needs "../formal_lp/more_arith/lin_f.hl";;
needs "../formal_lp/more_arith/arith_int.hl";;

module Prove_lp = struct

open Linear_function;;
open Arith_misc;;
open Arith_nat;;
open Arith_int;;
open Misc_vars;;

(* Special versions of the above theorems (for using with INST) *)

let NUM_ZERO = prove(mk_eq(mk_comb(amp_op_real, mk_comb(Arith_hash.num_const, zero_const)), `&0`),
                     REWRITE_TAC[Arith_hash.NUM_THM; NUMERAL]);;
let LIN_F_SUM_HD', LIN_F_SUM_HD_ZERO', LIN_F_SUM_EMPTY1', LIN_F_SUM_EMPTY2', LIN_F_SUM_MOVE1', LIN_F_SUM_MOVE2', LIN_F_ADD_SINGLE' = UNDISCH_ALL (SPEC_ALL LIN_F_SUM_HD), UNDISCH_ALL (SPEC_ALL (ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[GSYM NUM_ZERO] LIN_F_SUM_HD_ZERO)), SPEC_ALL LIN_F_SUM_EMPTY1, SPEC_ALL LIN_F_SUM_EMPTY2, SPEC_ALL LIN_F_SUM_MOVE1, SPEC_ALL LIN_F_SUM_MOVE2, SPEC_ALL LIN_F_ADD_SINGLE;; let LIN_F_MUL_HD', LIN_F_MUL_EMPTY' = UNDISCH_ALL (SPEC_ALL LIN_F_MUL_HD), SPEC_ALL LIN_F_MUL_EMPTY;; let LIN_F_ADD_SING_RCANCEL', LIN_F_ADD_SING_LCANCEL' = SPEC_ALL LIN_F_ADD_SING_RCANCEL, SPEC_ALL LIN_F_ADD_SING_LCANCEL;; (***********************************************) (* Constants *) let a1_var_real = `a1:real` and a2_var_real = `a2:real` and b1_var_real = `b1:real` and b2_var_real = `b2:real` and c1_var_real = `c1:real` and c2_var_real = `c2:real` and h_var = `h:real#real` and r_var = `r:(real#real)list` and x_var = `x:(real#real)list` and y_var = `y:(real#real)list` and t_var = `t:(real#real)list` and x_var_real = `x:real` and c1_var = `c1:real` and c2_var = `c2:real` and c_var = `c:real` and v_var = `v:real` and t1_var = `t1:(real#real)list` and t2_var = `t2:(real#real)list` and empty_const = `[]:(real)list`;; let ge_op_real = `(>=):real->real->bool`;; let cons_const = `CONS:(real#real)->(real#real)list->(real#real)list` and empty_const = `[]:(real)list`;; (* HACK: for some reason Big_int.big_int_of_int64 is not defined *) let num_of_int64 n = let big = Big_int.big_int_of_string (Int64.to_string n) in Num.num_of_big_int big;; (* Term constructors *) let cons h t = mk_comb (mk_comb (cons_const, h), t);; let negate tm = mk_comb (neg_op_real, tm);; let mk_real_int n = mk_comb(amp_op_real, mk_numeral_array n);; let mk_real_int64 n = mk_comb(amp_op_real, mk_numeral_array (num_of_int64 n));; let mk_linear cs vars = let mk_term (c, var) = mk_binop mul_op_real c (mk_var (var, real_ty)) in list_mk_binop add_op_real (map mk_term (zip cs vars));; let mk_le_ineq lhs rhs = mk_binop le_op_real lhs rhs;; let mk_eq_ineq lhs rhs = mk_eq (lhs, rhs);; let mk_ge_ineq lhs rhs = mk_binop ge_op_real lhs rhs;; (************************************************) (* Computes (lin_f x + lin_f y) with REAL_BITS_ADD_CONV *) let lin_f_add_conv tm = let rec lin_f_add_conv2 x y = if (is_comb y) then if (is_comb x) then let hx = rand (rator x) in let hy = rand (rator y) in let c1, v1 = dest_pair hx in let c2, v2 = dest_pair hy in if v1 = v2 then let tx, ty = rand x, rand y in let c_thm = my_real_int_add_conv (mk_binop add_op_real c1 c2) in let c = rand (concl c_thm) in if (rand(rand c) = zero_const) then let th0 = INST [v1, v_var; c1, c1_var; tx, t1_var; c2, c2_var; ty, t2_var] LIN_F_SUM_HD_ZERO' in