needs "../formal_lp/hypermap/arith_link.hl";;
needs "arith/nat.hl";;
needs "misc/misc.hl";;
needs "misc/vars.hl";;
(* Based on the code of *)
module Arith_int :
val my_mk_realintconst : num -> term
val my_dest_realintconst : term -> num
val my_real_int_neg_conv : term -> thm
val my_real_int_add_conv : term -> thm
val my_real_int_sub_conv : term -> thm
val my_real_int_mul_conv : term -> thm
= struct
open Misc_vars;;
let test = Arith_misc.test;;
let to_numeral = Arith_nat.NUM_TO_NUMERAL_CONV;;
let from_numeral = Arith_nat.NUMERAL_TO_NUM_CONV;;
let mk_num = Arith_nat.mk_numeral_array;;
let dest_num = Arith_hash.dest_numeral_hash;;
let num_suc = Arith_nat.NUM_SUC_HASH_CONV;;
let num_add = Arith_nat.NUM_ADD_HASH_CONV;;
let num_mul = Arith_nat.NUM_MULT_HASH_CONV;;
let num_gt0 = Arith_nat.NUM_GT0_HASH_CONV;;
let my_mk_realintconst n =
if n >=/ Int 0 then mk_comb(amp_op_real, mk_num n)
else mk_comb(neg_op_real, mk_comb(amp_op_real, mk_num (minus_num n)));;
let my_dest_realintconst tm =
let ltm, rtm = dest_comb tm in
if (ltm = neg_op_real) then
let amp_tm, n_tm = dest_comb rtm in
if (amp_tm = amp_op_real) then
minus_num (dest_num n_tm)
failwith "my_dest_realintconst: --(&n) expected"
if (ltm = amp_op_real) then
dest_num rtm
failwith "my_dest_realintconst: &n expected";;
let is_neg_comb tm = is_comb tm && rator tm = neg_op_real;;
let replace_numerals = (rand o concl o DEPTH_CONV from_numeral);;
let zero_const = replace_numerals `&0`;;
(* NEG *)
let neg_0 = (REPLACE_NUMERALS o prove)(`-- &0 = &0`, REAL_ARITH_TAC) and
neg_neg = prove(`--(--(&n)) = &n`, REAL_ARITH_TAC);;
let my_real_int_neg_conv tm =
let neg_tm, rtm = dest_comb tm in
if (neg_tm = neg_op_real) then
if (rtm = zero_const) then
let neg_tm, rtm = dest_comb rtm in
let amp_tm, n_tm = dest_comb rtm in
if (neg_tm = neg_op_real && amp_tm = amp_op_real) then
INST[n_tm, n_var_num] neg_neg
failwith "my_real_int_neg_conv: --(--(&n)) expected"
failwith "my_real_int_neg_conv: --x expected";;
let tm = `-- -- &12241`;;
(* 1.880 *)
test 100000 REAL_INT_NEG_CONV tm;;
(* 0.292 *)
test 100000 my_real_int_neg_conv tm;;
(* ADD *)
let pth1 = prove(`(--(&m) + --(&n) = --(&(m + n)))`,
pth2 = prove(`(--(&m) + &(m + n) = &n)`, REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_OF_NUM_ADD] THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC) and
pth3 = prove(`(--(&(m + n)) + &m = --(&n))`, REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_OF_NUM_ADD] THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC) and
pth4 = prove(`(&(m + n) + --(&m) = &n)`, REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_OF_NUM_ADD] THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC) and
pth5 = prove(`(&m + --(&(m + n)) = --(&n))`, REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_OF_NUM_ADD] THEN REAL_ARITH_TAC) and
pth6 = prove(`(&m + &n = &(m + n))`, REWRITE_TAC[GSYM REAL_OF_NUM_ADD]);;
let my_real_int_add_conv =
let dest = dest_binop add_op_real in
(fun tm ->
try let l,r = dest tm in
if rator l = neg_op_real then
if rator r = neg_op_real then
let th1 = INST [rand(rand l), m_var_num; rand(rand r), n_var_num] pth1 in
let tm1 = rand(rand(rand(concl th1))) in
let th2 = AP_TERM neg_op_real (AP_TERM amp_op_real (num_add tm1)) in
TRANS th1 th2
let m = rand(rand l) and n = rand r in
let m' = dest_num m and n' = dest_num n in
if m' <=/ n' then
let p = mk_num (n' -/ m') in
let th1 = INST [m,m_var_num; p,n_var_num] pth2 in
let th2 = num_add (rand(rand(lhand(concl th1)))) in
