Hales, tactics 

   A type conflict is defined as two terms in the same context with
   the same string name and different types.  We search for type conflicts in the 
   head of the current goal stack.
let conflict () = 
  let rec atoms tm = 
    match tm with
      | Var(_,_) -> [dest_var tm]
      | Const(_,_) -> []
      | Abs(bv,bod) -> dest_var bv :: atoms bod
      | Comb(s,t) -> atoms s @ atoms t in
  let atoml tml = itlist (union o atoms) tml [] in
  let atomg (r,t) = atoml (t :: map (concl o snd) r) in
  let rec atomgl r = match r with
      [] -> []
    | b::bs -> atomg b @ atomgl bs in
  let atomc() = sort (<) (atomgl ((fun (_,x,_) -> x) (hd (!current_goalstack)))) in
  let rec confl x acc = match x with
      [] -> acc
    | b::[] -> acc
    | a::b::bs -> if ((fst a = fst b) && not(snd a = snd b) )
      then (confl (b::bs) ((a,b)::acc)) else confl (b::bs) acc in
  confl (atomc()) [];;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* This bundles an interactive session into a proof. *)
(* From jordan_curve/hol_ext/tactics_refine.ml *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

let (set_label,no_label,labeled) = 
  let flag = ref false in
  (fun () -> (flag:= true)),(fun ()-> (flag:=false)),(fun () -> !flag);;

let LABEL_ALL_TAC:tactic = 
 let mk_label avoid =
  let rec mk_one_label i avoid  = 
    let label = "Z-"^(string_of_int i) in
      if not(mem label avoid) then label else mk_one_label (i+1) avoid in
    mk_one_label 0 avoid in
 let update_label i asl = 
  let rec f_at_i f j =
    function [] -> []
      | a::b -> if (j=0) then (f a)::b else a::(f_at_i f (j-1) b) in
  let avoid = map fst asl in
  let current = el i avoid in
  let new_label = mk_label avoid in
  if (String.length current > 0) then asl else 
    f_at_i (fun (_,y) -> (new_label,y) ) i asl in
  fun (asl,w) ->  
    let aslp = ref asl in
    (for i=0 to ((length asl)-1) do (aslp := update_label i !aslp) done;
    (ALL_TAC (!aslp,w)));;

(* global_var *)
let (EVERY_STEP_TAC:tactic ref) = ref ALL_TAC;;

let (e:tactic ->goalstack) =  
   fun tac -> refine(by(VALID 
   (if labeled() then (tac THEN (!EVERY_STEP_TAC)) THEN LABEL_ALL_TAC
   else tac)));;

let has_stv t = 
  let typ = (type_vars_in_term t) in
  can (find (fun ty -> (is_vartype ty) && ((dest_vartype ty).[0] = '?'))) typ;;

let prove_by_refinement(t,(tacl:tactic list)) = 
  if (length (frees t) > 0) 
    then failwith "prove_by_refinement: free vars" else
  if (has_stv t) 
    then failwith "prove_by_refinement: has stv" else
  let gstate = mk_goalstate ([],t) in
  let _,sgs,just = rev_itlist 
    (fun tac gs -> by 
       (if labeled() then (tac THEN 
         (!EVERY_STEP_TAC) THEN LABEL_ALL_TAC ) else tac) gs)
     tacl gstate in
  let th = if sgs = [] then just null_inst []
  else failwith "BY_REFINEMENT_PROOF: Unsolved goals" in
  let t' = concl th in
  if t' = t then th else
  try EQ_MP (ALPHA t' t) th
  with Failure _ -> failwith "prove_by_refinement: generated wrong theorem";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A printer for goals etc.                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* had (rev asl) in this method.  I don't want to reverse the list *)

let save_hashstring,mem_hashstring,remove_hashstring,find_hashstring,memhash_of_string = 
  let saved_hashstring = 
    ref ((Hashtbl.create 300):(string,int) Hashtbl.t) in
(fun string ->
    Hashtbl.add !saved_hashstring (string) (hash_of_string string)),
(fun  s -> Hashtbl.mem !saved_hashstring s),
(fun  s -> Hashtbl.remove !saved_hashstring s),
(fun s-> Hashtbl.find !saved_hashstring s),
(fun s->if not(mem_hashstring s) then (save_hashstring s) ;
   find_hashstring s);;

let hash_of_string = 
  let q = 1223 in
  let p = 8831 in
  let hashll = itlist (fun x y -> (int_of_char (String.get x 0) + q*y) mod p) in
  fun s ->
    hashll (explode s) 0;;

let hash_of_type = 
  let q = [863;941;1069;1151; 9733]  in (* some primes *)
  let p n = List.nth q n in
  let red n = n mod p 4 in
  let m s = memhash_of_string s in
  let rec hashl v = itlist (fun x y -> red(hasht x + p 3*y))  v 0 and
    hasht v = match v with 
    | Tyvar s -> red (p 0*m s + p 1) 
    | Tyapp (s,tlt) -> let h = m s in
               let h2 = red (h*h)  in
          red (p 2*h2 + hashl tlt )  in

make hash_of_term constant on alpha-equivalence classes of

based on jordan_curve/hol_ext/tactics_fix.ml

let hash_of_term =  (* q = list of primes *)
  let q =  [ 9887 ;1291; 1373; 1451; 1511; 1583; 1657; 1733; 1811] in
  let p n = List.nth q n in
  let red n = 100+(n mod p 0) in
  let sq n = red (n*n) in
  let ren level v =  ("??_"^(string_of_int level),type_of v)  in
  let m s = memhash_of_string s in
  let ty s = hash_of_type s in
  let hh n s t = red (p n * m s +  ty t) in
  let hhh ht level e n i j = red(p n * sq (ht level e i) + p (n+1) * (ht level e j) + p (n+2)) in
  let rec ht  level e u = match u with
    | Var(s,t) -> let (s',t') = assocd (s,t) e (s,t) in hh 1 s' t'
    | Const(s,t) -> hh 2 s t
    | Comb (s,t) -> hhh ht level e 3 s t
    | Abs(s,t) -> hhh ht (level+1) ((dest_var s,ren level s)::e) 6 s t
  in ht 0 [] ;;