TRANS (MY_PROVE_HYP c_thm th0) (lin_f_add_conv2 tx ty) else let th0 = INST[v1, v_var; c1, c1_var; tx, t1_var; c2, c2_var; ty, t2_var; c, c_var] LIN_F_SUM_HD' in let ltm = rator (rand(concl th0)) in let th1 = lin_f_add_conv2 tx ty in let th2 = TRANS (MY_PROVE_HYP c_thm th0) (AP_TERM ltm th1) in let th3 = INST[mk_pair (c, v1), h_var; rand(rand(concl th1)), t_var] LIN_F_ADD_SINGLE' in TRANS th2 th3 else if (v1 < v2) then let tx = rand x in let th0 = INST[hx, h_var; tx, t_var; y, x_var] LIN_F_SUM_MOVE1' in let ltm = rator (rand(concl th0)) in let th1 = lin_f_add_conv2 tx y in let th2 = TRANS th0 (AP_TERM ltm th1) in let th3 = INST[hx, h_var; rand(rand(concl th1)), t_var] LIN_F_ADD_SINGLE' in TRANS th2 th3 else let ty = rand y in let th0 = INST[hy, h_var; ty, t_var; x, x_var] LIN_F_SUM_MOVE2' in let ltm = rator (rand(concl th0)) in let th1 = lin_f_add_conv2 x ty in let th2 = TRANS th0 (AP_TERM ltm th1) in let th3 = INST[hy, h_var; rand(rand(concl th1)), t_var] LIN_F_ADD_SINGLE' in TRANS th2 th3 else (* x = [] *) INST[y, x_var] LIN_F_SUM_EMPTY1' else (* y = [] *) INST[x, x_var] LIN_F_SUM_EMPTY2' in let larg, rarg = dest_comb tm in let larg = rand larg in lin_f_add_conv2 (rand larg) (rand rarg);; (*********************) (* lin_f conversions *) (*********************) (* Transforms a sum in the form `a * x + b * y + c * z` into `lin_f [(c,z); (b,y); (a,x)]` *) let LIN_F_RAW_CONV = ONCE_REWRITE_CONV[TO_LIN_F0] THENC REWRITE_CONV[TO_LIN_F];; let LIN_F_ADD_CONV = lin_f_add_conv;; (* Transforms a sum into `lin_f` and sorts the terms *) let LIN_F_CONV = (REWRITE_CONV[TO_LIN_F1] THENC (DEPTH_CONV LIN_F_ADD_CONV));; (* Computes `v * lin_f y` *) let rec LIN_F_MUL_CONV tm = let x, f = dest_binop mul_op_real tm in let list = rand f in if (is_comb list) then let cons_h, t = dest_comb list in let h = rand cons_h in let c, v = dest_pair h in let product = my_real_int_mul_conv (mk_binop mul_op_real x c) in let c1 = rand(concl product) in let th = INST[x, x_var_real; c, c_var; v, v_var; t, t_var; c1, c1_var] LIN_F_MUL_HD' in let th1 = MY_PROVE_HYP product th in let lplus, tm = dest_comb(rand(concl th1)) in let th2 = LIN_F_MUL_CONV tm in let h = mk_pair (c1, v) in let t = rand(rand(concl th2)) in let th3 = TRANS th1 (AP_TERM lplus th2) in let th4 = INST[h, h_var; t, t_var] LIN_F_ADD_SINGLE' in TRANS th3 th4 else INST[x, x_var_real] LIN_F_MUL_EMPTY';; (* Conversion without numerical multiplication *) let LIN_F_MUL_RAW_CONV = ONCE_REWRITE_CONV[LIN_F_MUL] THENC REWRITE_CONV[MAP];; (************************************************) (* Creates an inequality in the correct form *) let REAL_POS' = SPEC_ALL REAL_POS;; let REAL_LE_LMUL' = UNDISCH_ALL (REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP] (SPEC_ALL REAL_LE_LMUL));; let TO_LIN_F1' = SPEC_ALL TO_LIN_F1;; let rec lin_f_conv tm = if is_binary "real_add" tm then let ltm, rtm = dest_binary "real_add" tm in let a_tm, x_tm = dest_binary "real_mul" ltm in let th1 = INST[a_tm, a_var_real; x_tm, x_var_real] TO_LIN_F1' in let th2 = lin_f_conv rtm in let eq_th = MK_COMB (AP_TERM add_op_real th1, th2) in let eq_th2 = lin_f_add_conv (rand (concl