let th3 = AP_TERM (rator tm) (AP_TERM amp_op_real (SYM th2)) in
TRANS th3 th1
let p = mk_num (m' -/ n') in
let th1 = INST [n,m_var_num; p,n_var_num] pth3 in
let th2 = num_add (rand(rand(lhand(lhand(concl th1))))) in
let th3 = AP_TERM neg_op_real (AP_TERM amp_op_real (SYM th2)) in
let th4 = AP_THM (AP_TERM add_op_real th3) (rand tm) in
TRANS th4 th1
if rator r = neg_op_real then
let m = rand l and n = rand(rand r) in
let m' = dest_num m and n' = dest_num n in
if n' <=/ m' then
let p = mk_num (m' -/ n') in
let th1 = INST [n,m_var_num; p,n_var_num] pth4 in
let th2 = num_add (rand(lhand(lhand(concl th1)))) in
let th3 = AP_TERM add_op_real (AP_TERM amp_op_real (SYM th2)) in
let th4 = AP_THM th3 (rand tm) in
TRANS th4 th1
let p = mk_num (n' -/ m') in
let th1 = INST [m,m_var_num; p,n_var_num] pth5 in
let th2 = num_add (rand(rand(rand(lhand(concl th1))))) in
let th3 = AP_TERM neg_op_real (AP_TERM amp_op_real (SYM th2)) in
let th4 = AP_TERM (rator tm) th3 in
TRANS th4 th1
let th1 = INST [rand l,m_var_num; rand r,n_var_num] pth6 in
let tm1 = rand(rand(concl th1)) in
let th2 = AP_TERM amp_op_real (num_add tm1) in
TRANS th1 th2
with Failure _ -> failwith "my_real_int_add_conv");;
let tm = `&3252375395 + --(&3454570237434)`;;
let tm' = replace_numerals tm;;
(* 1.192 *)
test 1000 REAL_INT_ADD_CONV tm;;
(* 0.224 *)
test 1000 my_real_int_add_conv tm';;
(* SUB *)
let real_sub' = SPEC_ALL real_sub;;
let my_real_int_sub_conv tm =
let x_tm, y_tm = dest_binop sub_op_real tm in
let th0 = INST[x_tm, x_var_real; y_tm, y_var_real] real_sub' in
if (is_neg_comb y_tm) then
let ltm, rtm = dest_comb(rand(concl th0)) in
let neg_th = my_real_int_neg_conv rtm in
let th1 = AP_TERM ltm neg_th in
let th2 = my_real_int_add_conv (rand(concl th1)) in
TRANS th0 (TRANS th1 th2)
let th1 = my_real_int_add_conv (rand(concl th0)) in
TRANS th0 th1;;
let tm = `-- &35252352362346236236 - (-- &12236236363523)`;;
let tm' = replace_numerals tm;;
(* 1.860 *)
test 1000 REAL_INT_SUB_CONV tm;;
(* 0.348 *)
test 1000 my_real_int_sub_conv tm';;
(* MUL *)
let mul_pp = prove(`&m * &n = &(m * n)`,
let my_real_int_mul_conv tm =
let l, r = dest_binop mul_op_real tm in
if rator l = neg_op_real then
if rator r = neg_op_real then
let th1 = INST [rand(rand l), m_var_num; rand(rand r), n_var_num] mul_nn in
let tm1 = rand(rand(concl th1)) in
let th2 = AP_TERM amp_op_real (num_mul tm1) in
TRANS th1 th2
let th1 = INST [rand(rand l), m_var_num; rand r, n_var_num] mul_np in
let tm1 = rand(rand(rand(concl th1))) in
let th2 = AP_TERM neg_op_real (AP_TERM amp_op_real (num_mul tm1)) in
TRANS th1 th2
if rator r = neg_op_real then
let th1 = INST[rand l, m_var_num; rand(rand r), n_var_num] mul_pn in
let tm1 = rand(rand(rand(concl th1))) in
let th2 = AP_TERM neg_op_real (AP_TERM amp_op_real (num_mul tm1)) in
TRANS th1 th2
let th1 = INST[rand l, m_var_num; rand r, n_var_num] mul_pp in
let tm1 = rand(rand(concl th1)) in
let th2 = AP_TERM amp_op_real (num_mul tm1) in
TRANS th1 th2;;
let amp x = mk_comb(amp_op_real, x);;
let negate x = mk_comb(neg_op_real, x);;
let x = num_of_string "398537263103485";;
let y = num_of_string "243089539573957";;
let xx = amp (mk_num x) and yy = amp (mk_num y);;
let xxx = amp (mk_numeral x) and yyy = amp (mk_numeral y);;
(* 1.800 *)
test 100 REAL_INT_MUL_CONV (mk_binop mul_op_real (negate xxx) yyy);;
(* 0.108 *)
test 100 my_real_int_mul_conv (mk_binop mul_op_real (negate xx) yy);;
(DEPTH_CONV NUM_TO_NUMERAL_CONV) (concl(REAL_BITS_MUL_CONV (mk_binop mul_op_real xx yy)))