(* printing *)

let print_hyp n (s,th) =
  print_string " ";
  print_as 4 (string_of_int (hash_of_term (concl th)));
  print_string " [";
  print_qterm (concl th);
  print_string "]";
  (if not (s = "") then (print_string (" ("^s^")")) else ());

let rec print_hyps n asl =
  if asl = [] then () else
  (print_hyp n (hd asl);
   print_hyps (n + 1) (tl asl));;

let (print_goal_hashed:goal->unit) =
  fun (asl,w) ->
    if asl <> [] then (print_hyps 0 (asl); print_newline()) else ();
    print_qterm w; print_newline();;

let (print_goalstate_hashed:int->goalstate->unit) =
  fun k gs -> let (_,gl,_) = gs in
              let n = length gl in
              let s = if n = 0 then "No subgoals" else
                        (string_of_int k)^" subgoal"^(if k > 1 then "s" else "")
                     ^" ("^(string_of_int n)^" total)" in
              print_string s; print_newline();
              if gl = [] then () else
              do_list (print_goal_hashed o C el gl) (rev(0 -- (k-1)));;

let (print_goalstack_hashed:goalstack->unit) =
  fun (l) ->
    if l = [] then print_string "Empty goalstack"
    else if tl l = [] then
      let (_,gl,_ as gs) = hd l in
      print_goalstate_hashed 1 gs
      let (_,gl,_ as gs) = hd l
      and (_,gl0,_) = hd(tl l) in
      let p = length gl - length gl0 in
      let p' = if p < 1 then 1 else p + 1 in
      print_goalstate_hashed p' gs;;

#install_printer print_goal_hashed;;
#install_printer print_goalstack_hashed;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

(* abbrev_type copied from definitions_group.ml *)