eq_th)) in TRANS eq_th eq_th2 else let a_tm, x_tm = dest_binary "real_mul" tm in INST[a_tm, a_var_real; x_tm, x_var_real] TO_LIN_F1';; let transform_le_ineq (ineq, m) = let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq) in let lhs_f_th = lin_f_conv lhs in let original_th = EQ_MP (AP_THM (AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_f_th) rhs) ineq in let lhs = rand(concl lhs_f_th) in let pos_th = INST[rand m, n_var_num] REAL_POS' in let th0 = INST[m, x_var_real; lhs, y_var_real; rhs, z_var_real] REAL_LE_LMUL' in let th1 = MY_PROVE_HYP pos_th th0 in let th2 = MY_PROVE_HYP original_th th1 in let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl th2) in let lhs_th = LIN_F_MUL_CONV lhs in let rhs_th = my_real_int_mul_conv rhs in let th3 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th) in EQ_MP th3 th2;; let transform_le_ineq_tm (ineq, m) = let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real ineq in let lhs_f_th = lin_f_conv lhs in let original_th = EQ_MP (AP_THM (AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_f_th) rhs) (ASSUME ineq) in let lhs = rand(concl lhs_f_th) in let pos_th = INST[rand m, n_var_num] REAL_POS' in let th0 = INST[m, x_var_real; lhs, y_var_real; rhs, z_var_real] REAL_LE_LMUL' in let th1 = MY_PROVE_HYP pos_th th0 in let th2 = MY_PROVE_HYP original_th th1 in let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl th2) in let lhs_th = LIN_F_MUL_CONV lhs in let rhs_th = my_real_int_mul_conv rhs in let th3 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th) in EQ_MP th3 th2;; (* Computes the sum of two inequalities *) let REAL_LE_ADD2' = UNDISCH_ALL (REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP] (SPEC_ALL REAL_LE_ADD2));; (* Computes the sum of two inequalities (with LIN_F_ADD_CONV and REAL_BITS_ADD_CONV) *) let add_step' ineq1 ineq2 = let lhs1, rhs1 = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq1) in let lhs2, rhs2 = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq2) in let th0 = INST [lhs1, w_var_real; rhs1, x_var_real; lhs2, y_var_real; rhs2, z_var_real] REAL_LE_ADD2' in let th1 = MY_PROVE_HYP ineq2 (MY_PROVE_HYP ineq1 th0) in let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl th1) in let lhs_th = LIN_F_ADD_CONV lhs in let rhs_th = my_real_int_add_conv rhs in EQ_MP (MK_COMB(AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th)) th1;; (* Computes the sum of lin_f[--c, x;...] and c * x *) let add_cancel_step ineq var_ineq = let lhs1, rhs1 = dest_binop le_op_real (concl var_ineq) in let lhs2, rhs2 = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq) in let th0 = INST[lhs1, w_var_real; rhs1, x_var_real; lhs2, y_var_real; rhs2, z_var_real] REAL_LE_ADD2' in let th1 = MY_PROVE_HYP ineq (MY_PROVE_HYP var_ineq th0) in let ctm, vtm = dest_binop mul_op_real lhs1 in let ttm = rand(rand lhs2) in if (rator ctm = neg_op_real) then let lhs_th = INST[rand ctm, c_var; vtm, v_var; ttm, t_var] LIN_F_ADD_SING_LCANCEL' in let rhs_th = my_real_int_add_conv (rand(concl th1)) in EQ_MP (MK_COMB(AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th)) th1 else let lhs_th = INST[ctm, c_var; vtm, v_var; ttm, t_var] LIN_F_ADD_SING_RCANCEL' in