(* Module Ssrfun*)
module Ssrfun = struct
(* Lemma odflt_alt *)
let odflt_alt = Sections.section_proof ["x"]
`(!y. odflt x (SOME y) = y) /\ odflt x NONE = x`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("odflt", [odflt]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (repeat_tactic 1 9 (((use_arg_then2 ("oapp", [oapp]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("I_THM", [I_THM]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma obind_alt *)
let obind_alt = Sections.section_proof ["f"]
`obind f NONE = NONE /\ (!x. obind f (SOME x) = f x)`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("obind", [obind]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (repeat_tactic 1 9 (((use_arg_then2 ("oapp", [oapp]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma omap_alt *)
let omap_alt = Sections.section_proof ["f"]
`omap f NONE = NONE /\ (!x. omap f (SOME x) = SOME (f x))`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("omap", [omap]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("obind", [obind]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (repeat_tactic 1 9 (((use_arg_then2 ("oapp", [oapp]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma eq_sym *)
let eq_sym = Sections.section_proof ["x";"y"]
`x = y ==> y = x`
((BETA_TAC THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma eq_trans *)
let eq_trans = Sections.section_proof ["x";"y";"z"]
`x = y ==> y = z ==> x = z`
((BETA_TAC THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma f_equal *)
let f_equal = Sections.section_proof ["f";"x";"y"]
`x = y ==> f x = f y`
((BETA_TAC THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma f_equal2 *)
let f_equal2 = Sections.section_proof ["f";"x1";"y1";"x2";"y2"]
`x1 = y1 ==> x2 = y2 ==> f x1 x2 = f y1 y2`
((BETA_TAC THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
let erefl = eq_sym;;
let esym = eq_sym;;
let etrans = eq_trans;;
let congr1 = f_equal;;
let congr2 = f_equal2;;
(* Lemma eq_ext *)
let eq_ext = Sections.section_proof ["f";"g"]
`(!x. f x = g x) <=> f = g`
(((THENL) (split_tac) [(DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("EQ_EXT", [EQ_EXT])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC)))); (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))]) THEN (done_tac));
(* Section Injections *)
Sections.begin_section "Injections";;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("f", (`:A -> R`))));;
(* Lemma can_pcan *)
let can_pcan = Sections.section_proof ["g"]
`cancel f g ==> pcancel f (\y. SOME (g y))`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("pcancel", [pcancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (simp_tac)) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma pcan_inj *)
let pcan_inj = Sections.section_proof ["g"]
`pcancel f g ==> injective f`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("pcancel", [pcancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["can"]) THEN (move ["x1"]) THEN (move ["x2"]) THEN (move ["f_eq"]));
((((fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("can", [])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("x2", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (disch_tac [])) THEN ((fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("can", [])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("x1", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (disch_tac [])) THEN BETA_TAC) THEN ((((use_arg_then2 ("f_eq", []))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((fun arg_tac -> arg_tac (Arg_theorem (injectivity "option")))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma can_inj *)
let can_inj = Sections.section_proof ["g"]
`cancel f g ==> injective f`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["can"]) THEN (move ["x1"]) THEN (move ["x2"]) THEN (move ["f_eq"]));
(((((fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("can", [])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("x1", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg)))(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("can", [])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("x2", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg)))(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("f_eq", []))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma canLR *)
let canLR = Sections.section_proof ["g";"x";"y"]
`cancel f g ==> x = f y ==> g x = y`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (move ["can"]) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma canRL *)
let canRL = Sections.section_proof ["g";"x";"y"]
`cancel f g ==> f x = y ==> x = g y`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (move ["can"]) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Finalization of the section Injections *)
let can_pcan = Sections.finalize_theorem can_pcan;;
let pcan_inj = Sections.finalize_theorem pcan_inj;;
let can_inj = Sections.finalize_theorem can_inj;;
let canLR = Sections.finalize_theorem canLR;;
let canRL = Sections.finalize_theorem canRL;;
Sections.end_section "Injections";;
(* Lemma some_inj *)
let some_inj = Sections.section_proof []
`injective SOME`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((fun arg_tac -> arg_tac (Arg_theorem (injectivity "option")))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Section InjectionsTheory *)
Sections.begin_section "InjectionsTheory";;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("f", (`:B -> A`))); Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("g", (`:B -> A`))));;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("h", (`:C -> B`))));;
(* Lemma inj_id *)
let inj_id = Sections.section_proof []
`injective I`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (repeat_tactic 1 9 (((use_arg_then2 ("I_THM", [I_THM]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma inj_can_sym *)
let inj_can_sym = Sections.section_proof ["f'"]
`cancel f f' ==> injective f' ==> cancel f' f`
(((repeat_tactic 2 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["can1"]) THEN (move ["inj"]) THEN (move ["x"]));