let pthm = 
prove_by_refinement( `(\ (x:A) .T) (@(x:A). T)`,
(* let abbrev_type ty s = let (a,b) = new_basic_type_definition s ("mk_"^s,"dest_"^s) (INST_TYPE [ty,`:A`] pthm) in let abst t = list_mk_forall ((frees t), t) in let a' = abst (concl a) in let b' = abst (rhs (concl b)) in ( prove_by_refinement(a',[REWRITE_TAC[a]]), prove_by_refinement(b',[REWRITE_TAC[GSYM b]]));; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* KILL IN *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let un = REWRITE_RULE[IN];; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Nonfunctional Experiment *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let goal=0;; let first=1;; let last=99;; let all=55;; type form = Existential | Universal | Conjunction | Disjunction | Lambda | Equality | Unknown;; let form tm = if (is_forall tm) then Existential else Existential;; (* break down *) let br i = match i with 0 -> true | 1 -> false;; (* insert *) let in i = match i with 0 -> true;; (* combine *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* some general tactics *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let SUBCONJ_TAC = MATCH_MP_TAC (TAUT `A /\ (A ==>B) ==> (A /\ B)`) THEN CONJ_TAC;; let PROOF_BY_CONTR_TAC = MATCH_MP_TAC (TAUT `(~A ==> F) ==> A`) THEN DISCH_TAC;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* some general tactics *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* before adding assumption to hypothesis list, cleanse it of unnecessary conditions *) let CLEAN_ASSUME_TAC th = MP_TAC th THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN DISCH_TAC;; let CLEAN_THEN th ttac = MP_TAC th THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THEN DISCH_THEN ttac;; (* looks for a hypothesis by matching a subterm *) let (UNDISCH_FIND_TAC: term -> tactic) = fun tm (asl,w) -> let p = can (term_match[] tm) in try let sthm,_ = remove (fun (_,asm) -> can (find_term p) (concl ( asm))) asl in UNDISCH_TAC (concl (snd sthm)) (asl,w) with Failure _ -> failwith "UNDISCH_FIND_TAC";; let (UNDISCH_FIND_THEN: term -> thm_tactic -> tactic) = fun tm ttac (asl,w) -> let p = can (term_match[] tm) in try let sthm,_ = remove (fun (_,asm) -> can (find_term p) (concl ( asm))) asl in UNDISCH_THEN (concl (snd sthm)) ttac (asl,w) with Failure _ -> failwith "UNDISCH_FIND_TAC";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* NAME_CONFLICT_TAC : eliminate name conflicts in a term *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let relabel_bound_conv tm = let rec vars_and_constants tm acc = match tm with | Var _ -> tm::acc | Const _ -> tm::acc | Comb(a,b) -> vars_and_constants b (vars_and_constants a acc) | Abs(a,b) -> a::(vars_and_constants b acc) in let relabel_bound tm = match tm with | Abs(x,t) -> let avoids = gather ((!=) x) (vars_and_constants tm []) in let x' = mk_primed_var avoids x in if (x=x') then failwith "relabel_bound" else (alpha x' tm) | _ -> failwith "relabel_bound" in DEPTH_CONV (fun t -> ALPHA t (relabel_bound t)) tm;; (* example *) let _ = let bad_term = mk_abs (`x:bool`,`(x:num)+1=2`) in relabel_bound_conv bad_term;; let NAME_CONFLICT_CONV = relabel_bound_conv;; let NAME_CONFLICT_TAC = CONV_TAC (relabel_bound_conv);; (* renames given bound variables *) let alpha_conv env tm = ALPHA tm (deep_alpha env tm);; (* replaces given alpha-equivalent terms with- the term itself *) let unify_alpha_tac = SUBST_ALL_TAC o REFL;; let rec get_abs tm acc = match tm with Abs(u,v) -> get_abs v (tm::acc) |Comb(u,v) -> get_abs u (get_abs v acc) |_ -> acc;; (* for purposes such as sorting, it helps if ALL ALPHA-equiv abstractions are replaced by equal abstractions *) let (alpha_tac:tactic) = fun (asl,w' ) -> EVERY (map unify_alpha_tac (get_abs w' [])) (asl,w');; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* SELECT ELIMINATION. SELECT_TAC should work whenever there is a single predicate selected. Something more sophisticated might be needed when there is (@)A and (@)B in the same formula. Useful for proving statements such as `1 + (@x. (x=3)) = 4` *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* spec form of SELECT_AX *) let select_thm select_fn select_exist = BETA_RULE (ISPECL [select_fn;select_exist] SELECT_AX);; (* example *) select_thm `\m. (X:num->bool) m /\ (!n. X n ==> m <=| n)` `n:num`;;
prove_by_refinement( `!(P:A->bool) Q. (?y. P y) /\ (!t. (P t ==> Q t)) ==> Q ((@) P)`,
(* }}} *)
prove_by_refinement( `!(P:A->bool) Q. (((?y. P y) ==> (!t. (P t ==> Q t))) /\ ((~(?y. P y)) ==> (!t. Q t))) ==> Q ((@) P)`,
(* {{{ proof *) [ MESON_TAC[SELECT_EXIST]; ]);;
(* }}} *) let SELECT_TAC = (* explicitly pull apart the clause Q((@) P), because MATCH_MP_TAC isn't powerful enough to do this by itself. *)
let unbeta = 
prove( `!(P:A->bool) (Q:A->bool). (Q ((@) P)) = (\t. Q t) ((@) P)`,
(* EXAMPLE: # g `(R:A->bool) ((@) S)`;; val it : Core.goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total) `R ((@) S)` # e SELECT_TAC ;; val it : Core.goalstack = 2 subgoals (2 total) 0 [`~(?y. S y)`] `R t` `S t ==> R t` *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* TYPE_THEN and TYPEL_THEN calculate the types of the terms supplied in a proof, avoiding the hassle of working them out by hand. It locates the terms among the free variables in the goal. Ambiguious if a free variables have name conflicts. Now TYPE_THEN handles general terms. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rec type_set: (string*term) list -> (term list*term) -> (term list*term)= fun typinfo (acclist,utm) -> match acclist with | [] -> (acclist,utm) | (Var(s,_) as a)::rest -> let a' = (assocd s typinfo a) in if (a = a') then type_set typinfo (rest,utm) else let inst = instantiate (term_match [] a a') in type_set typinfo ((map inst rest),inst utm) | _ -> failwith "type_set: variable expected" ;; let has_stv t = let typ = (type_vars_in_term t) in can (find (fun ty -> (is_vartype ty) && ((dest_vartype ty).[0] = '?'))) typ;; let TYPE_THEN: term -> (term -> tactic) -> tactic = fun t (tac:term->tactic) (asl,w) -> let avoids = itlist (union o frees o concl o snd) asl (frees w) in let strip = fun t-> (match t with |Var(s,_) -> (s,t) | _ -> failwith "TYPE_THEN" ) in let typinfo = map strip avoids in let t' = (snd (type_set typinfo ((frees t),t))) in (warn ((has_stv t')) "TYPE_THEN: unresolved type variables"); tac t' (asl,w);; (* this version must take variables *) let TYPEL_THEN: term list -> (term list -> tactic) -> tactic = fun t (tac:term list->tactic) (asl,w) -> let avoids = itlist (union o frees o concl o snd) asl (frees w) in let strip = fun t-> (match t with |Var(s,_) -> (s,t) | _ -> failwith "TYPE_THEN" ) in let typinfo = map strip avoids in let t' = map (fun u -> snd (type_set typinfo ((frees u),u))) t in (warn ((can (find has_stv) t')) "TYPEL_THEN: unresolved type vars"); tac t' (asl,w);; (* trivial example *)