let rhs_th = my_real_int_add_conv (rand(concl th1)) in EQ_MP (MK_COMB(AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th)) th1;; let zero_const_real = `&0`;; (* Multiplies a linear inequality by a rational positive constant *) let mul_rat_step ineq c = let pos_thm = REAL_ARITH (mk_le_ineq zero_const_real c) in let hyp = CONJ pos_thm ineq in let th0 = MATCH_MP REAL_LE_LMUL hyp in let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl th0) in let lhs_th = (LIN_F_MUL_RAW_CONV THENC DEPTH_CONV REAL_RAT_MUL_CONV) lhs in let rhs_th = REAL_RAT_MUL_CONV rhs in EQ_MP (MK_COMB (AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th)) th0;; (* Multiplies a linear inequality in the form lin_f x <= y by a positive integer c *) let mul_step ineq c = let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq) in let pos_th = INST[rand c, n_var_num] REAL_POS' in let th0 = INST[c, x_var_real; lhs, y_var_real; rhs, z_var_real] REAL_LE_LMUL' in let th1 = MY_PROVE_HYP pos_th th0 in let th2 = MY_PROVE_HYP ineq th1 in let lhs, rhs = dest_binop le_op_real (concl th2) in let lhs_th = LIN_F_MUL_CONV lhs in let rhs_th = my_real_int_mul_conv rhs in let th3 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM le_op_real lhs_th, rhs_th) in EQ_MP th3 th2;; (* Transformations for variables *)
let VAR_MUL_THM = 
prove(`!x c1 c2 a b v. &0 <= x /\ x * c1 = a /\ x * c2 = b /\ c1 * v <= c2 ==> a * v <= b`,
let VAR_ADD_THM = 
prove(`!x a1 b1 a2 b2 c1 c2. a1 * x <= b1 /\ a2 * x <= b2 /\ a1 + a2 = c1 /\ b1 + b2 = c2 ==> c1 * x <= c2`,
let VAR_ADD_THM' = (UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL o (REWRITE_RULE[GSYM IMP_IMP])) VAR_ADD_THM;; (* Multiplies c1 * x <= c2 by m *) let var1_le_transform (var_ineq, m) = let lhs, c2tm = dest_binop le_op_real (var_ineq) in let pos_th = INST[rand m, n_var_num] REAL_POS' in let c1tm, xtm = dest_binop mul_op_real lhs in let c1_th = my_real_int_mul_conv (mk_binop mul_op_real m c1tm) in let c2_th = my_real_int_mul_conv (mk_binop mul_op_real m c2tm) in let th = INST[m, x_var_real; c1tm, c1_var; c2tm, c2_var; xtm, v_var; rand(concl c1_th), a_var_real; rand(concl c2_th), b_var_real] VAR_MUL_THM' in MY_PROVE_HYP pos_th (MY_PROVE_HYP (ASSUME var_ineq) (MY_PROVE_HYP c1_th (MY_PROVE_HYP c2_th th)));; (* Sums two inequalities *) let add_le_ineqs ineq1 ineq2 = let lhs1, b1tm = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq1) in let lhs2, b2tm = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq2) in let a1tm, xtm = dest_binop mul_op_real lhs1 in let a2tm = rand(rator lhs2) in let b_th = my_real_int_add_conv (mk_binop add_op_real b1tm b2tm) in let a_th = my_real_int_add_conv (mk_binop add_op_real a1tm a2tm) in let th0 = INST[a1tm, a1_var_real; a2tm, a2_var_real; b1tm, b1_var_real; b2tm, b2_var_real; rand(concl a_th), c1_var_real; rand(concl b_th), c2_var_real; xtm, x_var_real] VAR_ADD_THM' in MY_PROVE_HYP ineq2 (MY_PROVE_HYP ineq1 (MY_PROVE_HYP b_th (MY_PROVE_HYP a_th th0)));; (* Multiplies the corresponding inequalities and finds the sum of results *) let var2_le_transform (var_ineq1,m1) (var_ineq2,m2) = let ineq1 = var1_le_transform (var_ineq1, m1) and ineq2 = var1_le_transform (var_ineq2, m2) in let lhs1, b1tm = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq1) in let lhs2, b2tm = dest_binop le_op_real (concl ineq2) in let a1tm, xtm = dest_binop mul_op_real lhs1 in let a2tm = rand(rator lhs2) in let b_th = my_real_int_add_conv (mk_binop add_op_real b1tm b2tm) in let a_th = my_real_int_add_conv (mk_binop add_op_real a1tm a2tm) in let th0 = INST[a1tm, a1_var_real; a2tm, a2_var_real; b1tm, b1_var_real; b2tm, b2_var_real; rand(concl a_th), c1_var_real; rand(concl b_th), c2_var_real; xtm, x_var_real] VAR_ADD_THM' in MY_PROVE_HYP ineq2 (MY_PROVE_HYP ineq1 (MY_PROVE_HYP b_th (MY_PROVE_HYP a_th th0)));; (* The main function *) (* Example: prove_lp ineqs var_ineqs target_vars `&12` (Int 100000) *) (* ineq - inequalities obtained from constraints with multipliers *) (* var_ineqs - bounds for variables as inequalities in the correct form *) (* target_vars - bounds and multipliers for variables in the objective function *) (* bound - a bound for the objective function which is proved *) (* m - a precision constant *)
let LIN_F_EMPTY_LE_0 = 
prove(`lin_f [] <= &0`,
let dummy = REWRITE_RULE[GSYM NUM_ZERO] LIN_F_EMPTY_LE_0;; let prove_lp_tm ineqs var_ineqs target_vars target_bound precision_constant = (* Compute the sum of all constraints *) let r1 = map transform_le_ineq_tm ineqs in let r2' = List.fold_left add_step' dummy r1 in let r2 = mul_step r2' (mk_real_int precision_constant) in (* Use bounds of variables *) let r3 = List.fold_left add_cancel_step r2 var_ineqs in let r4 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map transform_le_ineq_tm target_vars) in let r5 = add_step' r3 r4 in (* Convert the result into a usual form *) let r6 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV NUM_TO_NUMERAL_CONV) r5 in let m = term_of_rat (precision_constant */ precision_constant */ precision_constant) in let r7 = mul_rat_step r6 (mk_comb (`(/) (&1)`, m)) in let r8 = REWRITE_RULE[lin_f; ITLIST; REAL_ADD_RID] r7 in let r9 = EQT_ELIM (REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (mk_binop le_op_real ((rand o concl) r8) target_bound)) in MATCH_MP REAL_LE_TRANS (CONJ r8 r9);; let prove_lp ineqs var_ineqs target_vars target_bound precision_constant = (* Compute the sum of all constraints *) let r1 = map transform_le_ineq ineqs in let r2' = List.fold_left add_step' dummy r1 in let r2 = mul_step r2' (mk_real_int precision_constant) in (* Use bounds of variables *) let r3 = List.fold_left add_cancel_step r2 var_ineqs in let r4 = List.fold_left add_step' dummy (map transform_le_ineq target_vars) in let r5 = add_step' r3 r4 in (* Convert the result into a usual form *) let r6 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV NUM_TO_NUMERAL_CONV) r5 in let m = term_of_rat (precision_constant */ precision_constant */ precision_constant) in let r7 = mul_rat_step r6 (mk_comb (`(/) (&1)`, m)) in let r8 = REWRITE_RULE[lin_f; ITLIST; REAL_ADD_RID] r7 in let r9 = EQT_ELIM (REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (mk_binop le_op_real ((rand o concl) r8) target_bound)) in MATCH_MP REAL_LE_TRANS (CONJ r8 r9);; end;;