(* ========================================================================== *)
(* FLYSPECK - BOOK FORMALIZATION                                              *)
(*                                                                            *)
(* Chapter: nonlinear inequalities                                            *)
(* Author:  Thomas Hales     *)
(* Date: 2010-08-30                                                           *)
(* ========================================================================== *)

Input is a nonlinear inequality.
preprocess_split_idq generates cases and does general preprocessing.
Output is executable interval arithmetic code in C++.

flyspeck_needs "general/sphere.hl";;
flyspeck_needs "nonlinear/ineq.hl";;
flyspeck_needs "nonlinear/lemma.hl";;

module Optimize = struct

open Lib;;
open Nonlinear_lemma;;

let length = List.length;;

let svn_version = Flyspeck_lib.svn_version;;

let ineq = Sphere.ineq;;
let all_forall = Sphere.all_forall;;
let add = Ineq.add;;

let nub = Flyspeck_lib.nub;;

let join_comma = Flyspeck_lib.join_comma;;
let join_space = Flyspeck_lib.join_space;;
let join_lines = Flyspeck_lib.join_lines;;

let string_of_num' = Flyspeck_lib.string_of_num';;
let dest_decimal = Flyspeck_lib.dest_decimal;;

let strip_let_tm = Nonlinear_lemma.strip_let_tm;;

let output_filestring = Flyspeck_lib.output_filestring;;

let BY = Hales_tactic.BY;;
let unlist = Hales_tactic.unlist;;

(* from glpk_link.ml *)

let load_and_close_channel_true = Flyspeck_lib.load_and_close_channel_true;;

let load_file = Flyspeck_lib.load_file;;

(* ========================================================================= *)
(*    GENERAL PROCEDURES                                                  *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* The marker NONLIN is used in mk_all_ineq.hl, 
   where it is replaced with a constant equivalent to the conjunction of all the
   nonlinear ineqs.   *)