let _ = 
prove_by_refinement(`!y. y:num = y`,
[ GEN_TAC; TYPE_THEN `y:A` (fun t -> ASSUME_TAC(ISPEC t (TAUT `!x:B. x=x`))); UNDISCH_TAC `y:num = y`; (* evidence that `y:A` was retyped as `y:num` *) MESON_TAC[]; ]);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* SAVE the goalstate, and retrieve later *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let (save_goal,get_goal) = let goal_buffer = ref [] in let save_goal s = goal_buffer := (s,!current_goalstack )::!goal_buffer in let get_goal (s:string) = (current_goalstack:= assoc s !goal_buffer) in (save_goal,get_goal);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)g (* ordered rewrites with general ord function . This allows rewrites with an arbitrary condition -- adapted from simp.ml *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let net_of_thm_ord ord rep force th = let t = concl th in let lconsts = freesl (hyp th) in let matchable = can o term_match lconsts in try let l,r = dest_eq t in if rep & free_in l r then let th' = EQT_INTRO th in enter lconsts (l,(1,REWR_CONV th')) else if rep & matchable l r & matchable r l then enter lconsts (l,(1,ORDERED_REWR_CONV ord th)) else if force then enter lconsts (l,(1,ORDERED_REWR_CONV ord th)) else enter lconsts (l,(1,REWR_CONV th)) with Failure _ -> let l,r = dest_eq(rand t) in if rep & free_in l r then let tm = lhand t in let th' = DISCH tm (EQT_INTRO(UNDISCH th)) in enter lconsts (l,(3,IMP_REWR_CONV th')) else if rep & matchable l r & matchable r l then enter lconsts (l,(3,ORDERED_IMP_REWR_CONV ord th)) else enter lconsts(l,(3,IMP_REWR_CONV th));; let GENERAL_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord rep force (cnvl:conv->conv) (builtin_net:gconv net) thl = let thl_canon = itlist (mk_rewrites false) thl [] in let final_net = itlist (net_of_thm_ord ord rep force ) thl_canon builtin_net in cnvl (REWRITES_CONV final_net);; let GEN_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord force (cnvl:conv->conv) thl = GENERAL_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord false force cnvl empty_net thl;; let PURE_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord force thl = GENERAL_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord true force TOP_DEPTH_CONV empty_net thl;; let REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord force thl = GENERAL_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord true force TOP_DEPTH_CONV (basic_net()) thl;; let PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord force thl = GENERAL_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord false force ONCE_DEPTH_CONV empty_net thl;; let ONCE_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord force thl = GENERAL_REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord false force ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (basic_net()) thl;; let REWRITE_ORD_TAC ord force thl = CONV_TAC(REWRITE_ORD_CONV ord force thl);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Move quantifier left. Use class.ml and theorems.ml to bubble quantifiers towards the head of an expression. It should move quantifiers past other quantifiers, past conjunctions, disjunctions, implications, etc. val quant_left_CONV : string -> term -> thm = <fun> Arguments: var_name:string -- The name of the variable that is to be shifted. It tends to return `T` when the conversion fails. Example: quant_left_CONV "a" `!b. ?a. a = b*4`;; val it : thm = |- (!b. ?a. a = b *| 4) = (?a. !b. a b = b *| 4) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tagb = new_definition `TAGB (x:bool) = x`;;
let is_quant tm = (is_forall tm) or (is_exists tm);; let rec tag_quant var_name tm = if (is_forall tm && (fst (dest_var (fst (dest_forall tm))) = var_name)) then mk_comb (`TAGB`,tm) else if (is_exists tm && (fst (dest_var (fst (dest_exists tm))) = var_name)) then mk_comb (`TAGB`,tm) else match tm with | Comb (x,y) -> Comb(tag_quant var_name x,tag_quant var_name y) | Abs (x,y) -> Abs(x,tag_quant var_name y) | _ -> tm;; let quant_left_CONV = (* ~! -> ?~ *) let iprove f = prove(f,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
prove(`!P. ~(TAGB(!x. P x)) = (?x:A. ~(P x))`,
  prove(`!P. (?y. TAGB (!(x:A). P x ((y:A->B) x))) = 
     ( (!(x:A). ?y. P x ((y:B))))`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb;SKOLEM_THM]) in
 let SKOLEM_TAG2 =
   prove(`!P. (!x:A. TAGB(?y:B. P x y)) = (?y. !x. P x (y x))`,
 (* !1 !2 -> !2 !1 *)
  prove(`!P:A->B->bool. (!x. TAGB(! y. P x y)) = (!y x. P x y)`,
 let SWAP_EXISTS_THM = iprove
  `!P:A->B->bool. (?x. TAGB (?y. P x y)) = (?y x. P x y)` in
 (* ! /\ ! -> ! /\ *)
 let AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. (TAGB (!x. P x) /\ TAGB (!x. Q x) = 
   (!x. P x /\ Q x))`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
 let LEFT_AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. (TAGB (!x. P x) /\  Q) = 
   (!x. P x /\ Q )`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
 let RIGHT_AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. P /\ TAGB (!x. Q x) = 
   (!x. P  /\ Q x)`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
 let TRIV_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB (!x:A. P) \/ TAGB (!x:A. Q) = (!x:A. P \/ Q)`,
