_ineq hyp_fun) th1 in
let mem_i = EQT_ELIM (eval_mem_univ raw_eq_hash_conv i_tm els_tm) and
mem_j = EQT_ELIM (eval_mem_univ raw_eq_hash_conv j_tm els_tm) in
let ths = CONJUNCTS (MY_PROVE_HYP mem_i (MY_PROVE_HYP mem_j th2)) in
let lo_th = nth ths 0 and
hi_th1 = nth ths 1 and
hi_th2 = nth ths 2 in
let lo_ineqs1 = select_all lo_th indices in
let lo_ineqs2 = map (prove_conditions o MY_BETA_RULE) lo_ineqs1 in
let ineqs = hi_th1 :: hi_th2 :: lo_ineqs2 in
ineqs @ flatten (map gen_extra_ineqs ineqs);;
(* Generates extra inequalities in the case when 2.36 <= yn(i) *)
let gen_high_ineqs =
let eq13 = (REWRITE_RULE[Arith_hash.NUM_THM] o NUMERAL_TO_NUM_CONV) `13` in
let lnsum13_high_lemma = (REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP; eq13; Seq.size] o
SPEC_ALL o add_lp_hyp false o UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL) Lp_ineqs_proofs.lnsum13_high in
fun (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg split_face ->
let i_tm = mk_raw_num (nth split_face 0) in
let th0 = (MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_cond_th o
INST[arg.e_tm, e_cap_var; arg.hyp_list_tm, l_cap_var; i_tm, i_var_num]) lnsum13_high_lemma in
let els_eq_th = hyp_set "list_of_elements" in
let els_tm = rand (concl els_eq_th) in
let indices =
let list = dest_list els_tm in
let i_ind = index i_tm list in
subtract (0--(length list - 1)) [i_ind] in
let th1 = EQ_MP (term_rewrite (concl th0) els_eq_th) th0 in
let th2 = (prove_conditions o simplify_ineq hyp_fun) th1 in
let mem_i = EQT_ELIM (eval_mem_univ raw_eq_hash_conv i_tm els_tm) in
let lo_th = MY_PROVE_HYP mem_i th2 in
let lo_ineqs1 = select_all lo_th indices in
let ineqs = map (prove_conditions o MY_BETA_RULE) lo_ineqs1 in
ineqs @ flatten (map gen_extra_ineqs ineqs);;
let set_report, reset_progress, next_terminal, report_progress =
let t = ref 0 in
let flag = ref true in
(fun b -> flag := b),
(fun () -> t := 0),
(fun () -> t := !t + 1),
(fun () -> if !flag then (Format.print_string (sprintf "%d " !t); Format.print_flush()) else ());;
let compute_hypermap arg =
if arg.hyp_data = [] then
let good_th = MATCH_MP lp_cond_imp_good_list arg.lp_cond_th in
let hyp_data = compute_all arg.hyp_list_tm (Some good_th) in
{arg with hyp_data = [hyp_data]}, hyp_data
arg, hd arg.hyp_data;;
(* Verifies an lp_certificate_case *)
let rec verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag (arg, case) =
match case with
(* Terminal case *)
| Lp_terminal terminal ->
let _ = next_terminal() in
let hyp_set, hyp_fun = snd (compute_hypermap arg) in
let r = (fun name, ind, v -> name, ind, map mk_real_int64 v) in
let c = map r terminal.constraints and
tv = map r terminal.target_variables and
vb = map r terminal.variable_bounds in
let th0 = prove_flyspeck_lp_step1 arg.hyp_list_tm hyp_set hyp_fun std_flag terminal.precision terminal.infeasible c tv vb in
let _ = report_progress() in
let th1 = (MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_tau_th o INST[arg.e_tm, e_cap_var]) th0 in
let th2 = if std_flag then MY_PROVE_HYP estd_refl th1 else itlist MY_PROVE_HYP base_ineqs th1 in
(MY_PROVE_HYP arg.lp_cond_th) th2
| Lp_split (info, cs) ->
(match info.split_type with
| "tri" ->
verify_split3 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "quad" ->
verify_split4 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "pent" ->
verify_split5 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "hex" ->
verify_split6 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "edge" ->
verify_edge base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "218" ->
verify_218 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "236" ->
verify_236 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "mid" ->
verify_mid base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "high" ->
verify_high base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| "add_big" ->
verify_add_big base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs
| s -> failwith ("verify_lp_case: unknown case " ^ s))
(* Adds a new big triangle if one of its edges is >= #2.25 *)
and verify_add_big base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let arg, hyp_data = compute_hypermap arg in
let case = verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag (arg, hd cs) in