let NONLIN = new_definition `NONLIN = T`;;
let FROZEN_REWRITE_TAC ths = if (ths=[]) then REWRITE_TAC [] else let th = end_itlist CONJ ths in FREEZE_THEN (fun t -> REWRITE_TAC[t]) th;; let quoted s = let q = "\"" in (q^s^q);; let paren s = "("^ s ^")";; let real_ty = `:real`;; let mk_x i = mk_var("x"^string_of_int i,real_ty);; let x9list = map mk_x (1--9);; let x6list = map mk_x (1--6);; let x_backlist = map mk_x [7;2;3;4;8;9];; let xspec = SPECL x6list;; let dest_ineq ineq = let t = snd(strip_forall ineq) in let (vs,i) = dest_comb t in let (_,vs) = dest_comb vs in let vs = dest_list vs in let vs = map (fun t -> let (a,b) = dest_pair t in (a,dest_pair b)) vs in let vs = map (fun (a,(b,c)) -> (a, b, c)) vs in (t,vs,disjuncts i);; (* renames variables as x1,x2,x3,.... *) let (X_RENAME_TAC:tactic) = fun gl -> let (_,loc,_) = dest_ineq (goal_concl gl) in let loc' = map (fun (_,b,_) -> b) loc in let xvar = map mk_x (1 -- (length loc')) in EVERY (map SPEC_TAC (zip loc' xvar)) gl ;; (* ========================================================================= *) (* SPLITTING INEQUALITIES AT h0 *) (* ========================================================================= *) let get_split_tags idq = let ts = idq.tags in let rec gs = (function | [] -> [] | (Split a::_) -> a | _ :: rs -> gs rs) in gs ts;; let split_2h0 =
let split_interval = 
prove( `! a b (y:real). (a <= y /\ y <= b) ==> ((a <= y /\ y <= m) \/ (m <= y /\ y <= b) ) `,
REAL_ARITH_TAC) in INST [(`&2 * h0`,`m:real`)] split_interval;;
let split_2h0_strict =
let split_interval = 
prove( `! a b (y:real). (a <= y /\ y <= b) ==> ((a <= y /\ y <= m) \/ (m < y /\ y <= b) ) `,
REAL_ARITH_TAC) in INST [(`&2 * h0`,`m:real`)] split_interval;;
let h0cutA = 
prove_by_refinement( `!y. (y <= &2 * h0) ==> ((h0cut y) = &1)`,
(* {{{ proof *) [ MESON_TAC[Sphere.h0cut] ]);;
(* }}} *)
let h0cutB = 
prove_by_refinement( `!y. (&2 * h0 < y) ==> ((h0cut y) = &0)`,
(* }}} *)
let h0cutC = 
prove_by_refinement( `!y. (y <= &2 * hminus) ==> (h0cut y = &1)`,
(* {{{ proof *) [ REPEAT STRIP_TAC; MATCH_MP_TAC h0cutA; MP_TAC Nonlinear_lemma.hminus_lt_h0; POP_ASSUM MP_TAC; BY(REAL_ARITH_TAC) ]);;
(* }}} *) let SPLIT_H0_TAC pos = let destrict = REAL_ARITH `a < y /\ y <= b ==> a <= y /\ y <= b` in (REPEAT GEN_TAC) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[ineq_expand6]) THEN (REPLICATE_TAC (pos) DISCH_TAC) THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun t -> MP_TAC (MATCH_MP split_2h0_strict t))) THEN DISCH_THEN DISJ_CASES_TAC THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC[h0cutA;h0cutB;h0cutC] THENL [ALL_TAC;POP_ASSUM ( ASSUME_TAC o (MATCH_MP destrict))] THEN (REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC)) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand6]);; (* WARNING: This disturbs the goal *) let split_h0 (ineq,ss) = let current_goals() = map (fun (_,w) -> w) ((fun (_,b,_) -> b) (hd (!current_goalstack))) in let split_h0_term i inq = let _ = g inq in let _ = e(SPLIT_H0_TAC i) in map all_forall (current_goals()) in let _ = (length ss > 0) or failwith "empty split" in let ineql = split_h0_term (hd ss) ineq in map (fun t-> (t, tl ss)) ineql;; let rec split_all_h0 = function | [] -> [] | (i,[])::rs -> i :: split_all_h0 rs | r::rs -> split_all_h0 (split_h0 r @ rs);; (* ========================================================================== *) (* PARSING INEQUALITIES *) (* ========================================================================== *) let dest_nonlin t = let (_,r,il) = dest_ineq t in let p1 (a,_,_) = a in let p2 (_,b,_) = b in let p3 (_,_,c) = c in let dest x = try dest_binop `(real_lt)` x with Failure _ -> dest_binop `(real_le)` x in let (iis,zzs) = unzip( map (dest) il) in let zz = nub zzs in let _ = (zz = [`&0`]) or failwith "zero expected" in let _ = ((map p2 r = x6list) or (map p2 r = x9list)) or failwith "x1..x6 or x1..x9 expected" in (map p1 r, map p3 r,iis);; (* these names don't change in cpp interval code *) let idem_assoc = [];; (* make it the default *) (* these names can change in cpp (hol_name,cpp_name). Don't generate function defs for these. "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" is a special tag to suppress the production of test routines. We would be better off using an option. *) let native_fun = [ ("unit6","Lib::unit"); ("two6","Lib::two6"); ("proj_x1","Lib::x1"); ("proj_x2","Lib::x2"); ("proj_x3","Lib::x3"); ("proj_x4","Lib::x4"); ("proj_x5","Lib::x5"); ("proj_x6","Lib::x6"); ("proj_y1","Lib::y1"); ("sqrt_x1","Lib::y1"); ("delta_x","Lib::delta_x"); ("sol_x","Lib::sol_x"); ("dih_x","Lib::dih_x"); ("rad2_x","Lib::rad2_x"); ("rho_x","NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); ("delta_y","NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); ("dih_y","NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); ("sol_y","NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); ("delta_x4","Lib::delta_x4"); ("edge_flat2_x","Lib::edge_flat2_x"); ("halfbump_x1","Lib::halfbump_x1"); ("ups_126","Lib::ups_126"); ("eta2_126","Lib::eta2_126"); ("compose6","Function::compose"); ("constant6","Lib::constant6"); ("uni","Lib::uni"); ("sqrt","univariate::i_sqrt"); ("acs","univariate::i_acos"); ("asn","univariate::i_asin"); ("atn","univariate::i_atan"); ("cos","univariate::i_cos"); ("sin","univariate::i_sin"); ("pow2","univariate::i_pow2"); ("matan","univariate::i_matan"); ("gchi","Lib::i_gchi"); ("lfun","Lib::i_lfun"); ("rho","Lib::i_rho"); ("flat_term_x","Lib::i_flat_term_x"); ("sqn","univariate::i_sqn"); ("promote1_to_6","Lib::promote1_to_6"); ("gamma2_x_div_azim_v2","Lib::i_gamma2_x_div_azim_v2"); ("num1","Lib::num1"); ];; (* and