 (`!P Q. (P ==> TAGB (!x:A. Q x)) = (!x. P ==> Q x)`,
 let OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
  `!P Q. TAGB (?x. P x) \/ TAGB (?x. Q x) = (?x:A. P x \/ Q x)` in
 let LEFT_OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x. P x) \/ Q = (?x:A. P x \/ Q)` in
 let RIGHT_OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. P \/ TAGB (?x. Q x) = (?x:A. P \/ Q x)` in
 let LEFT_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x:A. P x) /\ Q = (?x:A. P x /\ Q)` in
 let RIGHT_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. P /\ TAGB (?x:A. Q x) = (?x:A. P /\ Q x)` in
 let TRIV_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x:A. P) /\ TAGB (?x:A. Q) = (?x:A. P /\ Q)` in
 let LEFT_IMP_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. (TAGB (?x:A. P x) ==> Q) = (!x. P x ==> Q)` in
 let TRIV_FORALL_IMP_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. (TAGB (?x:A. P) ==> TAGB (!x:A. Q)) = (!x:A. P ==> Q) ` in
 let TRIV_EXISTS_IMP_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. (TAGB(!x:A. P) ==> TAGB (?x:A. Q)) = (?x:A. P ==> Q) ` in
 let NOT_EXISTS_TAG = prove(
 `!P. ~(TAGB(?x:A. P x)) = (!x. ~(P x))`,
 let LEFT_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB(!x:A. P x) \/ Q = (!x. P x \/ Q)`,
 let RIGHT_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. P \/ TAGB(!x:A. Q x) = (!x. P \/ Q x)`,
 let LEFT_IMP_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. (TAGB(!x:A. P x) ==> Q) = (?x. P x ==> Q)`,
 (`!P Q. (P ==> TAGB(?x:A. Q x)) = (?x:A. P ==> Q x)`,
  fun var_name tm -> 
     REWRITE_RULE [tagb]  
       (tag_quant var_name tm));;
(* same, but never pass a quantifier past another. No Skolem, etc. *) let quant_left_noswap_CONV = (* ~! -> ?~ *) let iprove f = prove(f,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
prove(`!P. ~(TAGB(!x. P x)) = (?x:A. ~(P x))`,
  prove(`!P. (?y. TAGB (!(x:A). P x ((y:A->B) x))) = 
     ( (!(x:A). ?y. P x ((y:B))))`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb;SKOLEM_THM]) in
 let SKOLEM_TAG2 =
   prove(`!P. (!x:A. TAGB(?y:B. P x y)) = (?y. !x. P x (y x))`,
 (* !1 !2 -> !2 !1 *)
  prove(`!P:A->B->bool. (!x. TAGB(! y. P x y)) = (!y x. P x y)`,
 let SWAP_EXISTS_THM = iprove
  `!P:A->B->bool. (?x. TAGB (?y. P x y)) = (?y x. P x y)` in
 (* ! /\ ! -> ! /\ *)
 let AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. (TAGB (!x. P x) /\ TAGB (!x. Q x) = 
   (!x. P x /\ Q x))`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
 let LEFT_AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. (TAGB (!x. P x) /\  Q) = 
   (!x. P x /\ Q )`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
 let RIGHT_AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. P /\ TAGB (!x. Q x) = 
   (!x. P  /\ Q x)`,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
 let TRIV_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB (!x:A. P) \/ TAGB (!x:A. Q) = (!x:A. P \/ Q)`,
 (`!P Q. (P ==> TAGB (!x:A. Q x)) = (!x. P ==> Q x)`,
 let OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
  `!P Q. TAGB (?x. P x) \/ TAGB (?x. Q x) = (?x:A. P x \/ Q x)` in
 let LEFT_OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x. P x) \/ Q = (?x:A. P x \/ Q)` in
 let RIGHT_OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. P \/ TAGB (?x. Q x) = (?x:A. P \/ Q x)` in
 let LEFT_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x:A. P x) /\ Q = (?x:A. P x /\ Q)` in
 let RIGHT_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. P /\ TAGB (?x:A. Q x) = (?x:A. P /\ Q x)` in
 let TRIV_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x:A. P) /\ TAGB (?x:A. Q) = (?x:A. P /\ Q)` in
 let LEFT_IMP_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. (TAGB (?x:A. P x) ==> Q) = (!x. P x ==> Q)` in
 let TRIV_FORALL_IMP_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. (TAGB (?x:A. P) ==> TAGB (!x:A. Q)) = (!x:A. P ==> Q) ` in
 let TRIV_EXISTS_IMP_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. (TAGB(!x:A. P) ==> TAGB (?x:A. Q)) = (?x:A. P ==> Q) ` in
 let NOT_EXISTS_TAG = prove(
 `!P. ~(TAGB(?x:A. P x)) = (!x. ~(P x))`,
 let LEFT_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB(!x:A. P x) \/ Q = (!x. P x \/ Q)`,
 let RIGHT_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. P \/ TAGB(!x:A. Q x) = (!x. P \/ Q x)`,
 let LEFT_IMP_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. (TAGB(!x:A. P x) ==> Q) = (?x. P x ==> Q)`,
 (`!P Q. (P ==> TAGB(?x:A. Q x)) = (?x:A. P ==> Q x)`,
  fun var_name tm -> 
     REWRITE_RULE [tagb]  
       (tag_quant var_name tm));;
let quant_right_CONV = (* ~! -> ?~ *) let iprove f = prove(f,REWRITE_TAC[tagb] THEN ITAUT_TAC) in
prove(`!P. TAGB(?x:A. ~(P x)) = ~((!x. P x))`,
  prove(`!P. ( TAGB(!(x:A). ?y. P x ((y:B))))=
   (?y.  (!(x:A). P x ((y:A->B) x)))`,
 let SKOLEM_TAG2 =
   prove(`!P. TAGB(?y. !x. P x (y x)) = (!x:A. (?y:B. P x y))`,
 (* !1 !2 -> !2 !1.. *)
  prove(`!P:A->B->bool.  TAGB(!y x. P x y)= (!x. (! y. P x y))`,
 let SWAP_EXISTS_THM = iprove
  `!P:A->B->bool.  TAGB (?y x. P x y)=(?x. (?y. P x y))` in
 (* ! /\ ! -> ! /\ *)
 let AND_FORALL_TAG = iprove`!P Q. TAGB(!x. P x /\ Q x)= 
   ((!x. P x) /\ (!x. Q x))` in 
 let LEFT_AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q.  
   TAGB(!x. P x /\ Q ) = ((!x. P x) /\  Q)`,
 let RIGHT_AND_FORALL_TAG = prove(`!P Q. 
   TAGB(!x. P  /\ Q x) = P /\  (!x. Q x)`,
 let TRIV_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q.   TAGB(!x:A. P \/ Q)=(!x:A. P) \/  (!x:A. Q)`,
 (`!P Q. TAGB (!x. P ==> Q x) = (P ==>  (!x:A. Q x)) `,
 let OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
  `!P Q.  TAGB(?x:A. P x \/ Q x) = (?x. P x) \/ (?x. Q x) ` in
 let LEFT_OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x:A. P x \/ Q) =  (?x. P x) \/ Q ` in
 let RIGHT_OR_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q.TAGB (?x:A. P \/ Q x)=  P \/ (?x. Q x)` in
 let LEFT_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q.TAGB (?x:A. P x /\ Q) =  (?x:A. P x) /\ Q` in
