(* summary of the volume chapter *)

Known issues:

-- TXIWYHI has quantifiers in the wrong order. It should be ?C. !r.

-- JJFHOIW_t not formalized.

-- ATOAPUN missing the additivity of volumes

-- PUACSHX (Project Issue 5), mismatch between volume_prop vol and volume_props.
  This affects all theorems with assumption `volume_prop vol`

-- NULLSET and vol are pretty printed versions of negligible and measure, specialized to R^3,
    so searches don't show all the general theorems


(* more NULLSET props *)
prove(`!s t. NULLSET s /\ NULLSET t ==> NULLSET (s INTER t)`,
prove(`!s t. NULLSET s /\ t SUBSET s ==> NULLSET t`,
prove(`!s t. NULLSET s ==> NULLSET(s DIFF t)`,
let NUKRQDI = MEASURABLE_RULES;; (* Background in Measure *) let ATOAPUN = volume_props;; (* volume_props doesn't give additivity of measure. Here it is. *)
prove(` !s t. measurable s /\ measurable t /\ DISJOINT s t ==> vol (s UNION t) = vol s + vol t`,
prove(` !s t. measurable s /\ measurable t /\ NULLSET (s INTER t) ==> vol (s UNION t) = vol s + vol t`,
prove(` !s t. measurable s /\ measurable t ==> vol (s UNION t) <= vol s + vol t`,
(* unwedged versions *) let ATOAPUN1 = VOLUME_CONIC_CAP;; let ATOAPUN2 = VOLUME_CONIC_CAP_STRONG;; let ATOAPUN3 = VOLUME_BALL;; let ATOAPUN4 = VOLUME_FRUSTT;; let ATOAPUN5 = VOLUME_FRUSTT_STRONG;; (* Primitive Volume *) (* radial set *) let VSPMVNR1 = ball;; let VSPMVNR2 = cball;; let VSPMVNR = [VSPMVNR1;VSPMVNR2];; (* duplicate definition : normball = ball *) let QPHVSMZ1 = radial;; let QPHVSMZ2 = eventually_radial;; let QPHVSMZ3 = radial_norm;; let QPHVSMZ4 = eventually_radial_norm;; let QPHVSMZ5 = NORMBALL_BALL;; let QPHVSMZ = [ QPHVSMZ1; QPHVSMZ2; QPHVSMZ3;QPHVSMZ4;QPHVSMZ5];; let KODOBRF = inter_radial;; let LBWOPAH = "not found";; let PUACSHX = lemma_r_r'_fix;; let MASYUQQ = sol;; (* to here *) (* 2.2.1 wedge *) let wedge = wedge;; (* Lemma 2.4 [VICUATE] need to check - found in Multivariate/flyspeck.ml *) let VICUATE = WEDGE_LUNE;; (* Definition 2.4 Solid Triangle *) let solid_triangle = solid_triangle;; (* Definition 2.5 Conic Cap *) let conic_cap = conic_cap;; (* Definition 2.6 rcone label{def:p:rcone} - a collection of different rcones label{def:p:rcone} *) let rcone_gt = rcone_gt;; let rcone_ge = rcone_ge;; (* < version from the definition wasn't found in flyspeck.ml *) let rcone_eq = rcone_eq;; (* Definition 2.7 frustum *) let frustum = frustum;; (* Definition 2.8 tetrahedron *) let tetrahedron = conv0;; (* Definition 2.9 Primitive label{def:primitive} *) let primitive = primitive;; (* volume calculations *) (* Lemma 2.5 [PAZNHPZ] label{lemma:prim-volume} - found in Multivariate/flyspeck.ml*) (* VOLUME_SOLID_TRIANGLE, VOLUME_CONIC_CAP, VOLUME_FRUSTT, VOLUME_OF_TETRAHEDRON, vol_rect, VOLUME_BALL_WEDGE combine to form the lemma *) (* Lemma 2.6 [DFNVMFM] label{lemma:wedge-vol} need to check - found in Multivariate/flyspeck.ml *) let DFNVMFM = VOLUME_BALL_WEDGE;; (* Lemma 2.7 [FMSWMVO] label{lemma:wedge-sol}*) (* not found *) (* Lemma 2.8 [FUPXNLC] label{lemma:prim-sol} *) (* not found *) (* Lemma 2.9 [WFFVGVF] *) (* not found *) (* Lemma 2.10 [CZOQFNL] label{lemma:wedge:sol} not sure if this one is correct...found in Multivariate/flyspeck.ml *) let CZOQFNL = WEDGE_LUNE_GT;; (* Lemma 2.11 [OXQZBJG] *) (* not formalized *) (* Definition 2.10 (orthosimplex, orth) label{def:ortho} *) (*found in sphere.hl *) let ortho0 = ortho0;; (* Definition 2.11 (Rogers simplex, rog) label{def:rog} *) (*both found in sphere.hl *) (* let rogers0 = rogers0;; let rogers = rogers;; *) (* Lemma 2.12 [XQBOVQF] *) (* not formalized *) (* Definition 2.12 (circumradius) label{def:etaV} *) (* found in sphere.hl*) let radV = radV;; (* Definition 2.13 (abc parameter) label{def:abc} *) (*found in sphere.hl *) let abc_parameter = abc_param;; (* Lemma 2.13 [JJFHOIW] label{lemma:rog:abc} *) (* didn't find an actual lemma for this, but I found the equations from the lemma in sphere.hl *) let JJFHOIW1 = volR;; let JJFHOIW2 = solR;; let JJFHOIW3 = dihR;; let JJFHOIW = "not found";;
let orthosimplex = define `orthosimplex (v0:real^N) e1 e2 e3 a b c = 
   let v1 = v0 + a % e1 in
   let v2 = v1 + sqrt(b pow 2 - a pow 2) % e2 in
   let v3 = v2 + sqrt(c pow 2 - b pow 2) % e3 in
   conv0 {v0, v1, v2, v3}`;;
let JJFHOIW_t = `!v0 e1 e2 e3 a b c. (orthonormal e1 e2 e3 /\ &0 < a /\ a <= b /\ b <= c) ==> (vol(orthosimplex v0 e1 e2 e3 a b c) = volR a b c)/\ (sol (orthosimplex v0 e1 e2 e3 a b c) v0 = solR a b c) /\ (dih(orthosimplex v0 e1 e2 e3 a b c) = dihR a b c)`;; (* Finiteness and Volume *) type_of `orthosimplex`;; type_of `orthonormal`;; type_of `sol`;; let WQZISRI = WQZISRI;; let PWVIIOL = PWVIIOL;; (* lattice shell *) let TXIWYHI = TXIWYHI;;