for these gradually eliminate this list. The default will be to have the same names. *) let cpp_assoc = let pref = "" in let p (a,b) = (a, (pref^b)) in map p (idem_assoc @ [ ("sqrt_x2","proj_y2"); ("sqrt_x3","proj_y3"); ("sqrt_x4","proj_y4"); ("sqrt_x5","proj_y5"); ("sqrt_x6","proj_y6"); ("promote_pow2","x1square"); ("promote_pow3","x1cube"); ]);; let cpp_fn_name s = try Lib.assoc s native_fun with Failure _ -> try Lib.assoc s cpp_assoc with Failure _ -> s;; let cpp0_assoc = [("sqrt8","sqrt8");("pi","pi");("const1","const1"); ("hminus","hminus");("sqrt3","sqrt3"); ("arc_hhn","arc_hhn"); ("adodec","aStrongDodec"); ("bdodec","bStrongDodec"); ("ydodec","yStrongDodec"); ];; let cpp_of_constant s = try (assoc s cpp0_assoc) with Failure _ -> failwith (s^" find: cpp_of_constant") ;; let cpp_of_fun to_string xlist s xs = let (arg,xss) = chop_list (length xs - length xlist) xs in let _ = (xss = xlist) or failwith ("standard x list expected in "^s) in let hd = (cpp_fn_name s) in let arg_s = map (paren o to_string) arg in let p = if (length arg > 0) then paren else I in (hd ^ " " ^ p(join_comma arg_s));; (* 2013-08-14, changed for AWS compiler. was interval::interval( ... ) *) let i_mk s = "interval("^quoted s ^")";; let i_mk2 t = (* treat small integers exactly *) let n = dest_numeral t in let s = if (Num.is_integer_num n) && (Num.sign_num n >= 0) && (n </ Int 100) then string_of_num n else string_of_num' n in i_mk s;; let cpp_string_of_term = let rec soh t = if is_var t then fst (dest_var t) else let (f,xs) = strip_comb t in let _ = (is_const f) or failwith ("constant expected:" ^ string_of_term f) in let ifix i = let [a;b] = xs in paren(soh a ^ " " ^ i ^ " " ^ soh b) in match fst (dest_const f) with | "real_add" -> ifix "+" | "real_mul" -> ifix "*" | "real_div" -> ifix "/" | "\\/" -> ifix "\\/" | "real_neg" -> let [a] = xs in "(-" ^ soh a ^ ")" | "real_of_num" -> let [a] = xs in i_mk2( a) | "NUMERAL" -> let [a] = xs in string_of_num' (dest_numeral t) | "<" -> let [a;b] = xs in paren(soh a ^ " < " ^ soh b) | ">" -> let [a;b] = xs in paren(soh a ^ " > " ^ soh b) | "+" -> let [a;b] = xs in paren(soh a ^ " + " ^ soh b) | "*" -> let [a;b] = xs in paren(soh a ^ " * " ^ soh b) | "DECIMAL" -> i_mk(string_of_num' (dest_decimal t)) | s -> if (xs = []) then "("^cpp_of_constant s^")" else paren(cpp_of_fun soh x6list s xs) in fun t -> try (soh t) with Failure s -> failwith (s^" ....... "^string_of_term t);; (* generation of cpp code *) let cpp_template_taylor c (i,s) = Printf.sprintf " Function F%s%d = %s;" c i s;; let cpp_template_t c iis = join_lines (map (cpp_template_taylor c) (zip (1--(length iis)) iis));; let cpp_template_F c i = Printf.sprintf "&F%s%d" c i;; let cpp_template_Fc c len = join_comma (map (cpp_template_F c) (1-- len));; let rec delta126min = function | [] -> -1.0 | Delta126min t :: _ -> t | _ :: a -> delta126min a;; let rec widthCut = function | [] -> (false,0.0) | Widthcutoff t::_ -> (true,t) | _:: a -> widthCut a;; let rec delta126max = function | [] -> -1.0 | Delta126max t :: _ -> t | _ :: a -> delta126max a;; let rec delta135min = function | [] -> -1.0 | Delta135min t :: _ -> t | _ :: a -> delta135min a;; let rec delta135max = function | [] -> -1.0 | Delta135max t :: _ -> t | _ :: a -> delta135max a;; let cpp_template_gen = Printf.sprintf " const char svn[] = %s; const char ineq_id[] = %s; int testRun() // autogenerated code { interval tx[6]={%s}; interval tz[6]={%s}; domain x = domain::lowerD(tx); domain z = domain::upperD(tz); domain x0=x; domain z0=z; %s const Function* I[%d] = {%s}; // len ... cellOption opt; opt.allowSharp = %d; // sharp opt.onlyCheckDeriv1Negative = %d; // checkderiv %s // other options. return prove::recursiveVerifier(0,x,z,x0,z0,I,%d,opt); // len }";; let mk_cpp_proc t s tags = let sharp = if mem Sharp tags then 1 else 0 in let checkderiv = if mem Onlycheckderiv1negative tags then 1 else 0 in let ifd b s = if b then s else "" in let setrad2 = ifd (mem Set_rad2 tags) "\topt.setRad2 = 1;\n" in let (b,f) = widthCut tags in let sWidth = ifd b (Printf.sprintf "\topt.widthCutoff = %8.16f;\n" f) in let d126min = delta126min tags in let s126min = ifd (d126min > -1.0) (Printf.sprintf "\topt.delta126Min = %8.16f;\n" d126min) in let d126max = delta126max tags in let s126max = ifd (d126max > -1.0) (Printf.sprintf "\topt.delta126Max = %8.16f;\n" d126max) in let d135min = delta135min tags in let s135min = ifd (d135min > -1.0) (Printf.sprintf "\topt.delta135Min = %8.16f;\n" d135min) in let d135max = delta135max tags in let s135max = ifd (d135max > -1.0) (Printf.sprintf "\topt.delta135Max = %8.16f;\n" d135max) in let s206A = ifd (s="2065952723 A1" ) (Printf.sprintf "\topt.strategy206A=1;\n") in let disallowderiv = ifd (mem Disallow_derivatives tags) "\topt.allowDerivatives=0;\n" in let others = setrad2 ^ s126min ^ s126max ^ s135min ^ s135max ^ sWidth ^ s206A ^ disallowderiv in let c = map cpp_string_of_term in let f (x,y,z) = (c x,c y,c z) in let (aas,bbs,iis) = f (dest_nonlin t) in let len = length iis in let sq = quoted s in let svn = (quoted(svn_version())) in let jaas = join_comma aas in let jbbs = join_comma bbs in cpp_template_gen svn sq jaas jbbs (cpp_template_t "" iis) len (cpp_template_Fc "" len) sharp checkderiv others len;; (* quad clusters *) let has_subterm sub tm = can (find_term ((=) sub)) tm;; let has_cross_diag = has_subterm `quad_cross_diag2_x`;; let has_delta_top = has_subterm `delta_top_x`;; let is_quad_cluster tags = (can (find (function Quad_cluster _ -> true | _ -> false)) tags);; let quad_margin tags = (function Quad_cluster t -> t | _ -> 0.0) (find ((function Quad_cluster _ -> true | _ -> false)) tags);; let check_quad_partition_term (r,s,t) tm = let tm2 = list_mk_binop `(+)` (r @ s @ t) in let t = mk_eq (tm ,tm2) in (REAL_ARITH) t;; let partition_quad_term tm = let rec split tm = if (has_cross_diag tm) then ([],[],[tm]) else if (has_delta_top tm) then ([],[],[tm]) else if (subset (frees tm) x6list) then ([tm],[],[]) else if (subset (frees tm) x_backlist) then ([],[tm],[]) else let (a1,a2) = dest_binop `(+)` tm in let (r1,s1,t1) = split a1 in let (r2,s2,t2) = split a2 in (r1 @ r2, s1 @ s2, t1 @ t2) in let (r,s,t) = split tm in let _ = check_quad_partition_term (r,s,t) tm in let v = vsubst [`x1:real`,`x7:real`; `x5:real`,`x8:real`; `x6:real`,`x9:real`] in let w = function | [] -> `unit6 (x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real) * #0.0` | xl -> list_mk_binop `(+)` xl in (w r,w(map v s), t);; let cppq_template_gen = Printf.sprintf " char* svn = %s; char* ineq_id = %s; int testRun() // quad cluster case, autogenerated code { interval txA[6]={%s}; interval tzA[6]={%s}; domain xA = domain::lowerD(txA); domain zA = domain::upperD(tzA); interval txB[6]={%s}; interval tzB[6]={%s}; domain xB = domain::lowerD(txB); domain zB = domain::upperD(tzB); // Declare FA, FB... %s %s const Function* IA[%d] = {%s}; const Function* IB[%d] = {%s}; cellOption opt; %s // options. return prove::recursiveVerifierQ(0,xA,xB,zA,zB,IA,IB,%d,opt); }";; let get_cross_diag_squared is9 = let id9' = filter (fun (_,_,c)-> length c >0 && has_cross_diag (hd c)) is9 in let is9'' = (fun (_,_,[c])::_ -> c ) id9' in let tm = term_match x9list `quad_cross_diag2_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 + unit6 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 * t` is9'' in let t = (fun ([],[(x,_)],[]) -> x) tm in mk_binop `( * )` t t;; (* t is negative, but it gets squared *) let get_delta_top_squared is9 = let id9' = filter (fun (_,_,c)-> length c >0 && has_delta_top (hd c)) is9 in let is9'' = (fun (_,_,[c])::_ -> c ) id9' in let tm = term_match x9list `delta_top_x t x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9` is9'' in let t = (fun ([],[(x,_)],[]) -> x) tm in mk_binop `( * )` t t;; (* gets squared *) let cde_template = Printf.sprintf "opt.crossDiagMinEnclosed = interMath::inf(%s);\n";; let cdt_template = Printf.sprintf "opt.crossDiagMinDelta = interMath::inf(%s);\n";; let mk_cppq_proc t s tags = let svn = (quoted(svn_version())) in let ineq_id = quoted s in let cpp = cpp_string_of_term in let (x,z,is) = dest_nonlin t in let is' = map partition_quad_term is in let (is9,is6) = partition (fun (_,_,c) -> length c > 0) is' in let (is6A,is6B) = unzip (map (fun (a,b,_) -> (cpp a,cpp b)) is6) in let len = length is6 in let xs = map cpp x in let zs = map cpp z in let nth = List.nth in let a_part u = [nth u 0;nth u 1;nth u 2;nth u 3; nth u 4;nth u 5] in let b_part u = [nth u 6;nth u 1;nth u 2;nth u 3;nth u 7; nth u 8] in let xA = join_comma(a_part xs) in let xB = join_comma(b_part xs) in let zA = join_comma(a_part zs) in let zB = join_comma(b_part zs) in let opt_cross = try ( cde_template (cpp ( get_cross_diag_squared is9) )) with _ -> "" in let opt_delta_top = try ( cdt_template (cpp ( get_delta_top_squared is9) )) with _ -> "" in let backsym = if (mem Dim_red_backsym tags) then "\topt.dimRedBackSym = 1;\n" else "" in let sWidth = let (b,f) = widthCut tags in if b then Printf.sprintf "\topt.widthCutoff = %8.16f;\n" f else "" in let margin = Printf.sprintf "\topt.margin = %8.16f;\n\n" (quad_margin tags) in let options = opt_cross ^ opt_delta_top ^ backsym^margin^sWidth in cppq_template_gen svn ineq_id xA zA xB zB (cpp_template_t "A" is6A) (cpp_template_t "B" is6B) len (cpp_template_Fc "A" len) len (cpp_template_Fc "B" len) options len ;; (* let t = snd(top_goal());; let s = "test";; let tags = [Quad_cluster 3.0];; *) (* next: put together header, proc, tail and run *) let tmpfile = flyspeck_dir^"/../interval_code/test_auto.cc";; let cpp_header() = join_lines (load_file (flyspeck_dir^"/../interval_code/generic_head.txt"));; let cpp_tail() = join_lines (load_file (flyspeck_dir^"/../interval_code/generic_tail.txt"));; let mkfile_cpp t s tags = output_filestring tmpfile (join_lines [cpp_header(); (mk_cpp_proc t s tags);cpp_tail()]);; let mkfile_cppq t s tags = output_filestring tmpfile (join_lines [cpp_header(); (mk_cppq_proc t s tags);cpp_tail()]);; let compile_cpp = let err = Filename.temp_file "cpp_err" ".txt" in fun () -> let e = Sys.command("cd "^flyspeck_dir^"/../interval_code; make test_auto >& "^err) in let _ = (e=0) or (let _ = Sys.command ("cat "^err) in failwith "compiler error") in ();; let execute_interval ex tags s testineq = let interval_dir = flyspeck_dir^"/../interval_code" in let quad_cluster = is_quad_cluster tags in let _ = if quad_cluster then mkfile_cppq testineq s tags else mkfile_cpp testineq s tags in let _ = compile_cpp() in let _ = (not ex) or (0= Sys.command(interval_dir^"/test_auto")) or failwith "interval execution error" in ();; (* ========================================================================== *) (* MEGA PREP TACTICS *) (* ========================================================================== *) (* *************************************************************************** *) (* PRELIM *) (* *************************************************************************** *) let macro_expand = ( [ Sphere.x1_delta_y;Sphere.delta4_squared_y; vol4f_palt;Nonlinear_lemma.y_of_x_e; gamma4fgcy_alt; Sphere.vol3r;Sphere.vol2f;Sphere.gamma4f; Sphere.gamma3f; GSYM Nonlinear_lemma.quadratic_root_plus_curry; REAL_MUL_LZERO; REAL_MUL_RZERO;FST;SND; Sphere.node2_y;Sphere.node3_y] @ (!Ineq.dart_classes));; let PRELIM_REWRITE_TAC = EVERY[ (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM Sphere.rad2_y]) ; (REWRITE_TAC(macro_expand)) ; ];; (* *************************************************************************** *) (* BRANCH *) (* *************************************************************************** *) (* take care of branching *) let BRANCH_TAC = EVERY[ REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `x / &1 = x /\ &0 * x = &0 /\ &0 +x = x`]; REWRITE_TAC[Sphere.gamma4f;vol4f_lmfun;Sphere.gamma3f;]; REWRITE_TAC[ineq_expand6]; DISCH_TAC; REPEAT GEN_TAC; REPEAT DISCH_TAC; ASSUM_LIST (let rec r = function | [] -> ALL_TAC | th::ths -> (MP_TAC (REPEAT_RULE (OR_RULE (MATCH_MP pathL_bound) (MATCH_MP pathR_bound)) th)) THEN r ths in r); REWRITE_TAC[]; SIMP_TAC[c2001; gcy_low;gcy_low_const;gcy_low_hminus;gcy_high;gcy_high_hplus; h0_lt_gt; lmdih3_ldih3;lmdih5_ldih5;lmdih_ldih;lmdih5_0;lmdih3_0;lmdih0; (* Oct 28, 2010:*) vol3f_lm0;vol3f_lmln; (* nov23 *) lmfun0;lmfun_lfun;hm0; (* may 26, 2011. macro_expand was moved to prelim tac, so additional simps are needed. *) lmdih1_0';lmdih3_0';lmdih5_0'; lmdih_ldih';lmdih3_ldih3';lmdih5_ldih5'; ]; SIMP_TAC[lmfun_lfun;lmfun0]; REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `&0 * x = &0 /\ &0 + x = x`]; REPEAT (DISCH_THEN (fun t-> ALL_TAC)); REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC); REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand6]; DISCH_TAC; EVERY (map SPEC_TAC [(`y6:real`,`y6:real`);(`y5:real`,`y5:real`);(`y4:real`,`y4:real`);(`y3:real`,`y3:real`);(`y2:real`,`y2:real`);(`y1:real`,`y1:real`)]); POP_ASSUM MP_TAC; REWRITE_TAC[Sphere.pathL;Sphere.pathR]; (* moved May 24, 2011 *) ];; (* *************************************************************************** *) (* *************************************************************************** *) (* let SQRT_SQRT_TAC = EVERY[ REPEAT DISCH_TAC; SUBGOAL_THEN `sqrt x1 * sqrt x1 = x1 /\ sqrt x2 * sqrt x2 = x2 /\ sqrt x3 * sqrt x3 = x3 /\ sqrt x4 * sqrt x4 = x4 /\ sqrt x5 * sqrt x5 = x5 /\ sqrt x6 * sqrt x6 = x6` (unlist REWRITE_TAC) THENL[ ASM_MESON_TAC[sq_pow2];ALL_TAC] THEN REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC); DISCH_TAC; ];; *) let SQRT_SQRT_TAC = EVERY[ REPEAT DISCH_TAC; SUBGOAL_THEN `sqrt x1 * sqrt x1 = x1 /\ sqrt x2 * sqrt x2 = x2 /\ sqrt x3 * sqrt x3 = x3 /\ sqrt x4 * sqrt x4 = x4 /\ sqrt x5 * sqrt x5 = x5 /\ sqrt x6 * sqrt x6 = x6` (unlist REWRITE_TAC) THENL [ REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM (MP_TAC o (MATCH_MP sq_pow2))) THEN REPEAT DISCH_TAC THEN BY(ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]);ALL_TAC] THEN REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC); DISCH_TAC;];; let X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER = [`norm2hh (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = norm2hh_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `rad2_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = rad2_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `delta4_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = delta_x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `delta4_y (sqrt x7) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x8) (sqrt x9) = delta_x4 x7 x2 x3 x4 x8 x9 `; `dih2_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = dih2_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `dih3_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = dih3_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `dih_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = dih_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `dih4_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = dih4_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `dih5_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = dih5_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `dih6_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = dih6_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `delta_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = delta_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `delta_y (sqrt x7) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x8) (sqrt x9) = delta_x x7 x2 x3 x4 x8 x9`; `vol_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = vol_x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `eta_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x6) pow 2 = eta2_126 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `eta_y (sqrt x1) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x5) pow 2 = eta2_135 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `eta_y (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) pow 2 = eta2_456 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `vol3f (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x6) sqrt2 lfun = vol3f_x_lfun x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `vol_y sqrt2 sqrt2 sqrt2 (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x6) = vol3_x_sqrt x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 `; `vol3f_sqrt2_lmplus (sqrt x1) (sqrt x2) (sqrt x3) (sqrt x4) (sqrt x5) (sqrt x6) = vol3f_x_sqrt2_lmplus x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6`; ];; let rec get_consts tm = match tm with Var(s,t) -> [] | Const(s,t) -> [tm ] | Comb (t1,t2) -> get_consts t1 @ get_consts t2 | Abs (t1,t2) -> get_consts t1 @ get_consts t2 ;; let get_goal_const gl = let w = goal_concl gl in get_consts w;; (* let X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER_TAC:tactic = fun gl -> let (asl,a) = dest_goal gl in let fr = frees a in (* edited next line Nov 2012, svn 2931 *) let vos = filter (fun t -> subset (frees (fst (dest_eq t))) fr ) X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER in let X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER_FIL = list_mk_conj vos in (SUBGOAL_THEN X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER_FIL (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t;(GSYM Sphere.rhazim_x); (GSYM Sphere.rhazim2_x);xspec (GSYM Sphere.rhazim3_x)]) THENL[ (GEN_MESON_TAC 0 200 1[Sphere.norm2hh_x;rad2_x_y;delta_x4_delta4_y;dih_x_y;dih2_x_y;delta_x_y;dih3_x_y;tauq_x_y;GSYM Sphere.dih4_x;GSYM Sphere.dih5_x;GSYM Sphere.dih6_x;vol_x_y;Sphere.eta2_126; Sphere.eta2_135;Sphere.eta2_456;GSYM vol3f_x_lfun;GSYM vol3_x_sqrt;GSYM vol3f_x_sqrt2_lmplus]);ALL_TAC]) gl ;; *) let X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER_TAC:tactic = fun gl -> let (asl,a) = dest_goal gl in let fr = frees a in let c = get_goal_const gl in let vos = filter (fun t -> subset (frees (fst (dest_eq t))) fr ) X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER in let vos' = filter (fun t -> mem (fst (strip_comb (fst(dest_eq t)))) c) vos in let vconj = list_mk_conj vos' in (SUBGOAL_THEN vconj (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t;(GSYM Sphere.rhazim_x); (GSYM Sphere.rhazim2_x);xspec (GSYM Sphere.rhazim3_x)]) THENL[ (GEN_MESON_TAC 0 200 1[Sphere.norm2hh_x;rad2_x_y;delta_x4_delta4_y;dih_x_y;dih2_x_y;delta_x_y;dih3_x_y;tauq_x_y;GSYM Sphere.dih4_x;GSYM Sphere.dih5_x;GSYM Sphere.dih6_x;vol_x_y;Sphere.eta2_126; Sphere.eta2_135;Sphere.eta2_456;GSYM vol3f_x_lfun;GSYM vol3_x_sqrt;GSYM vol3f_x_sqrt2_lmplus]);ALL_TAC]) gl ;; let X_FROZEN_COMPOUND =(map SPEC_ALL [ vol3r_126_x;REAL_ARITH `&2 = #2.0`; GSYM arclength_x_234; GSYM arclength_x_126; GSYM Functional_equation.nonf_gamma2_x1_div_a_v2; ] ) ;; let decimal = REWRITE_RULE [REAL_ARITH `&2 = #2.0`];; let X_COMPOUND_DEF = [REAL_ARITH `&2 = #2.0`; beta_bump_force_x; GSYM Sphere.gchi1_x;GSYM Sphere.gchi2_x; GSYM Sphere.gchi3_x;GSYM Sphere.gchi4_x; GSYM Sphere.gchi5_x;GSYM Sphere.gchi6_x; GSYM Sphere.arclength_x1;GSYM Sphere.arclength_x2; GSYM Enclosed.quad_cross_diag2_x; tauq_x_y;] @ map decimal [ GSYM Sphere.ldih_x;GSYM Sphere.ldih2_x; GSYM Sphere.ldih3_x;GSYM Sphere.ldih6_x; ];; let X_OF_Y_TAC = ( (DISCH_TAC) THEN TRY (MATCH_MP_TAC ineq_square2) THEN TRY (MATCH_MP_TAC ineq_square2_9) THEN (REWRITE_TAC basic_constants_nn) THEN REWRITE_TAC[GSYM CONJ_ASSOC] THEN (REPEAT (CONJ_TAC THENL[MP_TAC hminus_gt THEN MP_TAC sqrt3_nn THEN REWRITE_TAC[Sphere.h0;Sphere.hplus] THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC;ALL_TAC])) THEN (REPEAT GEN_TAC) THEN (REWRITE_TAC [sol_y_123;taum_123]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[ineq]) THEN (SQRT_SQRT_TAC) THEN (REPEAT DISCH_TAC) THEN (* remove x variable compound *) X_SQRT_COMPOUND_ORDER_TAC THEN FROZEN_REWRITE_TAC X_FROZEN_COMPOUND THEN REWRITE_TAC X_COMPOUND_DEF THEN (* repackage *) (REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM MP_TAC)) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand9]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand6]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `(&2 = #2.0) /\ (x pow 2 = x * x) /\ (#2.0 * #2.0 = #4.0) /\ (#2.18 * #2.18 = #4.7524 ) /\ (#2.52 * #2.52 = #6.3504)`;sqrt8_2;sqrt2_sqrt2;Sphere.h0;Sphere.hplus]) THEN ALL_TAC );; let EXPAND_lfun = (SUBGOAL_THEN `lfun x1 = (#1.26 - proj_x1 (x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real))/(#0.26)` (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t])) THENL [ REWRITE_TAC[Sphere.lfun;proj_x1;Sphere.h0;REAL_ARITH `#1.26 - &1 = #0.26`];ALL_TAC] ;; let REMOVE_dummy = SUBGOAL_THEN `!(f:bool). (!(dummy:real). ineq [&1,dummy,&1] f) = (!(x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real). ineq[(&1,x1,&1);(&1,x2,&1);(&1,x3,&1);(&1,x4,&1);(&1,x5,&1);(&1,x6,&1)] f)` (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL[ REWRITE_TAC[ineq] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_ARITH `~(&2 <= &1)`]; ALL_TAC];; let EXPAND_1var = SUBGOAL_THEN `!(f:real->bool) a b. (!(y:real). ineq [a,y,b] (f y)) = (!