 let RIGHT_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB (?x:A. P /\ Q x) =  P /\ (?x:A. Q x) ` in
 let TRIV_AND_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB(?x:A. P /\ Q) =  (?x:A. P) /\  (?x:A. Q) ` in (* *)
 let LEFT_IMP_EXISTS_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB(!x. P x ==> Q) = ( (?x:A. P x) ==> Q) ` in (* *)
 let TRIV_FORALL_IMP_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB(!x:A. P ==> Q)  = ( (?x:A. P) ==>  (!x:A. Q)) ` in
 let TRIV_EXISTS_IMP_THM = iprove
 `!P Q. TAGB(?x:A. P ==> Q)  = ((!x:A. P) ==>  (?x:A. Q)) ` in
 let NOT_EXISTS_TAG = prove(
 `!P. TAGB(!x. ~(P x)) = ~((?x:A. P x)) `,
 let LEFT_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB(!x. P x \/ Q) = (!x:A. P x) \/ Q `,
 let RIGHT_OR_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB(!x. P \/ Q x) = P \/ (!x:A. Q x) `,
 let LEFT_IMP_FORALL_TAG = prove
 (`!P Q. TAGB(?x. P x ==> Q) = ((!x:A. P x) ==> Q) `,
 (`!P Q. TAGB(?x:A. P ==> Q x) = (P ==> (?x:A. Q x)) `,
  fun var_name tm -> 
     REWRITE_RULE [tagb]  
       (tag_quant var_name tm));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Dropping Superfluous Quantifiers . Example: ?u. (u = t) /\ ... We can eliminate the u. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let mark_term = new_definition `mark_term (u:A) = u`;;
let rec markq qname tm = match tm with Var (a,b) -> if (a=qname) then mk_icomb (`mark_term:A->A`,tm) else tm |Const(_,_) -> tm |Comb(s,b) -> Comb(markq qname s,markq qname b) |Abs (x,t) -> Abs (x,markq qname t);; let rec getquants tm = if (is_forall tm) then (fst (dest_var (fst (dest_forall tm)))):: (getquants (snd (dest_forall tm))) else if (is_exists tm) then (fst (dest_var (fst (dest_exists tm)))):: (getquants (snd (dest_exists tm))) else match tm with Comb(s,b) -> (getquants s) @ (getquants b) | Abs (x,t) -> (getquants t) | _ -> [];; (* can loop if there are TWO *) let rewrite_conjs = [ prove_by_refinement (`!A B C. (A /\ B) /\ C = A /\ B /\ C`,[REWRITE_TAC[CONJ_ACI]]); prove_by_refinement (`!u. (mark_term (u:A) = mark_term u) = T`,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!u t. (t = mark_term (u:A)) = (mark_term u = t)`,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!u a b. (mark_term (u:A) = a) /\ (mark_term u = b) = (mark_term u = a) /\ (a = b)`,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!u a b B. (mark_term (u:A) = a) /\ (mark_term u = b) /\ B = (mark_term u = a) /\ (a = b) /\ B`,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!u t A C. A /\ (mark_term (u:A) = t) /\ C = (mark_term u = t) /\ A /\ C`,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!A u t. A /\ (mark_term (u:A) = t) = (mark_term u = t) /\ A `,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!u t C D. (((mark_term (u:A) = t) /\ C) ==> D) = ((mark_term (u:A) = t) ==> C ==> D)`,[MESON_TAC[]]); prove_by_refinement (`!A u t B. (A ==> (mark_term (u:A) = t) ==> B) = ((mark_term (u:A) = t) ==> A ==> B)`,[MESON_TAC[]]); ];; let higher_conjs = [ prove_by_refinement (`!C u t. ((mark_term u = t) ==> C (mark_term u)) = ((mark_term u = t) ==> C (t:A))`,[MESON_TAC[mark_term]]); prove_by_refinement (`!C u t. ((mark_term u = t) /\ C (mark_term u)) = ((mark_term u = t) /\ C (t:A))`,[MESON_TAC[mark_term]]); ];; let dropq_conv = let drop_exist = REWRITE_CONV [prove_by_refinement (`!t. ?(u:A). (u = t)`,[MESON_TAC[]])] in fun qname tm -> let quanlist = getquants tm in let quantleft_CONV = EVERY_CONV (map (REPEATC o quant_left_noswap_CONV) quanlist) in let qname_conv tm = prove(mk_eq(tm,markq qname tm), REWRITE_TAC[mark_term]) in let conj_conv = REWRITE_CONV rewrite_conjs in let quantright_CONV = (REPEATC (quant_right_CONV qname)) in let drop_mark_CONV = REWRITE_CONV [mark_term] in (quantleft_CONV THENC qname_conv THENC conj_conv THENC (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV higher_conjs) THENC drop_mark_CONV THENC quantright_CONV THENC drop_exist ) tm ;; (* Examples : *) dropq_conv "u" `!P Q R . (?(u:B). (?(x:A). (u = P x) /\ (Q x)) /\ (R u))`;; dropq_conv "t" `!P Q R. (!(t:B). (?(x:A). P x /\ (t = Q x)) ==> R t)`;; dropq_conv "u" `?u v. ((t * (a + &1) + (&1 - t) *a = u) /\ (t * (b + &0) + (&1 - t) * b = v)) /\ a < u /\ u < r /\ (v = b)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* SOME GENERAL TACTICS FOR THE ASSUMPTION LIST *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let (%) i = HYP (string_of_int i);; let WITH i rule = (H_VAL (rule) (HYP (string_of_int i))) ;; let (UND:int -> tactic) = fun i (asl,w) -> let name = "Z-"^(string_of_int i) in try let thm= assoc name asl in let tm = concl (thm) in let (_,asl') = partition (fun t-> ((=) name (fst t))) asl in null_meta,[asl',mk_imp(tm,w)], fun i [th] -> MP th (INSTANTIATE_ALL i thm) with Failure _ -> failwith "UND";; let KILL i = (UND i) THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun t -> ALL_TAC));; let USE i rule = (WITH i rule) THEN (KILL i);; let CHO i = (UND i) THEN (DISCH_THEN CHOOSE_TAC);; let X_CHO i t = (UND i) THEN (DISCH_THEN (X_CHOOSE_TAC t));; let AND i = (UND i) THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun t-> (ASSUME_TAC (CONJUNCT1 t) THEN (ASSUME_TAC (CONJUNCT2 t)))));; let JOIN i j = (H_VAL2 CONJ ((%)i) ((%)j)) THEN (KILL i) THEN (KILL j);; let COPY i = WITH i I;; let REP n tac = EVERY (replicate tac n);; let REWR i = (UND i) THEN (ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]) THEN DISCH_TAC;; let LEFT i t = (USE i (CONV_RULE (quant_left_CONV t)));; let RIGHT i t = (USE i (CONV_RULE (quant_right_CONV t)));; let LEFT_TAC t = ((CONV_TAC (quant_left_CONV t)));; let RIGHT_TAC t = ( (CONV_TAC (quant_right_CONV t)));; let INR = REWRITE_RULE[IN];; (* let rec REP n tac = if (n<=0) then ALL_TAC else (tac THEN (REP (n-1) tac));; (* doesn't seem to work? *) let COPY i = (UNDISCH_WITH i) THEN (DISCH_THEN (fun t->ALL_TAC));; MANIPULATING ASSUMPTIONS. (MAKE 0= GOAL) COPY: int -> tactic Make a copy in adjacent slot. EXPAND: int -> tactic. conjunction -> two separate. exists/goal-forall -> choose. goal-if-then -> discharge EXPAND_TERM: int -> term -> tactic. constant -> expand definition or other rewrites associated. ADD: term -> tactic. SIMPLIFY: int -> tactic. Apply simplification rules. *) let CONTRAPOSITIVE_TAC = MATCH_MP_TAC (TAUT `(~q ==> ~p) ==> (p ==> q)`) THEN REWRITE_TAC[];; let REWRT_TAC = (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t]);; let (REDUCE_CONV,REDUCE_TAC) = let list = [ (* reals *) REAL_NEG_GE0; REAL_HALF_DOUBLE; REAL_SUB_REFL ; REAL_NEG_NEG; REAL_LE; LE_0; REAL_ADD_LINV;REAL_ADD_RINV; REAL_NEG_0; REAL_NEG_LE0; REAL_NEG_GE0; REAL_LE_NEGL; REAL_LE_NEGR; REAL_LE_NEG; REAL_NEG_EQ_0; REAL_SUB_RNEG; REAL_ARITH `!