let ineqs = gen_add_big_ineqs hyp_data arg info.split_face in
itlist MY_PROVE_HYP ineqs case
(* Adds additional node inequalities *)
and verify_mid base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let arg, hyp_data = compute_hypermap arg in
let case = verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag (arg, hd cs) in
let ineqs = gen_mid_ineqs hyp_data arg info.split_face in
itlist MY_PROVE_HYP ineqs case
(* Adds additional node inequalities *)
and verify_high base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let arg, hyp_data = compute_hypermap arg in
let case = verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag (arg, hd cs) in
let ineqs = gen_high_ineqs hyp_data arg info.split_face in
itlist MY_PROVE_HYP ineqs case
(* Nodes: 2.18 <= yn(i) \/ yn(i) <= 2.18 *)
and verify_218 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let cases = map (curry (verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag) arg) cs in
let split_th = INST[mk_raw_num (hd info.split_face), i_var_num] split218_lemma in
let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th) in
let final_cases = map2 (get_final_case_th arg.ye_sym_th) split_cases cases in
let final_th = MP (end_itlist combine_cases final_cases) split_th in
(* Nodes: yn(i) <= 2.36 \/ 2.36 <= yn(i) *)
and verify_236 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let cases = map (curry (verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag) arg) cs in
let split_th = INST[mk_raw_num (hd info.split_face), i_var_num] split236_lemma in
let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th) in
let final_cases = map2 (get_final_case_th arg.ye_sym_th) split_cases cases in
let final_th = MP (end_itlist combine_cases final_cases) split_th in
(* Edges: 2.25 <= ye(d) \/ ye(d) <= 2.25 *)
and verify_edge base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let cases = map (curry (verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag) arg) cs in
let split_th = INST[mk_dart info.split_face 0 1, d_var_pair] split225_lemma in
let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th) in
let final_cases = map2 (get_final_case_th arg.ye_sym_th) split_cases cases in
let final_th = MP (end_itlist combine_cases final_cases) split_th in
(* Triangle *)
and verify_split3 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let arg, hyp_data = compute_hypermap arg in
(* Prove all subcases *)
let case1_th = verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag (arg, nth cs 0) and
case2_th = verify_lp_case base_ineqs std_flag (arg, nth cs 1) in
(* Combine subcases *)
let split_th, (case1_tm, case2_tm), (case1_ineqs, case2_ineqs) = gen_triangle_ineqs hyp_data arg info.split_face in
let th1 = DISCH case1_tm (itlist MY_PROVE_HYP case1_ineqs case1_th) and
th2 = DISCH case2_tm (itlist MY_PROVE_HYP case2_ineqs case2_th) in
let final_th = MP (combine_cases th1 th2) split_th in
(* Quad *)
and verify_split4 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let d13_tm = mk_dart info.split_face 1 2 and
d24_tm = mk_dart info.split_face 0 1 and
diag1_tm = mk_dart info.split_face 0 2 and
diag2_tm = mk_dart info.split_face 1 3 in
(* compute lp_cond *)
let (split13_tm, e13), lp_cond13 = split_lp_conditions arg.hyp_list_tm arg.lp_cond_th d13_tm and
(split24_tm, e24), lp_cond24 = split_lp_conditions arg.hyp_list_tm arg.lp_cond_th d24_tm in
(* compute lp_tau *)
let arg, hyp_data = compute_hypermap arg in
let tau13 = get_tau_split_th tau_split4 hyp_data arg d13_tm and
tau24 = get_tau_split_th tau_split4 hyp_data arg d24_tm in
(* Prove all subcases *)
let arg13 = {arg with hyp_data = []; lp_cond_th = lp_cond13; lp_tau_th = tau13; hyp_list_tm = split13_tm; e_tm = e13} and
arg24 = {arg with hyp_data = []; lp_cond_th = lp_cond24; lp_tau_th = tau24; hyp_list_tm = split24_tm; e_tm = e24} in
let args = zip [arg13; arg24; arg13; arg24; arg] cs in
let cases = map2 (verify_lp_case base_ineqs) [false; false; false; false; std_flag] args in
(* Combine subcases *)
let split_th = INST[diag1_tm, nth diag_vars 1; diag2_tm, nth diag_vars 2] split4_lemma in
let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th) in
let final_cases = map2 (get_final_case_th arg.ye_sym_th) split_cases cases in