(x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real). ineq[(a,x1,b);(&1,x2,&1);(&1,x3,&1);(&1,x4,&1);(&1,x5,&1);(&1,x6,&1)] (f x1))` (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL [REWRITE_TAC[ineq] THEN MESON_TAC[REAL_ARITH `(&1 <= &1)`];ALL_TAC] ;; let REAL_SIMPLIFY_EXPRESSION = let arith = REAL_ARITH `!x y z. (&8 = #8) /\ (x - y = x + (-- #1.0) * y) /\ (x * (y+z) = x * y + x * z) /\ (y+z) * x = y * x + z * x /\ (x + y) + z = x + y + z /\ (-- x * -- y = x * y) /\ (x * -- y = -- x * y) /\ (-- x * y = -- (x * y)) /\ (x * y) * z = x * y * z /\ -- #1.0 * x = -- x /\ -- (x + y) = -- x + (--y) /\ -- (-- x) = x /\ (-- (-- x * y) = x * y) /\ #0.0 = &0 /\ #0 = &0 /\ &0 * x = &0 /\ x * &0 = &0 /\ (&0 + x = x) /\ -- &0 = &0 /\ (x + &0 = x) /\ (&0 + x = x) /\ &1 * x = x /\ -- &1 * x = -- x /\ x * sqrt8 = sqrt8 * x ` in (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_POW_MUL;real_div;REAL_MUL_LZERO; REAL_MUL_RZERO;arith]) ;; let EXPAND_SQRT = (SUBGOAL_THEN `sqrt x1 = sqrt_x1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ sqrt x2 = sqrt_x2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ sqrt x3 = sqrt_x3 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ sqrt x4 = sqrt_x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ sqrt x5 = sqrt_x5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ sqrt x6 = sqrt_x6 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ sqrt x8 = sqrt_x5 (x7:real) x2 x3 x4 x8 x9 /\ sqrt x9 = sqrt_x6 x7 x2 x3 x4 x8 x9 ` (fun t->REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL [REWRITE_TAC[sqrt_x1;sqrt_x2; sqrt_x3;sqrt_x4;sqrt_x5;sqrt_x6];ALL_TAC]) ;; (* for 1d inequality involving vol2f marchal *) let EXPAND_vol2 = REWRITE_TAC[vol2f_marchal_pow_y;vol2r_y] THEN SUBGOAL_THEN `x1 pow 1 = promote pow1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ x1 pow 2 = promote_pow2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ x1 pow 3 = promote_pow3 (x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real) /\ x1 pow 4 = promote pow4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6` (fun t->REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL[ REWRITE_TAC[promote;pow1;pow2;pow3;pow4;promote_pow2;promote_pow3]; REWRITE_TAC[LET_DEF;LET_END_DEF]] ;; let DEF_expand = [Sphere.a_spine5;Sphere.b_spine5;Sphere.mm1; Sphere.flat_term;Sphere.beta_bump_lb;REAL_POW_2; Sphere.h0; Sphere.mm2;GSYM Sphere.sqrt2;GSYM Sphere.sqrt3; GSYM Sphere.sqrt8;sol0_const1;sqrt2_sqrt8; Sphere.mm1;Sphere.mm2;Sphere.tau0;Sphere.hplus; tame_table_d_values;Sphere.vol2f; Sphere.lfun; (* added Oct 17, 2010 *) ];; (* *************************************************************************** *) (* SERIES3Q1H *) (* *************************************************************************** *) let SERIES3Q1H_5D_TAC = let instjx = INST_TYPE [(`:real`,`:A`);(`:real`,`:B`);(`:real`,`:C`); (`:real`,`:D`);(`:real`,`:E`);(`:real`,`:F`)] in let PROJX = map instjx [ proj_x1;proj_x2;proj_x3;proj_x4;proj_x5;proj_x6] in let projx = list_mk_conj (map (concl o GSYM) PROJX ) in (REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN MATCH_MP_TAC ineq6_of_ineq5) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[Sphere.pathL;Sphere.pathR;Sphere.hplus;Sphere.h0]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[ineq_expand6]) THEN (REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN REPEAT DISCH_TAC) THEN (SUBGOAL_THEN projx (fun t -> PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[t])) THENL [(REWRITE_TAC PROJX);ALL_TAC] THEN (REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC)) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand6]);; (* *************************************************************************** *) (* STYLIZE and WRAPUP *) (* *************************************************************************** *) let STYLIZE_TAC = let real_arith_lt = REAL_ARITH `(x < y <=> (x- y < &0)) /\ (x <= y <=> (x-y <= &0))` in let real_arith_gt = REAL_ARITH `(x > y <=> (y - x < &0) ) /\ (x >= y <=> (y-x <= &0))` in let real_arith_unit = REAL_ARITH `unit0 * (x + y ) = unit0 * x + unit0 * y /\ unit0 * --x = --(unit0 * x) /\ (unit0 * x = x * unit0) /\ (x * y) * z = x * y * z` in let subgoal_proj = `x2 * unit0 = proj_x2 (x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real) /\ x3 * unit0 = proj_x3 (x1) (x2) (x3) (x4) (x5) (x6) /\ x1 * unit0 = proj_x1 (x1) (x2) (x3) (x4) (x5) (x6) /\ (x4 * unit0 = proj_x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) /\ (x5 * unit0 = proj_x5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) /\ (x6 * unit0 = proj_x6 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)` in let subgoal_unit6 = `unit0 = unit6 (x1:real) (x2:real) (x3:real) (x4:real) (x5:real) (x6:real)` in REMOVE_dummy THEN EXPAND_1var THEN DISCH_TAC THEN REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN (* rename added Nov 27, 2010 *) X_RENAME_TAC THEN REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN EXPAND_vol2 THEN (* prev line added Sep 8 , 2010 *) REWRITE_TAC DEF_expand THEN (* prev line moved down sep 8 *) EXPAND_lfun THEN REWRITE_TAC[ineq] THEN (REPEAT DISCH_TAC) THEN (ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[real_arith_lt]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[real_arith_gt]) THEN EXPAND_SQRT THEN REAL_SIMPLIFY_EXPRESSION THEN SUBGOAL_THEN `!a. x1:real * a = a * x1` (fun t->REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL[REAL_ARITH_TAC;ALL_TAC] THEN (* added OCt 17, 2010 *) (SUBGOAL_THEN `!x. ((x < &0) <=> (unit0 * x < &0)) /\ ((x <= &0) <=> (unit0 * x <= &0))` (fun t -> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[t])) THENL [REWRITE_TAC[unit0;REAL_ARITH `&1 * x = x`];ALL_TAC] THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 * (y:real) = y * f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 /\ ((x * y) * z = x * y * z)`]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[real_arith_unit]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `unit0 * x = x * unit0`]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[unit0f]) THEN (SUBGOAL_THEN subgoal_proj (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL [REWRITE_TAC[proj_x3;proj_x4;proj_x5;proj_x6;proj_x2; proj_x1;unit0;REAL_ARITH `x * &1 = x`];ALL_TAC]) THEN (SUBGOAL_THEN subgoal_unit6 (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t]) THENL [REWRITE_TAC[unit0;unit6];ALL_TAC]) THEN (REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM MP_TAC)) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand9]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[GSYM ineq_expand6]) THEN DISCH_TAC;; let WRAPUP_TAC = (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `(x * y * (z:real)) = (x * y) * z`]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `(y:real) * f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 = (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) * y `]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH ` -- (x * y) = x * (-- y) `]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH ` -- (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) = f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 * -- &1`]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `(x * y) * (z:real) = x * y * z`]) THEN (REWRITE_TAC[REAL_ARITH `inv y = (&1/y)`]);; (* ========================================================================== *) (* VERIFYING INEQUALITIES *) (* ========================================================================== *) let idq_fields idq = (idq.idv,idq.tags, idq.ineq);; (* let preprocess (s,tags,case) = let is_xconvert = mem Xconvert tags in let is_branch = mem Branching tags in let strip_let_case = strip_let_tm case in let _ = report ("process and exec: "^s) in let _ = g (strip_let_case) in let _ = e(PRELIM_REWRITE_TAC) in let NONLIN_INTRO = e(MP_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[] NONLIN)) in let _ = if (is_branch) then e(BRANCH_TAC) else e(ALL_TAC) in let _ = if (is_xconvert) then e (X_OF_Y_TAC) else e(ALL_TAC) in let _ = if (is_branch && not(is_xconvert)) then e(SERIES3Q1H_5D_TAC) else e(ALL_TAC) in let _ = e (STYLIZE_TAC) in let _ = e (WRAPUP_TAC) in let testineq = snd(top_goal()) in (s,tags,testineq);; *) (* rewritten Jan 28, 2013 *) let preprocess (s,tags,case) = let is_xconvert = mem Xconvert tags in let is_branch = mem Branching tags in let _ = report ("process and exec: "^s) in let LET_ELIM_TAC = CONV_TAC (REDEPTH_CONV let_CONV) in let tacl = [LET_ELIM_TAC; PRELIM_REWRITE_TAC; MP_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[] NONLIN); if (is_branch) then BRANCH_TAC else ALL_TAC; if (is_xconvert) then X_OF_Y_TAC else ALL_TAC; if (is_branch && not(is_xconvert)) then SERIES3Q1H_5D_TAC else ALL_TAC; STYLIZE_TAC; WRAPUP_TAC] in let _ = g (case) in let _ = e (EVERY tacl) in let testineq = snd(top_goal()) in (s,tags,testineq);; let process_and_exec ex (s,tags,case) = let _ = report ("process and exec: "^s) in let (s,tags,testineq) = preprocess (s,tags,case) in execute_interval ex tags s testineq;; (* let process_and_exec ex (s,tags,case) = let _ = report ("process and exec: "^s) in let is_xconvert = mem Xconvert tags in let is_branch = mem Branching tags in let strip_let_case = strip_let_tm case in let _ = report ("process and exec: "^s) in let _ = g (strip_let_case) in let _ = e(PRELIM_REWRITE_TAC) in let NONLIN_INTRO = e(MP_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[] NONLIN)) in let _ = if (is_branch) then e(BRANCH_TAC) else e(ALL_TAC) in let _ = if (is_xconvert) then e (X_OF_Y_TAC) else e(ALL_TAC) in let _ = if (is_branch && not(is_xconvert)) then e(SERIES3Q1H_5D_TAC) else e(ALL_TAC) in let _ = e (STYLIZE_TAC) in let _ = e (WRAPUP_TAC) in let testineq = snd(top_goal()) in execute_interval ex tags s testineq;; *) (* let get_firstexact s = idq_fields (hd(Ineq.getexact s));; let process_and_exec_by_id ex s = let testcase = get_firstexact s in process_and_exec ex s testcase;; testsplit_idq ** strips let ** splits cases at h0 according to the split tags ** ships the cases off to process_and_exec. *) (* let testsplit_idq ex idq = let (s,tags,ineq) = idq_fields idq in let ineq_strip_let = strip_let_tm ineq in let suffix i n = Printf.sprintf "%s split(%d/%d)" s i n in let ls = get_split_tags idq in if (ls = []) then process_and_exec ex (s,tags,ineq_strip_let) else let cases = split_all_h0 [(ineq_strip_let, ls)] in let n = length cases in for i=0 to (n - 1) do try (process_and_exec ex (suffix i n,tags,(List.nth cases i))) with Failure s -> failwith (s ^ " case fail: " ^(string_of_int i)) done;; *) let preprocess_split_idq idq = let (s,tags,ineq) = idq_fields idq in let ineq_strip_let = strip_let_tm ineq in let suffix i n = Printf.sprintf "%s split(%d/%d)" s i n in let ls = get_split_tags idq in if (ls = []) then [preprocess (s,tags,ineq_strip_let)] else let cases = split_all_h0 [(ineq_strip_let, ls)] in let n = length cases in map (fun i -> try preprocess (suffix i n,tags,List.nth cases i) with Failure s -> failwith (s^ " case fail: " ^ (string_of_int i))) (0--(n-1));; let testsplit_idq ex idq = let splits = preprocess_split_idq idq in map (fun (s,tags,testineq) -> execute_interval ex tags s testineq) splits;; let testsplit ex s = testsplit_idq ex (hd (Ineq.getexact s));; end;;