(x:real). (--x = x) = (x = &.0)`; REAL_ARITH `!(a:real) b. (a - b + b) = a`; REAL_ADD_LID; REAL_ADD_RID ; REAL_INV_0; REAL_OF_NUM_EQ; REAL_OF_NUM_LE; REAL_OF_NUM_LT; REAL_OF_NUM_ADD; REAL_OF_NUM_MUL; REAL_POS; REAL_MUL_RZERO; REAL_MUL_LZERO; REAL_LE_01; REAL_SUB_RZERO; REAL_LE_SQUARE; REAL_MUL_RID; REAL_MUL_LID; REAL_ABS_ZERO; REAL_ABS_NUM; REAL_ABS_1; REAL_ABS_NEG; REAL_ABS_POS; ABS_ZERO; ABS_ABS; REAL_NEG_LT0; REAL_NEG_GT0; REAL_LT_NEG; REAL_NEG_MUL2; REAL_OF_NUM_POW; REAL_LT_INV_EQ; REAL_POW_1; REAL_INV2; prove (`(--. (&.n) < (&.m)) = (&.0 < (&.n) + (&.m))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`(--. (&.n) <= (&.m)) = (&.0 <= (&.n) + (&.m))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`(--. (&.n) = (&.m)) = ((&.n) + (&.m) = (&.0))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`((&.n) < --.(&.m)) = ((&.n) + (&.m) <. (&.0))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`((&.n) <= --.(&.m)) = ((&.n) + (&.m) <=. (&.0))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`((&.n) = --.(&.m)) = ((&.n) + (&.m) = (&.0))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`((&.n) < --.(&.m) + &.r) = ((&.n) + (&.m) < (&.r))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`(--. x = --. y) = (x = y)`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`(--(&.n) < --.(&.m) + &.r) = ( (&.m) < &.n + (&.r))`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`(--. x = --. y) = (x = y)`,REAL_ARITH_TAC); prove (`((--. (&.1))* x < --. y = y < x)`,REAL_ARITH_TAC ); prove (`((--. (&.1))* x <= --. y = y <= x)`,REAL_ARITH_TAC ); (* num *) EXP_1; EXP_LT_0; ADD_0; ARITH_RULE `0+| m = m`; ADD_EQ_0; prove (`(0 = m +|n) = (m = 0)/\ (n=0)`,MESON_TAC[ADD_EQ_0]); EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0; EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0; LT_ADD; LT_ADDR; ARITH_RULE `(0 = j -| i) = (j <=| i)`; ARITH_RULE `(j -| i = 0) = (j <=| i)`; ARITH_RULE `0 -| i = 0`; ARITH_RULE `(i<=| j) /\ (j <=| i) = (i = j)`; ARITH_RULE `0 <| 1`; (* SUC *) NOT_SUC; SUC_INJ; PRE; ADD_CLAUSES; MULT; MULT_CLAUSES; LE; LT; ARITH_RULE `SUC b -| 1 = b`; ARITH_RULE `SUC b -| b = 1`; prove(`&.(SUC x) - &.x = &.1`, REWRITE_TAC [REAL_ARITH `(a -. b=c) =(a = b+.c)`; REAL_OF_NUM_ADD;REAL_OF_NUM_EQ] THEN ARITH_TAC); (* (o) *) o_DEF; (* I *) I_THM; I_O_ID; (* pow *) REAL_POW_1; REAL_POW_ONE; (* INT *) INT_ADD_LINV; INT_ADD_RINV; INT_ADD_SUB2; INT_EQ_NEG2; INT_LE_NEG; INT_LE_NEGL; INT_LE_NEGR; INT_LT_NEG; INT_LT_NEG2; INT_NEGNEG; INT_NEG_0; INT_NEG_EQ_0; INT_NEG_GE0; INT_NEG_GT0; INT_NEG_LE0; INT_NEG_LT0; GSYM INT_NEG_MINUS1; INT_NEG_MUL2; INT_NEG_NEG; (* sets *) ] in (REWRITE_CONV list,REWRITE_TAC list);; (* prove by squaring *)
let REAL_POW_2_LE = 
prove_by_refinement( `!x y. (&.0 <= x) /\ (&.0 <= y) /\ (x pow 2 <=. y pow 2) ==> (x <=. y)`,
(* {{{ proof *) [ DISCH_ALL_TAC; MP_TAC (SPECL[` (x:real) pow 2`;`(y:real)pow 2`] SQRT_MONO_LE); ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]; ASM_SIMP_TAC[REAL_POW_LE]; ASM_SIMP_TAC[POW_2_SQRT]; ]);;
(* }}} *) (* prove by squaring *)
let REAL_POW_2_LT = 
prove_by_refinement( `!x y. (&.0 <= x) /\ (&.0 <= y) /\ (x pow 2 <. y pow 2) ==> (x <. y)`,
(* {{{ proof *) [ DISCH_ALL_TAC; MP_TAC (SPECL[` (x:real) pow 2`;`(y:real)pow 2`] SQRT_MONO_LT); ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]; ASM_SIMP_TAC[REAL_POW_LE]; ASM_SIMP_TAC[POW_2_SQRT]; ]);;
(* }}} *) let SQUARE_TAC = FIRST[ MATCH_MP_TAC REAL_LE_LSQRT; MATCH_MP_TAC REAL_POW_2_LT; MATCH_MP_TAC REAL_POW_2_LE ] THEN REWRITE_TAC[];; (****) let SPEC2_TAC t = SPEC_TAC (t,t);; let IN_ELIM i = (USE i (REWRITE_RULE[IN]));; let rec range i n = if (n>0) then (i::(range (i+1) (n-1))) else [];; (* in elimination *) let (IN_OUT_TAC: tactic) = fun (asl,g) -> (REWRITE_TAC [IN] THEN (EVERY (map (IN_ELIM) (range 0 (length asl))))) (asl,g);; let (IWRITE_TAC : thm list -> tactic) = fun thlist -> REWRITE_TAC (map INR thlist);; let (IWRITE_RULE : thm list -> thm -> thm) = fun thlist -> REWRITE_RULE (map INR thlist);; let IMATCH_MP imp ant = MATCH_MP (INR imp) (INR ant);; let IMATCH_MP_TAC imp = MATCH_MP_TAC (INR imp);; let GBETA_TAC = (CONV_TAC (TOP_DEPTH_CONV GEN_BETA_CONV));; let GBETA_RULE = (CONV_RULE (TOP_DEPTH_CONV GEN_BETA_CONV));; (* breaks antecedent into multiple cases *) let REP_CASES_TAC = REPEAT (DISCH_THEN (REPEAT_TCL DISJ_CASES_THEN ASSUME_TAC));; let TSPEC t i = TYPE_THEN t (USE i o SPEC);; let IMP_REAL t i = (USE i (MATCH_MP (REAL_ARITH t)));; (* goes from f = g to fz = gz *) let TAPP z i = TYPE_THEN z (fun u -> (USE i(fun t -> AP_THM t u)));; (* ONE NEW TACTIC -- DOESN'T WORK!! DON'T USE.... let CONCL_TAC t = let co = snd (dest_imp (concl t)) in SUBGOAL_TAC co THEN (TRY (IMATCH_MP_TAC t));; *) (* subgoal the antecedent of a THM, in order to USE the conclusion *) let ANT_TAC t = let (ant,co) = (dest_imp (concl t)) in SUBGOAL_TAC ant THENL [ALL_TAC;DISCH_THEN (fun u-> MP_TAC (MATCH_MP t u))];; let TH_INTRO_TAC tl th = TYPEL_THEN tl (fun t-> ANT_TAC (ISPECL t th));; let THM_INTRO_TAC tl th = TYPEL_THEN tl (fun t-> let s = ISPECL t th in if is_imp (concl s) then ANT_TAC s else ASSUME_TAC s);; let (DISCH_THEN_FULL_REWRITE:tactic) = DISCH_THEN (fun t-> REWRITE_TAC[t] THEN (RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[t])));; let FULL_REWRITE_TAC t = (REWRITE_TAC t THEN (RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE t)));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let