((((use_arg_then2 ("inj", [])) (disch_tac [])) THEN (clear_assumption "inj") THEN (DISCH_THEN apply_tac)) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("can1", []))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma inj_comp *)
let inj_comp = Sections.section_proof []
`injective f ==> injective h ==> injective (f o h)`
(((repeat_tactic 3 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (repeat_tactic 2 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("o_THM", [o_THM]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (move ["inj_f"]) THEN (move ["inj_h"]) THEN (move ["x1"]) THEN (move ["x2"]));
((BETA_TAC THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("inj_f", [])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC)))) THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("inj_h", [])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma can_comp *)
let can_comp = Sections.section_proof ["f'";"h'"]
`cancel f f' ==> cancel h h' ==> cancel (f o h) (h' o f')`
((((repeat_tactic 3 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (repeat_tactic 2 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("o_THM", [o_THM]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (move ["f_can"]) THEN (move ["h_can"]) THEN (move ["x"])) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma pcan_pcomp *)
let pcan_pcomp = Sections.section_proof ["f'";"h'"]
`pcancel f f' ==> pcancel h h' ==> pcancel (f o h) (pcomp h' f')`
((((repeat_tactic 3 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("pcancel", [pcancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("pcomp", [pcomp]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("o_THM", [o_THM]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN ((((use_arg_then2 ("obind", [obind]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("oapp", [oapp]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma eq_inj *)
let eq_inj = Sections.section_proof []
`injective f ==> (!x. f x = g x) ==> injective g`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("eq_ext", [eq_ext]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (move ["inj"]) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma eq_can *)
let eq_can = Sections.section_proof ["f'";"g'"]
`cancel f f' ==> (!x. f x = g x) ==> (!x. f' x = g' x) ==> cancel g g'`
(((repeat_tactic 1 9 (((use_arg_then2 ("eq_ext", [eq_ext]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["can"]) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma inj_can_eq *)
let inj_can_eq = Sections.section_proof ["f'"]
`cancel f f' ==> injective f' ==> cancel g f' ==> f = g`
((((repeat_tactic 2 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("injective", [injective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["f_can"]) THEN (move ["inj"]) THEN (move ["g_can"])) THEN ((((use_arg_then2 ("eq_ext", [eq_ext]))(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["x"])));
((((use_arg_then2 ("inj", [])) (disch_tac [])) THEN (clear_assumption "inj") THEN (DISCH_THEN apply_tac)) THEN (done_tac));
(* Finalization of the section InjectionsTheory *)
let inj_id = Sections.finalize_theorem inj_id;;
let inj_can_sym = Sections.finalize_theorem inj_can_sym;;
let inj_comp = Sections.finalize_theorem inj_comp;;
let can_comp = Sections.finalize_theorem can_comp;;
let pcan_pcomp = Sections.finalize_theorem pcan_pcomp;;
let eq_inj = Sections.finalize_theorem eq_inj;;
let eq_can = Sections.finalize_theorem eq_can;;
let inj_can_eq = Sections.finalize_theorem inj_can_eq;;
Sections.end_section "InjectionsTheory";;
(* Section Bijections *)
Sections.begin_section "Bijections";;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("f", (`:B -> A`))));;
(Sections.add_section_hyp "bijf" (`bijective f`));;
(* Lemma bij_inj *)
let bij_inj = Sections.section_proof []
`injective f`
((((use_arg_then2 ("bijf", [])) (disch_tac [])) THEN (clear_assumption "bijf") THEN BETA_TAC) THEN ((((use_arg_then2 ("bijective", [bijective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN ALL_TAC THEN (case THEN (move ["g"])) THEN (case THEN ((DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("can_inj", [can_inj])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC)))) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma bij_can_sym *)
let bij_can_sym = Sections.section_proof ["f'"]
`cancel f' f <=> cancel f f'`
((THENL_FIRST) (split_tac) (((DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("inj_can_sym", [inj_can_sym])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC)))) THEN BETA_TAC THEN ((fun arg_tac -> (conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("bij_inj", [bij_inj])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (thm_tac MP_TAC))) THEN (done_tac)));
((((use_arg_then2 ("bijf", [])) (disch_tac [])) THEN (clear_assumption "bijf") THEN BETA_TAC) THEN ((((use_arg_then2 ("bijective", [bijective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN ALL_TAC THEN (case THEN (move ["g"])) THEN (case THEN ALL_TAC)) THEN ((repeat_tactic 1 9 (((use_arg_then2 ("cancel", [cancel]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (move ["gf"]) THEN (move ["fg"]) THEN (move ["f'f"]) THEN (move ["x"])));
(((((fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("fg", [])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("x", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg)))(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("f'f", []))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma bij_can_eq *)
let bij_can_eq = Sections.section_proof ["f'";"f''"]
`cancel f f' ==> cancel f f'' ==> f' = f''`
(((((fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("bij_can_sym", [bij_can_sym])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("f''", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg)))(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("bij_can_sym", [bij_can_sym]))(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (move ["can1"]) THEN (move ["can2"]));