let final_th = MP (end_itlist combine_cases final_cases) split_th in
(* Pent *)
and verify_split5 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let dart_tms = rotateL 1 (mk_all_darts info.split_face) in
let lp_conds_one = map (split_lp_conditions arg.hyp_list_tm arg.lp_cond_th) dart_tms in
let lp_conds_two = map2 (fun ((list1, _), cond1) d_tm -> split_lp_conditions list1 cond1 d_tm) lp_conds_one (rotateL 2 dart_tms) in
(* compute lp_tau_th *)
let arg, (hyp_set, hyp_fun) = compute_hypermap arg in
let tau_ths_one = map (get_tau_split_th tau_split5_one (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg) dart_tms in
let tau_ths_two =
let ths = map (get_tau_split_th tau_split5_two (hyp_set, hyp_fun) arg) dart_tms in
map ((CONV_RULE o RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) (convert_tm hyp_fun)) ths in
(* Prove all subcases *)
let args = arg :: map2 (fun ((split_tm, e_tm), lp_cond_th) tau_th ->
{arg with hyp_data = []; lp_cond_th = lp_cond_th; lp_tau_th = tau_th;
hyp_list_tm = split_tm; e_tm = e_tm})
(lp_conds_one @ lp_conds_two) (tau_ths_one @ tau_ths_two) in
let std_flags = std_flag :: replicate false 10 in
let cases = map2 (verify_lp_case base_ineqs) std_flags (zip args cs) in
(* Combine subcases *)
let split_face_tms = map mk_raw_num info.split_face in
let diag_tms = map mk_pair (zip split_face_tms (rotateL 2 split_face_tms)) in
let split_th = INST (zip diag_tms (take 5 (drop 1 diag_vars))) split5_lemma in
let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th) in
let final_cases = map2 (get_final_case_th arg.ye_sym_th) split_cases cases in
let final_th = MP (end_itlist combine_cases final_cases) split_th in
(* Hex *)
and verify_split6 base_ineqs std_flag arg info cs =
let _ = report "Warning: hex splitting case" in
let dart_tms = rotateL 1 (mk_all_darts info.split_face) in
let lp_conds = map (split_lp_conditions arg.hyp_list_tm arg.lp_cond_th) dart_tms in
(* compute lp_tau_th *)
let arg, hyp_data = compute_hypermap arg in
let lp_tau_ths = map (get_tau_split_th tau_split6 hyp_data arg) dart_tms in
(* Prove all subcases *)
let args = arg :: map2 (fun ((split_tm, e_tm), lp_cond_th) tau_th ->
{arg with hyp_data = []; lp_cond_th = lp_cond_th; lp_tau_th = tau_th;
hyp_list_tm = split_tm; e_tm = e_tm}) lp_conds lp_tau_ths in
let std_flags = std_flag :: replicate false 6 in
let cases = map2 (verify_lp_case base_ineqs) std_flags (zip args cs) in
(* Combine subcases *)
let split_face_tms = map mk_raw_num info.split_face in
let diag_tms = map mk_pair (zip split_face_tms (rotateL 2 split_face_tms)) in
let split_th = INST (zip diag_tms (take 6 (drop 1 diag_vars))) split6_lemma in
let split_cases = striplist dest_disj (concl split_th) in
let final_cases = map2 (get_final_case_th arg.ye_sym_th) split_cases cases in
let final_th = MP (end_itlist combine_cases final_cases) split_th in
(* Verifies an lp_certificate *)
let verify_lp_certificate certificate =
let n = count_terminals certificate.root_case in
let hyp_list = (snd o convert_to_list) certificate.hypermap_string in
let hyp_list0_tm = (to_num o create_hol_list) hyp_list in
let hyp_set0, hyp_fun0 = compute_all hyp_list0_tm None in
let lp_cond0, lp_tau0 = contravening_conditions hyp_list0_tm hyp_set0 in
let ye_sym_th = (MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond0 o INST[estd_v, e_cap_var]) ye_sym0 in
let base_ineqs =
if n == 1 then [] else
let r = get_all_ineqs hyp_set0 o EXPAND_CONCL_RULE "L" o
MY_PROVE_HYP lp_tau0 o MY_PROVE_HYP lp_cond0 o MY_PROVE_HYP estd_refl o INST[estd_v, e_cap_var] in
let r2 = (map (fun th -> EQ_MP (convert_tm hyp_fun0 (concl th)) th)) o r in
(r ye_hi_3) @ (r ye_hi_2h0) @ (r2 diag4_lo) @ (r2 diag5_lo) @ (r2 diag5_lo_sym) @ (r2 diag6_lo) @ (r2 diag6_lo_sym) in
let arg = {hyp_data = [hyp_set0, hyp_fun0]; ye_sym_th = ye_sym_th;
lp_cond_th = EXPAND_CONCL_RULE "L" lp_cond0; lp_tau_th = lp_tau0;
hyp_list_tm = hyp_list0_tm; e_tm = estd_v} in
let _ = reset_progress(); Format.print_string (sprintf "terminals = %d: " n); Format.print_flush() in
let final_th = verify_lp_case base_ineqs true (arg, certificate.root_case) in
let _ = Format.print_newline() in
(DISCH contravening_v o EXPAND_RULE "L" o EXPAND_RULE "g" o EXPAND_RULE "h") final_th;;