BASIC_TAC = [ GEN_TAC; IMATCH_MP_TAC (TAUT ` (a ==> b ==> C) ==> ( a /\ b ==> C)`); DISCH_THEN (CHOOSE_THEN MP_TAC); FIRST_ASSUM (fun t-> UNDISCH_TAC (concl t) THEN (DISCH_THEN CHOOSE_TAC)); FIRST_ASSUM (fun t -> (if (length (CONJUNCTS t) < 2) then failwith "BASIC_TAC" else UNDISCH_TAC (concl t))); DISCH_TAC; ];; let REP_BASIC_TAC = REPEAT (CHANGED_TAC (FIRST BASIC_TAC));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let USE_FIRST rule = FIRST_ASSUM (fun t -> (UNDISCH_TAC (concl t) THEN (DISCH_THEN (ASSUME_TAC o rule))));; let WITH_FIRST rule = FIRST_ASSUM (fun t -> ASSUME_TAC (rule t));; let UNDF t = (TYPE_THEN t UNDISCH_FIND_TAC );; let GRABF t ttac = (UNDF t THEN (DISCH_THEN ttac));; let USEF t rule = (TYPE_THEN t (fun t' -> UNDISCH_FIND_THEN t' (fun u -> ASSUME_TAC (rule u))));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* UNIFY_EXISTS_TAC *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rec EXISTSL_TAC tml = match tml with a::tml' -> EXISTS_TAC a THEN EXISTSL_TAC tml' | [] -> ALL_TAC;; (* Goal: ?x1....xn. P1 /\ ... /\ Pm Try to pick ALL of x1...xn to unify ONE or more Pi with terms appearing in the assumption list, trying term_unify on each Pi with each assumption. *) let (UNIFY_EXISTS_TAC:tactic) = let run_one wc assum (varl,sofar) = if varl = [] then (varl,sofar) else try ( let wc' = instantiate ([],sofar,[]) wc in let (_,ins,_) = term_unify varl wc' assum in let insv = map snd ins in ( subtract varl insv , union sofar ins ) ) with failure -> (varl,sofar) in let run_onel asl wc (varl,sofar) = itlist (run_one wc) asl (varl,sofar) in let run_all varl sofar wcl asl = itlist (run_onel asl) wcl (varl,sofar) in let full_unify (asl,w) = let (varl,ws) = strip_exists w in let vargl = map genvar (map type_of varl) in let wg = instantiate ([],zip vargl varl,[]) ws in let wcg = conjuncts wg in let (vargl',sofar) = run_all vargl [] wcg ( asl) in if (vargl' = []) then map (C rev_assoc sofar) (map (C rev_assoc (zip vargl varl)) varl) else failwith "full_unify: unification not found " in fun (asl,w) -> try( let asl' = map (concl o snd) asl in let asl'' = flat (map (conjuncts ) asl') in let varsub = full_unify (asl'',w) in EXISTSL_TAC varsub (asl,w) ) with failure -> failwith "UNIFY_EXIST_TAC: unification not found.";; (* partial example *) let unify_exists_tac_example = try(prove_by_refinement( `!C a b v A R TX U SS. (A v /\ (a = v) /\ (C:num->num->bool) a b /\ R a ==> ?v v'. TX v' /\ U v v' /\ C v' v /\ SS v)`, (* {{{ proof *) [ REP_BASIC_TAC; UNIFY_EXISTS_TAC; (* v' -> a and v -> b *) (* not finished. Here is a variant approach. *) REP_GEN_TAC; DISCH_TAC; UNIFY_EXISTS_TAC; ])) with failure -> (REFL `T`);; (* }}} *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* UNIFY_EXISTS conversion *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* FIRST argument is the "certificate" second arg is the goal. Example: UNIFY_EXISTS `(f:num->bool) x` `?t. (f:num->bool) t` *) let (UNIFY_EXISTS:thm -> term -> thm) = let run_one wc assum (varl,sofar) = if varl = [] then (varl,sofar) else try ( let wc' = instantiate ([],sofar,[]) wc in let (_,ins,_) = term_unify varl wc' assum in let insv = map snd ins in ( subtract varl insv , union sofar ins ) ) with failure -> (varl,sofar) in let run_onel asl wc (varl,sofar) = itlist (run_one wc) asl (varl,sofar) in let run_all varl sofar wcl asl = itlist (run_onel asl) wcl (varl,sofar) in let full_unify (t,w) = let (varl,ws) = strip_exists w in let vargl = map genvar (map type_of varl) in let wg = instantiate ([],zip vargl varl,[]) ws in let wcg = conjuncts wg in let (vargl',sofar) = run_all vargl [] wcg ( [concl t]) in if (vargl' = []) then map (C rev_assoc sofar) (map (C rev_assoc (zip vargl varl)) varl) else failwith "full_unify: unification not found " in fun t w -> try( if not(is_exists w) then failwith "UNIFY_EXISTS: not EXISTS" else let varl' = (full_unify (t,w)) in let (varl,ws) = strip_exists w in let varsub = zip varl' varl in let varlb = map (fun s-> chop_list s (rev varl)) (range 1 (length varl)) in let targets = map (fun s-> (instantiate ([],varsub,[]) (list_mk_exists( rev (fst s), ws)) )) varlb in let target_zip = zip (rev targets) varl' in itlist (fun s th -> EXISTS s th) target_zip t ) with failure -> failwith "UNIFY_EXISTS: unification not found.";; let unify_exists_example= UNIFY_EXISTS (ARITH_RULE `2 = 0+2`) `(?x y. ((x:num) = y))`;; (* now make a prover for it *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* drop_ant_tac replaces 0 A ==>B 1 A with 0 B 1 A in hypothesis list *) let DROP_ANT_TAC pq = UNDISCH_TAC pq THEN (UNDISCH_TAC (fst (dest_imp pq))) THEN DISCH_THEN (fun pthm -> ASSUME_TAC pthm THEN DISCH_THEN (fun pqthm -> ASSUME_TAC (MATCH_MP pqthm pthm )));; let (DROP_ALL_ANT_TAC:tactic) = fun (asl,w) -> let imps = gather (is_imp) (map (concl o snd) asl) in MAP_EVERY (TRY o DROP_ANT_TAC) imps (asl,w);;
let drop_ant_tac_example = 
prove_by_refinement( `!A B C D E. (A /\ (A ==> B) /\ (C ==>D) /\ C) ==> (E \/ C \/ B)`,
(* {{{ proof *) [ REP_BASIC_TAC; DROP_ALL_ANT_TAC; ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]; ]);;
(* }}} *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ASSUME tm, then prove it later. almost the same as asm-cases-tac *) let (BACK_TAC : term -> tactic) = fun tm (asl,w) -> let ng = mk_imp (tm,w) in (SUBGOAL_TAC ng THENL [ALL_TAC;DISCH_THEN IMATCH_MP_TAC ]) (asl,w);; (* --- *) (* Using hash numbers for tactics *) (* --- *) let label_of_hash ((asl,g):goal) (h:int) = let one_label h (s,tm) = if (h = hash_of_term (concl tm)) then let s1 = String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2) in int_of_string s1 else failwith "label_of_hash" in tryfind (one_label h) asl;; let HASHIFY m h w = m (label_of_hash w h) w;; let UNDH = HASHIFY UND;; let REWRH = HASHIFY REWR;; let KILLH = HASHIFY KILL;; let COPYH = HASHIFY COPY;; let HASHIFY1 m h tm w = m (label_of_hash w h) tm w;; let USEH = HASHIFY1 USE;; let LEFTH = HASHIFY1 LEFT;; let RIGHTH = HASHIFY1 RIGHT;; let TSPECH tm h w = TSPEC tm (label_of_hash w h) w ;;