((((fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("inj_can_eq", [inj_can_eq])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("can1", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("bij_inj", [bij_inj])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("can2", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (disch_tac [])) THEN BETA_TAC) THEN (done_tac));
(* Finalization of the section Bijections *)
let bij_inj = Sections.finalize_theorem bij_inj;;
let bij_can_sym = Sections.finalize_theorem bij_can_sym;;
let bij_can_eq = Sections.finalize_theorem bij_can_eq;;
Sections.end_section "Bijections";;
(* Section BijectionsTheory *)
Sections.begin_section "BijectionsTheory";;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("f", (`:BB -> AA`))));;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("h", (`:CC -> BB`))));;
(* Lemma eq_bij *)
let eq_bij = Sections.section_proof []
`bijective f ==> !g. (!x. f x = g x) ==> bijective g`
(((((use_arg_then2 ("eq_ext", [eq_ext]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (move ["bij"]) THEN (move ["g"]) THEN (((conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN)(gsym_then (thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma bij_comp *)
let bij_comp = Sections.section_proof []
`bijective f ==> bijective h ==> bijective (f o h)`
((repeat_tactic 3 0 (((use_arg_then2 ("bijective", [bijective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] []))))) THEN ALL_TAC THEN (case THEN (move ["g"])) THEN (case THEN ((move ["can_fg"]) THEN (move ["can_gf"]))) THEN (case THEN ((move ["r"]) THEN (case THEN ((move ["can_hr"]) THEN (move ["can_rh"]))))));
(((fun arg_tac -> arg_tac (Arg_term (`r o g`))) (term_tac exists_tac)) THEN (split_tac));
(((fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("can_comp", [can_comp])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("f", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("h", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("g", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("r", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (disch_tac [])) THEN BETA_TAC);
((((fun arg_tac -> (conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("can_fg", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (thm_tac MP_TAC)) THEN BETA_TAC) THEN (DISCH_THEN apply_tac) THEN (done_tac));
(((fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (fun arg_tac -> (use_arg_then2 ("can_comp", [can_comp])) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("r", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("g", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("h", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("f", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (disch_tac [])) THEN BETA_TAC);
((((fun arg_tac -> (conv_thm_tac DISCH_THEN) (fun fst_arg -> (use_arg_then2 ("can_rh", [])) (fun snd_arg -> combine_args_then arg_tac fst_arg snd_arg))) (thm_tac MP_TAC)) THEN BETA_TAC) THEN (DISCH_THEN apply_tac) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma bij_can_bij *)
let bij_can_bij = Sections.section_proof []
`bijective f ==> !f'. cancel f f' ==> bijective f'`
(((DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("bij_can_sym", [bij_can_sym])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC)))) THEN BETA_TAC THEN (move ["can_sym"]) THEN (move ["f'"]) THEN (move ["can_ff'"])) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("bijective", [bijective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))));
(((use_arg_then2 ("f", [])) (term_tac exists_tac)) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("can_sym", []))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Finalization of the section BijectionsTheory *)
let eq_bij = Sections.finalize_theorem eq_bij;;
let bij_comp = Sections.finalize_theorem bij_comp;;
let bij_can_bij = Sections.finalize_theorem bij_can_bij;;
Sections.end_section "BijectionsTheory";;
(* Section Involutions *)
Sections.begin_section "Involutions";;
(Sections.add_section_var (mk_var ("f", (`:A -> A`))));;
(Sections.add_section_hyp "Hf" (`involutive f`));;
(* Lemma inv_inj *)
let inv_inj = Sections.section_proof []
`injective f`
((((use_arg_then2 ("Hf", [])) (disch_tac [])) THEN (clear_assumption "Hf") THEN BETA_TAC) THEN ((((use_arg_then2 ("involutive", [involutive]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun snd_th -> (use_arg_then2 ("can_inj", [can_inj])) (thm_tac (match_mp_then snd_th MP_TAC))))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Lemma inv_bij *)
let inv_bij = Sections.section_proof []
`bijective f`
((((use_arg_then2 ("bijective", [bijective]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN ((use_arg_then2 ("f", [])) (term_tac exists_tac)) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("Hf", [])) (disch_tac [])) THEN (clear_assumption "Hf") THEN BETA_TAC) THEN (((use_arg_then2 ("involutive", [involutive]))(thm_tac (new_rewrite [] [])))) THEN (done_tac));
(* Finalization of the section Involutions *)
let inv_inj = Sections.finalize_theorem inv_inj;;
let inv_bij = Sections.finalize_theorem inv_bij;;
Sections.end_section "Involutions";;
(* Section OperationProperties *)
Sections.begin_section "OperationProperties";;
(* Section SopTisR *)
Sections.begin_section "SopTisR";;
(* Finalization of the section SopTisR *)
Sections.end_section "SopTisR";;
(* Section SopTisS *)
Sections.begin_section "SopTisS";;
(* Finalization of the section SopTisS *)
Sections.end_section "SopTisS";;
(* Section SopTisT *)
Sections.begin_section "SopTisT";;
(* Finalization of the section SopTisT *)
Sections.end_section "SopTisT";;
(* Section SopSisT *)
Sections.begin_section "SopSisT";;
(* Finalization of the section SopSisT *)
Sections.end_section "SopSisT";;
(* Section SopSisS *)
Sections.begin_section "SopSisS";;
(* Finalization of the section SopSisS *)
Sections.end_section "SopSisS";;
(* Finalization of the section OperationProperties *)
Sections.end_section "OperationProperties";;
(* Close the module *)